The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 15



Back on earth in Florida, the sun rose for the start of another hot and humid morning.

The volunteers returned to the Command Center.

They continued their search of the woods of the southern area of the space center. 

But the commander was starting to have his doubts that they would find the kids alive. 

Back in Neila inside that HVAC duct, Luna, Sona, Timmy and Monica with the coiled vines, crawled ever so quietly down the duct. 

Luna stopped near a big round return air grill. He peeked in the grill and saw it was in the ceiling of Meena's bedroom. He could also see Meena was sound asleep in his bed, cuddling the crown like it was a teddy bear. 

He could also see Boe, Burpy, and Dopey sleeping in chairs on the other side of the room snoring with a strange sound.  

"Boe, Burpy, and Dopey are asleep in chairs. Meena is asleep in his bed and has his arms around the crown," Luna quietly told everybody. 

"You're on Monica," Luna quietly told her.

"Are you up to this?" Timmy quietly asked Monica. 

Monica looked at the grill then back at Timmy. She nodded that she was okay.

Luna removed the coiled vines off his shoulders. He tied the three vines around Monica's middle section like a harness.

Inside Meena's bedroom, the return air grill was quietly removed.

Monica was horizontal when she was slowly lowered down to Meena by the vines.

Inside the HVAC duct, Luna, Sona, and Timmy each held onto a vine to prevent Monica from dropping onto Meena.

Down in his bedroom, Meena snored a strange sound while Monica was stopped two feet above him and the crown.  

Monica got her hands inches from the crown when Meena snorted and turned to his other side, bringing the crown with him.

Monica tried to reach out for the crown, but her fingers came up two inches short.

Luna and everybody carefully lowered Monica down another three inches. She reached out and grabbed the top of the crown with two fingers on her left hand.

Monica was slowly lifted upward by Luna, Sona, and Timmy from up inside the HVAC duct.

Monica's eyes widen with fear when she saw Meena's hand rising along with the crown. 

Monica was lifted another foot when Meena's hand fell off the crown. 

His hand fell and slapped himself on his face. Meena quickly woke up and saw his crown was missing. He jumped up and stood on his bed in a panic and looked around for the crown. Then something didn't feel right. He looked up and saw Monica being lifted by the vines into the return air grill with the crown in her hand.

"That earthling's stealing my crown!" Meena yelled out at pointed up at Monica. 

Monica's eyes widen with fear when Meena reached up and grabbed her right hand. 

"Ahhhhh!" Monica screamed out in her best high pitch scream.

Her screams scared Meena, as this was nothing he ever heard in his life.

Inside the HVAC duct, Luna, Sona, and Timmy quickly pulled up on the vines as soon as they could. 

Monica was almost inside the HVAC duct when a loud crack sound was heard. Everybody froze while the cracking sound got louder.

Back on his bed, Meena still looked fearful of Monica while she was being raised into the HVAC duct. His eyes widened with anger when he remembered that she had his crown.

Part of the ceiling came crashing down.

Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Monica slammed down on Meena and his bed with all the ceiling debris and dust. 

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey jumped up out of their chairs in a panic. They looked around in a daze. Their eyes widened the second they saw the pile of Luna, Sona, Timmy and Monica on top of Meena on his bed with ceiling debris.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey ran over to them but then suddenly bumped into each other and slammed to the floor. 

Luna quickly grabbed the crown from Monica who cuddled it like a fumbled football. 

Sona, Monica, and Timmy quickly jumped up off of Meena and his bed. 

They all ran to the door. 

Luna opened up the door, and everybody raced into the hallway.

Meena lay on his bed surrounded by ceiling debris in a daze not knowing what hit him.

While Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Monica ran down the hallway, they knocked down a sleepy guard and ran over his body. 

They ran down the hallway. 

The guard started to get up but was suddenly knocked down by Boe, Burpy, and Dopey. The four tumbled to the floor.

Meena stood in the doorway of his bedroom with ceiling debris dust all over his PJs. He looked pissed when he saw the four on the floor. "Get them!" he screamed, and it echoed in the hallway.

The guard, Boe, Burpy, and Dopey jumped up to their feet and ran down the hallway. 

Outside Meena's residence, two guards dozed off while standing guard on both sides of Meena's front door.

The front door slammed open, which startled the guards. Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Monica raced out the door. 

The door slammed closed.

The guards quickly removed their laser pistols and aimed it at the escapees. The door slammed opened again that startled the guards and they fired their laser pistols in the air.

Boe, Burpy, Dopey, Meena and that other guard stood and watched while Luna with the crown, Timmy and Monica raced off down the street.

"Don't stand there; get them!" Meena screamed out.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey ran off after them.

"You stay here and guard my place," Meena told the guard then he ran off after the four goofs.

Three minutes later, Luna, with the crown, Sona, Timmy, and Monica ran down Flight Line Avenue toward a big hangar in the foreground. They turned around and saw Boe, Burpy, and Dopey running after them with their laser pistols out. They were gaining ground on Luna and everybody.

Meena ran a good ways back since his stubby legs gave him the curse of being a super slow runner.

Lon, Saul, Bingo and Lorge, with Frankie on the back of his sky board, sky surfed up in the sky.

Lon looked down below and saw Boe, Burpy and Dopey firing their laser pistols at Luna, Sona, Monica, and Timmy. The red laser beams were putting holes in the ground, inches from the heels of their running friends.

"Attack time Saul and Bingo!" Lon yelled out.

Lon, Saul, and Bingo dove their sky boards down at Boe, Burpy and Dopey like fighter jets attacking ground targets.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey fired their laser pistols at Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Monica. The laser beams missed them by inches.

"You idiots!" Meena yelled out while he ran as fast as his short stubby legs could carry him.

Lon, Saul, and Bingo banged Boe, Burpy, and Dopey on their heads with the back ends of their sky boards.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey tumbled to the ground and passed out.

The Surfers looked proud of their achievement then they made sharp upward turns and accidentally slammed into each other.

They fell off their sky boards and slammed to the ground and were knocked out cold. Their sky boards dropped to the ground and stopped inches above it then hovered.

Lorge, with Frankie on board, surfed down after Meena, who turned around and fired his laser pistol.

Lorge made an evasive maneuver, and the red laser beam missed Lorge by inches. But that caused Lorge to fall off his sky board. He fell and slammed into the ground and was knocked out cold. His sky board stopped inches above the ground and hovered with Frankie stunned.

Monica turned around and saw Lon, Saul, Lorge, and Bingo passed out on the ground while their sky boards hovered inches above the ground.

She saw Meena running after them with his laser pistol ready to fire. She suddenly got an adventurous streak and ran over to Bingo's hovering sky board. 

Timmy turned around and saw Monica hopping on Bingo's sky board, and he got worried. "Monica, get back here!" he yelled out and looked concerned. 

"Don't worry about me!" Monica responded while she took off into the sky on the sky board with a bold look on her face.

Meena ran after Luna and Sona unaware of Monica was on Bingo's sky board. I am coming after him.

All of a sudden, Monica's sky board sky swooped down from the sky and banged Meena on the back of his head with the tip of her sky board. Meena dropped to the ground out cold.

Monica sky surfed back up in the air and did a loop-d-loop. "Yahoooo!" yelled out Monica during the loop-d-loop.   

Timmy watched in awe while Monica performed that loop-d-loop.

Timmy saw Luna and Sona were not in sight.

Timmy ran over Lorge's hovering sky boards. He immediately hopped on and was soon airborne.

Timmy and Monica sky surfed over to the flight line.

"I want one of these!" Timmy cried out in joy, loving the thrill of this type of flying.

"Me too!" Monica cried out while they flew to the flight line.

Back at the flight line by a hanger, a big hangar door opened.

Luna, with Sona by his side, drove a hovering tug and towed the Neila 14 fighter spaceship out of the hangar. 

Timmy and Monica flew overhead, and they saw Luna and Sona on the tug towing Neila 14 away from the opened hanger. 

Timmy and Monica flew their sky boards down to the flight line. 

They landed close to Neila 14 when Luna stopped the tug.

"Are we all here?" Luna asked while he and Sona got out of the tug.

"We're missing Frankie," Timmy replied and looked worried.

Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Monica looked around, then saw Frankie's head poking around the left corner of the hanger.

Timmy motioned for Frankie to come over to Neila 14 while Luna and Sona disconnected it from the tug.

Frankie ran away from the hanger and headed over to them.

"Lon, Lorge, Saul, and Bingo were knocked out," Monica said.

Red laser beams fired at them. It missed them, and the beams hit the right side of the hangar with a loud boom. A burning hole in the metal wall was visible.

"We better hit the sky," Luna cried out then he saw Boe, Dopey and Burpy running at them with Meena again far lagging. They all had their laser pistols out and fired more red laser beams in their direction.

Luna, Sona, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica quickly got inside Neila 14. Luna slammed the door shut. The engines of the Neila 14 fighter whirled while they started. The engines whined louder, and Neila 14 rose up and ascended into the night sky.

The air raid sirens blared all the Army base and flight line. 

Eight pilots that wore purple flight suits ran out of the barracks fifty feet from the hangar.

The soldiers ran down the flight line while they placed their helmets on their heads. 

They raced over to the eight fighter spaceships. 

They each quickly jumped inside their assigned spaceships. 

Their engines started up with a whirl. They whined louder.

All eight fighters quickly rose up into the air.

They all took off, and a domino effect immediately occurred while the fighters crashed into each other because of the vines were tied to their landing struts. They dropped to the flight line in a pile of crushed metal. Their engines whined down and shut-off. The pilots got out of their ships and removed their helmets. They scratched their heads while they tried to figure out why they crashed.

Meena, Boe, Burpy, and Dopey ran over to the flight line. They all had huge bumps on the back of their heads.

They stopped in their tracks when they saw the pile of crashed fighters.

Meena saw Neila 15 fighter still in the hangar.

"Let's go!" he yelled at the goofs while he pointed at the hangar.

They all ran over to the hangar.

Back on earth in Florida, volunteers Jack and Ben searched the woods not too far from Kirk's place.

Then something caught Jack's eye, and he looked at a pile of vegetation.

"This looks odd," Jack told Ben while he walked up to the pile of vegetation.

"Looks man-made," Ben replied while he checked it out.

Jack and Ben started to remove the vegetation and tree branches. 

After two minutes of removing most of the vegetation and tree branches, their eyes widen in disbelief when they saw the rear of Neila 1.

"What is that?" Jack asked then he frantically removed more pieces of vegetation and tree branches.

They both saw the "Neila 1" marking on the spaceship.

"I believe it's a spaceship," Ben said while he stared at it in awe.

"Ah, we found something extraordinary out here," Jack said into his handheld radio.

"What's that?" the commander replied from the radio.

"Well, it looks like a spaceship," Jack said into his radio while Ben continued to remove more vegetation and tree branches off of Neila 1.

"A what?" the commander replied from Jack's radio and sounded like he did not believe them.

"We found what looks like a spaceship," Jack said in his radio.

There were a few seconds of silence. "We'll be right there," the commander said from the radio.

Jack and Ben just stood there in disbelief that they found an alien spaceship.

Back up in outer space above Neila, Neila 14 raced up away from the planet with Luna at the controls.

Neila 15 raced up from Neila and headed after Neila 14.

Inside Neila 15, Meena drove while the three goofs sat behind him. Meena saw Neila 14 straight ahead of them. 

"Destroy him!" he yelled at the three goofs.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey rushed over and grabbed the weapons control stick.  Boe fired a laser beam.

Inside Neila 14, that red laser beam shot past the canopy. Then Boom! The spaceship violently shook, knocking everybody around the inside. 

Luna made evasive maneuvers while he dodged more of Neila 15's laser beams.

Inside Neila 15, Meena flew the fighter while Boe worked the weapons controls. He did a rapid-fire of more laser beams at Neila 14, but Luna was good at dodging them.

Meena was furious with Boe, Burpy, and Dopey. "Do you morons need glasses? I said, shoot him down!" he screamed out and sprayed them with a little spit.

"I can shoot him down," Burpy burped out.

"No! I can shoot him down," Dopey yelled out.

They all fought over the weapons control stick.

Meena got frustrated with the three goofs and slapped them all across their faces, causing their heads to spin then he took control of the weapons stick.

A "Welcome to Planet Ronrevog – Home Of The Governing Council. Fly Safely" lighted neon sign floated in outer space above planet Ronrevog. 

Neila 14 raced past the sign and flew toward the planet Ronrevog.