The Spurgeon Mission by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Kith and Veltz were shown into a room.  “This is to be yours, the off springs we will take them to another wing.”  Said a member of the crew.

“No, no I must have them with me, it is strange for them, they do not yet know the ways of our people.  Can they not stay here with us for the time being at least?”  Veltz begged.  “I don’t know I must ask the captain, I will let you know so I will leave them here with you until I find out.”  The crewman left the room, but came back a short time later with the captain.  “Captain Kith you surprise me, I thought better of you.”  Said the captain. 

“What surely Veltz has a right to keep her off springs with her under the circumstances?  Is that too much to ask?”  Kith felt his temper rising to the surface and was finding it difficult to control.  “No, no I’m not talking about that.”  He opened the door and beckoned to his underling.  “Bring the boy in now.”  Veltz and Kith gasped as Fred was escorted in.  “Zeus, Savina what have you done?”  Cried Veltz.

“Fred what possessed you to come aboard?  You will have your family worried.  How could you?  I suppose you enlisted the help of the youngsters?”

“I’m sorry Kith I just wanted to come aboard I didn’t think.  What are they saying?  Have I got you all in trouble?”

“I will have a word with the captain, don’t worry.  However, I don’t know what we can do about returning you.  You’d better hope there is enough energy to return you straight   back home.”

“What if there isn’t?”  Asked Fred.  He was now beginning to regret his actions.  He wasn’t sure he wanted to be with these people any more.  He didn’t like it they were all talking around him and he was scared.  He wasn’t going to show it though.  “Will they throw me in jail?”

Kith laughed.  “I shouldn’t think so Fred, but mind you they are not very happy about it.  Leave it with me.”  He tenderly stroked Fred’s head.  Fred couldn’t help it he began to sob.  Veltz through her arms around him and began to soothe him.

“Sorry captain it seems as though it was a prank cooked up by the trio that went quite wrong.  I should have watched them carefully.  I take full responsibility.”

“That is noble of you captain, I will have a word with my navigator to see if it is possible to return this youngster back.  It will have its risks I hope you realise, but for now keep these three with you and for goodness sake control them.”  He walked out sliding the door shut.

“Oh dear what a mess.”  Said Veltz.

“I’m sorry it was my fault I got Fred onto the ship.”  Savina looked up with an appealing expression on her face.  “We didn’t mean any harm.”

“I know, but we are now in trouble.  I think this is not the impression we should be making don’t you?”  Kith glanced down at the twins.  “I have told you before not to abuse your powers when are you going to listen?”

“Losing your temper will not help Kith they are only youngsters they will learn.  Come here you three you must all be tired, so we can talk later.”  Veltz led the youngsters to the bed.  “You can sleep here.”

“Wow look at that huge monster bed.”  Gasped Fred, he had never seen such a large bed.  This bed was round with silver sparkly sheets.

When the children were settled Kith left to find the captain.  “Ah captain I’m sorry about the incident with the boy.  I’m afraid the rules on their planet are very different from ours.  It was a harsh climate and it seems that the youngsters more or less do has they please.  It was very difficult rearing our young in that kind of environment.  We tried our best, but we are certainly glad we are away from the planet.”

“I thought you said were kind and warm towards you Kith?”

“These people yes, but others are different they are so very lax with their young.  It isn’t the best place to rear off springs.  It isn’t suitable at all.”

“I see we had an eye on that planet I believe.  Now to business, the navigator has given us the go ahead so we should be back on the planet before he is missed.”

“I’ll go and tell the others and thank you captain for your understanding.  I’ll find a way to make amends.”

Back in his own room Kith was amazed to see everyone was fast asleep.  He went back and entered the control room.  The old familiar sights greeted him, one of the crewmembers Kith recognised so he went over to talk to him.  “Hello Zeuth Jedra isn’t it?”

“Yes captain Ulka my brother was under you command, could you tell me how did he meet his end?”

“Of course young Zeuth, he was very brave, he risked his life to save ours.  It was a quick end a meteorite; he wouldn’t have known what hit him.  He had gone to repair the shield he insisted he should be the one to go.  I’m sorry he was a likeable young man and will be surely missed.”

“Thank you captain I am glad he passed on in an heroic manner.  This makes me very proud.  Can I help you captain?”

“No I hope to be back in my own craft soon.  Well as soon has we have settled back in, my family that is.”

“I heard about that, they were born on Plastow and they speak the language I believe?”

“Yes they do I will introduce them to you later, now Zeuth if you ever think of a move, my ship will be ready for good men like you.”

“Thank you captain I will consider it.” 

Kith moved towards the captain.  “Ah I see you were in conversation with my number one I hope you weren’t trying to poach him?”

Kith laughed.  “All fair game hey?”

“We will get the youngster back home, then we can concentrate on getting you home.  I bet you can’t wait to show you’re off springs off.  They will be the first to be born on alien soil.  I dare say the medical authorities will want to give them a right going over.”

“I never thought about that, the youngsters have been through a lot in their short lives, I hope it isn’t too much for them.  Veltz won’t take kindly to that.”

“Veltz what is a matter with you, since when did the females have a say in there off springs up bringing?” Kith just stared at the captain at a loss for words.  What had he done?  What was he putting his off springs through?  He thought he would be happy, but doubt was creeping in.  It seemed his youngsters would be misfits even in his own world.  Perhaps he could discuss it with Veltz.  He knew she wouldn’t be happy about the situation.  “Well goodnight captain I will go to my room, if you will shout me when we are nearing Plastow I would be grateful.”

“Right goodnight Kith.”

Kith hurried to his room all was quiet.  He felt loath to wake up Veltz, but was eager to talk to her.  He gently nudged her awake.  “What, what’s a matter Kith?”

“I’m sorry to disturb you, but there is something we need to discuss.  Can we go into the rest room and talk away from the youngsters?  I don’t want to awaken them.”

Veltz arose and straightening her clothes and then followed Kith to the door.  They walked in silence arriving at the rest room.  Kith checked the room was empty and then they entered.  Kith revealed to Veltz the conversation he had with the captain.  When he had finished he asked.  “What should we do Veltz?  I feel as though our off springs do not fit in here any more than Fred does.  They are going to prod and poke them like freaks.”

“Kith, Veltz placed her arms around him and nestled close to him.  “Don’t worry the youngsters are adaptable.  I know my place is here after all.” she giggled.  “We have our kisses and cuddles and I will look forward to your home comings.”  He smiled at Veltz and leaned over and kissed her.  “Careful,” she giggled.  “Don’t let too many in on our secret.  Kith everything will be fine I’m sure.  Come on let’s go to our room.”

They walked off hand in hand and entered their room.  They all managed to get some sleep and it was a knock at the door that aroused them.  “Captain Ulka,” said the voice at the door.  “The captain asked me to tell you we are nearing Plastow will you come now and bring the youngster along?”

“Yes all right give me a moment.”

Fred jumped out of bed.  “Is it time to go Kith?”

“Yes come with me.”

Fred hugged Zeus and Savina.  “Bye my friends.”

Fred followed Kith down the corridor and he noticed how shiny everything was, the walls of the corridor were all sparkly, silver in colour just like the sheets.  It was an awesome sight.  Neither spoke until they reached the control room.  “Would the youngster like to see how our ship works?  It would be a pity for him to go to all this trouble and not see anything.”

“I am sure he would be delighted captain, I shall ask him.”  He turned and explained to Fred who replied with a loud yupee.

“I guess he does.”  Smiled the captain.  “You show him Kith and explain how it works and show him his planet on the scanner.”

Fred took it all in, he was mesmerised by everything he saw.  His face showed his pure pleasure.  He was shown the control room and it was huge, far larger than he had anticipated.  He noted the spaceship didn’t look big from the outside.  It was round in shape

with a large ten-foot long monitor on the wall showing images of space.  Here too the walls were sparkling silver in colour.  There were many aliens going about their duties, pressing buttons here and there.  Kith tried to explain to Fred the basics of how the spaceship worked.  “You see Fred the ship runs on a very special kind of energy like nothing you’d ever find on earth.”  Fred just nodded awe inspired with all before him.  Then Kith pointed the earth out to him on the large monitor.  “Wow wait until I tell Jack, bet he’ll be envious.”

“I bet they will be happy to see you safe and sound.”

“Oh that I forgot bet I’m in for a rollicking.  Still it’s worth it, I wouldn’t have missed this, and it’s worth getting told off for.”  He grinned.  “I will miss you all Kith, thanks for understanding.”

“I’m glad too that I met you.  You have been good for the youngsters and I won’t let them forget you.”

“Kith one more favour can I take a picture now?  I have a camera.”

“Sorry Fred no it won’t be allowed, just be thankful you have been permitted to see this.”  The captain beckoned to Kith.  “Fred it is time for you to go we are going to beam you down from here.  You will be safe, just stand over there please.  Farewell my friend.”

“Oh wow!  Just like Star Trek, beam me down Scottie!”  Laughed a thrilled Fred.

“What is this Star Trek?”  Asked a curious Kith.

“It doesn’t matter Kith it’s just a joke, something I watched on television.”  Replied Fred. 

Kith leaned close to Fred and discreetly handed him a small package, he whispered. “Take this and open it when you are home it is a present from me to remind you of your journey upon our spacecraft.”

“Wow thanks Kith.” Fred whispered

Fred stood in the centre on the stand, moments later he was in the field leading to old Tom’s farm.  He looked up and saw the spacecraft disappearing from sight. On getting to his feet he staggered a little has dizziness over came him. It didn't take him long to get over it though. Now he would have to go and face the music.  He walked on singing unmelodious,  just then he felt for the package in his pocket. He quickly discarded the wrapper to reveal a sphere shaped object that lit up in his hand. “Gosh it's a copy of the spacecraft. I wonder if it flies.” He gently placed it on the ground and it instantly began to lift off.  He quickly grabbed it and placed it back into his pocket. I will have fun with that he thought.    

Fred walked home with a huge grin on his face, even the thought of being in trouble didn't phase him.  I can't wait to tell them all about my adventure. They won't be mad at me for long he thought.

Arriving back Fred flung open the door and the trio came rushing towards him, Mary clutching him close to her. Fred said “Oh mum please your suffocating me, get off me. I haven't been that long.”

“Fred you shouldn't have gone at all.”

“I know, but look at this it's a mini spacecraft that Kith gave me before I left and it really flies Jack. The spaceship was fantastic too.” Replied an excited Fred.

“Wow!” Said Jack  “You will have to look after it and keep it to yourself otherwise we might all get into trouble with the Military again and you wouldn't want that would you?”

“Oh no and I was hoping to show my friends at school, but I guess you are right. I promise I will look after it Jack.”

“Now tell us all about you time on board the spacecraft.

Having told his story, they all decided it was time to retire for some sleep. Once in his room however, Fred was too hyped to sleep and he had slept on board the ship because he was exhausted when the ship had taken off.  Now he was wide awake so he took out the miniature spacecraft and it began to fly around the bedroom spinning,  suddenly there were Kith's voice coming from the object and saw an hologram of the four of them waving back at him. Kith said. “Farewell my friends we will always remember you.” Savina shouts. “Don't worry Fred I will come back and visit one day I promise.  I will find away, bye for now. Love you all.”


                                  The End.

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