The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 12



Back on Neila, Frankie and Monica looked up the building of the jail wall and looked worried. 

Frankie looked around the area and saw a big tow truck hovercraft with a back boom and hook parked in a parking lot fifty feet away. 

He looked at the barred windows and looked back at the tow truck. His eyes lit up with a grand of an idea. 

"I have an idea! We can use that tow truck over there to pull the window out of the wall; then they can escape," Frankie told Monica while he pointed at the tow truck. 

Monica looked at the tow truck and looked unsure. "I don't know. Your success rate with driving isn't very good at the moment," Monica responded, recalling the Jeep incident. 

Frankie looked back up at the barred windows then got extremely confident he could pull this off. He puffed out his chest. "I can do it! I know I can!"

"But which window?" Monica asked while she looked up at the barred windows.

Inside their jail cell, Luna still sat on the bed depressed. 

Sona lay asleep on the bed, and Timmy sat on the floor.

Then Frankie's voice was heard coming from outside the window. "Timmy! Prince Luna!" 

Luna and Timmy's eyes all lit up overhearing those familiar voices that came from the outside. 

Luna quickly stood up on the bed and looked out the barred window. He saw Frankie and Monica dressed in the Army uniforms outside but was not sure who they were.

"Who are you?" Luna asked.

"It's me, Frankie and Monica. We're in disguise," Frankie called out and removed his hat for a few seconds then placed it back on his head.

It took a few seconds for him to believe those two were his earthlings friends. He stuck his hand through the bars and waved at him.

From outside the jail cell, Frankie and Monica saw Luna waving through the barred windows.

"We're going to bust you out!" Frankie called out. 

"Yeah. We're going to drive that tow truck, so you better get far away from that wall as you can. I mean far away," Monica warned them while she pointed at the tow truck. 

Luna glanced at where Monica pointed then waved at them that he understood their plan.

"Hurry, everybody to the bars while they try to break us out by using a tow truck," he told Sona and Timmy.

Timmy quickly ran to the other end of the cell to the cell door. 

Sona woke up and looked a little confused as to why Timmy was at the other end of the jail cell.

Luna grabbed her hand and rushed her over to the cell bars.

"What's the matter?" she asked, as she was still sleepy and a little dazed.

"Our earth friends are going to break us out," he told her.

She looked happy while she stood next to Luna and Timmy at the cell door.

Outside the jail building, Frankie and Monica quickly ran over to the parking lot where the tow truck was parked.

But when they got within twenty-five feet of the truck, Frankie saw two soldiers walking by it. "Hide," he cried out.

Frankie and Monica dove into the same large bush and poked their heads out between the branches. They saw the tow truck and that the soldiers were gone. 

They got out of the bush and ran over to the tow truck. 

They looked at the tow truck for a few seconds.

"This time, you drive, and I'll connect the hook to the window bars," Frankie told Monica.

Monica nodded in agreement then quickly climbed up and speedily got inside behind the controls of the truck.

Frankie climbed up and got on the rear of the truck.

Inside the tow truck, Monica sat in the drivers' seat at the controls.  She looked clueless while she glanced at the fancy controls.

Monica started pressing buttons on the console. Nothing happened. Then Monica got curious and saw a strange-looking iPad type of pad on the floorboard. She reached down and picked it up. She looked at it.

"I wonder how you turn this thing on," she said while she looked the strange pad over.

The pad suddenly powered up.

"Cool! It's voice actuated," she said then thought for a few seconds. "How do you turn the engine on," she called out.

A hologram from the console appeared. It showed a toggle type of switch and showed it being flipped on the console.

Monica flipped that toggle switch on the console. The engine of the tow truck started up with a whirl. Then she felt the tow truck rise and hover four feet above the ground.

"How do you drive this tow truck?" Monica said into the pad.

The hologram on the pad appeared and showed the joystick on the console, and the different movements required to drive the truck. 

In that parking lot, the tow truck lunged forward then stopped suddenly. 

It lunged forward then stopped suddenly.

It accelerated forward and performed a 360-degree turn.

It raced backward.

"And you talked about my driving," Frankie called out in a panic from the rear of the truck.  He grasped onto the boom for dear life while it raced at the wall of the jail building.

The tow truck turned sideways and slammed into the wall causing the wall to crack, but not fall. The impact of slamming into the wall caused the tow truck to bounce off, and it spun around four times.

Frankie was tossed out of the rear of the tow truck and safely landed in another large bush. 

The tow truck stopped suddenly with the boom and hook facing the barred window.  

The hook swung around. The tow truck settled.

Frankie got out of the bush and looked at the tow truck by the jail. "She did it. I don't know how, but she did it," he said and saw Monica while she waved at him from the truck.

Luna's head appeared in the barred window and saw the tow truck by the window.

Frankie ran over and climbed back up on the rear of the tow truck. He grabbed the hook and moved it closer to Luna's hands that stuck out the barred window.

Luna stretched his arms out and reached and grabbed the hook with his right hand. He connected it to the bars then motioned to Frankie to move the truck away.

"Move out," Frankie called out to Monica.

The tow truck lunged forward ten feet. 

The barred window and a massive section of the wall came crashing down with a big cloud of silver dust. 

The dust dissipated and Sona, Luna, and Timmy all jumped out from the hole to the ground. 

They bolted over to the tow truck.

Frankie disconnected the hook from the barred window.

He climbed down off the rear of the truck and headed over to the passenger door.

Luna, Sona, and Timmy got inside the truck with Luna at the controls.

Sona sat to Luna's right, Timmy sat to Sona's right with Monica on his lap, and Frankie sat to Timmy's right. 

Timmy had an urge to hug Monica but refrained.

Luna flew the tow truck away six feet off the ground.

Back at the guard gate, the Surfers stood by the guard shack.

They watched while two soldiers approached the gate down Meena Parkway.

The two soldiers stopped at the gate.

"We're going out for a night on the town," one of the soldiers told the Surfers.

The Surfers looked at the two soldiers who waited for a response.

Lon sensed that a response was required. "Good. Stay out as late as you want. General Meena's orders," he replied.

The two soldiers eyes lit up with joy, as they have never had a guard respond with that order.

They took off running away past the gate and went down King Tona Parkway looking forward to a long night of fun.

The Surfers watched the two soldiers then looked around and saw nobody else was in sight.

"How much longer are we going to play this stupid Army game?" Saul asked.

"I hate this uniform!" said Bingo. 

"You got that right!" said Lorge in agreement.

"The heck with that mean Sergeant, we need to get back and help Frankie and Monica," Lon responded.

Saul, Bingo, and Lorge all nodded in agreement.

They quickly removed those uniforms and dumped them inside the guard shack.

They ran back into the base down Meena Parkway.

Inside that tow truck, Luna drove it down Meena Parkway. From the truck's windshield, they saw the Surfers while they ran down the avenue straight at them. 

Monica's eyes lit up. "There's Lon, Saul, Lorge, and Bingo," he cried out while he pointed at the windshield. 

Luna stopped the truck and stuck his head out his window.

The Surfers saw Luna's head out the window and smiled.

"You made it!" said Lon from outside the truck. "Hurry up and get inside," Luna told them. 

The Surfers ran over, climbed up, and got in the rear of the pickup.

"Let's get out of this dump," Lon said while he poked his head through the rear cab window of the tow truck.

Luna drove the tow truck toward the front gate.

The guard gate was unoccupied while the tow truck raced through the gate and headed down King Tona Parkway.

In another section of the Army base, Meena, Boe, Burpy, and Dopey walked down War Avenue. 

"Soon I'll be King, and this whole universe will be mine, all mine," Meena reminded them with a greedy look while he stared up at the sky. 

An air raid type of sirens blared all over the base. 

Meena stopped dead in his tracks, overhearing them.  

Boe bumped into him; Burpy bumped into Boe and Dopey bumped into Burpy. Meena pushed Boe off him, which caused Boe, Burpy, and Dopey to fall to the ground. 

Meena looked around worried while those sirens blared. "This doesn't sound good," said Meena. 

He hurriedly rushed away down the avenue. 

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey all got up and ran after Meena.

Inside the tow truck, Luna drove King Tona Avenue away from the base.

"Oh Luna, we got bad news. They're now saying your father's being held prisoner on earth," said Lon while he poked his head through the cab rear window.  

Luna thought about it then got mad. "Just another Meena fib! But I wonder what happened to father?" Luna wondered. 

"I don't know. We tried to contact him on the Holophone, but got nothing but static," Bingo told him. 

Luna looked upset as he pondered the situation.

While the tow truck raced down King Tona Parkway, it passed by Woula, Doona, Gorga, Alba, Sallo, and Rillo, from the antique spacecraft show. They walked wearing underwear that had "Property of General Meena" markings all over them. The six soldiers looked worried about how they were going to explain losing their uniforms at an antique spaceship show.

Inside the tow truck, Luna continued to drive then got a bold look on his face. "I'm alone on this one. It's now up to me to stop Meena!" said Luna. 

"No. It's up to all of us!" Timmy told Luna. 

Frankie and Monica nodded in agreement.   

Sona proudly smiled while she rested her head on Luna's shoulder.

Luna drove the tow truck to the edge of the woods.

He parked the tow truck and turned off the engine where it whined down to a whisper. They all jumped out of the truck and ran into the woods.

A few minutes, they were all on the four sky boards and surfed up high into the sky.

Sona and Luna were crowded on the back of Lorge's board. 

Timmy was on the back of Lon's board.

Frankie was on the back of Saul's board.

Monica was on the back of Bingo's board, and this time she had one opened and one eye closed. 

Back at the base, Boe, Burpy and Dopey and two soldiers stood at the back of the jail building with Meena. They stared at the hole in the wall from the cell that held Luna, Sona, and Timmy. 

Meena was red-faced furious! "I want twenty guards at my residence, and I want Squad Chucky on standby," Meena barked out. He looked around and pondered his next move. 

Sergeant Carto walked over from the corner of the building. He saw Meena and rushed over concerned.

"Sir, I heard the sirens. What happened?" Sergeant Carto asked and was ready to receive his orders.

Meena pointed to the hole in the jail wall. "That's what happened! My prisoners escaped!" Meena yelled out. Then it dawned on Meena. "I thought I had you guarding the front gate?"

"Ah…I was. But I ordered four privates to guard it," Sergeant Carto replied and was nervous and shook in fear of General Meena.

Then Meena saw that mountain in the foreground and something about that sight got him suspicious. His eyes lit up when he remembered. "Surfers, that's who those four soldiers were, Surfers! Binoculars!" yelled out Meena. 

A soldier removed a small pair of binoculars off his belt and handed it to Meena.

Meena looked and saw that mountain through the binoculars. He saw Luna, Sona, the Surfers and the Space Dreamers sky surfing to the top of that mountain. 

Meena gave the soldier his binoculars back to that soldier. 

"Did those four privates have blue, orange, pink, and green hair?" Meena asked while he glared at the Sergeant with fire in his eyes.

Sergeant Carto thought for a few seconds. "Yes, sir."

"You dummy. They helped our prisoners escape," Meena yelled and ripped off the stripes off Sergeant Carto's uniform.

"You're now confined to working in the base kitchen," Meena ordered.

"Yes sir," Sergeant Carto replied with a salute and moped away, and he fought back from crying over being demoted.

Meena looked at the other soldiers. "Have Major Buna of Squad Ducky call me immediately!" Meena ordered.

Meena stormed off. 

Boe, Burpy who burped and Dopey saluted then run after him.

Back on earth in Florida, the search was still in progress in the southern area of the space center. 

The sun started sinking below the horizon. The Commander of the Search and Rescue was about to call it off for the night.