The Secret Cave by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Shirley having virtually pushed Jeffrey out of the cave, sat there stunned, tears rolling down her cheeks. This she thought was the worst moment of her entire life. What would she do without Jeffrey, without his love? How could she survive now that she had tasted real life? Shirley knew for certain that how she lived in 2052 was in fact just survival. Jeffrey had certainly let her know he thought that way too. Shirley looked down at her watch. I'd better be going, she thought. She then started the machine. The machine  slowly stopped humming, coming to a halt. Just this machine between Jeffrey, and me it doesn't seem fair. What harm would it have done to let me stay with him? After all, she thought cynically, there are plenty more where I come from. Shirley walked back slowly.

On arrival, the controller met Shirley. "Number seventeen, good to see you back. We have decided because of your situation, that you shall be transferred from archives. Instead you will be placed with the administer of food. This of course will only be temporarily. At this early stage though, I am going to order you to take sick leave. You will see one of our doctors attached to your new unit."

"Will I be able to keep my apartment?" Asked Shirley.

"I don't see why not, we will make an exception in your case. You know I am sorry number seventeen, I will of course help you all I can."

"Thank you controller." Replied Shirley.

"Go now and find the doctor. We will talk again at a later date." Shirley walked out of  the controller’s office, to be met by her friend. "Hi number seventeen, how are you bearing up? Silly question, I can see that you certainly are not. Look, I am on lunch break, come let's talk."

The two girls walked into Shirley's apartment. "Look," said Shirley. "When we are alone please call me Shirley. I can't stand being a number any more."

"Oh I see, in that case you can call me Kathy, you know from the book Wuthering Heights."

"You old romantic you." Laughed Shirley.

"It's good to see you laugh again number seventeen, sorry I mean Shirley. I will get used to it."

"You bet you will. I have been transferred Kathy, don't worry though, the controller said it is not permanent. First though, I have to see the doctor and go on sick. I am allowed to keep this flat on."

"That is something coming from the controller. Perhaps she's human after all!" Replied Kathy. "Look Shirley, I will have to go, I have to get back to work. I'll come back to  your flat when my shift is over. You can make me tea for a change." Kathy said teasingly. This was a standing joke between the two of them. Shirley would nearly always get away with not making the tea. "See you later." Shouted Shirley.

"You certainly will."

Shirley now alone once more, her thoughts went to Jeffrey. Tonight would have been her first Independence Day celebration. She had been so much looking forward to it, now  she wondered if Jayne Hudson would try and make up to him again. This time she wouldn't be there to stop her. Maybe, Jeffrey would let her console him. Oh she couldn't bear it if he did. Don't be silly she chided herself.  She wanted Jeffrey to be happy.  Hadn't she told him to get on with his life? How could she blame him if he found solace in the arms of another? Even if she thought, it was Jayne Hudson. She shuddered at that. She really hadn't liked that girl very much. She wasn't sure if Jeffrey had shared her  view. When she had mentioned Jayne coming on strongly to him, he'd laughed and said she does it to all men. Shirley remembered her blonde hair and cheesy grin, she always found her irritating. That's just her way, she's a natural born flirt, don't worry.

Shirley busied herself for the next hour. Then she went along to see the doctor. "Come in." Shirley walked in.

"Hello, the controller asked me to call and see you, doctor."

"Ah yes, I was expecting you. I will be with you in a minute. I am just reading the notes from your controller." He said. "Kindly sit down my dear." Having read the notes, the doctor looked up with a smile on his face. "I am sorry." He said I really do feel sorry for you my dear." His lovely deep brown eyes twinkled as he spoke. Shirley looked across at the doctor. Of course she thought he must be about fifty or so years old, being very distinguished looking with a mop of greying hair. He would have known love; he could be sympathetic to her. He was not a clone. She had forgotten that normal people still existed. She now realised she thought of herself as not normal; this gave her quite a start. The doctor interrupted her thoughts. "I don't," he said "Like referring to you as a number."

"Then please don't, I have a name Shirley. Jeffrey, my husband from the past, I married him as Shirley."

"I see." Said the doctor. "I will give you a quick examination, though I doubt if I'll find much wrong with you, young lady. You look like a healthy specimen to me."

Shirley laughed. "That I am, but you are supposed to issue me with a sick note."

"I will give you one for two weeks if the controller thinks you need longer, she will no doubt inform me."

"Thank you doctor, I'm sorry you needed to be troubled."

"No trouble at all." After a brief examination the doctor said. "Will you send in my next patient? Goodbye  my dear."  Shirley on her way out duly sent in the next patient Oh  lord, she thought, it was only number three, she is the office spokeswoman. Shirley knew the gossip would be rife.

Having the rest of the afternoon free, Shirley thought she would walk along the beach, it would help sort out her emotions. She found it always helped her to think, besides she mused it's a beautiful sunny day. I wonder if the sun is shining today for Jeffrey. It's funny to think that it's the same beach, even funnier, she thought, if they could both be walking the same stretch of beach at the same time and day. Yet never meet, being separated by fifty years. What she thought seemed even harder to conceive, that Jeffrey could actually be here somewhere in the retirement settlement. He would be well into his seventies; he probably would be she guessed. People in the settlement, Shirley had  heard, were living to be well over one hundred. Perhaps, she thought, if I get to see the doctor again, I'll ask him, he would probably know him. On the other hand, did she  really want to know? Her mind was more confused than ever.  Maybe I should just let  the whole thing drop. Shirley just walked on another mile or so, stopping now and then  to soak in the scene. It really was beautiful this time of the year. She had always taken it for granted in the past. It had taken Jeffrey to help her see the beauty of it all. He was quite simplistic in what gave him real pleasure. He had once told Shirley, he would trade his home, his business, in fact, his whole lifestyle just for the two of them to be alone together on a deserted island. Shirley smiled to herself ruefully. Forget Jeffrey, no doubt he would find another love. She must just get along with the rest of her life. With that Shirley turned around and made her way back to flat.

Once back in her apartment, Shirley began preparing the meal. She wanted to surprise Kathy. She had learned a lot about meal preparation from Brenda,  Richard's wife. Brenda was a dab hand at making a simple meal into a banquet. Richard had been very proud of the fact. So Shirley thought her food would be just as elaborately displayed.

Kathy arrived just as Shirley was putting the finishing touches. "Wow," Kathy gasped in amazement. "This is a lovely surprise. I can see you have learned a lot  from your  travels. I am going to enjoy this, I might get used to the idea of you preparing my meals for me."

Shirley laughed. "I'm glad you like it, I'll tell you what though Kath, you would have been even more impressed if I could have fetched some of the food back with me. It was very different, not like our food at all. I know our food is supposed to be better for you. What was great,” Shirley continued. "Was the fact you could even grow your own fruit and vegetables. They were not genetically grown or man made."

"Can't imagine it." Said Kathy with her mouthful. "This tastes great to me."

The two weeks passed quickly, but uneventful. Shirley was told to report once more to the doctor. He was to give her a final check up, before she could report to her new department. Shirley walked into the reception; a patient was just leaving his room. "Oh good timing," said the patient. "Dr Preston asked me to show the next patient in." She said with a smile. "I guess that would be you."

"Ah come in Shirley." He remembered my name, she thought. “How have you been?" The doctor continued without waiting for an answer. "I'll just give you a final examination, just routine. Then you will be able to go back to work."

"Thank you doctor I feel fine."

"I want a urine sample, also I'll take your blood pressure and listen to your chest."  Having finished the tests Dr Preston looked across at Shirley, he was frowning. "Is anything wrong doctor?" Said Shirley anxiously.

"Well it's like this, it is years since I've seen a condition such as yours. I never expected ever to see someone in this position ever again."

"What do you mean doctor? Tell me how bad is it?"

"For you my dear, very serious, very serious indeed. First I will tell you, you are expecting a child. Now what are we to do about it? You know it isn't possible here to have a child. I could terminate it for you, a simple pill at this stage would suffice." Shirley paled. A child, Jeffrey's child, how could she possibly terminate it. "I couldn't do that, it would be a reminder, a part of the two of us. "No, no, doctor, I don't want to kill it. That would be murder." Shirley began to sob uncontrollably.

"There, there, don't take it on so my dear. We will think of something.  For the moment,  I will give you another sick note. Don't worry I will put down high anxiety. Look Shirley come and see me tomorrow after surgery, let's say 7.15 pm. This  will give us time to think. I'm sure I can think of something. Now Shirley, I have a busy schedule." "Certainly doctor I will send in the next patient and thank you."

Once outside in the fresh air Shirley took a deep breath in. She had mixed emotions, she felt elated on the one hand. Frightened on the other. If this had not happened at this moment in time. She knew Jeffrey wanted a family, the larger the better. He had told her they would have both been over the moon. Now how could she have a child, what if she did? What would become of the child or for that matter herself? I hope she thought at least to be able to confide in Kathy, she might think of something. Shirley suddenly felt very alone and vulnerable. She wished she had Jeffreys arms around her now, he was always so sensible and reliable. Now she knew she would have to look out not only for herself, but also their baby. Above all she was not going to let her baby go. So it was a new determined Shirley marching towards her apartment.

Shirley couldn't wait for Kathy to come to her flat. So she was waiting for her outside the complex. "Hello, what are you doing here?  It must be important if you have to meet me. I would have been at your flat in ten minutes." Said a puzzled Kathy.

"I know it is important. I need your feedback, I realise you have been working all day, but will you come down to the beach with me please?" Shirley pleaded.

"If it means that much to you, then of course I will." They walked in silence until they reached the beach. Shirley spread her waterproof on the sand and sitting down together Shirley began. "What would you say if I told you that soon there will be an increase in my family?"

"What! Are they going to let Jeffrey come and stay here?" "No, you goose, I mean I am expecting his child."

"Oh no! What are you going to do?" Kathy cried.

"I was hoping you could come up with an idea. I aim to keep my child, come what may. Dr Preston is going to help me. Do you know him?  He is from the old retirement  village, I don't know whether he is permanent or not."

"Poor Shirley, I will think of something. Do you feel alright? Shouldn't you be resting?" Shirley laughed. "Of course I am, but Jeffrey's friends wife, Debra I believe was her name, anyway, she worked as a secretary almost up to the end of her pregnancy. The doctor will advise me of that. What is worrying me though, how can I hide the pregnancy. I will get fat, my tummy will bulge."

"I hadn't realised that, of course I remember the photos in the archives ugh!" Kathy shuddered.

"I know, but for now Dr Preston has put me back on sick leave."

"I see, you know the controller won’t wear that for long. She'll be poking her nose in soon. Shirley please be careful, if she found out, I bet she would have you incarcerated." Said Kathy dramatically.

"Oh I don't think it would come to that Kathy. I am sure though she would demand that my pregnancy be terminated. I would end up in some dead end job, perhaps she would even keep me in this catering, but as an assistant though."

"Don't worry Shirley, you just take it easy. I'll think of something. Don't I always come up with the goods."

Shirley giggled. "It's good to have a friend to rely on, thanks Kathy."

"It's getting a little chilly, let's get you back to your flat. I'll make the tea, you can put your feet up."

"I don't want you to fuss over me Kathy. I didn't tell you for that reason, I promise I will be sensible, but I will let you make the tea." Shirley grinned. As good as her word Kathy prepared the tea. Afterwards they settled to watch a little television. "It's getting late, I must get my beauty sleep, see you tomorrow Shirley, I'll sleep on your problem."

After Kathy's departure, Shirley cleared away the remains of the meal. Then settled back down to resume watching the television, hoping this would help her to unwind, she retired early however, she managed very little sleep however, despite that fact she felt really alive. She had a new life inside of her, although nervous Shirley also felt excitement. Shirley opened the door, took a deep breath in. What a beautiful day it was. She would, she decided, to get out the sun lounger and enjoy a morning relaxing in the sun. Then she'd meet Kathy with a picnic lunch. They could take  it to  the beach.  Having enjoyed a lazy morning, Shirley sat in the foyer awaiting Kathy's arrival. "Hi, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you Kathy. I have packed a picnic, I thought you might like to share it with me. We could go to the beach."

"What a good idea, let's go, hurry the controllers coming." With that the girls ran laughingly out of the door.

Once outside serious now Shirley turned to Kathy. "Have you thought of anything yet?" "Of course I have, but it all depends on the doctor helping as well. I will tell you over lunch." With this in mind the two girls walked briskly towards the beach. Shirley spread the oilskin down on the ground and began spreading out the food. Kathy began. "I thought Shirley, if Dr Preston could ask the controller if you could help him in the retirement settlement, he could say you would be very useful or some such thing. Once there it would be easier for you to have your baby."

"I know, but even there, babies aren't possible." Said a dejected Shirley.

"Oh I know that, this is why I said we need the doctor. He might be able to think of a way, don’t forget he can deliver it. He is an oldie! I'm sure he will help.  I'll tell you  what, I'll throw a sicky." Kathy said. "We will go and see him tomorrow.  I'm sure we  can work it out between us. Come on let's eat, I'm starving." The girls ate heartily. Afterwards, having cleared up behind them, they walked back along the beach. Shirley found they were heading towards the cave. Funny, she thought to herself. I always seem to end up here. Aloud she said. "I wonder where Jeffrey is right now. We would  be  going on holiday in a fortnight. I was looking forward to it. Barbados, it is beautiful there, I've seen the brochures. Jeffrey had been there before, but he said it is an island for lovers. Just created for the two of us." Shirley gave a wry smile.

"Oh Shirley," cried Kathy. "You make me want to run back in time. It all sounds so wonderful."

"Believe me Kathy it is." They arrived back just in time for Kathy to start work for the afternoon. "I'll be a bit later tonight, I have a meeting. You know the monthly progress report. I won't call for tea, I'll drop in later, and I’m going to make an appointment to see the doctor. Shirley, you make one for about 9.30 am. I will make mine to coincide with your visit, and then we can slip in together. It'll be easier that way."

"Thanks Kathy, you think of everything." A wave of the hand and Kathy was gone.

Back in her flat, the first thing Shirley did was to phone for her appointment. Looking at the telephone screen, Shirley asked the secretary for an appointment for 9.30am. The appointment was agreed and Shirley had just put down the receiver, when the phone rang. She picked it up and saw it was her controller staring back at her from the image on the telephone screen. "Oh hello controller, how can I help you?"

"You can help me by telling me what you are playing at?" Said the controller. Shirley could tell by her tone, that she wasn't pleased. "What do you mean?" Shirley replied meekly.

"When I said you were to report sick, I didn't mean for you to treat it as a holiday. I expected you to stay in your apartment, not go out on a picnic with another member of staff. If you do not comply with my wishes, I will see to it that you are transferred forthwith. Do you understand?"

"Yes controller, I am sorry. It won't happen again."

"It had better not, number seventeen. That is all I will talk to you again later." What rotten luck thought Shirley, what bad timing. She knew that if she was to succeed in the plan that they would have to at least get her controller to agree to her move. Maybe though, on the other hand, perhaps it could work in her favour. Maybe the controller would gladly let her go.

Next morning Shirley promptly arrived at the doctor's office. Looking up from her desk, the secretary said. "The doctor won't be long, he has a patient." Shirley smiled, the door opened and in walked Kathy. The secretary smiled and relayed the information to Kathy. The doctor's door opened and out walked the patient. "Next one please, the doctor's  ready for you." She said with a smile. Going inside the office, Shirley left the door ajar. "Hello Shirley, back so soon? How can I help?"  He asked.  Kathy then walked in  closing the door behind her. "What's going on?"

"It's alright doctor." Said Kathy. "I'm a friend of Shirley's, I wish to help. We were hoping you could help us." Kathy then proceeded to tell the doctor of the plan. When Kathy had finished talking. The Doctor stroked his chin "Hmm” he said. “ I suppose it could work. However, it depends on your controller agreeing, and then will take it from there. I am here for another six weeks. That would make you a third of the way through your pregnancy. After that however, you will begin to show. So we must resolve  it before then for your sake. Leave it with me, I will be seeing your controller, I can subtly suggest you’re going back to the complex with me. Did you want a sick note?" He said looking at Kathy.

"Yes please I was sick overnight." She smiled. "It must have been something I ate." With the sick note in her hand Kathy walked out of the room followed closely by Shirley.

The next day, as good has his word Dr Preston met with the controller. "Ah now getting back to number seventeen." He said. "I have been thinking about her situation, wouldn't  it be better if you released her into my care. I could take her back to the retirement complex, where she could be very useful to me and I could keep my eye on her. I think she might be having a breakdown." He added. The controller studied for a while, she did not like any decision that was not of her making. However, it could solve her dilemma, hadn't she already half promised number seventeen to ship her out? "Leave it with me, I will tell her of my decision to go with you to the complex." She said. "I am very busy now, is there any other matter to discuss?"

"No, I will let you get on. I will see you next week, then we will discuss it more."

The next morning, Shirley was awakened by the telephone. "Hello can I help you?" It was the receptionist at the office.

"Good morning,” She said politely. "The controller asked me to tell you she wishes for you to see her this morning, so I have taken the liberty of making you an appointment to see her. Will 10.45 am be alright for you?"

"Fine." Replied Shirley. "See you then."

Shirley was punctual as ever, but still she found the controller was awaiting her arrival. "I'm not late, am I?" Shirley asked.

"No, I will give you that number seventeen, you are always on time. Now getting down  to business, I have decided it will be better all round if I send you to the retirement complex with Dr Preston. He has promised me that he would keep his eye on you and you could be very useful to him. This would keep you away from any further mischief. I have told the head of catering not to expect you." The controller continued.  "Furthermore, you are never to return to this sector again. You had better collect your belongings from the office, no time like the present. You will leave in six weeks time  and so I do not wish to see you enter this building again. Do you understand?"

"Yes controller, you have made yourself quite clear."

"Very good then, I will say farewell to you on your day of departure. I will give the doctor your case file then." Then with a wave of her hand Shirley was dismissed. On her way out Shirley spotted Kathy, she grinned with a wink of her eye. This Kathy thought, meant everything was on course.

The two girls met up that evening. Shirley related the way the conversation went. "Oh I am pleased for you Shirley, but I am also upset, I won't be able to see you again. You are like my sister, the only one I can talk to. What on earth am I going to do without you." Kathy was distraught.

"Don't take on so Kathy, I am sure with the help of the kind doctor, we will be able to meet, be it only briefly. Anyway the doctor comes at least two or three times a year. I  will smuggle disks in. I'm sure he will oblige, anyway I have still got six more weeks  left. So let us enjoy them."

The six weeks went by very fast. Shirley had begun getting morning sickness. It would last until lunchtime, it was, and she thought a good job she was not working. This way at least no one was aware. She couldn't imagine what they would have made of it  otherwise. She'd visited the doctor in between, he had assured her all was well with her pregnancy and that the morning sickness was par for the course and would eventually pass.