The Spurgeon Mission by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

The children walked in through the door, knowing it was near their meal time. Fred however, ran straight up the stairs slamming his bedroom door.  “Fred, Fred, what are you slamming about at lad?” Shouted Mary. Oh dear,  she thought, that sounds like trouble I wonder if he knows about them leaving, he really is fond of the twins. I worry about how he will cope after they leave. He really adores the twins. “Zeus, Savina go and wash your hands please.  Jack what have you said to Fred?  He marched in and without a word to anyone, slamming the bedroom door  and he won't come out.”

“Leave it with me mum, I will go and sort him out.”  Jack left the room. Veltz bumped into Jack at the top of the stairs.  “Jack what is wrong?  Fred would not speak to me, did you tell him?”

“No I think he senses it.  I am going to have a word with him now.  I shall have to tell him, but I will tell him to wait until you have told the twins before saying anything.  When will you tell them?”

“Right after lunch.  I will see you later Jack.” 

Jack knocked on Fred’s door and walked in.  “Sorry Fred if something’s upset you.  I have come to tell you what as been decided and no doubt it will upset you more.”

“Just tell me Jack why does everyone treat me like a baby?”

“We don’t Fred, but you are entitled to a childhood.”

“Childhood when it suits you hey?”

“Stop sulking Fred and listen, Kith has been in touch with his people and they are coming for them tonight.  They have to go back home.”

“It’s not fair, why can’t they stay here?  The twins are happy, besides they are English because they were born here.  They aren’t aliens.”

“I wish it was as simple as that Fred.  It wouldn’t be long before people found out how different they are.  It wouldn’t go unnoticed how superior they are for their age.  Their size alone would be a dead give a way.  Don’t you see Fred they would be considered freaks?”

“I suppose you are right, but I will really miss them.”  He began to sniff.

“I know so will I, it is hard, but we must do what is best for them.  Do you think you can come down for lunch and keep quiet?  The twins don’t know yet, Kith and Veltz intend to tell them after they have eaten.  They will need your support then.”

“Yes all right Jack give me a minute and I will come down.”

The lunch was quieter than usual; it was left to Molly and Mary to keep any conversation going.  Even the twins sensing the tension weren’t their usual noisy selves.  Fred kept his head down not daring to look across at the twins.  Knowing they would pick up on his mood.  Halfway through the meal he excused  himself saying that he was feeling unwell.  Mary was about to intervene, but Jack gave her the nod.  “All right love,” Mary said.  “I will come and see you later.”

Once in his room Fred began pacing up and down, his mind in overdrive.  After about fifteen minutes Fred stopped pacing, he had a huge grin on his face.  “That’s settled then.”  He said out loud.  He began to sing in his usual toneless voice while he began to prepare.  He gathered together all the things he thought he might need.  There was a knock on his door.  Carefully he stuffed the articles under his bed.  “Come in.”  He said in a subdued voice.  “How are you Fred?  Are you feeling any better?”  His mum stood in the doorway with obvious concern written across her face.  Fred felt a tinge of remorse for what he was intending to do.  “Yes thanks mum I’m all right now.  I must have eaten my food too fast.  Mum I..I am glad you are my mum.”   

Mary laughed.  “Now I know you’re unwell, whatever next?”          Still   Fred could see she was pleased and he was glad.  At least she knew he loved her.  Mary walked out of the door leaving Fred alone with his thoughts.  His mind thoroughly made up, he continued with his preparations.

Meanwhile in the next room Kith and Veltz were telling the twins about their departure.  Here too it wasn’t going down well.  “Not fair, I don’t want to go, I want to stay here.  Why can’t we stay?  We like it here don’t we Zeus?”  Savina turned to her sibling for confirmation.  “Yes please don’t make us go and leave here, Jack will let us stay with Fred?”  Zeus began to cry.

“I’m sorry Zeus.”  Kith picked him up.  “If we could stay we might consider it, but we cannot.  It is totally impossible; we belong on

Spurgeon that is our home.  Here we will never fit in, don’t you see that we are so very different?”

“No, no it’s not true.  Anyway Fred said that we are English because we were born here.”

“I wish it was so simple.  Look Zeus it will be a whole new experience for you, a whole new life and you’ll get to ride in a spaceship.  Besides now you can learn two different cultures.  One day you can pilot your own ship and come back to visit the people on this planet.”

Zeus wiped his tears away.  “Really I could teach our people English too.”

“Yes you could, you also Savina.”  Kith bent down and picked her up.  “What do you say?”

“I say yes, but I will miss them all here.”  Savina replied.  “Does Fred know?”

“He will by now I imagine.”  Said Veltz.  “Why don’t you go and find him.  I’m sure you will have plenty to say to each other.”  The twins went off to find Fred.

“Are you sure they will be up to the journey Kith?”

“You worry too much Veltz.  They are strong our off springs, stronger far better prepared than we would have been at such tender age.  This food, the air it has suited them.  It is a great pity that they cannot stay Veltz, but you know they would only be persecuted has they matured.”

“Yes you are right.”  Veltz studied Kith’s face.  “You know Kith you are becoming so very wise.”  Kith smiled at Veltz and on an impulse reached across and kissed her on the lips.  Veltz responded and when the kiss was over they both looked at each other.

“Wow!”  Said Kith.  “That was something else.”

“Yes I know, I guess these people have the right idea.  You don’t think we can set a new trend on Spurgeon?”  Veltz asked.

“I don’t think that it would go down very well, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do so in private.”  He grinned at her impishly.

“We will see.”  Veltz answered and added.  “Now I do know it is time to go home.”

Kith and Veltz walked out of the bedroom at the same time the children were leaving Fred’s.   “Hi,” said Fred.  “Sorry you’re leaving tonight, but is it all right if I take the twins for a walk this afternoon?”

“Well if you promise to look after them and don’t let them get up to any more mischief?”

“I will Kith I promise, I’ll take good care of them.  Come on let’s go.”  The children ran down the stairs excitedly.  “I hope they aren’t up to anything.”  Veltz looked nervously at Kith.

“Stop fussing Fred will look after them, he’s a good boy.  Let us go and join the others, we have little time left.”

Walking into the front room, the duo was greeted by Mary.  “Stay where you are and close your eyes.  Now Molly.”  She shouted.  Molly walked in with a large cake in her hands.  “You can open your eyes now.” 

Veltz was the first to react.  “Oh so beautiful.”  She declared.

Kith went to examine the cake.  “Excellent!”  He declared.  “It is my ship or very near it.  How did you know?  Oh and it says bon voyage what does that mean?  I don’t know those words.”

Jack who was standing behind Molly laughed.  “I gave them a rough idea of what your ship would look like.  As for bon voyage, it is our way of saying have a good journey home.”

“I see, thank you all.”  Veltz’s voice was filled with emotions.  “We will all share it when the youngsters arrive back.”

“Arrive back?”  Said Jack.  “You haven’t let them go out have you?  Where have they gone?”  Jack looked nervously towards his mum. Sensing his foreboding Mary said.  “It will be all right Jack our Fred’s a good lad, he will look after the youngsters.”

“They were just going for a walk.  Fred said that they would not stay out too long.”  Veltz now looked worried.  “Have I done the wrong thing?”

“No, no it will be fine, its just Jack being his usual self.  He always thinks the worst of Fred.”

“I’m not, mum, but it would have been better if they’d stayed here this afternoon, where we could have kept our eye on them.  We can’t keep the spacecraft waiting; it will be too dangerous.  Our Fred isn’t known for his punctuality.”

“I’m sorry Jack I never thought, do you think we should go and seek them?”  Veltz was near to tears.

“You stay here Veltz, Kith will you come with me?  I’ll take the wagon.”

“Yes of course, come on Jack.”  Kith walked out with Jack closely at his heels.

Once out of the sight of the house Fred and the twins stopped.  “I am coming with you, I don’t want to stay here any more.”

“But you can’t Fred, you’re not Spurgeon.”  Zeus looked at Savina for reassurance.

“No he’s right, besides you can’t leave your mum and Jack.”

“I can they don’t need me.  It would only be until another craft passed this way.  They could drop me off.  Don’t you see a chance to fly to another planet, people only dream of that?  I could make it a reality.  You could help me, you could come up with a plan to get me on your spacecraft, I know you could.”

“It isn’t as easy has you think.”  Zeus looked at Savina and asked.  “What do you think?”

“It might be possible Fred for us to think ourselves on board, but not you.  I don’t know.”

“Come on let’s walk a little while.”  Said Fred.  “Hopefully you might be able to come up with an answer.  This is if you want to help me?”

“We do, we do.”  They echoed.

They walked along in silence for a while until Zeus suddenly stopped.  “I know,” he yelled.  “It’s simple, here’s what we do.”  He proceeded to tell the plan and then he grinned.  “What do you think Fred?”

“I don’t know can you do that to your own people?”

“I think so, shall I practice on Savina?”

“No silly I know about it, I would be able to block it.  The only way to know is to try it on our parents.”

“If it doesn’t work they will really be angry with you both, me as well for putting you up to it.  I don’t want to get you into more trouble.”

“I’m pretty sure it will work.  Let’s go back home and try a simple test on them.  If it works we will go ahead.  Agreed you two?”

“Agreed.”  Said Savina.

“Let’s go.”  Said Fred.

They were just arriving up the path when they met Jack and Kith in the station wagon.  “Where are you going?”  Said Fred.

Jack just looked   uncomfortable and said.  “I was just taking Kith for a last look around.”

“Oh good, can we come too?”  Asked Zeus, who was eager to try his plan out on the two adults.

Sensing what he planned to do Savina joined in.  “Please Jack can we come?”

“Oh all right hop in.”

The children clambered in eagerly and Jack drove off.  He drove along slowly pointing out different landmarks along the route.  “Can we stop here for a while?”  Asked Fred.  “I want to show them my favourite spot.”

“I didn’t know you had one Fred.”

“I do Jack,” he pointed his finger.  “Just over there, I’ll show you.”

“Right come on out you get, me and Kith will wait here.”

“No Jack come with us please.”  Pleaded Savina, tugging at his jacket sleeve.

“You win, come on let’s get it over with then we will head back home.”

“Are you ready?”  Whispered Fred.  The twins nodded and Fred led them to a field.  It contained nothing other than grass.  “Look!”  He pointed at it.  “What a beautiful house and what a splendid lake.  I wish I lived there.”

The two men stared across at the scene.  “Yes it’s beautiful, I don’t know how I have never noticed it before.”  Said Jack.

“Yes I see it too, what a well made house.  I didn’t  know there was water here.”

“Funny that Kith neither did I.”  Jack scratched his head.  “I thought I knew these parts like the back of my hand.  It just goes to show doesn’t it?  I must have had my eyes closed.”  Fred smiled and Savina giggled.

“Let’s go now.”  Said Zeus.  “I want to go.”

“All right come on.”  Jack turned and walked away.

Fred nudged Zeus.  “Mission accomplished.”

Zeus nodded.  “I am tired though.”

“Sorry, but I thank you.  I hope it won’t be too much for you to do it again tonight?”

“No.”  Whispered Savina.  “He won’t be doing it, I will.”

The children were quiet on the return journey, Jack thought perhaps it was because they were sad, so he tried to jolly them along.  “How about a sing-song?”  He asked.

“No thank you.”  Said Zeus.  “I don’t think I could stand Fred’s singing.”

“Let’s just go back, I’m hungry.”  Said Fred.

“What’s new?”  Laughed Jack.  Still their journey back was mostly silent.

Arriving back at the house the children ran upstairs.  Jack and Kith walked into the front room.  “Thank goodness you found them in time.”  Said a relieved Mary.  “Where were they?”

“No they found us, we were just driving down the drive, and so we told them we were going for a last look around.  They decided to come with us, it was funny, but Fred stopped and showed us his favourite spot.”

Fred walked in just at that moment.  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said.  “But I’m starving what’s for tea?”

Mary laughed.  “It’s just about ready hungry nose.”  He was just in time a few minutes later and the cat might have been out of the bag.  He would have to be careful, not too long to go now.  He couldn’t help the grin from spreading across his face.

“What are you up to?”  Said Jack suspiciously.  “It’s something you shouldn’t be, I’ll be bound.”

“Don’t be so hard on him.”  Molly commented.  “He’s only a boy.”

“Yes you are always picking on me.”  Replied Fred thoroughly enjoying his brother’s discomfort.

“Now, now you two come on I have made a special tea in honour of our guests.  Don’t let’s spoil their last meal with us.  Fred go and tell the twins.”

“Right mum.”

Fred went to collect the twins.  “Now remember do not leave my side, if my plan is to work.”

“Don’t worry Fred we won’t let you down.  When I say look over there that is when you must be ready.  Isn’t it exciting?”  Savina smiled up at Fred.

“Come on we mustn’t keep the grown ups waiting.  Mum has arranged a special treat for you, I heard her tell Jack.”  Fred laughed.

Mary hearing the laughter looked somewhat relieved.  Fred was resilient; he was already bouncing back.  She hummed to herself has she carefully prepared the spread she had spent most of the day on.  It was worth it she told herself.  Soon they would be able to get on with their own lives again.  It was obvious Jack was becoming fond of Molly.  Mary was glad she couldn’t have chosen anyone better for him if she had planned it.  All was going to work out fine.  It was a comfort to her; she had been feeling her age of late.

Kith and Veltz had a feeling of apprehension now that the time for their departure was eminent.  “Kith do you feel sad about leaving here?  I am sorry for my off springs it will be a new way of life and very different from the one here.  It will take them time to adjust.”

“You are a worrier Veltz, the youngsters are very adaptable.  They will soon forget about this planet.  It is you I am less sure about given half a chance you would want to stay here?”

“No Kith.”  Veltz touched his hand.  “Not any longer.  My place is with you, I know this now and I am ready to go.”

“I am glad, but I will miss these people, they are caring.  I wonder if we would be as caring if things were the other way around.”

“I am sure you would Kith, how could you be anything but kind?”

“Come on you two,” said Jack.  “Your meal awaits.”  He bowed.  “The meal is prepared in your honour.  Your table madam, Monsieur sorry I cannot offer you wine, but it is not an appropriate time.”  He laughed and Kith and Veltz joined in.

“I will miss you both you know and the youngsters.  My life will be a lot emptier without you.”

“Yes and I guess a lot easier, we have put you through a lot Jack and yet you are still smiling.  You are a remarkable man and I am proud to have known you.”  Kith reached out and hugged Jack and Veltz joined in.  Molly watching the trio felt a lump rising in her throat.  This was what friendship was all about.  This spanned the universe against all the odds.  Yes indeed this was something special.  She felt proud that she was here to share the moment. 

Fred and twins breezed in and as if on cue Mary joined the group.  The meal was a poignant one everyone made a speech.  “Now Fred it’s your turn.”  Said Jack.

“Bon-voyage the cake says it for me.”

“Is that all?”

“Yes I said goodbye to the twins earlier.”

“Can I cut the cake?”  Asked Savina who was feeling nervous in case they questioned Fred and he let anything slip.

“Yes you and Zeus cut it together.”  Replied Mary.  Eagerly the twins placed themselves in front of the cake.  “Wait!”  Shouted Jack.  “I’ll go and fetch the camera.”  Minutes later he arrived back with the camera.  “Can you all gather around the cake, get behind the twins Fred?  Veltz, Kith can you both kneel behind them?  Mum you stand in between them, no need for you to kneel is there?”  Said Jack teasingly.

“I’ll take the picture Jack, you get in there with them.”  Molly took the camera from Jack and pushed him towards the group.  “Come on hurry up I want some cake.”

“Don’t be rude Zeus.”  Veltz chastised him.

“Sorry.”  Zeus looked up at her and grinned.

“Are you ready?  Say cheese.”  Molly snapped away merrily and then handed the camera back to Jack.  “I’ve taken several Jack, I hope you don’t mind?  I thought I could keep one as a reminder.”

“I hope that won’t be necessary, you will be able to see mine whenever you want to.”  Molly smiled her heart was racing, so he really did want her as much as she did him.  Veltz noticing this felt a twinge of envy, but it only lasted momentarily.  In her heart she was glad that Jack had someone to call his own.  So now he wouldn’t miss them as much.  She squeezed Kith’s hand; he smiled at her recognising at last that Veltz was letting Jack go.

The youngsters were busy tucking into large wedges of cake.  “Look I’m sorry to spoil the moment,” said Jack.  “But time waits for no man, I’m afraid we will need to be making tracks towards the field.  First though, I will have to report   that  old Joe's sheep have escaped and have wondered the main road at the far side of town. I don't like letting them out, but it is necessary and they can eventually round them up.  it will keep the police busy for a while just in case. I will drive up to old Joe's now it is dark and let the sheep out.”  Having made the phone call Jack returned to the others.  Kith and Veltz were in the throws of saying their goodbyes to Mary who was tearful.  “Come on we must go.”  Jack led the way out of the door.  “I’m coming too Jack, I want to see them off.”  Fred looked determinedly at his brother.  “All right then this isn’t the time for discussion.”

Jack marched off in front leaving the others to follow.  Veltz was keeping a very close eye on her twins, so Fred realised that there would be no further chance to go over his plan.  He hoped it would go as arranged.  The journey was silent affair.  Everyone had already said all that was needed to be said.

They stood together on the edge of the field; Kith began to summon the craft.  After two attempts Fred spotted the ship.  “Look over there.”  He shouted.  The three youngsters stood in awe, gaping up at the huge ship hovering overhead.  Fred was the first to break the silence.  “Wow this something else.  I wish I could go in it.”  He winked at Savina and this was the signal.  She closed her eyes and concentrated hard.

The craft slowly descended and the door began to open.  Two males dressed very much like Kith was and indeed resembling him in being blond, green eyed and very tall.  They walked towards them; Savina left the group and ran towards them taking the others by surprise.  This was Fred’s cue and he slowly edged his way around until he was behind the ship.  Not noticing his absence the others went after Savina.  Kith was the first on the scene.  “Sorry commander I didn’t know she was going to dash off.  You know what youngsters are like full of exuberance.”

“Don’t worry she has just stood here staring at us.  She has not said a word.”  He replied.  Kith frowned what was Savina up to?  “Come Savina.”  He held out his hand and Savina smiled sweetly up at him and accepted his hand gracefully.  Zeus came and stood at the other side he had a smile on his face also.  Savina was good; perhaps she was even better than he was.  Anyway be would stand by in case she needed back up.

Unaware that anything was amiss the group conversed together for a while.  Then beckoned to Jack.  Jack walked forward.  “I would like you to meet Jack and his young brother Fred.”

“Fred where are you?”  Jack looked around.  “Sorry he seems to have disappeared.”

“Well I would like to thank you for looking after the captain here it is so much appreciated.  Also I trust in you to keep to yourself what you have just witnessed?”  Kith translated this remark into English for Jack to understand.  “You can rely on us.”  Jack shook the commander’s hand.  “Now I am sorry to rush, but we must be on our way.”

“Yes, yes of course.”  Jack took a step backwards as the others walked towards the ship.  When they arrived at the door they turned waved once and then they were gone.

Jack stood a while until the craft had disappeared from view.  It was then that he turned to talk to Fred.  “Fred, Fred where are you?”  He yelled.  Obviously he must have gone on back, perhaps he was too upset and didn’t want me to witness it.  That was typical of our Fred.  Jack walked back home, now he thought I will get on with my life.  He began to whistle somehow his steps seemed lighter he knew that he had a soul mate in Molly.  He missed her already.  He walked into the hall.  “Is that you Jack?  How did it go?  Did they get off safely?”  His mum stopped.  “Where’s Fred?”

“Hasn’t he come back?  He went off while I was seeing them safely away.  Perhaps he’s gone for a walk to clear his mind, give him an hour then if he isn’t home I will go and look for him.”

Mary paced up and down, Jack and Molly had been gone now over an hour and she hadn’t heard a word.  She was really worried now, what could have happened?  Surely he hadn’t runaway?  It was sad he was losing his little friends, but that wouldn’t be enough for him to run off.  He still had his school friends, no something was wrong.  She paced up and down again until she heard voices.  She ran to the door throwing it open wide.  She could see Jack and Molly, but no Fred.  She began to cry; remembering what he had said to her this morning about how glad he was she was his mum.  Maybe it was an insight did he know something was going to happen to him?  “Mum, mum don’t take on so, you know our Fred there’ll be a reasonable explanation.  Look I’ll check his room, maybe he’s left a clue as to what’s going on okay?”

Jack left the room leaving Molly consoling his mother.  Entering Fred’s bedroom he began to systematically go through Fred’s things.  After a while Jack whistled and sat on the bed.  “Well I’ll be damned.”  He said.  “The cunning little bugger, I don’t know how he managed that.”  In Jack’s hand was a note it read:

By the time you read this I will be in space.  I guess they will find me and bring me back, but at least I will have been in space.  Don’t worry love Fred.

Trust Fred to pull a stunt like this, he didn’t realise the implications of his actions.  He hoped he would be able to stand the impact of flying in space.  He wouldn’t realise how different or difficult it could be for him.  Now Jack was really worried, how soon would the aliens realise he was there?  Were the twins in on this?  All these questions and more were buzzing around inside his head.

He walked slowly down the stairs, the note in his hands.  Molly and his mum were drinking tea when he walked in.  “Do you want a cup of tea Jack?”  His mum’s voice trailed off has she spotted the note.  Mary read it and then reread it as though she had not taken it in the first time.  She handed it to Molly without a word; Molly read it and was the first to react.  “What are you going to do Jack?”  She said.

“What can I do?  We cannot go to the police; we can’t report him missing.  We don’t even know how long before they find him or whether they can turn back and bring him home.  Maybe he might have to go on to their planet, I don’t know Molly it has been going around and around my head.”

“Perhaps I should have disciplined him more.”  Said Mary.  “Perhaps then he might have behaved himself, it’s all my fault.”  Mary put her head in her hands and began to cry.

“Don’t take on so mum, its not your fault, its not anybody’s fault.  It has happened let’s hope they find him straight away.  Who knows, they might be fetching him back right now?  There is nothing we can do, it is totally out of our hands.”

“I can’t sleep Jack knowing my baby is somewhere up there in space.”

“I know it’s hard mum, but what can we do?”

“Look I’ll tell you what, I will stay up you and Jack get some rest I can sleep tomorrow.”

“No I will stay up you and mum rest, I was the one who took Fred to the site.”

“Look you two I am not going anywhere not tonight, not until I know.”  Jack looked across at the determination on his mother’s face and he knew better than to argue.  “That’s settled then, I guess no ones going to bed.”  Jack prayed under his breath that Fred would give himself away.