The Secret to Atheness by S.M.Gilson - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen


Katie awoke refreshed and worry free until she realized where she was and of the upcoming battle. She turned and was happy to see that James was next to her in the cotton bed. He opened his eyes and smiled at her.

“Good morning beautiful, are you ready for today?” he asked putting his arms around her and squeezing. She suddenly felt ill again and sat up to take a drink of water from the bottle that Queen Adrianna had left her to help with the morning sickness.

“Are you ok Katie?” James asked concerned. Katie looked up from her water and smile reassuringly. She knew she couldn’t tell James about the twins just now because he would stop the whole thing and make her go home. She had to stay, these people needed her.

“I’m fine just a little nerves about the battle, that’s all.” She took another sip of the cool water.

“Yeah I feel that way too, no matter what happens during this battle I’ll protect you. Although I may not have to since you are really good with that sword of yours. I heard how you cut that Siren’s head off. That was amazing.” James said as he got out of bed and began to put on his clothes that Aaron got him. This is the only place he would actually wear such attire and not feel ridiculous. Katie on the other hand would wear them every day if he let her. He then thought of the collection of costumes she had in the closet and how she looked forward to every event where she got away with wearing one. The thought made him laugh a little and how cute she looked in her pointed ears, a not uncommon thing in this realm.

“Queen Adrianna told me that Simona and Varek are returning today with their army, also the commander of the mountain dwellers is coming today. That will help me a lot; I don’t know the first thing about leading these mountain warriors. Have you seen them? They are tough people. Some of them are wood nymphs too.” Katie said as she was attaching her sword to her belt.

“So Simona and Varek did it, they stopped this Zendra lady?”

“No, not exactly, they stopped her from being anointed Queen by the priest, but she took the key and the crown anyway. I guess we are going to face her in the battle nonetheless.” She put on her blue coat and then turned to James.

“Well, are you ready? We have a lot of training to do today and we have to get fitted for our mail. I hope it won’t be so hard to fight with all that heavy armor on.”

James stood up and opened the door for Katie and then followed her out. He knew she was worried about the battle, but her confidence in fighting seemed to outweigh it. He only hoped he would be able to fight half as well as she did. Maybe this new commander that was coming could help him improve a bit. Velmont only had a few hours to teach him the basics before he left to find Katie.

The early morning air felt cool and refreshing as they stepped outside and onto the field. It seemed to Katie that the number of people that came to Amos had doubled overnight. There were Fairies, men, women, Elves, Wood Nymphs, and even a few Centaurs out on the field practicing for battle, which had surprised her after what Chadwick had said about the Centaurs not caring to fight.

She saw three Elves standing in a perfect line getting ready to fire their arrows at a target that was ten yards away. They raised their bows and in unison let go of their arrows. Katie watched in amazement as all three arrows landed in the center of the bull’s eye. “That is what you’re going to practice on. Your aim has always been a bit sloppy.” Katie turned to see Chadwick standing behind her holding up her bow and pack of arrows.

“Thanks, I would love to be as good as the Elves. Well at least as close as I can be in the short time we do have. Is there any word of Varek and Simona? Are they coming soon?”

“Yes they have just left their castle with six hundred of their men and a few women as well. They should be here by midafternoon if they hurry and don’t find any trouble on the way.” Chadwick looked over at James with some concern.

“I will not be able to teach you, James. Follow my friend, River over there; he will lead you to where we expect the Commander and his army to arrive. They will be arriving any moment now so go with haste.” He motioned to a tall fairy with broad shoulders; his dark hair was tightly pulled back with twine.

James looked hesitantly at Katie and then over at the large fairy. “Go on, you will be fine and so will I. I will see you for dinner tonight when Varek and Simona return.” Katie said giving him a slight shove. James sighed and joined the waiting fairy.

“Glad to meet you James, my name is River. Follow me; the Commander will arrive any moment and he won’t be happy if there isn’t anyone to greet him and his warriors.” James followed River to the stables, which to his surprise, were also behind an invisible door. No one would know that Amos was the realm of the butterfly fairies if they stumbled upon it. To a normal eye it looked almost like any other part of the forest. River took out two white horses that were already prepared to ride. They led them out of the stables and mounted them. River gave a command and the horses took off running. The horses ran to the edge of the forest of Amos and there they stopped. River and James dismounted from the horses and waited.

After a few minutes they heard a horn blowing in the distance. They looked up at the hill above them and saw a man looking down, dressed in armor.

“Is that him?” James asked River, looking at the man on the hillside.

“No that is just one of his men. You will know him when you see him. He will be the last to join his warriors. They are coming now.” River said as more men and even women warriors began to appear on the hill side. They all dressed differently, some with more armor than others. River told James that was because some chose to wear less armor since they couldn’t move freely in the heavy armor, and others choose to wear less, because the wanted the thrill of fighting more dangerously. They all had their reasons, some wore more armor because of the look it gave them and put fear into others. Other warriors wore more armor to keep up the higher status they had earned in past battles. River went on to say that all these men and women had been trained for battle since they were children, and only came out of hiding when they were requested to fight in battle by Queen Adrianna or Princess Simona and Prince Varek’s court. When they were not fighting they practiced. They were born and bred to fight. That is their only purpose in life and they love doing it.

“But aren’t they afraid to die. Don’t they think that it’s a possibility that they might die a horrible death fighting this way?” James asked appalled at the story of these warriors.

“No, death does not stop them, it keeps them going. What’s to fear? They believe that to die in battle would be a glorious death indeed, a much better end then dying in ones sleep. For who would remember one that dies in their sleep? If they die in battle they will always be remembered for the heroic deeds they did and stories will be told about them forever more.” River said as he watched the warriors come down the hillside.

“I never thought about it that way. Well, I still would like to die in my sleep. No heroic death for me.”

A cloaked figure appeared on the top of the hill, his face shadowed by the hood of his large velvet cloak.

“It’s him isn’t it?” James asked as a beautiful black mustang trotted next to a cloaked figure that was being led by his reins. The cloaked figure then mounted the grand horse and trotted down the hill behind the rest of the warriors. The warriors stopped in front of River and James, they stood as if they were to fight in battle right at that moment, all in groups of fifty. The cloaked figure stopped his horse next to River and then turned to look at James. He pulled back the hood of his cloak to reveal a striking young man. His medium skin tone seemed flawless in the sunlight. Upon his head he wore a fabric type crown that tied in the back; his dark hair came out on the top in spikes. He glared down at James with dislike in his deep brown eyes. River saw this look and put his hand out in front of James.

“Do not strike this man, he is Katie’s husband and he helped Simona and Varek become human again. He has come with me in hopes that you will teach him to fight in battle.”

The Commander’s eyes softened a bit and he nodded and then snapped his fingers. His horse continued past River and James as his warriors marched behind him. River looked at James smiling.

“I think he likes you.” He said with a little laugh.

“Oh really, I hate to see him when he is hates someone. So what is his story anyway? I didn’t expect him to be so young.” James asked as he and River mounted their horses and waited until they were at the end of the group of warriors, to follow them back to castle of Amos.

“His real name is Durango, it means brave and strong. Everyone born a warrior is given a strong name. Nothing is known of his true parents because he was found in the mountains when he was only a few months old. It was right after the last battle we had over twenty three years ago. They say his parents may have helped win the last battle but died before they could celebrate. Some claim they saw a beautiful woman being chased by the cave goblins at the eve of the battles end, she must have put Durango in one of the mountain caves before she perished. He was found after the battle by the last Commander of the warriors. He was coming to the end of his long life and he never had the chance to have children of his own, so he took the child and named him Durango. He raised him to be a leader and taught him everything he knew. He died a few years ago and Durango became the new commander.”

“But why doesn’t he talk? I mean can he talk?”

“Oh yes. He just doesn’t, unless he is training or giving orders. He feels it wastes the time he could use otherwise. Most of the warriors choose the same. Though there are those that can’t keep quiet.” James thought about this as they entered the castle grounds. It amazed him that someone could have that much dedication and never be afraid to die. He looked forward to being trained by such a man.

“I did it!” James looked over to see Katie, and saw that the arrow she just shot hit the bull’s eye. What a wonderful woman he had. This crazy fairy tale that they were having, was something from her dreams. Even though he wanted to go home, he was glad for her happiness and wouldn’t trade that for a warm bed and hot shower. He watched as Katie turned and gave Chadwick a hug. “Thanks, I couldn’t do it without you, you’re a great teacher.” Katie said to Chadwick. He still wasn’t sure of Chadwick, and of his intentions on being so friendly with his wife. River saw what James was looking at, and put his hand on James shoulder.

“Don’t you worry about Chadwick; he is to marry Lady Solana next spring. He is only Katie’s body guard and teacher. Well I guess they’re friends too, but don’t worry he is the most trustworthy fairy we have in Amos. He is normally Queen Adrianna’s right-hand fairy.”

“Well if you say so.” James dismounted and left his horse in the care of River as he walked over to the Commander, who was standing away from the rest of the warriors, who were beginning to practice. His cape was still over his back as it flapped in the wind like a flag. He stood tall and proud and seemed deep in thought as he stood watching his warriors practice for the upcoming battle. James stood silently next to him trying to see if he was looking at anyone in particular. He looked at the commander and followed his gaze, it was right at Katie. What was with these men and looking at his wife?

“Chadwick is a very good teacher; your wife is getting very skilled with the sword and bow. I heard what she did on the ship to the Sirens. I have faith that she will do well in this battle.” He never looked over at James; he continued his focus on watching Katie and Chadwick. Katie seemed very relaxed with the bow now, every shot she made hit the bull’s eye in a perfect clean shot.”

“I think so too. As for myself, I think I am going to need your help in teaching me what you have taught your warriors, Durango.” James said watching Katie.

Durango turned to look at James. “Never call me by my name, just call me Commander, for that is who I am. I am not just a man with a name; I am a Commander of many great men and women. I will never be just Durango again, is that clear?” The Commander snapped.

“Yes, Commander, I didn’t mean anything by it. So will you teach me?”

The Commander said nothing; he just nodded and motioned for James to follow him into the further part of the forest of Amos. James followed him in silence. He had so many questions for the Commander, but knew that he wanted to keep his past in the past. The questions still pressed him. Has he ever been married? Had children? Has he ever wanted to know the truth of his parents? James knew he could never ask these questions, not now anyway.

They stopped in a large grassy clearing where two horses waited along with several different weapons that lay on the ground. The Commander stood next to a grey horse and then took off his cape placing it on the horse’s back. He wore no shirt to cover his large muscled body. A thick material covered the top of his large ninja style pants made up like a belt or sash. He wore two large gloves that came to his elbow, and on his shoulder he wore a pad of large metal spikes. He picked up two large swords and tossed one at James. James jumped back not prepared to catch it as it fell at his feet.

“I see we have a long way to go. Did Velmont teach you anything at all? Lesson one, catching a sword.”

Katie held her bow comfortably in her left hand as she placed an arrow on the arrow rest and as she pulled back next to her mouth she let go. The arrow flew from the bow at a rapid pace and landed in the center of the mark that Chadwick had placed for her. She let out a breath and smiled.

“You’re doing great, Katie. I see much more improvement since early this morning.” He looked passed her and then began adjusting his shirt. “Can you continue without me for a little while? There is someone I have wanted to speak with for a long time now.” He said not averting his eyes. Katie turned and followed his gaze which fell on a beautiful blonde fairy. She wore a flowing purple gown and had matching flowers placed evenly down her long wavy hair. She stood holding her bow, arrows and quiver, while conversing with another fairy.

“She is very beautiful.” Katie said breaking Chadwick’s thoughts.

“What? Oh, yes she is. I haven’t been able to speak with her since we left to free the royal family. I will see you in an hour or so and then we will take a break to eat.”

“Sounds good Chadwick, enjoy your time with her.” Chadwick smiled and walked towards the blonde fairy.

Katie lowered her bow and began to stretch her arms around. The constant work on her archery lessons made her arms very sore. Feeling a little dizzy she placed her short bow on the ground and took out the glass bottle of water that was tied to her silver belt. She was told to drink every few hours, but she was so consumed with learning the art of archery that she had forgotten to drink the special water. She took two large gulps of the surprisingly cool water. Relief consumed her and her dizziness and sore arms dissipated. Wow I need this kind of water for home, Katie thought to herself. She took in a deep breath and then picked up her bow and put her quiver with arrows back on her back. She placed an arrow on the bow and just as she was about to take her aim she heard the warriors say the royal family had arrived with their army. Simona and Varek, Katie thought as she placed her arrow back in her quiver and walked over to the crowd of fairies and men that were greeting the newly arrived fighters. She moved through the crowd until she was at the front and saw Princess Simona and Prince Varek entering on two brown horses followed by at least six hundred men.

They stopped and dismounted as some of Queen Arianna’s servants came to take the horses to stables to rest and feed. “Katie! It’s good to see you again. How has your training been going?” Simona asked giving her a hug, which kind of surprised Katie. Simona didn’t strike her as the hugging type.

“I heard what happened. I am glad your people are safe.”

“We did save our people for now and we are here ready to fight.” She smiled reassuringly and then walked on towards the palace. Varek then stopped in front of Katie and put his hand on her shoulder.

“I have heard how well you’re fighting and your archery skills have improved. You’re going to be great out there. You have nothing to worry about; you will have the Fairies to help protect you as well as the new warriors, my army, your husband, that is if his training goes well, and don’t forget you will also have me.” He looked down at her grinning.

“Wow this is the first time I have seen you smile since I met you. It’s not me I’m really worried about though.” Katie said putting her hand on her stomach. Varek looked down and his smile diminished.

“You’re expecting? Why on earth would Queen Adrianna expect you to battle in your condition? This is an outrage! Is your husband letting you fight too, knowing this?”

“No, he does not know. I haven’t told him in fear of a reaction like yours. I want to battle, though the thought is a little scary. People of Atheness are depending on me. I was chosen to help this world and I can’t let them down now.”

“Katie, we have many Warriors, Fairies and my army to fight. I’m sure everyone will understand if you stay hidden until the battle is decided.”

“But how can you be sure? All of my training, all I have worked for to save this world, I can’t just hide like some scared mouse.”

“Alright I will call a meeting tonight and it will be decided what will happen for the battle in the fortnight. Until then keep drinking that water you have on your belt and rest.”

“I’ll be fine Varek. Have you seen Chait? I wanted to talk with him.”

“Chait is on his own mission. He should be back before the sun rises. Please think about what I said.” Varek looked at her sternly and then ran off to catch up to Simona, who was already walking towards a tent to get her sword sharpened.

Katie stood there stunned. She didn’t know how to react to Varek’s forthright remark to her pregnancy. The pregnancy was still new news to her as well. She knew she had to be careful but she had hundreds if not thousands of beings depending on her alone to save their world. She hoped this meeting wouldn’t involve James, though it might offend him that she may be invited to attend and not him. Hopefully Durango would keep him busy the rest of the afternoon. She slung her bow on her back and decided to find James and watch his progress. Like Varek had instructed, she needed to rest and take it easy until the council had made a decision.

She found James sparring with Durango in an open field away from the other warriors. He was doing surprisingly well. Durango did knock his sword out of his hand a few times as they sparred, but as they continued, James began to catch up and even match some of his moves. As Katie watched the two of them fight, she noticed they didn’t talk much, but she could tell that James was actually enjoying himself. His moves began to quicken and he was able to block several of Durango’s attacks, and as the sun began to set, James finally knocked Durango’s sword out of his hand. Durango didn’t look upset, he just picked up his sword, nodded an approval, and as he walked away he said, “This is all I have time to teach you. You are ready.” James looked over at Katie who was sitting on the grass, and smiled a happy smile.

“Did you see that Katie? I can fight as well as you can now.” He walked over to her and helped her to her feet.

“I did. You are very good now, a true swords man and a real knight.” She smiled and threw her arms around him and then she whispered, “We’re going to be okay, no matter what happens we need to look after each other. I love you James.”

James then looked down at her in concern and put his arms around her as well. Nothing he could say would help the situation. The upcoming battle was very real and they were going to be part of it. He tried not to think of the fear he had inside of him. “Don’t worry my dear Katie, I’ll look after you. I won’t let anyone harm you. This battle will be over before we know it and then we will be back at home again. Everything will be the same again. You’ll see.”

“James even when we do return home again it will never be the same. We may live the same, do some of the same things, but after all we have seen and done we will never be the same again. Come, we both haven’t eaten since yesterday, we need our strength for tomorrow.” James agreed his stomach hurt from being empty all day and working so hard with the sword.

They walked back to the palace where the forest was littered with tents and campfires. They were each offered a bowl of soup with some bread. They took it eagerly and sat down on a fallen log to eat. A fairy walked by and poured them mugs of cool water. James took one large gulp of the water. Relief came over his dry throat.

“There you are Katie; I have been looking for you for hours. Where have you been?” Chadwick said as he sat next to Katie on the log holding a bowl of soup.

“I’m sorry Chadwick, Varek told me to rest and then I wanted to see how James training was going on. How did your talk go?”

Chadwick smiled. “Very well, once this battle is all over Lady Solana and I will marry right here in Amos. She talks of the plans often to her friends. She will make a fine wife.”

“You will be a wonderful husband to her. Maybe you will be one of the few to produce a child.” Katie said with a sly smile.

“Oh no, as wonderful as that would be, we are not suitable to be parents. I am a top guard and she is but a lady’s maid to Queen Adrianna. It’s a nice idea though.” He thought for a second, shrugged and took a bite of his bread. “Well rest up you two. I will wake you in the morning. I have a meeting I am requested to attend.” He stood up and began to walk away.

“Wait Chadwick, aren’t I to attend this meeting as well?” Katie said in concern.

“It is of a private matter, I wasn’t told to include you. I will keep you informed if anything is for you to know, Katie. Please get some rest.” He then walked to open the near invisible door to the palace and closed it behind him. Katie looked down miserably into her soup.

“What was that all about? Why would you want to attend a meeting?” James asked curiously.

“Oh, I don’t know, I just thought that they may need me to be there. I am supposed to be sort of big part of this battle, so why wouldn’t they want me to attend. At times I have no idea of what’s going on, and at other times I know exactly what’s going on, but I seem to be the only one.”

“I have felt that way about not knowing anything going on, since I got here. You know what? I still don’t know.” James said as he took a large bite of bread. Katie laughed a little. If you weren’t here from the beginning, it would be hard to keep up on everything that has been happening. She thought as she placed an empty bowl next to her on the ground. A serving fairy quickly came and picked up the bowl.

“More soup my lady?” She asked.

“No thank you. I have had my fill for tonight.” Katie said, handing the fairy her empty mug as well. The Fairy nodded and began to walk away.

“I would like some more if you don’t mind. It is very good.” James said handing her his bowl. The Fairy smiled and hurried off to retrieve some more soup.

“Hey they said to rest and eating is the best way for me to rest. I’d ask what they put in the soup but in a place like this I rather enjoy it by not knowing.” James said with a grin. The fairy returned with a full bowl of soup and bread and handed it to James.

“Will that be all, my lord?”

“Yes thank you.” He dipped his bread in the soup and let it soak some up before he took another large mouthful of it. The servant fairy bowed and turned to walk away. She then stopped in her steps and turned back around to face them.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, but I forgot to mention that when you are finished the blacksmith is ready to fit you for your mail armor if you so choose to wear it. He is in the tent over there.” Katie and James followed the direction she had pointed, to a large tent. Men, Fairies, Wood Nymphs came in and out with swords to be sharpened, fittings, and armor to be made.

“Tell him we will see him promptly after we are finished eating.” The Fairy bowed once more and left them alone once again. Katie stood up and stretched.

“I think I’m going to go on ahead while you finish eating. He can’t fit both of us at the same time anyway. Besides he looks very busy so I don’t know how long I will have to wait.”

“Well if that’s what you want. I will be there when I’m done. Who knows, this could be my last meal, I want to enjoy it.” James said taking a spoonful of soup to his mouth.

“Don’t talk like that. I’ll see you soon then.” Katie said as she walked away and joined the crowd of men and fairies in the tent.

“Katie, I’m glad you have come. I didn’t know your exact size so I haven’t chosen your complete mail quite yet. I have one that I made out of a guess to your size it should be about the right size. Come put it on and I will see what I need to do. I made your mail out of flat links. They are the best I have heard in battle. I wanted to make it form fitting but still flexible enough for you to easily move around and wear it under your battle dress.”

Katie walked forward and placed her arms through the cool metal material. The sleeves fit her nicely and stopped just before her wrists. The rest of the mail fell slightly below her knee. The blacksmith came behind her and pinched the back of the mail cloth.

“Hmmm, you’re a lot thinner then I had expected. No matter, it will be easier to take off some links than to add some more. I will have it ready for you in the morning my lady. I took the liberty of sharpening your sword earlier today and I also made some more arrows to put in your quiver. You can never have too many in battles you know. Is there anything else you may need?” He asked as he worked on removing some links from Katie’s mail.

“To be honest sir I have never fought in a battle before. I don’t know what I will need. I don’t even know if I will be on foot or on horseback. Do you have any suggestions?” Katie asked admiring the work on her mail. The blacksmith laughed a deep laugh.

“My suggestions are insignificant. I have never been in a battle myself but I have helped make many weapons for them. I also saw the horrible aftermath of such battles. Times have changed since I was a lad. Battle is no place for a woman, which is what I have always been taught. But now it seems that women are getting just as tough as the men. Nothing wrong with that at all, I just feel women should stay away from battle and be safe, especially a woman such as yourself. I can give you a few more daggers for you and your husband.” He motioned to the entrance of the tent as James walked in. “Come lad I was just talking to your lovely wife about any extra weapons she would like. If anything comes to mind for you, let me know.” James nodded as the blacksmith put down Katie’s mail and picked up James’. “Okay please place your arms in here so I can see if I have to add some more links to your mail.” James did as he was told and put his arms through the mail sleeves.

“It is a little tight around my arms otherwise the rest feels fine.” James said uncomfortably. The blacksmith helped take off the mail and then examined James arms. “Oh I see the problem, though it’s not really a problem at all. All that practice you have gotten since you arrived made your arms leaner and more muscular. I was given your measurements as soon as you came into Atheness. I really had hoped I would have it right on. Well a blacksmith never sleeps on the eve of battle anyway. It will be done by morning along with Katie’s. Oh give me your sword I will sharpen that as well.” James handed over his sword along with the sheath.

“Is there anything else I will need for this battle?” James asked wanting to be covered from head to toe with armor in hopes of not getting hurt.

“I can do anything you wish. Let’s see, you will need a helmet, oh would you like some mail for your head as well?”

“Yes please. Anything that’s not too heavy. No point in armor if you can’t move in it?” James said as the blacksmith handed him a metal helmet to try on. He placed it on his head but realized the visor in front made it hard for him to see out of. “This fits nicely but is there anything you can do about the visor. I can’t see very well.”

“Oh that’s no problem. I can remove it and make it without a visor. Ok let’s see we have your mail, your helmet, and sword. I will make some metal guards for your arms and legs and a protective vest to wear as well. Oh and the last thing you will need is a shield. I have an old one around here somewhere; it has seen many battles I will fix it up like new.” He turned to look at Katie who was watching the matter quietly. “Though I don’t approve of you fighting I will make guards for your arms and legs as well. I will make sure you both will be on horseback as well as the Prince and Princess. Now get some rest, tomorrow will be a big day I am sure. I have much to do before the sun rises.” The blacksmith quickly went to work on their armor as well as many others.

The pair walked back into the palace and into their room. It felt weird to Katie being unarmed for the time being, she had become accustomed to her bow and sword by her side. James quickly undressed and lay down in the soft cotton and feather bed.

“I’m exhausted. I have never gone to bed so early before but I can hardly keep my eyes opened. You coming to bed, we have to keep up our strength for tomorrow. Please lie down and don’t think about tomorrow, just think about right now.” He put his hand out to her to join him in bed to sleep. She took it and sat down next to him. She th