The Space Dreamers by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16



Back on earth in Florida, the Commander of the search and rescue effort was standing next to Jack and Ben with fifteen deputy sheriffs and ten NASA officials. They stared in disbelief of an alien spaceship that crashed on space center property.

“How can NASA miss this?” the Commander asked the high-ranking NASA official standing near him.

That NASA official shrugged his shoulders to indicate he did not have a clue.

Back up in outer space, Planet Ronrevog looked very similar to Neila with the same type of vegetation, mountains, oceans, and lakes. But Ronrevog had eight different shaped continents.

Neila 14 flew down out of the sky toward a huge Palace that sat on top of hundreds of stairs. It was the Governing Council Palace, which lay in a beautifully landscaped field surrounded by woods.

The Governing Council was the body of aliens that established rules for all the nearby planets with eight council members. 

This maintained peace for hundreds of years.  All the planets had a representative on the Governing Council. They would enforce the separate laws of all the individual planets.

Neila 14 swooped down and landed in a clearing near the edge of the woods that surrounded the Palace. They had to land here as landing in the field surrounding the Palace was strictly forbidden unless with prior approval.

The door opened to Neila 14 opened up.

Luna, with the crown in hand, Sona, Timmy, Frankie and Monica all rushed out.

Luna looked around and saw the top of the Governing Council Palace that poked high above the tree lines.  They ran off toward the woods.

Neila 15 descended wildly from the sky.

It came down wildly and bounced off the ground in that clearing of those woods.

Neila 15 tumbled twenty feet back up in the air. 

It dropped to the ground and crashed.

The engines emitted pink smoke.

The banged-up door creaked open.

Meena stumbled out of Neila 15. Then, Boe, Burpy, and Dopey fell out and landed on top of Meena. 

“Get off me!” yelled Meena, who pushed them off his body.

Meena jumped up and saw that Neila 14 landed thirty feet away. He immediately knew that Luna and everybody headed to the Palace.

“I know a shortcut,” Meena told them. 

He ran toward another direction of the woods.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey got up and saw Meena running away toward the woods.

They ran off after him.

Luna, with the crown, Sona, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica ran through the woods.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica got winded from all the running. They stopped. They bent over and gasped for air. 

Luna and Monica noticed and stopped. 

“What’s wrong?” Luna asked

“Need air and rest,” Monica said out of breath. 

“Meena is coming after us. We can’t slow down,” Luna called out while he looked the area over for his enemy.

Timmy, Frankie, and Monica took off running and ran past Luna and Sona.

Luna and Sona ran after them. 

Meena, Boe, Burpy, and Dopey ran thru another section of the woods. 

Burpy tripped, stumbled and knocked Boe down who then knocked Meena down into the dirt. 

“Can’t you guys do anything right?” yelled Meena with his face in the dirt. 

He looked up and saw the edge of the woods ten feet away. And between some trees, he saw the Governing Council Palace. Luna, Sona, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica were not visible, and he smiled, knowing he was a step ahead of them.

He pushed the goofs off him and jumped up.

He ran to the edge of the woods in the direction of the Palace.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey got up and ran after Meena.

Luna with the crown, Sona, Timmy, Frankie, and Monica ran through the woods.

Then they ran to the edge of the woods and into the field.

They ran across the field to the Palace.

Nobody was in sight, so Luna thought he made it free and clear. 

They ran to the hundreds of stairs that led up to the Palace.

When he got to the base of the stairs, they saw two huge landscaped bushes on both sides.

Meena, Boe, Burpy, and Dopey jumped out from behind one of the bushes with laser pistols drawn. 

“It’s over Luna. Hand over the crown, and I’ll go easy on you. Maybe you can be my houseboy for my Queen and me,” said Meena with a smirk while he glanced over at Sona. Then he aimed his pistol at Sona’s head. 

Frankie looked at Meena then he got an idea. He immediately got into a Bruce Lee type of stance. He started to make sounds like a karate fighter. He whished his hands all around in the air and kicked his feet.

Meena, Boe, Burpy, and Dopey had their eyes fixed on Frankie’s fancy karate moves, as this was something they have never seen before. They did not notice while Luna, Timmy, and Monica slipped away and ran up the stairs.

Frankie gave Meena’s hand a good swift kick, and his laser pistol flew away.

Meena was a little surprised when he realized his pistol was not in his hand. Then all of a sudden, Frankie gave Meena’s face an excellent swift karate kick.

Meena dropped to the ground, stunned.

There was a moment of silence between Boe, Burpy, and Dopey while they glanced at Meena down on the ground.

Sona took off, running up the stairs.

Before Boe knew what happened, Frankie gave him a good swift karate kick across his face. 

Boe dropped to the ground.

 Burpy and Dopey dropped their laser pistols to the ground the second they saw Frankie in his karate stance, ready to pounce on them.

Frankie felt it was safe now, so he took off and ran up the stairs to the Palace.

Inside the Palace, Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Monica ran down a long hallway.

They ran down the hallway until they came upon the Governing Council’s chamber room.

Luna opened the door.

The eight council members worked at a long conference table while they made the final arrangements for King Tona’s retirement. Four guards stood alongside the wall behind the members.

Councilmember 1 had a strange feeling and looked over at the door. 

He saw Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Monica. He didn’t think anything of it. Then it dawned on him.

“Earthlings!” he screamed out and jumped up on the table.

The seven other Council members looked at their colleague like he was whacky.

“Get off that table. You look like a dweeb,” said Councilmember 4.

“Earthlings!” he screamed out again and pointed at Luna, Sona, Timmy, and Monica while they got closer to their end of the table.

The eyes of the seven other Council members almost popped out in shock at the sight of Timmy and Monica. They jumped up and joined their colleague.  They all shook in fear.

The guards removed their laser pistols and were about to vaporize Timmy and Monica when Luna rushed up to the Council members. “Don’t fire! It’s okay. They are earthlings and are very friendly. Trust me!” Luna said in a comforting tone while he used his body to shield Timmy and Monica from being shot with laser beams.

The guards didn’t fire their laser pistols but aimed them at Timmy and Monica as a precaution.

The Council members recognized Luna.

“Luna! Where have you been?” Councilmember 5 asked.

“You missed the initial ceremony,” Councilmember 8 said.

“It wasn’t my fault,” Luna said while he placed the crown on the table.

Frankie ran into the room, and that startled the Council members.

“It’s okay. He’s another friendly earthling,” Luna said.

“Those earthlings are a colorful creature,” Council 1 member stated.

“They are my best friends,” Luna added while Frankie ran up to him.

The Council members felt safe being around Timmy and Monica, so they got off the table.

They looked at the crown in Luna’s hand.

“General Meena was given the crown. How did you get it?” Councilmember 6 asked curiously.

“Well, I missed the initial ceremony because General Meena tricked me into flying to earth.”

“Why?” General member 3 asked.

“I wasn’t ready to be crowned King so Meena told me that if I would fly to earth and destroy their rocket that was sending a probe to our planet, the Governing Council would grant me a two-year delay on being crowned,” Luna confessed and looked ashamed of himself.

“Why would he tell you that?” Councilmember 6 asked.

“Because he wanted to become King and attack earth then start attacking other planets. He has a stupid dream of becoming King of the Universe,” Luna replied.

The Council members looked Timmy, Monica, and Frankie.

“So how did these earthlings come here?” Councilmember 7 asked.

“They helped me escape from earth and get the crown from General Meena,” Luna said.

Councilmember 7 motioned for the guards to put away their pistols. They obeyed.

The door to the room slammed open, and Meena raced inside with Boe, Burpy, and Dopey. 

Meena stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Luna, Sona, Timmy, Frankie and Monica standing next to the Governing Council members with four Guards behind them. 

He frowned and knew this could not be good for him. 

Councilmember 4 glared at Meena at the other end of the room. “Meena, we have a little problem!”

“What problem? There’s not a problem,” Meena replied while he played dumb.

“Luna claims you illegally detained him from attending the initial conference,” Councilmember 5 said.

“No! I would never do that!” Meena lied and faked looking sincere.

“You kidnapped me!” Sona cried out. 

She ran over and slapped Meena’s face.

Boe, Burpy, and Dopey knew they were in trouble.

“General Meena told us to shoot down Prince Luna back at earth,” Boe blurted out realizing Meena was caught.

The Council members looked at Luna.

“Luna, is there something you want to say?” Council 1 asked him. 

Luna got a huge smile on his face. “Guards! Arrest Meena, and his three goons!” Luna ordered, and suddenly, he started to feel like King.

Meena, Boe, Burpy, and Dopey all took off running.

The four Guards ran after them.

One of the guards caught up to Meena, while the three other guards ran after the goofs.

They were all arrested and were escorted out of the room.

“Wait,” Luna yelled out.

The guards stopped.

Luna ran over to them.

Sona followed.

“Where’s my father?” Luna asked Meena. 

“The earthlings have him. I thought you heard about that?” Meena responded with a smirk. 

“Tell me the truth!” yelled Luna with clenched fists. 

Frankie ran over and got into his Bruce Lee stance and made his karate sounds. 

“He’s stranded on Planet Deserta,” burped out Burpy afraid of Frankie.

Meena looked at Burpy with fire in his eyes.

Luna, Sona, and the Council members looked confused, as they did not understand his burping words. 

“Duh…Meena made us sabotage his limo. He’s…duh…stuck on planet Desert, duh,” Dopey responded.  Then he reached in his shirt pocket and removed a piece of paper. “Here are the coordinates where he should have…duh…crash landed,” Dopey said then handed Luna the paper.

Meena looked mad at Dopey and wanted to slap him, but the guards had his arms in their grips.  

Luna looked at Sona. “I need to save father,” Luna told Sona. 

“As what a future King should do!” Sona replied, proud of him.

Luna then gave her a quick kiss on his lips.

“Don’t start the final ceremony without father and me,” Luna told the Council members.

 “We won’t,” Councilmember 1 replied while the other Council members nodded in agreement.

Luna grabbed Sona’s hand then they ran off and headed to the door.

The Space Dreamers watched Luna and Sona leave. They all looked at each other and somehow knew they all had the same thought. They nodded, indicating they wanted another adventure and ran after Luna.

Outside the Governing Council’s Palace, Luna, and Sona ran down the steps. 

The Space Dreamers ran down the steps after him.

“We’re coming with you,” Timmy cried out the second Luna got at the bottom of the stairs.

Luna looked around and smiled at his earth friends and waited for them.

They got to the bottom of the stairs and ran across the field to the woods with Luna.

They ran through the woods.

They ran out of the woods and back to Neila 14 in that other field.

They quickly got inside Neila 14 and closed the door. The engines started with a whirl. Then the engines whined up.

Neila 14 lifted off the ground and ascended into the sky.