The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 8



It was nighttime back on earth in Florida.

Leslie walked down Atlantis Street with her arms crossed. She looked worried while she looked up and down the street.

“Timmy! Where are you!” she cried out and wondered why he had not come home for dinner.

Over on Apollo Street in Palmetto, Ernst and Elaine walked down the street, and they looked worried.

“Frankie!” Ernst called out while they walked down the street looking for their son.

Over on Mercury Street in Palmetto, Ricky and Rose walked down the street and looked worried.

“Monica! It’s time to come home,” Ricky called out.

This was the first time these three kids did not come home on time for dinner from a day of playing. These parents were worried to death.

It was the middle of the night back on the planet of Neila.

Back in the driveway of the King Tona’s Palace, a big fancy shiny black limo was parked, on four landing struts, near the front entrance with its front hood up.  It resembled a Cadillac.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey fiddled around the inside of the limo’s engine compartment with some strange tools. They quietly closed the hood and snuck away with some engine parts in hand.

They gingerly snuck away down the driveway into the darkness with snickers of a job well done.

When they were safely away from the Palace, they raced to their small four-seater spaceship that was hidden in a small clearing in the woods.

The sun rose above the horizon near Neilaville.

 At the driveway of the King Tona’s Palace, the rear trunk of the Cadillac limo spaceship was opened, and Albie placed two suitcases inside it then slammed the trunk closed. 

Albie walked away from the limo and headed to the front door of the Palace.

King Tona stared at one of the shelves of a bookcase while inside his Palace den.

He stared at a hologram picture of King Tona and a much younger and smaller Luna pretending to be King and flashing a proud smile.  

Albie entered the room. “We're ready to precede sir,” Albie told King Tona who turned around and looked at Albie with eyes filled with tears. 

King Tona left the room with Albie.

 At the driveway of the Palace, Albie and King Tona walked out of the front entrance, then walked up to the back of his Cadillac limo spaceship.

Albie opened the back door. 

King Tona got inside then Albie closed the door.

He rushed over to the drivers’ side and got inside. The engine started up with a whirl. The engine whined louder, and the limo rose up from the driveway.   

When the limo was six feet off the driveway, the four landing struts retracted inside the craft.

The limo spaceship flew down the driveway then whooshed up into the sky.

Meanwhile, in Meena’s office, he sat behind his desk and admired the King’s Crown in front of him. 

He picked up the crown and stroked it like it was a puppy. He kissed it. He hugged it. He heard someone at this door, so he quickly laid the crown on his desk.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey rushed into his office with huge smiles on their faces. Their uniforms now had three stripes on their sleeves, meaning a promotion for a job well done.  They walked up to his desk and snapped to attention. 

“Did you fix it?” Meena asked with hopeful eyes. 

“Yes, boss. His ship will quit when it gets to Deserta,” Boe responded.

Meena looked extremely happy. “Great! I'll let the press know the earthlings have King Tona and after I'm King, I'll declare war on them,” Meena laughed an evil laugh then he picked up the crown and kissed it. 

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey laughed an evil laugh. 

Meena got irritated by their laughter and jumped up from his desk and ran over to them. He slapped them across their faces. Their heads spun around with Burpy burping. 

“Leave!” he ordered.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey did an about-face and ran the office. 

Meena walked back and sat down behind his desk and continued to admire his crown.

Five minutes later, Meena daydreamed.

King Meena was given a ticker-tape parade down Neilaville where aliens from all different planets cheered.

Meena sat on the back of a Jeep that Boe drove with Burpy next to him. It flew down Neilaville Parkway, but Meena changed the name to “Meena Parkway.”

“King Meena! We love King Meena,” Aliens chanted and waved while Meena’s Jeep flew past them. 

Meena sat at his desk with a massive grin while his daydream continued.

“I’m going to change the name of our capital to Meenaville,” he said out loud.  “Yep, I’ll change it to Meenaville.”

He continued to daydream of all the changes he would implement.

Later that day, way off in outer space, King Tona's Cadillac limo slowly flew toward the planet Deserta. 

Way above King Tona's limo, the Cousteau capsule whizzed over the limo flying in the opposite direction and headed toward Neila at four times the speed of the King’s limo spaceship.

Later that day, the Cousteau capsule flew around Neila’s orbit then descended to it.

Inside the Cousteau capsule, the Space Dreamers were all seated in the seats while they descended to the planet. Monica still had her eyes closed shut.

The woods were quiet by King Tona’s Palace.

The roar of an engine was heard.

The Cousteau capsule was visible while it slowly descended into the woods that surrounded the Palace grounds. 

The capsule made a soft landing in a small clearing in the woods on the four angle iron landing struts Kirk created. The capsule sat ten feet up in the air once it landed on the ground.

The engine shut down, and the capsule hatch quickly opened.

Luna jumped out and landed on the ground on both feet. 

He looked up at the capsule. “Welcome to Neila my friends,” he yelled up at the Space Dreamers.

Timmy cautiously poked his head out of the capsule and looked the area over.  He looked back inside the capsule.

“Hey guys, it sorta looks like home,” he said.

Timmy jumped out of the capsule and landed on his feet on the ground.

Frankie poked his head out of the capsule and smiled as he liked the planet so far. He jumped out and landed on his feet.

Luna, Timmy, and Frankie looked up at the capsule. 

“We've landed Monica. You can open your eyes,” Luna yelled at him. 

After a few seconds of silence, Monica cautiously poked her head out the capsule. She looked down at the ground and shook with fright at the height. 

“You can do it, Monica,” Frankie coached her. 

“Come on, Monica. Jump,” Timmy added and held out his arms.

Monica’s legs shook while she looked down at Luna. She closed his eyes and jumped out.

She landed into Timmy’s waiting arms. She cautiously opened his eyes and felt safer. 

Timmy and Monica gazed in each other’s eyes. Timmy had the urge to give her a quick kiss on the lips. Monica had the same urge. But they both resisted.

Frankie noticed.  

Timmy got embarrassed having that urge and carefully set her down on her feet.

“Thanks,” she said to Monica and also got a little embarrassed.

“Let’s go find father,” Luna said then made a mad dash through the woods.

The Space Dreamers admired the woods of Neila, then realized Luna ran off and got nervous being alone on this unfamiliar planet. They ran off after him.

At the military base inside Meena’s office, he sat behind his desk whistling a happy tune while he reviewed some paperwork with the crown in front of him.

A Holophone bee booped and a hologram of a soldier emitted from the phone. 

“General. We've picked up an unidentified spaceship on the radar. It landed near the King's Palace,” the soldier’s hologram told Meena. 

Meena stopped whistling, and his smile quickly vanished. He got mad and pressed a button on the Holophone, and the hologram image disappeared. 

“Boe!” he screamed in the direction of his office doorway. 

A few seconds passed and Boe, Burpy and Dopey raced through the doorway at the same time. They got stuck in the door and strained to enter. They strained harder, and there was a loud pop sound when they were set free. But they landed on their faces. 

They jumped up, snapped to attention, and saluted.

Meena shook his head in disgust with the goofballs. “I want you bozos to get Squad Alfalfa over to the King's Palace! I got word that a spaceship landed in the woods over there. I’m afraid the worst has happened,” he ordered. 

“Yes, boss!” barked out Boe, followed with a salute. 

They turned around and ran out of the room. 

Meena got up and stormed out of the room.

Ten minutes later, Luna and the Space Dreamers ran out of the front doors of the Palace.

They walked through the front yard of the Palace grounds. 

The sound of rocket engines was heard up in the sky. Luna’s eyes widened with fear, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

The Space Dreamers bumped into each and ended up in a pile. 

“Hurry! Back in the woods!” Luna quietly cried out while he glanced up at the sky. 

He turned around, ran up and over the top of the Space Dreamers, and headed back to the woods. 

The Space Dreamers wondered what was wrong while they got off each other. 

They ran back into the woods after Luna.

Luna peeked around a tree and saw three troop-carrying spaceships land on the front grounds of the Palace. The doors opened up, and thirty armed soldiers from Squad Alfalfa rushed out.

Ten soldiers all went in separate directions and started searching the grounds.

Twenty soldiers rushed to the front doors of the Palace.

Luna sat down by that tree upset and knew the Cousteau capsule was detected when it came down to the planet. 

“Father's limo is gone, so he probably went somewhere, and Meena has guards searching the Palace. Probably searching for us,” he said with a worried look. “Maybe we should fly off to Ronrevog and go ahead and talk with the Governing members,” Luna told the Space Dreamers then thought about that plan for a few seconds. “It’s my only choice. Let’s go back to the capsule,” he said then got up.

Luna and the Space Dreamers ran deeper in the woods.

Monica’s ears perked up. “Shhh!” she quietly told everybody who immediately froze in position. 

“There's someone over there,” she quietly said while she pointed straight ahead. 

They cautiously followed Luna to a big bush and hid behind it. 

They peeked through some leaves and saw Meena, Boe, Burpy, Dopey and three soldiers walking around and checking out the Cousteau capsule.

“Luna came back! I know it!” Meena commented while he stared at the American flag on the capsule by the Cousteau marking. He took out a laser pistol from his belt and turned around. He aimed the pistol at a tree near that big bush they hid behind. A red laser beam fired out his pistol and instantly split the tree in half. 

Luna and the Space Dreamers watched while the one half of that split tree fell toward them. They froze with fear. Boom! The tree landed and missed them by inches. They looked relieved and peeked through the leaves of the bush where they saw Meena pacing by the capsule with Boe, Burpy, and Dopey at his heels. 

“Nothing will stop me from being King and taking over earth. Tell Squad Alfalfa at the Palace that Luna is somewhere in the area,” Meena ordered.

Luna and the Space Dreamers anticipated getting caught when they saw the three soldiers running in their direction.

A freaky looking fluorescent green and pink bug landed on Frankie’s nose. His eyes crossed while he stared at it, and the bug started to freak him out.

Luna saw Frankie getting ready to scream, so he quickly swatted the bug off his nose.

Frankie looked relieved.

“Wait! First, move this antique over to the spaceship show and sell it,” Meena yelled at the soldiers. 

The three soldiers stopped at the other side of that bush, turned around and ran back to Meena.

Luna and the Space Dreamers wiped their foreheads relieved it was safe. Luna motioned for them to follow him. 

He crawled away in the opposite direction, and they crawled after him.

When it was safe, they got up and ran away through the woods.

A little while later, Luna and the Space Dreamers snuck along the edge of the woods with the Palace visible behind them.  The soldiers were not visible as they went inside the Palace and searched every room.

They snuck down twenty feet down along the edge of the woods when all of a sudden Luna sensed something. 

He looked up in the sky and saw Lon, Saul, Lorge, and Bingo surfing on sky boards. 

Luna made a dolphin sound up in the air at the Surfers. 

The Surfers all looked down from the sky and waved when they saw Luna down below. 

They quickly descended and landed near Luna. They stood on their sky boards while they hovered inches above the ground.

“Luna, we thought you were on…” Lon said but immediately stopped when the Surfers noticed the Space Dreamers. They all took a step back suspicious of them and fell off their boards, landing on their butts.

“What are those creatures?” Lorge asked a little scared. 

“They’re my friends from earth and are harmless,” Luna said.

“We heard you were held prisoner there! What happened?” asked Saul but was still a little leery of the Space Dreamers.

“We thought the earthlings might dissect you,” said Bingo.

“It’s a long story, but these earthlings helped me come home,” replied Luna and looked sincere.

“And we don’t dissect aliens. Promise,” Timmy added with a friendly smile.

The Surfers looked the Space Dreamers over then felt comfortable with them. 

“Their skins are strange colors,” said Lon.

“White, and dark brown and light brown,” Bingo added.

“So what. They’re friendly, and that’s all that matters,” Luna replied.

The Surfers thought about his comment for a few seconds then they all nodded in agreement.

“We need to get out of here now!  Meena has Alfalfa Squad searching for me. Plus father is gone, and Meena took Sona,” Luna pleaded with the Surfers. 

Lon motioned for them to jump on their sky boards.

Luna hopped on Lon's board behind Lon. 

The Space Dreamers all looked unsure.

“Don’t worry, it's safe,” Luna assured them.

Timmy hopped on Saul's board behind Saul. 

Frankie hopped on Lorge's board behind Lorge. 

Monica looked scared, and her knees shook, thinking of soaring up in the air.

“We don’t have a choice, Monica,” Timmy pleaded with her.

Monica stood, and her knees shook some more while he looked at the sky boards then looked up at the sky. 

“Come on, Monica, hop on. You’ll be safe with me,” said Bingo.

Monica furiously shook his head in disagreement. 

“Get on Monica before we all get arrested!” cried out Timmy. 

Monica furiously shook her head harder in disagreement.

Boom! A tree split in half close to them from a laser beam fired from a pistol.

This was enough to force Monica to leap, on the Bingo’s sky board behind Bingo. She closed her eyes and hugged Bingo’s chest. 

The Surfers pushed off and soon ascended into the sky with the Space Dreamers clinging on the Surfers' chests for dear life.

The Surfers surfed in the sky. 

They surfed around the clouds. 

A laser beam zapped past them. They turned around and saw a spaceship with a clear canopy.

Inside the spaceship were Boe, at the joystick, and Burpy and Dopey who sat next to him.  In the backseat, Meena was furious the Surfers, and everybody soared through the sky.

“Hang on! It’s time to show them what we got!” cried out Lon. 

The Surfers each made different evasive maneuvers in all different directions with the spaceship attempting to keep up. It could not.

The Surfers all made other evasive maneuvers.

On Lorge’s sky board, Frankie lost his grip from Lorge’s chest. He fell backward and fell off. He quickly grabbed the back of the board with both hands and dangled in the air, scared to death while Lorge sky surfed. Frankie lost his left grip and hung on by his right hand. 

Timmy turned around and saw Frankie hanging on by one hand and freaked out. “Frankie!” Timmy screamed out, scared to death. He was going to lose his friend. 

Lorge looked behind him and saw Frankie, with eyes as big as baseballs, hanging on for dear life. He reached down and tried to grab his free hand. 

Frankie lost his grip and tumbled down to the ground with his eyes still as big as baseballs. 

“Rescue time dudes,” Lorge said with a brave, determined look. 

The other Surfers and Luna looked and saw Frankie tumbling down to the ground, scared to death. 

They all quickly got into a loop with the Space Dreamers clinging on for dear life looking sick. 

Meena’s spaceship went into a loop after the Surfers. A red laser beam fired from their spaceship and missed the Surfers by inches. 

The Surfers came out of the loop, and Lorge caught Frankie, who hugged Lorge for dear life. 

While the Surfers surfed away, Timmy and Monica turned pale. 

Timmy barfed out in the air. 

Then Monica barfed out in the air. 


Barf splattered all over the canopy of Meena’s spaceship. Then more barf splattered on the canopy covering it with zero visibility. 

“I can't see!” Boe cried out while he frantically moved the joystick around. 

“Duh...let me… it…duh,” demanded Dopey. 

“No, let me!” Burpy burped out. 

Burpy and Dopey tried to grab the joystick away from Boe who resisted. They fought over it. 

The spaceship turned upside down. 

The spaceship turned right side up. 

The spaceship turned upside down.

The spaceship turned right side up.

Boe pushed Dopey away, knocking him into Burpy and they both fell on their butts.

The Surfers turned around and looked below. 

They saw the spaceship flying widely all over the place.

The spaceship suddenly dove to the ground.

It crashed with dirt and grass flying everywhere.

The Surfers surfed away higher in the sky toward a mountain way off in the distance.

Back on the ground, Meena’s spaceship was all banged up. The door creaked open, and Meena appeared in a daze. He stumbled out of the spaceship and stood by the door.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey stumbled out and fell on top of Meena. Burpy burped by Meena's ear, and he immediately pushed the three goofs off his body and jumped up with fire in his eyes. 

“Alert the press, Boe!” Meena ordered. Boe ran off with Burpy and Dopey following.

Back at the mountain top, the Surfers with Luna and the Space Dreamers, still clinging to the waists of the Surfers, surfed to a ledge.  The ledge was approximately three thousand feet up in the air.

“We're gonna die! I know it!” Monica quietly muttered to herself.

The Surfers all landed on the ledge.

“Welcome to our home,” Lon told the Space Dreamers.

“Monica, you can open your eyes now. We’re on the ground,” Timmy told her while he and Frankie stepped off the sky boards.

Monica slowly opened her eyes and noticed that she was in fact, on the ground. She stepped off the sky board, relieved.

The Space Dreamers saw a grass hut near vegetation.

They saw a trail leading down the backside of the mountain. 

They liked what they saw except for Monica. She was still nervous with being this high up.

“Okay, this is Timmy, Frankie and Monica, my earthling friends,” Luna said while he pointed at them during their introduction. “And these dudes are Lon, Lorge, Saul, and Bingo,” he added to introduce the Surfers.

The Surfers bowed to indicate they were happy to meet the earthlings.

“Lorge, why don’t you go scout out the town and maybe you’ll hear where King Tona and Sona might be located,” Lon requested.

“Sure thing,” Lorge said then got in his sky board and jumped off the ledge.

He disappeared then suddenly reappeared while he sky surfed. 

He soared away and headed toward Neilaville way down below.

Back on earth in Florida, three Brevard County Deputy Sheriff cars were dispatched to the Watson, Blake, and Hernandez’s homes. The deputies filled out the paperwork to report three missing kids.