The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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Without thinking, both Tgthiem and Warren jumped out after Mischia, while Colin, Trevor and Ywoth restrained Justine. ‘We must not stay here,’ said Esjekshb.

‘Lets take her to the house,’ said Ywoth.

‘No, the mansion,’ said Carissa.

‘I am not going to that place!’ he said.

Justine was putting up a fight, and they had trouble restraining her, so Carissa and Kelly helped.

Esjekshb was watching Keneisha, who had a glazed look in her eyes, and when the group were about to disappear, she held onto her, and sent a blue wave of energy from her throat, into space.

‘We’re gong back to the house, so go there,’ she communicated to Tgthiem.

A violent haze appeared around the group, and the scene changed from The London Eye, to limbo; a white nothingness. Seconds later, they were in a dark room at the Renegade HQ in Kensington.

Mischia was fast approaching the water, screaming for dear life, and feeling terrified, which then turned to relief when she saw Tgthiem and Warren.

‘Mischia, take my hand,’ said Tgthiem. She began to slow down, and seemed to be floating on a white cloud; Tghtiem had put an invisibility bubble around them.

‘We’re going back to our house,’ Tgthiem instructed Warren.

Before they disappeared.

Justine had been put inside a salt circle, and the Wymasirians were standing around it, sending energy to her. Every time she went near the edge of the circle, the energy repelled her.

And the more she did it, the angrier she became. ‘She’s out of control.’ said Esjekshb.

‘She’ll tire herself out,’ said Warren, appearing and joining the circle.

‘What’s going to happen to her?’ asked Keneisha, feeling a little scared.

No one answered, but Colin turned to her, ‘you can tap into her feelings?’

Shrinking into herself, she nodded. ‘Only because I still have her blood in my system.’

‘Then explain why she did it,’ he instructed.

Keneisha closed her eyes, for a long time, taking deep breaths. She opened them, finally, but wasn‘t herself, and began speaking in a clear, authoritative voice.

‘When the Council banished Ywoth from Wymasiriah, I was sent after him to keep track of his movements around the Universe. While hanging around the fringes of Planet Earth, Ywoth found himself with a Human body, after a drug dealer had overdosed around the same time a group of teenagers were experimenting with magic, creating an opening for him. ‘A few days later, the Council created an opening for me to occupy this body. My mission was to observe Ywoth and make sure that he did not cause trouble for Planet Earth. ‘The Council briefed me of my mission and gave me tools and advice on how to survive. They told me that their assistance was available whenever I needed it, and that all I had to do was ask.

‘Then they left me to my own devices, but many of the tools I had been given, I could not use for I had forgotten how,’ she shrugged, paused, then continued, ‘life on Planet Earth for the first few months was a learning process; learning how to use the body, learning how to cope in the new environment. ‘As, Ywoth was having the same challenges as I, by not observing him, I was missing nothing. The seasons changed, and we grew, and gradually became stronger, and more knowing. That was when Ywoth came to me with his plan to collect enough energy from Human Beings so he could go back to Wymasiriah and overthrow the Council.

‘He wanted my help, as a fellow Wymasirian, said that we could rule together, should I wish it, provided I helped him collect enough energy. But I refused. I had realised at this time that I did not wish to return to Wymasiriah, Planet Earth was where I wanted to be, where I wished to remain. ‘Although the Council had control of me as I was, I had to portray a fulfilment of my mission, whilst trying to get out from under their control. And for that, I needed a body of my own. ‘I spent months trying to find a way to create an opening for me to exit this body and occupy another, but the only way for me to leave this body was by the death of it. I would only end up stranded back in the Universe, and would need the Council’s help in order to get into another one, and return to Earth. And as long as I asked for their help, I would be under their control. I needed to do it on my own.

‘That was when the idea came to me that I needed to be born of this world.’