The Secret Cave by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

The morning of her departure had at last arrived. Kathy and Shirley had a little farewell tea the night before. They had laughed a little, cried a little and vowed they would meet again one day. Now the controller was standing before her, giving her the last minute lecture, she concluded with "Well goodbye number seventeen, good luck in your new vocation." Shirley smiled to herself if she only knew motherhood was to be her vocation. "Thank you controller." She replied politely.

"Well," said Dr Preston. "We must be going now. Though it is only an hour away by monorail." Once at the station the doctor showed his dockets. "This rail," he said, "Goes directly to the complex. It only runs monthly, however." They boarded the empty carriages and it promptly departed gathering speed. "Oh this is good, how fast are we going?"

“About 80 mile an hour, it will take about an hour to get to the retirement village.“ Replied The Doctor. Shirley looked around her, the scene she thought, was a spectacular view. She noted they were following the coastline. They travelled the rest of the journey in silence. Shirley was drinking in everything and was too absorbed to talk. The doctor studied her somehow, there was a familiarity about her, and something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He had met lots of clones, since being the doctor attached to their complex, yet he thought, this girl is different. I feel as though we have met before, perhaps in a different life, who knows? Each of them occupied in their own thoughts; they were brought back to reality by the train coming to an halt. "We are here Shirley, welcome to your new home."

Shirley took the doctor's hand as he helped her down from the train. Once out of the station she turned to the doctor. "I know this place I have been here before. Albeit fifty years ago. It is the same, don't tell me, it's called Filey, isn't it? I came with  my husband." She added "I loved it and told him I would love to spend the rest of my life here. Ironic, isn't it? This is exactly what I'm going to do." The doctor just smiled.  Shirley continued. "It hasn't changed, everything looks the same.  It looks as though it  has been frozen in time. Oh how marvellous, I feel truly as though I have come home. What a wonderful place for my baby to grow up."

"I am sorry to disappoint you on that score, I am not sure yet how we can arrange things for your baby. Don't forget,” the doctor added, "We are still connected to your old complex and controller."

"Oh I forgot." Shirley was near to tears.

"Don't worry Shirley, we will sort something out. We have a few months to do so. All you need to do at this stage is settle in, meet the people, I am sure you won't have any trouble there, you love this place to start with. Ah here we are, I will take you to your new home. Notice," he said. "I said home, in this place we all have either a small cottage or house to live in. You will find we still buy and sell also. Tomorrow you can purchase some new clothes. Now, you can truly be individual. We may all be  tagged,  but certainly the life here is much better than it is for your clones. Sorry." He said "This is  the last time you will hear me refer to you as a clone."

"Apology accepted." Shirley replied.

"This little cottage is to be yours Shirley. It has it's very own little garden and from your bedroom window, you have a lovely view of the sea."

"Oh thank you doctor." In her excitement Shirley kissed him on the cheek. "Ups I'm  sorry doctor, I got carried away. Whatever must you think of me?" The doctor with his cheeks quite pink smiled at her. "It's alright Shirley, I quite enjoyed it as a matter of  fact." He replied with a twinkle in his eye.

Shirley spent the next hour familiarising herself with her little home. It was, she noted,  all antique furniture.

A beautiful old chiming clock took pride of place on a shelf underneath was an open fire. To one side was a bundle of wood; to the other was a companion set.  She thought of her apartment and the stark contrast between the two.  Her apartment was sparse, one modern sofa, a marble design table which retracted back into the recess and the projected television. One table with the telephone unit and of course the control computer. This unit controlled the solar panels for all the heating and electricity. Nothing could function without it. So to see electric light bulbs, gas hobs, even log fires were awesome. Shirley ran from room to room, a real bath such luxuries. She would have to find out why all this was allowed, because she knew it wasn't environmentally friendly. She was disturbed by a knock on the door. Shirley opened it apprehensively. "Hello I'm Sally, I'm your next door neighbour. I have come to bring some goodies." She said. "Look here's some bread, cheese 'n' pickles. There's also some blackberry pie 'n' custard. I thought ya' wouldn't ha' time to get any 'afore shop shuts." "Oh thank you Sally, that's very good of you. I really am ready for something to eat. Would you like to come in?"

"Na thanks can't stop got to get Fred's dinner. You know men aluss’ hungry; see ya later got a go. I'll get empties later okay."

"Yes thank you again. I will see you later." replied Shirley. Shirley smiled. She might talk a little odd; she was certainly very nice. I hope they are all as friendly, she thought  to herself. She was soon to find out.

Shirley had just finished her meal, when once more there was a knock on the door. Shirley quickly jumped up; this was exciting, she thought. "Oh it's you Dr Preston." "Why, who did you hope it to be?" He teased.

"No one, I mean," Shirley stammered. "I have just had a delicious meal provided for me by my friendly neighbour Sally."

"Did you hope for another neighbour?"

"You're laughing at me doctor." Shirley chided.

"No I'm not, I am just glad you're happy Shirley. I want to take you to show you my surgery this afternoon. We will go through your duties. I know you will be an asset to me. I'm glad you're here, we will, I know work well together."

"Thank you doctor, I feel flattered. I hope I can live up to your expectations." "I'm sure you can." Replied the doctor.

They arrived at the surgery. "Good job it's not far from my cottage. In a few months I'll be waddling around.”

"We will have to discuss your pregnant state. I must think of a way so that everyone doesn't know of your demise, Shirley. You see there are good people here, but like everywhere else there are gossips. I would not do at all for it to get brought to the attention of you know who!" He said. "I quite agree doctor, I am in your hands entirely. You won't get any arguments from me. I will be forever in your debt. There is however, just one favour, I would like to ask of you when you go. I would like to keep in touch with Kathy. I promised her I would."

"Not a problem. Now we will get on with the job at hand."

Shirley was amazed, there was a computer, but it was just basic, like that one Jeffrey used to have. Not at all like the one in her old office, with this one she would have to learn to type. Her own one she had just to command and the work was done for her. This would be a challenge, Shirley hoped she would be up to it. Further more she'd noted a lack of machines for filing. She would have to file the patience notes by hand. Now Shirley realised how much she had taken for granted. Progress had certainly left this little village behind. On reflection thought Shirley, she was glad this life she would enjoy more. The doctor interrupted Shirley's thoughts. "Here is some money, just a few pounds. I will  take it off your weekly wage. You will need to buy a new outfit, that one you're wearing is atrocious. I will send you some groceries to tie you over. Now come and meet Mrs. Harker, Mary has she likes to be called. She is my house keeper."

They walked towards a beautiful old house, which stood majestically in it's own grounds. "Oh what a beautiful house." Shirley enthused. "It 's just like a mansion. Is it as big as it looks on the inside?"

"Afraid so, it is rather big for me. Though it is expected of me. You see this house was built for a doctor. Always the doctors live here. I personally would much rather live in a little house. Still Mary looks after the house very well; in fact she looks after my every needs. I must confess she spoils me. You'll love her, she's a wonderful person." Mary came rushing to greet them. Mary was short in stature and quite rotund, rosy cheeks and a winsome smile. Shirley thought Mary looked well into her sixties. "Ha Dr Preston, this must be Shirley. Welcome." She said giving Shirley a big hug, much to Shirley's amazement. "I'll be over later with the food. Will you be taking afternoon tea?"

"Yes Mary, she will, but don't go to a lot of bother, Shirley will eat simple food. Won't you Shirley?" The doctor asked.

"Of course." She smiled at Mary. "I don't want to put you out."

"Put me out, don't be silly." Mary wandered off to prepare the tea. After a reasonable time Shirley excused herself. She had, she said, had a very busy day and felt quite tired. She would like to unwind and relax at home. She would be at the doctor's office at 8.30 am precisely. Mary showed Shirley to the door, promising she would bring over the  food, before it got dark.

One hour later as good as her word, Mary arrived with a basket ladened with food. "Oh you are too kind Mary, this is very good of you both. Thank the doctor for me." Mary smiled and thought she would be an ideal partner for her doctor. Though younger she couldn't do better than the doctor. Aloud she said. "Oh it was his pleasure, he insisted. I won't stop, must get on." Shirley closed the door after her. This was a wonderful day. I know I am going to be very happy here. The only blot on the horizon, she thought was how she was going to be able to have and keep her child. She hoped it was a boy, if it was she would call him William after the doctor. If a girl, she would name her Kathy, after her dear friend. Shirley felt very tired and decided to run a bath. Just wallowing in  it, until the water began to get quite cool. She then put on her robe, which someone had kindly given her. Slipped her feet into a fluffy pink pair of slippers. Shirley was pleased they fitted her perfectly. She wandered into the kitchen, poured herself a glass of milk, took a couple of biscuits and headed towards the bedroom. Once in bed, Shirley almost immediately fell asleep.

The next day true to form Shirley arrived at the surgery and was awaiting the doctor. "Good morning Dr Preston." Shirley remarked to him. "Ah good morning, did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Wonderfully well." She replied. "I haven't slept as well for ages, I really feel refreshed this morning."

"Good for you Shirley, now do me a favour. Will you make me a coffee, two sugars? I will be in my office." Shirley took the coffee into the doctor.  "What do I do first  doctor?"

"Maggie will be in soon, she will show you. You will like her; she's a jolly soul.  I  should imagine she will be delighted to show you the ropes. You see Maggie will be sixty-eight next month and is well overdue for retirement. I have been promising her that I would replace her for the past couple of years." Maggie breezed in. Shirley noted Maggie was a tall slender lady with deep blue eyes, her grey hair was neatly placed in a bun. A smartly dressed woman wearing a neat grey skirt and an attractive cable knit cardigan over a white crisp blouse.

"Hi it's me Dr Preston. Where's the young one I have to show ropes to. Ah you’re here. You’re a pretty one and no mistake." Shirley blushed. Maggie continued. "I hope yer gonna' be very happy here. Don't fret love I'll show you the ropes." Shirley warmed to Maggie during the course of the morning. She was a warm friendly person, so far everyone she had met up until now seemed that way.  Shirley soon got the hang of her new job and was enjoying it immensely. "Next please, can I have Mrs. Vera Brown."

"I'm here." Up stood a tall thin woman with a beak like nose and a sour expression on  her face. "It's about time too." Growled Vera Brown. Oh lord, Thought Shirley, this is  my first battleaxe. "Take no notice of her, she's all ways like that."  Said Maggie.  "No one much talks to ‘er, she's village gossip. 'Sides when they wanna' hear anything, don't let her know yer secrets 'cos they won't be anymore." Shirley looked; I will have to avoid her in the future she thought, if I am to keep my secret. "I don't think," she said looking  at Maggie. "That I will be befriending that women." Maggie laughed raucously.

"You're a one an' no mistake. Don't yer talk nice?" Shirley didn't answer. The doctor walked out of his surgery. "Is that the last patient?"

"Yer." Said Maggie. "I was just telling Shirley that it's not a bad little  job this.  She  could do worse." The doctor smiled.

"Shirley, how did it go this morning? Any problems?"

"No doctor, it went really well. I have a good tutor in Maggie."

"I've been called names before, but never a tutor. Yer a one." Shirley laughed with her. Maggie had originally come from a little mining village near Doncaster. Apparently, like Sally, Fred, her husband, has it turned out was Maggie's brother. Shirley smiled to herself, to say Vera Brown was the village gossip, Maggie was a mind of information herself. The next hour the two women busied themselves with the filing and general office duties. Shirley learned from Maggie whom she could trust and which people to avoid. By lunchtime Shirley felt as though she knew everyone, certainly within a two- mile radius of the clinic.

At 12o'clock precisely, Maggie stopped what she was doing. "It's dinner time, I've brought some sarnies for us. Thought yer wouldn't know to bring some, so have brought enough for us both." Out came what can only be described as door stoppers.  "Wow  these are huge sandwiches." Said Shirley. "What do they contain?"

"Get 'em down yer neck, do yer good. I'll fatten yer up; you're a bit on the skinny side.

It's ham 'n' pickles in one, cheese 'n' pickles in the other. Hope you like pickles and I've got chunk of fruit cake for afters." Shirley smiled. "That's very gracious of you, I cannot keep on imposing on your kindness. I will fetch  my own tomorrow. I want to slip out for a while after we have had lunch. Will that be alright? I want to go to the shop to buy a new outfit."

"Of course you can love, I'd come with you, but I can't leave surgery. I hope you don't mind me saying that thing you've got on now is very plain. It makes you look like an old lady and you are a young one." Maggie said bluntly. "I know I didn't choose to wear this outfit, believe me. It was thrust upon me." Shirley felt the need to say nothing more on the subject.

Shirley walked the short distance to the shops. To her amazement, she was stopped three times by passers by. All welcomed her to the village; all wished her well in her new job with the doctor. Shirley thanked them all. This she thought was the perfect place for her, if only she did not have to hide her pregnancy. She wanted to shout from the rooftops,  but instead she was made to feel ashamed, having to be deceitful. Shirley selected a sensible outfit for work. One, she hoped would allow her to increase in size and still fit her. She also chose a lovely loose fitting dress and a pair of adjustable trousers; a smock top and this completed her wardrobe. In the shoe shop, Shirley purchased a stout pair of boots. She knew she would be needing them for the winter. She also chose a pair of  shoes suitable for her work, bearing in mind her condition. That would allow for any swelling and still feel comfortable. Shirley then hurried home with her purchases. She certainly didn't want Maggie nosing in on her choice of clothing. Though Maggie was nice, Shirley had to admit, she was certainly a bit bossy and also she imagined prone to gossiping.

Placing the key in the lock, Shirley was hailed by Sally. "Hey Shirley, what yer doing? Are yer not supposed to be at the doctors?"

"Yes, I have just been buying some clothes. I didn't bring many with me. I am sorry  Sally I can't stop to talk to you as I promised Maggie I would not be long." Without giving Sally a chance to reply, Shirley hurried inside. Shirley peeped out of the window. Good, she thought, Sally is out of sight. Quickly Shirley hurriedly locked her front door and headed towards the surgery.

Once back at the surgery, she found herself totally occupied with the job at hand. The time passed by very swiftly and soon it was time to lock up for the day. "Will yer come back and help with t' evening surgery?" Asked Maggie. "It's 4 p.m. now, surgery starts again at 6 pm. 'til 7.30 pm. You'd best be here just 'afore then, though we only open three nights a week. Every the other day, we can take it in turns when you've learned the job. Okay?"

"That sounds fine to me Maggie. I will go now; I want to go to my garden as I have noticed there is some weeding to do. Shirley hadn't any intentions of weeding; she was feeling very tired and in need of some relaxation on her own. She was not used to working in close proximity and certainly found her new environment different, more tiring. She supposed she would get used to it.

Arriving home, Shirley made herself a cup of tea and finished off the homemade fruit pie Sally had made. Putting her feet up, Shirley began to doze. Suddenly, she was awakened by the telephone. "Hello Shirley, Dr Preston here. I didn't mean to disturb you at home however, I want to ask you if you will come in at 5.30 pm. I need to talk to you, as nice as Maggie is; I cannot discuss anything with you. I want fifteen minutes  with you before she arrives. If you're agreeable of course?" "Certainly,  I will be with  you before 5.30 pm. Doctor."

"Thank you Shirley, please make sure you have a full bladder when you come, see you later."

Shirley arrived at the surgery around twenty past five. Dr Preston was in the office awaiting her arrival. "Ah Shirley, nice and prompt, thank you. I want to do a quick scan on you, this is why I wanted a full bladder." "What's a scan?"  Shirley said cautiously,  not sure whether or not she should want one of them. "It's alright, it will show a profile  of your baby."

"Really, how exciting. Will I be able to see it?"

"You certainly will." The doctor smiled at Shirley. "I'll tell you what, if you like, I will give you a photograph of the scan. It will show your baby inside you."

" Wow Thank you doctor, could I ask you to make two photographs, then I can send one to my friend Kathy."

"Consider it done. Now we must get a move on." He said hurrying Shirley into an adjoining room. "Lay down please, I'll need your tummy and it might feel a little cold, but it is only gel. There you are."  The doctor said, pointing to a screen.  "You can see  the baby in detail. There's its head it's heartbeat. Look you can even see what sex it is.  Do you want to know?"

"Yes please doctor." Shirley was thrilled she could see her baby. Now, she thought, it is real, my baby growing inside of me. "It's a little boy. You will have to think of a name." "I will call him William after you. After all you are not only my doctor, you are my dearest friend." The doctor coughed. Shirley knew she had embarrassed him. She just said. "That is of course if you don't mind?"

"I'd love it Shirley, that is a compliment indeed. Now I must give you these tablets, take one a day. They contain vitamins and iron. We cannot have you anything but A1." Shirley thanked the doctor again. She left his room just in time to see Maggie appear at the door. She quickly unlocked the front door. "What did yer lock the door for Shirley?" Maggie asked.

"I felt a little nervous, I am not yet used to this clinic."

"It's all right love,you will get used to it before long, don't need to lock door. Folks round here won't bother you."

"I'll remember in the future, I won't bother to lock it." Shirley replied.

"Did yer get any weeding done Shirley? I passed yer house, it looked okay to me."

"A little. Ah here comes the doctor's first patient." Maggie hurried to meet him. "Hey there Joe, here's the new lass I told yer about. Shirley come and say hello to Joe, he's handyman if the want's ought doing he's your chap."

"Hello Joe, how do you do?" Shirley said politely.

"Better  for  seeing  you young lady.”

Replied  Joe  winking at Shirley.

"The doctor's waiting for you." Shirley smiled at Joe.

"He'd make yer a good husband."

Shirley laughed. "I do not want a husband, not for years yet." She added. "I'll let you know when."

Maggie chuckled. "Best get on lass."

The evening surgery over, Shirley back in her little cottage. She went over the events of the day. A lot had happened in this one day. She had met lots of friendly people, learned a new job, above all, she had her baby in a photograph. Shirley picked it up, her baby boy, her little William. She patted her tummy.  William, she said out loud.  She thought  it had a noble sound. She repeated it to herself, she was blissfully happy. The only blot  on the horizon was Jeffrey wasn't here to share her joy, nor would he ever know his child. This was a price she knew she must pay. What though if the doctor said she also couldn't have her child? What would she do then? Oh it didn't bear thinking about. She would write to Kathy this very night. Shirley thought Kathy was bound to come up with a solution, hadn't she always? She sat down there and then and composed a letter for her friend enclosing a photograph of the scan. Please Kathy she added don't let the letter or photograph be seen by anyone. If you wish to keep the image make sure it is put safely away. I miss you and ended the letter to your trusty friend Shirley. Shirley then returned to her television. How ironically Shirley noted the film that was on next was called Time machine. Shirley watched the movie until the end. She noted the hero stayed in the past. If only her life was like that. She suddenly felt very tired, she slowly walked upstairs and once in bed Shirley set the alarm for morning. Within minutes she was fast asleep.

Shirley gradually settled into life in the retirement village. She was happy she found everyone was very friendly, but prone to gossip. She supposed this came with their age and also the fact most was retired. Still all in all Shirley managed to enjoy her new life. She would do very much what she liked without a controller breathing down her neck. She missed sharing it all with her friend Kathy. How Kathy would have enjoyed herself, she thought. Shirley knew that Kathy was missing her too. The doctor had gone to see  the controller last weekend. He had arrived back with a note from Kathy. Looking at the note now, Shirley realised how poles apart their lifestyles were. She wished there could be away that Kathy could be here. She knew however, this was only a pipe dream.

December had arrived; Shirley could feel a distinct chill in the air. The talk was all about Christmas. The shops were full of Christmas fare.  Only yesterday Maggie had brought  in some decorations for putting up. Today, Maggie had put it. "Hey luv, we must put up trimmings. It'll help poorly folk feel better." So Shirley knew this morning they must decorate the surgery. Shirley began to wonder what sort of Christmas Jeffrey might be planning without her. She recalled last year; it was one huge party. They started partying from 24th December right round until 1st January. Shirley startled herself, when she realised January of this year. How the time had flown and yet now it seemed like it was another era. Shirley gasped, the baby suddenly started kicking quite energetically. She smiled, and she thought as if William knew she was thinking of his daddy. She spoke to the baby regularly and he always responded with a strong kick. Shirley was beginning to spread a little and had started to adjust her dress accordingly.

Maggie had told her yesterday, she was getting fat and ought to watch her weight. Shirley had laughed it off saying it was all Maggie's home cooking, she kept on plying her with.

Maggie breezed in through the surgery door interrupting Shirley's thoughts. "I lass, let's get on with trimmings. I wanna get 'em up 'before the doctor gets here."

"They are here waiting for you Maggie. I knew you wanted them up. I sorted the tree out." Shirley said, pointing to the corner of the room. "Won't do ower there, Shirley, too near door. I'll shove it o'er there, that's where it belongs. Leave it wi' me, you make tea doctor 'll be here soon. He'll want a cuppa."

"All right." Shirley replied. She was by now used to Maggie dictating to her. At first it had bothered her, but now she realised this was just Maggie's way. The doctor walked in looking across at Shirley he said. "Would you come into my office, I want you to help  me sort out my files. I am afraid I have knocked them over and I was just too tired last night to be bothered with them. You can cope here for awhile can't you Maggie? I am  not expecting anyone for another half hour."

"Yer okay doctor, I'm trimming place up anyway. Off yer go Shirley." Maggie declared in an authoritative manner.

Once inside the office, Dr Preston turned to Shirley. "I want to take another blood sample. I also need a water sample. Do one discreetly later."  He said handing her a  small vial. "Now let me examine you, hop on the bed. My Shirley, the baby is going to  be a big one. Let me see according to your calculations, you should be only five and half months pregnant. Either you are further on than we thought or you're going to have a  very large baby. I think Shirley; you are nearer seven months pregnant. I am going to have to think of some way soon to get you somewhere safely to be until after the baby is born. Don't worry Shirley, I will come up with a solution. Right," he said with a smile. "Thank you for straightening out my files."

"You're welcome doctor." replied Shirley walking out of the office.  Nearly  seven months thought Shirley. I will probably be shipped somewhere before Christmas. I will have to drop hints about it to Maggie, perhaps I should say I might be called back to my old complex or even say Kathy my friend has invited me to stay.

"Oh Maggie it does look nicely decorated. It's a pity though," Shirley added. "I don't think I will be here for Christmas."

"Why ever not? Where are yer goin' Shirley? You've never said 'anything at all.”

"I know, but I am almost certain that I should take up Kathy on her invitation. She has not got anyone else to share Christmas with. I would feel very bad if I was to disappoint her, especially at Christmas. You do understand, don't you Maggie?"

"Yes lass, you're right, I guess yer should an' all. You are a good girl always thinking' a somebody else." The day went on uneventfully; Shirley said her good-byes to Maggie and walked the short distance to her little cottage. There, Vera Brown, the village gossip, accosted her.

"Ah Shirley, you're looking well. Are you putting on weight? You look a little heavier around your middle." She stared hard at Shirley and added.  "If I didn't know, I would  say you were expecting!”

"Expecting what?" Replied Shirley in ignorance. "A child of course." Replied Vera.

"What a thing to say Mrs. Brown. I don't know why you could possibly think a thing like that." Shirley tried to sound as outraged as she could. "I'm sorry, but I always say what I think and I don't mince my words."

"I gathered that, but I will tell you this Mrs. Brown, I hope you do not let these silly ideas of yours go any further. If you do you will have me to reckon with." Shirley amazed herself, for once in her life she had stood up to someone. Usually she backed  down.  Vera Brown looked a little uneasy. "Of course I won't." She said. "I'm not one for gossiping."

"Mind you don't that's all." Replied Shirley enjoying her newfound powers. "If I hear anything, I know where it has come from." With that Shirley went inside slamming the door behind her.

Once inside, Shirley began to shake. Oh dear, what am I to do? It will be all the way round the village. She composed herself. After a while Shirley decided the best thing to do was to ring Dr Preston. "Hello Dr Preston's residence. How can I help you?"

"Oh Mary, this is Shirley. Can I speak to the doctor?" "Not poorly, are you Shirley?"

"No, no, not at all. I am quite well Mary.  It is just to do with work."  "Alright dear, I'll  go and fetch him. When are you coming over for tea? Please do say you'll come soon? You are good for the doctor." Mary added. "I know he is really fond of you. I keep  telling you, you couldn't do better than Dr Preston."

Shirley laughed. "I keep telling you Mary, he is my very good friend." Mary then went to fetch the doctor.

"Hello Shirley, what's a matter? I know it must be important for you to ring me at home." "I'm sorry to disturb you doctor." Shirley then relayed the conversation earlier with Vera Brown. When she had finished the doctor said. "Oh dear, this is much worse than I thought. You did right to call me. Vera Brown is the nosiest person I have ever met. If she has a bee in her bonnet, there is no shifting her on the other hand, we may be able to use her to our advantage."

"How can we do that doctor?" Asked Shirley.