The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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They’re on the second floor,’ communicated Trevor. Within seconds, the area outside the bank of lifts on the second floor accommodated the two teams.

Renegades verses Balanacers.

Esjekshb, Tgthiem, Ywoth and Mischia had just stepped out of the lift and were standing in a line, facing Colin, Trevor, Warren and Carissa, Justine and Kelly arrived shortly after.

Keneisha rounded the corner just as Kelly and Justine arrived, unseen. Her first instinct was to stay out of sight, so she scuttled back around the corner and hid.

Ywoth stepped up to Justine.

‘Pdothrui, we meet again,’ he said.

Justine shook her head slowly in disgust.

‘It hasn’t been long enough.’

Ywoth took a breath to speak.

But, the fire alarm went off.

‘We should take this somewhere less public,’ said Carissa.

Tgthiem, Esjekshb and Mischia all looked at Ywoth, who nodded.

People were running towards the exits, oblivious to what was happening outside of their need to get out of the building, Keneisha ran up to the group, just as they were disappearing, and hung on to Carissa.

A hazy mist surrounded them, then white was everywhere, as the scene began to change; a far-reaching view, high above London could be seen.

From The London Eye.

Tgthiem began to laugh ‘Now none of us can leave,’ he said.

‘Oh, but we can,’ said Carissa, smugly.

‘I don’t think so,’ said Ywoth, bitterly.

Suddenly, there was a lot of anger in the carriage, and the two groups split, facing each other.

Mischia and Kelly were staring at each other, and there was anger on Mischia’s face. She had had a taste of normalcy for the first time in a long time, and had come to the conclusion that it was all Kelly’s fault she was in this mess – for being too curious.

‘What are you looking at?’ she spat.

‘God Mischia, what’s the matter with you? What have I done?’ Kelly asked, surprised.

‘You’ve done this.’ she indicated everyone. ‘You and your curiosity, don’t you know that curiously killed the cat?’

Kelly looked ashamed.

‘Mischia, that’s enough,’ said Justine, authoritatively.

‘Why is it enough Justine? Don’t I have free will anymore...?’

‘What’s wrong with you?’ asked Ywoth.

‘Don’t ask me that. It’s not like you’re innocent in this, you’re a murderer!’

Everyone gasped.

‘What?’ Trevor said.

Carissa stepped forward and took Mischia’s arm but she pulled it away, violently hitting herself.

‘Don’t touch me!’ she hissed.

‘She’s losing it,’ whispered Trevor to Colin.

‘What did you do to her?’ asked Warren, looking at Ywoth.

He shrugged and shook his head ‘She was fine earlier.’

‘Who did Ywoth murder?’ asked Carissa.

They all turned to Mischia, awaiting an answer.

The Run: London’s Secret ‘The cat and the man,’ she looked at him, full of disgust. A flashback of the day they’d been taken to the penthouse, and what Justine had told them about Ywoth being after their bodies, flashed into Kelly’s mind.

‘Oh my God Mischia, he’s going to kill you too,’ she said, pulling her away from Ywoth.

‘What the hell are you doing? Stop touching me!’ Mischia pulled away.

‘Wait, wait, wait,’ said Warren, putting his hand up ‘What man? What cat?

Everyone spoke at the same time and Esjekshb took charge.

‘Enough! We need to hear this. Obviously there’s some sort of misunderstanding here, and we need to know what it is. Kelly, Mischia, one of you, I don’t care which, tell us what’s going on?’

‘They don’t know-’ said Justine.

‘Silence!’ ordered Ywoth, and nodded at the girls.

‘Ok, well, I came across a dead body in some sort of satanic ritual one afternoon,’ began Kelly.

‘Like the one you did for Esjekshb,’ said Mischia.

‘I stole some of the money from it, and went back home, then that evening we found our neighbour’s cat in the same kind of way, on our living room floor. Then our house blew up and we got this card, telling us to run.

‘We went to a hotel and got the same card, telling us to get out, this time, and when we did, the police came. When we went to another hotel, someone was there looking for us too. Colin and Trevor found us in Oxford Street and took us to the penthouse, and that was the night you kidnapped Mischia.’

There was silence.

‘So, when did I murder anyone?’ asked Ywoth, shaking his head.

‘You murdered the dead man I found, and the cat at our house before it blew up, then you wanted to murder us for our bodies,’ said Kelly.

All the anger bubbling inside of Ywoth, evaporated, and he started to laugh.

Kelly and Mischia looked at each other.

‘Oh, is something funny Ywoth?’ asked Mischia, sarcastically.

‘What does any of that have to do with me?’ he asked.

‘You were after us,’ Kelly said, uncertainly. ‘Before you kidnapped Mischia.’

Another laugh.

‘No, I wasn’t. I didn’t know you even existed.’

‘But you kidnapped her...’

‘No, I didn’t. I fetched her.’


‘Fetched?’ chorused Kelly, Mischia, Carissa, Trevor, Colin and Warren.

‘Yes, fetched her,’ he pointed at Mischia.

‘We didn’t kidnap you,’ said Tgthiem ‘We found out that Pdothrui had two Human Beings, and that one could be fetched to assist us with the mission.’

‘How did you find out?’ asked Colin.

We got a card with a flower symbol on it too, it stated the time and place to pick her up.’

There was a pause whilst everyone tried to figure out what was going on.

‘Hold up – I’m confused.’ said Trevor.

‘So am I.’ said Carissa, frowning.