The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 13



Back on the planet of Neila, numerous Neilas walked up to that newsstand while it emitted a hologram newspaper with "Prince Luna And Earth Aliens Sabotage the Army Base. General Meena Calls For Prince Luna's Immediate Arrest!" headlines.

"And to think he was going to be our next King. We're lucky he's not!" said a male Neila.  

"Why is King Tona allowing Luna to run amuck?" a female Neila asked.

All the surrounding Neilas shook their heads in disbelief over this news.

Way off in outer space near that black hole by Saturn, the earth probe with attached Neila probe had recently flown over the rings of Saturn.

The probes turned and flew in the direction of that black hole.

Back on Neila, the Surfers with Luna, Sona, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica sky board surfed up to the mountain ledge. They landed near the hut and hopped off their boards.  The Surfers grabbed their sky boards, ran and stored them inside the hut. 

Sona gave Luna a huge hug and a little kiss on his lips

Timmy looked at Monica and wondered if he should hug her. 

He walked over to her. "Thanks for rescuing me," Timmy said then smiled and hugged her. While he hugged her, he wondered if he should kiss her. He chose not to take that chance.

Monica smiled with Timmy's arms around her as she hoped he would hug her.

After Timmy and Monica broke away from their hug, Frankie looked at Timmy. "Ah, I also helped."

"Of course," Timmy said then walked over and shook Frankie's hand.

"How can we stop Meena?" Luna said. 

Everybody thought for a few seconds, then Frankie's eyes lit up with an idea. 

"I know. The law!" said Frankie, all excited. 

Everybody looked at Frankie, wondering what that meant, and he could sense they weren't following him. 

"My grandmother always watched Mack Forklock on TV. He used the law to help people out of trouble," Frankie responded. 

Luna paced around and thought about Frankie's idea. "You know, that just might work, but the law library is closed," Luna told everybody. 

Lon got an idea. "We'll take care of that," Lon offered.

"How?" Luna asked.

"We have a friend that works in the library," Lon replied.

"Yeah, Seetie. She's a cool sky surfer," Bingo said with a gleam in his eyes as he liked Seetie but was too afraid to ask her out on a date.

"Great. Go tell her we need a book called "Neila Law," Luna told them.

Bingo, Saul, and Lorge all nodded in agreement.

They rushed over to the hut and went inside.

They soon came out of the hut with their sky boards in hand.

The three ran over to the ledge, jumped on their boards and sky surfed away over the ledge.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica went into the hut and found some cloth to wipe off the green coloring from their faces.

Back down on earth in Florida, the Watson, Blake, and Hernandez families sat by their cell phones worried about their kids and fearful of that dreaded call.

Back on Neila, Lorge, Saul, and Bingo landed their sky boards behind a four-story apartment building.

They rested their boards against the rear wall of the building and rushed into the back entrance.

Once they got inside, they rushed down to a door with a "Sky Surfer Seetie" nameplate.

Saul knocked on the door.

A few seconds passed, and the door opened, and Seetie appeared wearing baggy shorts and a tee-shirt with pictures of sky boards. Her eyes lit up the second she saw the Surfers. "Bingo, what brings you to my place?" she said with a gleam in her eyes.  She didn't notice the other Surfers.

 "We need a favor Seetie," said Bingo with a gleam in his eyes.

"What?" Seetie replied and only kept her eyes on Bingo.

"We need the book on Neila law," Bingo said.


"Prince Luna needs it, and it's a matter of life and death," Saul said and looked serious.

"I thought the earthlings captured him," Seetie said and looked a little concerned.

"That's one of General Meena's lies. We can't tell you everything right now, but trust me. Prince Luna's in danger," Bingo told Seetie.

Seetie looked at Bingo. "That will cost you," Seetie said while she looked at him with sparkles in her eyes.

"What's that?" Bingo asked.

"A date where you can tell me everything," Seetie replied with love in her eyes.

Bingo looked at Seetie and looked nervous.

A little while later up on the mountain ledge, Sona sat against the hut next to Luna.

Timmy sat next to Monica by the hut.

Frankie and Luna stood near the ledge, looking out at Neilaville down below. 

The whirl of two spaceship engines was heard. Everybody's eyes widened with fear while they looked at the ledge.

"I don't like the sound of this," Lon said while he scanned the area for the location of those spaceship engines.

Two fighter spaceships, Neila 4 and 5 suddenly flew up from below the ledge and hovered with big laser guns aimed at everybody.

They all jumped up in a panic.

Luna quickly shielded Sona from the fighter spaceships.

Timmy also shielded Monica from the fighter spaceships.

Lon and Frankie were frozen with fear as those two fighter spaceships were ten feet away from their faces. 

"Run!" Luna yelled out, then grabbed Sona's hand and ran to the trail.

Timmy grabbed Monica's hand and ran after Luna and Sona.

Lon and Frankie turned around and ran after Timmy and Monica. 

Red laser beams fired from the two spaceships.

The hut exploded into a massive fireball.  

Luna, Sona, Timmy, Monica, Lon, and Frankie ran down the mountain trail, fearful for their lives.

Laser beams exploded in the dirt at their heels. 

More laser beams were fired, and trees exploded into a fireball just behind them. 

While they ran down the trail, everybody turned around and saw those spaceships hot on their tails about twenty feet up in the air.

Laser beams fired from the spaceships.

The trail ten feet behind them exploded and sent them all flying forty feet into the air.

They all dropped down into a bunch of vegetation, which covered a massive hole in the ground.

They fell into the hole, which was the opening to an underground cave.

The underground cave had long huge vines that hung down from the ceiling and on the side of the walls. 

Just below the thirty-foot drop from the opening was a small river with green water and sandy banks on both sides. 

Crashed on one sandy bank was that Jeep that Frankie and Monica stole. 

Luna, Sona, Timmy, Monica, Frankie, and Lon all splashed into that the green river.

Back up in the air the hole, the two fighter spaceships, Neila 4 and 5 circled and fired numerous laser beams in the general area where they saw everybody dropped. A massive fire started near that hole.

The spaceships circled the fiery entrance to the cave. They figured they fell into the dark abyss into the center of the planet and would never be seen again. 

Inside Neila 4, the pilot Tooma made a call to the Army base.

"General Meena, this is Neila four," Tooma said at his console.

A hologram of Meena appeared from his console.

"Status report," Meena's hologram said.

"Yes, sir, our earth creatures and the criminals that assisted them are no longer a threat. I repeat. They are no longer a threat to our planet," Tooma said and looked proud.

Meena's hologram had a huge grin and could see he had the crown in his hand.

"Good job Neila four and five. Report back to base," Meena's hologram said.

The two fighter spaceships flew away from the top of the mountain and zoomed back to the base.

Back down in the cave, Lon, Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Frankie all swam to the sandy beach not far from the crashed Jeep. 

The fire was visible at the cave hole entrance above them.

"I can't swim!" Monica cried out seconds while she frantically splashed into the water. She sank under the water.  

"Monica!" Timmy screamed out, which echoed in the cave.  He dove back into the water and swam to the location where Monica sank.

Under the water, Timmy looked around for Monica.

He saw her while she floated face down to the bottom of the river. Timmy swam down after her.

He wrapped his left arm around her waist and swam her back to the surface of the river.

When Timmy broke the surface of the water, Frankie was there treading water.

Frankie helped Timmy swim Monica over to the beach.

Monica coughed up water and was alive when they arrived at the sand. She immediately coughed up more green water.

"I hope this is clean and safe water," Timmy asked Luna concerned for Monica.

"Don't worry. It's immaculate as we don't pollute our waters like what you earthlings do," Luna replied.

Timmy and Frankie looked a little ashamed with his comment.  Timmy glanced at Monica.

"I need to teach you how to swim," Timmy told her.

Monica looked fearful of going back in the water. 

"That wasn't too bad. It was exciting and adventurous. Like being in a Duke Spacewalker movie!" said Frankie while he looked up at the hole at the ceiling of the cave.

Timmy nodded in agreement while he looked at Monica, who was relieved she did not drown.

A little later that day, Lorge, Saul, and Bingo surfed up to the mountain ledge with Bingo and that "Neila Law" book tucked under his right arm.

Their eyes widen in shock when they saw that their hut was a smoldering pile of ashes. 

They landed and jumped off their sky boards and scanned the area over. 

"Where are they?" asked Saul with a look that he feared the worse had happened. 

The other Surfers shrugged their shoulders, indicating they did not have a clue. 

Lorge saw that the trail was burnt with smoldering vegetation. 

"Looks like they ran down the trail," he suggested to everybody.  

They all hopped on their sky boards, and sky surfed off above the trail.

The Surfers surfed farther above the trail and saw more burnt and smoldering vegetation around a hole in the ground.

Then the vegetation along the trail looked fresh just past that hole.

The Surfers hovered above the trail and looked around that hole.

Lorge's eyes lit up with a possibility. "Maybe Luna went down our secret escape path?" he said to everybody. 

Bingo looked at the ring of smoldering vegetation by the hole in the ground. "I believe you're onto something," he said.

The Surfers surfed down toward that hole in the ground.

Down at the bottom of that cave, a campfire was burning on the bank. Luna had found some lighters inside the Jeep and some other material for burning. Plus they gathered up wood and vines for firewood.

Lon, Luna, Sona, and Frankie sat on the bank and stared at the flowing green river. 

In the river, Timmy and Monica swam close to the beach. 

"That's it. You now a swimmer," Timmy said to Monica and looked proud of her while she doggie paddled in the water.

Timmy and Monica swam back to the beach.

 "Good job, Monica," Frankie cheered while Timmy and Monica walked out of the water and sat down in the sand.

Lon, Luna, and Sona did the standard Neila seal sounding cheer while they clapped hands.

Lorge, Saul, and Bingo surfed down with Bingo and that Neila law book tucked under his right arm. 

"Luna!" yelled Lorge from up above when they saw him in the river.

Everybody looked up and saw the other three Surfers surfing down from the top of the cave.

They all got excited while they watched the three Surfers land on the sandy bank. The three Surfers jumped off their sky boards, which hovered inches above the sand.

Everybody rushed over to them.

"What happened up there?" Lorge asked.

"Meena figured out we were up there on the mountain ledge and sent two fighters out to get rid of us," Luna replied.

"He destroyed our home," Saul cried out and fought back his tears.

"We know. Those spaceships almost barbequed us with their laser beams," Frankie said with a little fear in his eyes while he remembered the incident.

"More the reason to put Meena in his place," Lorge added.

Everybody nodded in agreement.

"How can we do that?" Monica asked.

Bingo remembered the book tucked under his right arm. "Here Luna. My friend Seetie pulled through," he said, then handed Luna the Neila Law book.

"Yeah and Bingo also has a date with her," Saul said then blew kisses into the air.

Bingo turned a little red but still could not wait to date Seetie.

"It's about time," Luna replied while he took the book from Bingo then sat down by the campfire. 

"There has to be an answer in here somewhere," Luna said while he opened up the book.

Everybody else relaxed around the campfire while Luna's head was buried in the law book.

Back on earth in Florida, the sun started to peek above the horizon for the start of another hot morning.

Back at the Command Center, all the volunteers showed up again ready to scour the woods any for signs of Timmy, Frankie, and Monica. But today might be a short day as thunderstorms were coming across from the western side of the state.