The Secret to Atheness by S.M.Gilson - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen


The morning light crept slowly over the hillside, leaving parts of the fields and forest covered in shadows. Droplets of dew clung to the leaves, only to be licked up by a little mouse, waking from a restful sleep. He twitched his nose at a fallen berry and as he was about to snatch it up in his mouth, a large armored foot stepped on the berry, crushing it. The mouse scurried back into the ground before he too, was trampled.

Queen Zendra’s army of Pixies, Boar Guards, and many other horrific creatures, began to march just six leagues away from Amos. Queen Zendra didn’t walk with the creatures she traveled with; she flew above them with the rest of her winged companions. She could have gotten to Amos in moments with magic, but since most of her army didn’t have the magic ability, she would have been out numbered, if she didn’t take her time. Her face was stern and inpatient, knowing that at this rate, they wouldn’t get to the battle field of Amos until well past noon. This human girl better be ready. She will be sorry she ever came to Atheness! She can’t defeat me! She thought, continuing forward over the vast field of grass.

Katie and James were up and about before the sun rose. With the upcoming battle, sleep didn’t come easy for Katie. James woke with her and they quickly got up to get dressed and met the blacksmith to pick up their battle armor. Chait sat on one of the tables in the tent, watching them attentively. He wore a little red cape on his back and had a mini-sword and belt at his side.

“Are you going to battle, as well?” Katie asked with a slight grin.

“You find that amusing, Katie? As you were training, I assembled the best cats in all of Atheness, to help me fight.” He said proudly, sitting up tall.

“Oh, so you’re not the only talking cat in Atheness, then?” Katie asked a little surprised.

“It is true. Some of the Fairies told me about it after I left with Simona and Varek. They stayed hidden, since most of the land has been taken over by Zendra’s creatures. They were more than happy to help fight on our behalf and regain their honor as cats of Atheness.”

“Well, that’s great; we need all the help we can get.” Katie said as she placed her red battle dress over her chain mail armor. The flat links were surprisingly comfortable and a little cold against her skin.

Varek and Simona walked in next to James, already dressed and ready for battle. Varek had a thick red and black cape, with metal shoulder pads underneath. On the chest of his armor, he wore the family crest and the mark of the key. His hands were covered with brown leather gloves and on his waist, he wore his sword proudly. In his hand, he held a long spear that had been beautifully decorated by the wood nymphs.

Simona wasn’t as covered as Varek, though she did wear a small silver cape and golden shoulder pads. She wore a small skirt instead of thick pants like her brother, though they matched in color. Her red gloves matched her thigh high red boots and a fitting red vest. She carried a large sword in one hand and another smaller one on her hip.

“Are you ready, Katie? The archers are ready to meet you and anticipate your orders.” Simona glanced over at James, who was putting on his mail back gloves and examining his newly sharpened sword. “James, Durango awaits you. He will be fighting by your side and is ready to speak with you.” James nodded, but didn’t respond. Katie walked up to Simona and Varek.

“I’m ready; let’s meet the archers. Who are they, anyway? Are they Fairies, or Durango’s men and women?” Katie asked, placing her sword in its sheath.

“It is some of each: Fairies, Warriors, Wood Nymphs, and even some of my army. They are very skilled archers and will do whatever you ask.” Varek said opening the tent and moving out of the way, so Katie could exit first, followed by Simona. Katie turned to look back at James, who stood watching her leave.

“I will see you, soon.” Katie said to him, seeing the concern in his eyes. James gave her an uneasy smile as she smiled back and turned back to Varek and Simona. They led her to the target range where the archers were practicing. They were all dressed in light mail armor and had beautifully decorated quivers on their backs. When the archers saw them approach, they collected their arrows and stood, waiting for instructions.

“Archers, as you may already know, this is Katie, she will be your commander during this battle. You will do as she says, but also keep her protected, if given the chance. Is that understood?” Varek said, as he paced back and forth in front of the archers.

“Aye!” The archers shouted at once, as they turned to look at Katie. Katie became a little uncomfortable at the thought of giving battle commands to archers that were more skilled than her. She held her head high and thanked them for their support.

“Who is my strongest archer? Please come forward, so I may know you.” Katie asked, trying to sound a little forceful. The crowd parted and a man with light facial hair and bright blue eyes, stood tall in front of Katie. On his back, his quiver was full of black feathered arrows and he held in his hand, a large black bow.

“What is your name?” Katie asked, looking him over.

“Erwin, my lady. I was trained with the bow since I was old enough to hold it.” Erwin said, proudly.

“Well, that is good to hear. If I am to help elsewhere in the battle, you will be in charge of the archers. I trust you will make the right choice. You may continue practicing; we have only a few more hours until we march to battle. I suggest you rest, to save your strength. I will meet you at the battle field as soon as you are ready.” Katie said to Erwin and the rest of the archers. She joined Simona and Varek in the stables to meet the horse she would ride on in battle.

The stables had an overpowering stench of hay and manure. Simona and Varek already had their horse’s saddles and bridles on and were working on Katie’s horse. Most of the stables were empty because the horses were already on their way to the battle field. Katie’s horse was dark brown with dark splashes of black over its body; its mane and tail were black, as well. Then she realized as she walked around the horse, it wasn’t a horse at all, it was a Pegasus. She carefully touched its large black wings. It looked down at Katie, as its’ saddle was being placed on its’ back.

“Katie, meet Delancey. He is a good strong Pegasus, and will take good care of you.” Katie smiled and began to stroke its nose.

“It’s nice to meet you, Delancey.” Katie said, as Simona handed her the reigns and led all three animals out of the stables. Katie saw that she was the only one that had a Pegasus, out of the three.

“Why didn’t you choose a Pegasus, as well? Won’t flying be a bit more of an advantage?” Katie asked, as she adjusted her feet under her Pegasus’ wings.

“We have done enough flying in the past few months. We will be much more helpful on the ground. James has a Pegasus, as well.” Simona said, turning her horse and leading the rest to the battle field. She looked back at Katie. “Besides, we figured you would be more comfortable on a Pegasus, since that is all you have ridden since you came to Atheness.” Katie laughed a little. “You’re right on that one.”

Once they got to the battle field, they found many others already on the field, ready to fight. Chadwick sat proudly on his horse and when he saw Katie, he rode up to her.

“Katie, please follow me, I must speak with you before this battle begins.” Chadwick said, leading his horse away from the rest of the crowd of fairies and men. He helped her off of the Pegasus.

“I must put a protective spell on you and your children before it is too late. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt at all. Just stay still.” Katie nodded and stood as still as she could. Chadwick put his hands on her head and she then saw colorful lights begin to circle her. A feeling of warmth went down her body, as if she just drank a warm drink. The lights dissipated and Chadwick moved his hands from her head.

“This is all I can do. It won’t fully protect you, but it will help from a stray arrow or even a few swords.”

“Thank you, Chadwick.” Katie said, throwing her arms around him. “I am glad to have you by my side, in this battle. When this is over, we should start planning your wedding.”

Chadwick laughed a little. “That is for my bride to do. You can talk to her about that. She would be happy for you to help.”

A loud horn blew in the distance, and as Katie’s eyes adjusted to the dust from the horses they rode, she saw it was Durango and his warriors. James rode on a white Pegasus by his side. To Katie, he looked like a dashing knight as his armor glistened in the sunlight. He had several swords on him and his Pegasus. Durango must have trained him well, she thought.

Durango wore black metal armor, which reminded Katie of all the movies about black knights, except that Durango didn’t wear a helmet and his armor was much lighter than those knights in the movies. He wore his thick cape over his armor and had his hood covering most of his head, just as the day he came to Amos. He sat tall and proud upon his horse as his warriors followed behind him. He carried two blades on his back, one at his hip and his horse carried two, as well. He instructed his warriors to line up Varek and Simona’s army. Flags of Princess Simona, Queen Adrianna, and even the Wood Nymphs kingdom, were held proudly by some of their warriors. One of Durango’s men even held a flag high which bore the mark of the mountains.

Katie’s archers arrived and she led them away from the others who fought solely with swords and other blades. “We will be on the side over here; this way, we can shoot over our men that fight with swords. This will give us a slight advantage.” The archers lined up where Katie instructed, with Erwin standing in front. “Erwin, I will be in the front of battle with Varek and Simona. I need you to take charge. I will ride back here from time to time. Keep an ear open for my commands. I trust you can do this.” Erwin stood proud, in front of the archers.

“I will not let you down, my lady.” He said, with a slight bow.

“I know you won’t.” Katie climbed back on her Pegasus and rode to the start of the line, next to Simona, Varek, Durango, Chadwick and James. The Pegasus backed up in line, to be straight with the other horses. James looked over at Katie with concern in his eyes. Katie looked back, trying to show love and hope, through hers.

The fields of warriors were quiet and still. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the horse’s sighs and neighs. The field seemed a little eerie for the wait; the silent wait of battle. The faces of those ready for battle seemed almost blank, no emotion seemed present on their faces. Katie turned her attention back to the field ahead of her when a Fairy that waited high in a tree shouted out. “The enemy has arrived! Prepare your weapons!”

Swords were pulled from their sheaths and arrows were readily placed in their bows. The lines of horses adjusted and fairies got ready to the fly. Over the hill, Katie saw a thick cloud appear and move very fast. As the cloud neared, she realized it wasn’t a cloud at all, but pixies and a few other flying creatures that she had never seen before. On foot, there were creatures of all sizes and all heavily armed.

Varek moved his horse in front of the warriors. “This day, we fight to free Atheness and put our Queen on the throne. We will protect each other, as well as ourselves. We will not stop until this evil is destroyed and the keys are united, once again! Who is with me?” Varek yelled atop his horse. Everyone gave out a cry of approval. “Do not lose hope, in the midst of battle; if you die, you die with honor and you will always be remembered as a Knight of Atheness!” Varek ran his horse down the line, tapping his sword against the others in line, as they yelled “for Atheness!”

Zendra’s army lined up on the other side of the field. Zendra relayed her orders to her army. Though her orders were less friendly and heart felt. She landed in front of her army, holding nothing in her hands. On her head, she wore Simona’s crown and around her neck, she wore the key. The key glistened in the bright sunlight, drawing Katie’s gaze to it. She knew what she must do but wasn’t sure how she was going to accomplish it. She fought well enough with the sirens, but this was much bigger than that small battle. She adjusted herself in the saddle and pulled out her sword from its sheath.

“This is for Atheness and for its people!” Katie shouted, as the warriors behind her, cheered. “Archers, look to the sky! Take the Pixies and Sirens down!” Katie ordered, as she held her sword high; she then moved her sword down and the rest of the warriors on foot and horseback began to charge Zendra’s army. Katie led her Pegasus to follow the others, as she yelled to her archers. “Archers, release the arrows now!” Her archers then released a shower of arrows into the sky, taking down many pixies. Cheers rang out through the field.

The battle now began as the two sides clashed in a mix of Fairies, men and creatures that had never been seen together until this day. Chadwick ran through the crowd, cutting down many that stood in his way. He looked to the sky and saw hundreds of Pixies taking down some of the warriors with their magic. He took out a horn that was attached to his belt and blew a loud low sounding gust. Suddenly, several hundred Fairies’ came out of the trees like a swarm of angry bees. They too, collided with the Pixies and other winged creatures. The sky seemed filled with spurts of color, as magic was shot from Fairy to Pixie and Pixie to Fairy, all in hopes of defeating the other. The unlucky ones that got hit by the deadly magic fell to the ground. Some that fell were trampled by the stampede of horses and large creatures. Some of the Fairies that fell were quickly pulled to the side, and tended to by other Fairies that stood hidden, waiting to be needed.

Katie rode through the field, knocking everyone out of her way with her sword. She realized that she was so protected, that there was a cocoon around her of men, Fairies and warriors. How was she to get the key back, if she stayed so protected like this? As her protectors continued forward, Katie fell back and had her Pegasus jump into the sky.

“No! Katie, you must stay with us!” Varek yelled from below. “No, I must do this. Protect James, he is with Durango. I can handle this.” Katie yelled back as she looked around to see a sharp fanged creature diving towards her. She maneuvered the Pegasus away and then strung her bow and released the arrow into the creature’s heart. The creatures shrieked and fell to the ground. Katie continued to do this to many other creatures that stood in the way of her getting closer to Zendra. Katie hovered over Zendra in the air and she watched, as Zendra blocked any attack that came on her. She wasn’t looking to the sky. Here’s my chance, Katie thought. She strung her bow and aimed it right between Zendra’s eyes. As she released her arrow, she heard a loud shout from behind. “Nooooo,” Katie looked back to see Chadwick hovering behind her. She looked back to see her arrow had been splintered into several pieces by Zendra, who was now looking right at Katie. She lifted her hand and released magic from her that shone a bright blue light and shot it at Katie. Katie gave her Pegasus a command to flee, but the beast was too frightened to move. Chadwick then jumped in the way and got hit by the deadly magic before Katie could be harmed. As he began to fall to the ground, Katie caught him on her Pegasus and flew to the forest to place him in a safe spot.

Katie quickly landed and placed Chadwick on the ground. She took off her cape and placed it over him, in hopes of keeping him warm. “It’s going to be alright, you’re safe, now.” Katie said as calmingly as she could. Chadwick reached up and took her hand. She felt a surge of warm energy fill her body. “What did you do?” Katie asked, alarmed. “I gave you what remains of my magic. You can stop Zendra with magic, not with arrows. Take care of your babies; they are a new hope for the future of Atheness.” He coughed and his breaths shortened. “Tell Lady Solana I love her.” Katie held his hand tighter, tears filling her eyes.

“You will be able to tell her. You’re going to be alright, Chadwick. I need you here with me. You are one of the few friends I have. Please don’t leave me.” she said, wiping back a hot tear on her cheek. “You will do great things, Katie.” Chadwick said with a weak smile. He then closed his eyes and his body went limp. “No, please come back. Chadwick, please.” Katie couldn’t stop the tears from falling down her face. It was all her fault that he was dead. She covered his face with her cape. “Rest easy, my dear friend.” She looked out to the field and saw Zendra, an evil smile played across her face. Anger consumed Katie; how dare she take Chadwick away from her. Fire could be seen behind Katie’s eyes.

Varek and Simona worked as a team, fighting off anything that came their way. They never left each other’s side, as they used sword and spear to take down many boar guards and creatures of dark. “Have you seen Katie around?” Simona asked, as she kicked a dark creature away and stabbed the next, with her sword.

“No, she took off into the sky; I sent Chadwick after her. She said to look after James. He will be fine; Durango is with him.” Varek said, as he thrust his sword behind him taking down a boar guard that tried to come in from behind them. He put down his spear and took out both of his swords, swinging them around his head and taking his stance. “Come on, I’m just getting warmed up!” He yelled, as a dozen or so creatures began to charge the duo.

The battle began to spread past the field and to the sea. The Fairies flew over the sea and the winged creatures followed, not realizing that the Fairies also had allies with the Pirates, who were ready and waiting to shoot them down at a moment’s notice. If, for some reason, the pirates failed to completely finish off a creature that fell to the sea, the Mermaids were also waiting for their turn of the action. This went on for several hours, when finally, the creatures of the sky and the Pixies, fell back from the sea and went back to the safety of the fields. The Pirates gave shouts of delight in their success of helping Simona and Varek.

On the far side of the field, Durango, James, and several of his warriors, were fearlessly fighting. It seemed that nothing stood in their way of complete victory. Many bodies of boars and creatures lay before them as they continued to fight with hardly a scratch between them. James had the most significant injuries, since he was less experienced than the rest. He didn’t let the pain bother him, but kept his guard up and fought the best he knew how. He looked over at Durango, who was now circled by many dark creatures. He kept a firm face, as he took out both his large swords and began taking down every creature in the circle, without a blink. The bodies of the creatures lay limp as he wiped the blood off his sword on the grass. Three bore guards came running towards him with their spears extended. He knocked them out of their hands with one blow. One ran away as the others stood stunned, and then ran to fight him with their fists since their spears were now missing.

Behind Durango, stood a dark creature in black iron armor, he stood over ten feet tall and his fangs were as big as knives. Durango stood fighting and killing the remaining boar guards. Just as he removed his sword from the last body, he felt a blast of pain from behind. He looked down to see a large sword like talon being removed from him. As he slowly turned around, he heard a loud bellow of laughter from this creature, as it hit Durango across the face. James yelled out to the creature from behind, and as it turned in anger to look at him, James sliced him across the neck, killing the large beast where he stood. James ran around to Durango, who lay helplessly on the ground. He tore off a piece of his shirt and held it tight to Durango’s stomach to help stop the bleeding. He held Durango’s head up with his hands. “Hang on, you’re the toughest guy I know, you said you would never fall in battle.” James said, frantically.

“Stop with the talk, it’s my time to go, James. I have already picked my successor; he will be a great leader of the mountain warriors.” He said in a raspy breath. “It’s not over yet. Katie will defeat Zendra, and there will be peace again in Atheness. Take care of your children; they will make great warriors…” Durango said in his last breath, as he grabbed James’ arm and went limp. “My children…” James said puzzled. He took Durango’s cape off, and covered him with it. Then he signaled for some of his warriors to remove him from the battle field, so he may rest peacefully. James didn’t have time to mourn for his new friend and teacher; he had to fight to keep alive, himself. There would be plenty of time to mourn, after the battle was over. If only he knew if Katie was safe.

Katie stood in front of Zendra with both keys glowing around each of their necks. “Give me the key, Katie!” Zendra shouted. “I will never!” Katie yelled, holding out her sword. “You can join me, Katie. Imagine all your worries and pain will be gone forever. You will have power; more power than you ever thought possible. The power we once had together, before they sent you back. They were scared of what you could become, and held you back from your true potential.” She paused and smiled furtively at Katie. “Isn’t that what you really want? Just give me the key, and all this will be just a bad dream. You can go home and live like this has never happened, or you can stay with me and have riches and power. It’s up to you Katie, just give me the key.” Zendra held out her hand with the phony smile plastered on her face. Katie took a step forward with her hand on the key. She took the key off of her neck.

“We had power together? When I was here once before, we were friends?” Katie asked, taking a step forward.

“Yes. You had so much power and so much potential. If only they hadn’t taken you from this place and made you forget everything I had taught you. They said you would be more powerful than Adrianna and I combined. They were holding you back, Katie. If you stay with me, I will give you the power you once had and so much more.”

“If I give this to you, will you promise that James and I will be safe?” Katie said, stepping a little closer. “Oh yes, you will be safe and happy. Now, give me the key.”

“What about my friends, will they be safe? My friends that helped me since I came to Atheness, can you promise me that?” Katie asked again.

“I’m your friend Katie, you can trust me.” Zendra said, reaching out for the key.

“Say it, will my friends be safe?” Katie asked again.

“Sure, sure they will be safe, now the key, Katie, hand it to me!” Katie put her hand out, with the key, to Zendra. As Zendra went to reach for it, Katie took her sword and stabbed the evil Queen in the heart. She stood back and reached for the magic inside of her. Once she found it, she focused all her energy and released it on Zendra.

Blue and pink lights shot out of Katie’s hands and hit the sword that Zendra tried to pull out. The sword began to glow a bright red and Zendra began to scream and shake, and then turned to a black dust, leaving nothing but the key and Simona’s crown in her place.

Katie stood over the pile of dust and picked up the second key and the crown. “You lied! My friend is already dead!” Katie yelled to the dust pile with tears forming in her eyes. Everyone stopped fighting and began gathering around the pile of dust. The fairies started yelling in joy. “She’s gone! She’s gone! Katie did it, she saved Atheness!” Several fairies in the crowd, yelled. James pushed his way through the crowd to Katie’s side and he threw his arms around her.

“Katie, are you all right?” he asked, squeezing her tight. He had dirt covering him, as well as cuts with dry blood, encrusted over them.

“I’m fine, everything is alright, now.” Katie said with a heavy sigh. The wind started to blow around them. The dust of Zendra was soon carried up in the air and out of Atheness, forever.

“Out of the way, down here, do you mind moving?” yelled a familiar voice. Chait suddenly appeared, still wearing his cape and sword. His cape was now tattered and had a few slashes from battle, but it still held up.

“Chait, my good friend, you made it!” Katie said with zeal.

“Yes, I did and so did all the other cats. Together, we took down ten of Zendra’s men.” He said, licking some dirt off his paw.

“That’s great to hear, Chait.” Katie said her arm still around James. The crowd parted as Simona and Varek walked up. Katie was about to bow, when Varek stopped her. He then bowed to her.

“I told you I would protect you, and you left. You could have been killed, Katie! However, you managed just fine and as a result, you saved us all. We are truly in your debt.” Katie smiled and then remembered the crown in her hand. She took it out and handed it to Simona.

“I believe this belongs to you, your Majesty.” Simona smiled and gladly took the crown and placed it on her head. Everyone cheered again.

“Your task isn’t quite finished, Katie. You must unite both keys together before they can be returned to their rightful place in Atheness.” Katie nodded and took both keys, placing the backs together. They fused like magnets touching; the blue gems began to glow like a bright star. Startled, Katie let go and the keys began to float and spin franticly in the air, faster and faster, until they finally broke apart and landed back into Katie’s hand. Katie quickly handed one of the keys back to Simona. Simona gladly took it and placed it around her neck.

“What just happened?” James asked.

“All of Zendra’s spells are now undone, everything is back to normal again.” Varek said, happily.

Not everything, Katie thought bitterly, thinking of her dear friend.

The creatures and Pixies that didn’t flee back to Rugonden were taken to the palace dungeon to be held for trial, for serving Zendra. They stayed behind because they claimed they were held captive themselves, by Zendra, and wanted nothing more than to be free to serve those they chose. Simona said their trial would be just and fair, no more shall die because of Zendra’s hatred.

That night, a great feast was served in honor of Katie and the new freedom of Atheness. The banquet was held at Queen Simona’s castle and everyone in the kingdom was invited to attend. Simona sent her ladies maids to dress Katie and James in their finest. Katie wore a floor length pink dress that hung off the shoulders. A small jeweled crown was placed on her head, and matching necklace, around her neck.

James was dressed in rich burgundy silk and velvet with the emblem of the key upon his chest. His hair was brushed back and some oil was added, to hold it in place. Music could be heard in the great hall as they were led to the doors. Trumpets played and their names were announced.

The doors opened and they entered, as the crowd bowed. They walked through the crowd and stopped at the front of the hall where Queen Simona, Prince Varek and Queen Adrianna sat, waiting for them. Chait also sat at the foot of Queen Simona, wearing a blue velvet vest. Katie curtsied and James bowed. Katie removed the key from her neck and graciously handed it to Queen Adrianna. The Queen took it and put it back around her own neck.

“You have fought very bravely, Katie and James. We are very grateful to you for this. As a reward for your deed, we have made a new key that you may have. This will give you access to both your world and ours. You may pass through anytime you wish.” She signaled to one of her ladies maids to come forth. A small Fairy appeared from the crowed and hurried to Katie, holding a small pillow. The pillow held a beautiful necklace, similar to the one she had just returned, except this one had a green gem in the center, not blue. Katie picked up the necklace and placed it around her neck.

“Thank you so much, Queen Adrianna. I will treasure it, always.”

“Make sure that you take very good care of it. It is the only way back to our world. Now come, this is a celebration, so enjoy the festivities.” Queen Adrianna said, as the music began to play again. James took Katie’s hand and led her to the dance floor and they began to dance happily together. Katie looked over at Varek sitting on the chair next to Simona, watching them. He smiled at her and she nodded a smile back. She remembered what Niela had said about her interest in Varek. Katie looked up at James, who seemed bothered himself, by something. “James, there is something I must do before the party is over, do you mind if I leave you here for a few minutes?”

“No problem. I have someone I would like to meet, anyway. I will see you back here, then?”

“Yes, very soon. I have something I want to give Varek as a thank you for my protection.” She smiled again at Varek and left the hall.

James walked over to a group of warriors, some still dressed in armor. They made room for James, welcoming him into their circle. “Hello, I was a friend of Commander Durango; I was with him when he passed. I wanted to meet his successor, if you don’t mind.” James asked, feeling the pain of Durango’s death rise up in him, again.

“The honor is mine to meet you, James.” A young man said, extending his hand to James. His skin was much darker then Durango’s had been, and his midnight black hair was held up by the same head piece Durango wore. James assumed it was what the leader must wear, like a crown in some way. James took his hand and gave it a firm shake.

“The name is Cahal. Durango took me in as a boy, he found me wandering the streets. I had a choice to join the pirates or be trained to be a warrior. Sure, they both have their good points, but Durango was such a good man.” He laughed then.

“However, he wasn’t much of a man, when he took me in. He wasn’t much older than fourteen, at that time. Oh, where are my manners? This is my wife, Jocelyn.” He took the hand of a beautiful dark-haired woman who stood next to him. James remembered her at the battle field. She was one of the warriors that helped carry Durango’s body away from the battle.

“It’s a pleasure. I know now, that your men and women are in good hands. If you would excuse me, m