The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 9



Later on that day on a Neilaville Parkway sidewalk, numerous Neilas stared at a newsstand that emitted a hologram newspaper.

The newspaper had the "General Meena Report – Prince Luna Returned With Deadly Earth Creatures. Neila In Grave Danger!" headlines. 

They read the news and looked around fearful that earth creatures were nearby. 

"Did the earthlings brainwash Luna?" a female Neila asked with fear. 

"Does it hurt to have your brainwashed? Do they use a special kind of soap?" a young boy Neila curiously asked while he rubbed the top of his head.

"Do you think the earth creatures will try to eat us?" another female Neila asked.

All the Neilas around the boy shrugged their shoulders indicating they don't know but were scared of being either eaten or having their brains washed with soap. They quickly looked around to make sure they were safe.  

Another hologram headline appeared that stated "Meena Activates Army Draft Effective Immediately For All Male's 15 Years And Older. More Soldiers Needed In Case Earth Attacks!"

All the young male Neila's looked nervous as most of them did not want to be in the Army.

Lorge saw this amongst the crowd. 

He ran off with his sky board and jumped on it.

He was soon soaring off into the sky. 

He sky surfed toward the mountain.

The ledge at the top of the mountain had a beautiful view of Neilaville way down below. 

Not far from the ledge was a campfire. The Surfers with the Space Dreamers sat around the fire and relaxed. 

Monica sat over by the hut, but she kept an eye on the ledge, afraid she might fall off. 

Luna just finished telling his Surfer friends about his experience with being shot down and stranded on earth.

"I can't believe Meena did that!" said Lon with a surprising look. 

"And he wants to take over earth!" said Timmy with a scared look. 

Lon felt sorry for the Space Dreamers and patted Timmy's shoulder to comfort him. 

"Do you know where father is located?" Luna said. 

"We heard he left for earth to rescue you," Bingo answered, which upset Luna. 

"If I only stayed on earth a little while longer. Then father could have rescued me, and he could have stopped Meena," Luna replied. 

"I wanna go home!" whined Monica way over from the hut. 

"Home? If Meena gets his way, we won't have a home. We're in this for the long haul!" Frankie answered.

Monica looked upset. 

Luna noticed Monica being upset, so he walked over and sat down by her right side.

"It will be alright. Don't worry," Luna told Monica then placed his left arm around her for comfort.

She rested her head on his shoulder.

Timmy looked jealous, so he got up and walked over to Monica. He sat by her left side.

Lorge sky surfed out of the sky and landed on the ledge. He looked upset.

"Hey guys, Meena just declared that every male over the age of fifteen will be in the Army right now," Lorge broke the bad news to his buddies.

Bingo, Saul, and Lon all frowned.  

"Why?" Bingo asked.

"Because he thinks earth might attack us and he needs a bigger Army," Lorge replied.

"Army stuff hinders us from owning our surf shop," said Bingo. 

"And I don't want to wear their stupid green uniform," Saul added.

"We can hide up here. I'm not putting on a stupid green uniform. No way!" Saul told Luna who was in deep thought. 

"I can't allow him to attack another planet!" Luna insisted. 

The Space Dreamers all looked scared. 

"What are we going to do Luna? I can't bear the thought of not having a home," said Timmy, who looked like he wanted to cry. 

The rest of the Space Dreamers looked at Luna for hope. 

Luna pondered for a few minutes while he tried to figure out how to save everybody. His eyes lit up, indicating he had the answer. "First we rescue Sona, come back here and try to contact father in his limo. He can stop Meena and put him in jail," Luna said. "Lon, can you get me a Holophone?" he asked. 

"We'll help anyway we can!" Lon immediately responded. 

The other Surfers nodded their heads in agreement. They raised their arms in the air and linked pinky fingers together. Luna joined them. "Friends!" they all yelled out. 

The Space Dreamers smiled, indicating they liked what they saw. 

"Now where would Meena keep Sona?" Luna pondered out loud. 

They all racked their brains, then Saul's eyes lit up with an idea.

"There are two Army Surfers that always frequent the sky shop. I bet I can find out, as Surfers don't keep secrets from other Surfers," Saul said then got up.

"I'm going to put that in work now," Saul said then walked over to hut where all their sky boards were up against the wall.

He grabbed his sky board. He dropped it to the ground, and it hovers inches above it. He jumped on the board and took off toward the ledge. "I'll be back," said Saul the second he flew off the ledge and was soon out of sight. 

Timmy's tummy growled with hunger.

Monica and Frankie's tummies growled with hunger in unison.

Luna looked at them and felt ashamed. "Where are my manners? Let's get some grub," Luna offered. 

The Space Dreamers all loved that idea!

Meanwhile, at this exact moment in outer space, inside King Tona's Cadillac limo spaceship, Albie sat behind the joystick in the front while King Tona sat in the backseat. He stared out his window, looking ever so sad. 

"I wish my spaceship could travel faster," King Tona said.

"Sorry sir, I have it at full speed. This isn't one of your fighter spaceships," Albie said from the controls.

King Tona nodded in agreement and stared out his window.

Albie stared out the front windows and watched while the planet Deserta was coming closer at a faster speed.

Suddenly, the engine of the limo spaceship sputtered.

King Tona looked worried. "What's wrong? Did we hit something?" King Tona asked.

Albie scratched his head while he studied the console instruments over for the problem. "No, sir. We had another spaceship fly over us a while back, but it flew way above us and at a faster speed," Albie replied. 

From the front windows, the sandy looking Planet Deserta was visible and getting closer. 

The spaceship sputtered and shook.

It took a sudden dive down to Deserta. 

Albie flipped switches, turned knobs, and tried to steer the ship away from the planet. 

It continued to dive to that desert looking planet. 

King Tona looked scared. He quickly tightened on his seat belt and pressed a "Holophone" button on a small console in front of him. A hologram of nothing but static TV snow emitted from the console.

"Everything's going wrong!" said King Tona while he looked out his window and saw that the planet Deserta getting closer and closer.

Back on earth in Florida, a Brevard County Deputy Sheriff's car pulled into Kirk's place. 

A deputy sheriff named Billy and Kent got out of his car, and they saw that the front gate was locked.

After a few seconds, Kirk appeared out from the front of his building.

"May I help you, deputies?" Kirk asked while he walked over to the gate.

"We got a report of three missing kids. Timmy Watson, Frankie Blake, and Monica Hernandez. Their parents reported that the kids were last known to hang out here with you," said Billy.

"That's true, but I haven't seen the kids in days. They told me they were going on a space adventure to help an alien prince save their planet," Kirk told the deputies.

Billy and Kent looked at each other and felt that it was a bunch of malarkey. 

"Can we search your property?" asked Kent.

"Be my guest," Kirk said then removed a key from his right pants pocket and unlocked the gate.

He opened the gate and Billy, and Kent entered his property and started searching the place.

Back on the Neila mountain ledge, the sky looked beautiful with the sinking sun.

Luna, the Surfers, and the Space Dreamers all sat around the campfire near the ledge.   

Monica still sat by the hut scared she might fall off the ledge. 

All the Space Dreamers had full tummies from eating exotic fruits. 

"Now, that was some delicious fruits and berries," Frankie said with sleepy eyes. He burped, and the rest of the Space Dreamers thought that was cool, so they burped. 

Lon, Lorge, and Bingo looked at each other, nodded in agreement, and burped extremely loud with sound waves that knocked the Space Dreamers over. They got up and gave the Surfers a "Thumbs up" sign thinking that was way too cool.

Saul sky surfed up to the ledge, jumped off his sky board and tucked it under his right arm. "Meena has Sona locked up in his residence at the Army base," he told Luna while he ran over to him with his sky board in hand.

Luna did not like what he heard. "She's probably heavily guarded," Luna replied then got a bold look. "But that's not going to stop me!"

"Do you have an extra sky board?" Luna asked Lon.

"In the hut," Lon replied.

"What's our plan?" Timmy asked.

Luna looked at the ledge then he motioned for everybody to come close to him. Everybody did except for Monica who sat by the hut.

They huddled together, and Luna explained his plan.

The planet Deserta was nothing but desert sand, some rocky mountains with clear blue sky and hot blazing sun.

King Tona's Cadillac limo spaceship dove down from the blue sky to the desert.  

It dove straight at a huge rock. But Albie was able to pull the limo upward quickly, and the bottom of the limo scraped over the top of that hard rock.

The limo dove downward and crashed nose-first deep into the sand.

Back on earth in Florida, Billy and Kent got back in their car and drove back to their office in Merritt Island. They could not find any signs of Timmy, Frankie or Monica on Kirk's property.  

An hour had passed. A Brevard Sheriff's Bell 406 JetRanger helicopter took off from the Merritt Island airport. 

It headed north toward the space center and was going to search the space center property for the three kids. NASA's Huey helicopter also had planned to assist with the search.

It was nighttime down on the planet of Neila.

The capital city of Neilaville was all lit up while numerous Neilas strolled up and down the sidewalk of Neilaville Parkway. 

The recent news about the earth creatures was still on their minds, but since there have not been any reported sightings - they felt safe. 

They stopped at a newsstand, which emitted a hologram newspaper with "King Tona Shot Down By Earthlings. Meena Wants War!" headlines.  

"Prince Luna brings deadly creatures here to our home, and now King Tona's shot down by earthlings? What's going on with our peaceful world?" a male Neila asked. 

"Poor King Tona! What do you think the earthlings will do with him?" a female Neila asked and looked concerned. 

"Eat him?" a young boy Neila answered. 

"I heard that earthling would dissect creatures from other planets," a young woman said and looked scared.

All the female Neilas eyes crossed. They fainted and dropped to the sidewalk. 

Some male Neilas saw the females fainted on the sidewalk. Their eyes crossed and they fainted then dropped to the sidewalk. 

All the surrounding Neilas rushed over to their aid.

Inside Meena's office, he sat behind his desk and read some paperwork with the crown inches from him. 

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey entered, looking exhausted. 

"Boss. We've searched and searched, and we haven't found them yet. But everybody's on the lookout," Boe told Meena. 

"Can we get some sleep now?" Burpy burped out. 

They all yawned. 

Meena got mad. "NO! You'll keep on searching until you find him!" Meena ordered. 

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey moped out of Meena's office dead tired.