The Run: London's Secret by Ella Roberts - HTML preview

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Keneisha had zoned out of the conversation, instead, she was mesmerised by Justine’s neck, with its bulging veins, she could almost hear the blood streaming through. The craving overcame her.

And she lunged.

It tasted horrible, as usual, but the feeling was so good. Inconsiderate hands tried to pull her away, but she held on tightly, not wanting it to stop. But an excruciating pain hit her lower back, and she flew backwards, letting go of Justine. Not moving, Keneisha felt the foreign blood flow through her body and caress her Being. A sense of heightened awareness enveloped her, and she felt connected to the Universe.

And knew things. Keneisha closed her eyes and let it all come to her, then after a while, spoke.

‘It’s for the greater good,’ she said.

‘What is?’ asked Esjekshb, turning to look at her.

‘I did it for the good of all, you see, not just me. I needed someone from this planet to actually get anywhere.’

Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened.

‘What...?’ asked Trevor, walking up to her.

‘I did it for us, so that we’d have an insight into this world, because it takes one to know one,’ continued Keneisha.

‘What is she talking about?’ asked Kelly.

‘I think she’s tapped into Pdothrui’s thoughts.’ said Esjekshb.

‘You mean...?’ said Carissa.

‘This was her doing?’ Esjekshb indicated Justine. ‘But how?’ asked Colin.

‘And why?’ asked Trevor.

They turned to Justine and watched her in silence for a long time, waiting for her explanation. Finally, she regained her composure and sat up.

‘Well?’ asked Esjekshb, ‘Aren’t you going to explain yourself?’

She said nothing; instead, summoning enough energy, directing it to her hands, and sending a ball at Mischia, who flew backwards, through the glass and down towards the river, screaming.

‘I need explain myself to no one,’ she said.

To a stunned audience.