The Secret to Atheness by S.M.Gilson - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty


The days turned into weeks and the weeks to months. Katie and James were always preoccupied with something; whether it was teaching a new group of archers how to shoot correctly, or several ladies maids fussing after Katie, because of the twins.

James spent a lot of time with Cahal improving on his fighting ability. James had many scars from the battle; most of them Katie was able to heal with the magic that Chadwick gave her. Some of the scars were left as a reminder of the battle where he had lost his good friend.

Katie stood on the balcony of her room, looking out at the sunset. She put a hand on her swollen belly and sighed. James entered the room and took off his sword, placing it carefully by the door. “Wow, what a day. I almost beat Cahal today; can you believe it, Katie?” James said breathlessly. He walked over to Katie, putting one arm around her waist and touched her stomach; he looked up at her in surprise. “Wow, they’re moving!” He exclaimed, excitement growing in him.

“They’re getting restless, as am I.” Katie said, still watching the sun slowly die below the mountain tops.

“What’s wrong, darling? I thought we agreed to stay here. We don’t have any worries in Atheness. We are treated like royalty; anything we ask for, we get, at a moment’s notice. We have the freedom to go where we want. No bills or a million laws to keep us down. People actually like us here. Why would you say you want to go back to a world with so much hate and sadness? Atheness is the perfect place to raise our family and we even get to live in the palace. If that doesn’t please you, they will find us a place of our own to live in.” James said, almost pleading with Katie.

“I know what you mean, James, but it was our home. I don’t want to deliver the babies in this world; it frightens me. I want to have them in a hospital where I know they will be born healthy and have the proper medical care. We will return to Atheness someday. I just want to go home to our home. Who cares if we don’t have any friends, we have each other and soon we will have the twins, as well. Isn’t that enough?”

“You are always enough for me, Katie. I love you. Does this mean I have to go back to work, again?” James asked with a groan. Katie smiled and nodded.

“Alright, first thing next week; we will go back. I sure am going to miss this place.” James said, looking around their lavishly decorated room.

“Thank you, James.” Katie said, as she threw her arms around her husband. She smiled as her children leaped inside her. “Yes children, we’re going home.” Katie said softly. “We’re going home.”

“Well, I can’t say we aren’t upset by the news of you leaving before the twins are born. But you were given the choice from the beginning, to leave. We respect your decision and will miss you greatly. There isn’t any way we can change your mind, is there?” Queen Adrianna asked, as they met in the conference room with the elders, Queen Simona, and Commander Cahal.

“I’m sorry but our decision has been made. We will return someday, and will bring the twins.” Katie said with heartfelt feeling.

“Have you decided on names for the twins, yet? Can we at least know that, so when they do return, we will know what to call them?” Queen Simona asked with an almost sad look in her eyes.

“Of course; we are going to name them Durango and Serenity.” Katie said her hand upon her belly. It was almost a habit these days, to touch her belly.

“What wonderful names you have chosen. Durango would be proud to have his name passed down.” Cahal said, wishing Durango was there to hear it.

“I thought it only appropriate.” James said, putting an arm around Katie again.

“Keep your key with you always, Katie. It is the only way back to Atheness.” Queen Adrianna reminded Katie.

“I will never take it off.” Katie said reassuringly.

“Good, we will make arrangements for your departure at the beginning of the week. For now, rest and enjoy your last few days in Atheness.”

“We will do just that,” James said, taking Katie’s hand and helping her up off the chair she sat in.

During the next few days, everyone in Atheness seemed frantic to entertain the couple. Beautiful gifts were given to them, but mostly for the children. Handmade baby clothes and toys were given as gifts. The blacksmith made the children beautifully decorated bows and arrows that he had crafted himself. Katie thanked him for the gifts, but thought it might be better to leave them behind, since it would be a long while until they were old enough to use such a wonderful gift. Two rooms were already prepared for the twins whenever they arrived in Atheness, in the future. “They will always have a place to call their own.” Queen Adrianna had said.

Katie enjoyed the time of rest in Atheness, and knew she was going to miss the beautiful dresses she was able to wear and would have to get used to wearing pants, again. Chait followed Katie everywhere, always asking if she was all right and how she was feeling. Even though at times he was annoying, he was a big help to her.

The day before it was time to leave, they visited the Pirates one last time. The Captain gave them two hats for the babies. “They be true Pirates, now.” He said with a laugh. The Mermaids came up to visit and asked how Niela was doing with Prince Varek. They were happy to hear that Prince Varek had proposed to her and they would be married before the year was out. The Mermaid’s gifts to the children were dried seaweed crushed into powder and placed in a small container. “If they ever want to visit our kingdom, they have the chance.”

The next day, Katie and James filled their bags, and a few more that were given to them, with the gifts they wished to bring with them. They left a few things in the children’s room in the palace, knowing that someday, their children may return, and this was the safest place for their possessions. A large crowd came to bid them farewell outside of Amos. Prince Varek and Niela came up first and thanked them for bringing them together. Niela hugged Katie and thanked her for all she had done. Prince Varek got on his knee and kissed Katie’s hand, saying she was a true Princess to him. Queen Simona hugged them both and said they were always welcome in her palace. Commander Cahal and his wife Jocelyn were next, to say their goodbyes. James hugged them both, even though he wasn’t one to hug others. Chait then walked up to them.

“Aren’t you coming with us, Chait?” Katie asked sadly.

“You know I can’t, once you go back into your realm, I’ll be just a toy, again. I have to stay here. I’m really going to miss you, Katie. Do you really have to go?” Chait asked, looking up at her.

“Oh Chait, come here.” Katie said opening up her arms. Chait jumped into them and started purring loudly. She placed Chait down as Queen Adrianna came near.

“Thank you, Katie, for everything. We will think of you often. Alright, as promised, your way home!” Queen Adrianna said, as she stepped aside to reveal a tunnel. It seemed so long ago when they first came to this wonderful place called Atheness, Katie thought. James waved goodbye to his new friends and entered the tunnel, followed by Katie, as she turned to take one last look at her friends.

When they came to the end of the tunnel, they didn’t end up in the playground of the school, but the kitchen of their home. Once Katie and James stepped into the kitchen, the tunnel was gone. They looked at each other and couldn’t help but laugh. The adventure they went on seemed almost like a dream, but when Katie put her hand on her belly, she knew it was all too real. Someday they would return to Atheness, but that is another story.

The End

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