The Spurgeon Mission by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

They had travelled sometime, when Fred spotted a jeep in the distance.  "I think we are being followed Jack.  That jeep has been behind us for the last twenty minutes."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am.  Do you take me for a fool?"  Remarked Fred.

Jack stopped the wagon.  "I'll just pretend to be fixing the wheel, see what they do then."  Climbing out of the wagon, he got his spare wheel and the jack out of the back.  He quickly let out the air from his front wheel.  Jacking up the wagon, he saw out of the corner of his eye, the jeep drive slowly past.  Yes Fred was right, he thought.  These guys were definitely following them.  "Fred do you think you can see if they have gone?  Do it discreetly, mind you."

Fred was smiling.  "You leave it to me."  After a few minutes, Fred was back, grinning from ear to ear.  "What's amusing you, young man?"

"I've fixed them good and proper."

"What have you done now?"

"Don't worry, I've just sprinkled a few nails further down the lane.  I spotted them hiding in a yard.  I peppered the opening with nails.  I figured if they tried to follow us, we would soon lose them now.  They'd have to stop and fix their tyres."

"Well done Fred.  Though this doesn't give you a licence, young man."  Jack's smile though, was as big as Fred's.

They drove past the opening, keeping his eyes straight ahead; Jack spotted the jeep coming out of the yard.  He smiled to himself, when he heard the tyres blow.  Putting his foot down, he headed towards old Tom's farm.  Has they turned into the old farm; Tom came out to greet them.  "Hi Jack, nice to see you.  You did me a favour and no mistake, when you left yon two with me.  You wouldn't recognise the old place now."

"Good, now Tom can I drive the wagon into the barn?  We are being followed."

"No afraid not, its young lasses bedroom now.  You'll have to hide it around back.  Who's following you?  Are you in trouble?"

"It's alright, I'll tell you later."

Getting into his wagon, Jack drove it around the back.  Making sure it couldn't be seen from the road.  Jumping down from the vehicle he saw Veltz.  It took his breath away.  How stunning she looked.  Veltz saw Jack at the same time, she felt really strange.  Was this love?  She wasn't sure, she'd thought she had loved Zeus, but no, this was totally different.  She felt light headed.  Her feet suddenly left the floor.  "Oh no, please."  She cried.  "Not now!  Not here!"  It had suddenly dawned on Veltz she had become a woman albeit premature.  In a world, when one became a woman, usually around thirty years or so.  The female would shed her seeds.  There would always be a male to fertilise it.  Then out of the seeds, some three or four would find a host to affix to until they were ripe.  Once hatched then the female would nurture them.  This was the one and only chance for them to reproduce.  What could she do?  She would not have another chance to become fertile.  She was really beginning to rise now, her body gyrating.  Just then Kith, who had seen what was happening, came rushing over to her.  He quickly arose until he was almost touching her.  He began to encircle her.  They glided in harmony.  Then it happened, seeds everywhere.  Some were swept away with the breeze.  Gone forever.  Kith has if on cue, began to ejaculate.  Some of the seeds were on course.  Gradually, the gyrating died down to a gentle swaying.  The pair still in perfect unison, landed softly on the ground.  Kith placed his arms around a now very emotional Veltz.  "It's alright Veltz, you weren't to know.  It's just unfortunate it had to happen now, here on this planet.  It must be this climate made you so premature."

"Oh Kith, my poor seeds.  They don't stand a chance do they?"

"Well I did fertilise them for you, but I fear they will all perish here.  Not being a host for them.  We will see this is a strange planet.  Things grow easier here.  We will see."  They walked towards Jack, who was still routed to the spot, has if mesmerised by what he had just witnessed.   He had seen it all clearly in the moonlight.  He felt as though he was a peeping Tom.  He didn't like the feeling at all.  This was obviously some kind of mating ritual he had witnessed.  He felt emotionally drained.  It was obvious to him now that these two were lovers.  How could he think Veltz had felt the same way about him?  He'd been foolishly mistaken.  It was evident that these two were meant for each other.  He would just alter his plans, would try to find away for them to contact their own world.

Kith had reached Jack and was talking to him.  He hadn't heard a word.  "Sorry Kith, what was you saying?"

"I am sorry too, am sorry Jaack!  This was not meant to begin."  Said Kith.

"Don't apologise to me, you don't have to explain anything to me.  It's not my business."  Kith could see Jack was upset; he beckoned for Veltz to step forward.  Maybe he would listen to her.  Veltz still very upset reluctantly stepped forward, she was not happy.  Her timing was really off.  She didn't want to look at Jack to see the contempt he must surely feel for her now.  "Jacck, what can we say?"  Her voice trailed off.

Jack shrugged his shoulders.  "It's alright."  He gave a half smile.  "I must say your English is coming along well."

"Yes Fred gave me a video.  I learn it fast.  Tom also help, but I don't know yet when I put GAW darn in."  Replied Kith.  Jack began to laugh heartily.  Kith was not sure what he was laughing at, but found himself responding like wise.  Caught up in the moment Veltz too began to react.  Fred found them at that moment.  "What's so funny?"  No one could answer.  "Oh blow."  Said Fred walking away.  Kith stopped laughing and began to blow, seeing him doing just that, set Jack off into more raucous laughter.  Eventually the laughter subsided, Kith placed one arm around Veltz the other around Jack.  They headed towards the house.  Fred came eagerly to meet them.  "Look Jack," he said. "Look around you, it's like an whole new place.  They've done all this by themselves.  In such a short time.  I bet Kith could build Buckingham Palace in a day."

"This Buckingham Palace, do you want me to build it Fred?"  Kith asked.

"No, no."  Laughed Fred.  "I was just saying you'd be able to."  Kith shrugged, funny these people never say what they mean.  Always talk two ways, he guessed he liked them, but he wanted to get home.  Oh how he missed his ship, his flights.  It was too mundane here.  Alright for small mind, he thought.  "Jaack, what did the men say?  Did they take our ship?"  Jack was looking at Veltz, who was sitting quietly alongside Kith, she, he knew was somewhere else at this moment.  He longed to console her, it was obvious she was very distraught.  "I'm sorry Kith, I have a lot on my mind what was you asking?"  Kith repeated the question.  "Yes they will take your ship.  I'm sorry Kith, we could see if we could get your communicator going."

"I left it behind, I don't know what to do now."

"Don't worry."  Chirped in Fred.  "I have it.  I also brought a long some parts I found that day I took the others there."  He looked sheepishly at Kith.  "Do you forgive me?  I don't blame you if  you

don't.  It's all my fault you are in this mess."

"Yes Fred I forgive you.  It was not you to blame.  Thank you for the parts."  He smiled at the young boy.

"Good, look."  He emptied his pockets.  Kith went through the parts eagerly.  He looked disappointed.  "The main part I still have not.  I need a part."  He turned to Veltz.  "I know your still upset, but could you draw the part, so they know, for me please Veltz?"  Veltz smiled.  Jack heart lurched, she was just like a ray of sunshine when she smiled.  "Of course I will.  I too find a need to return home."  She added.  "What else have I now."  She hurried off, coming back only moments later with a detailed drawing of the receiver.   Jack reached out for it.  He noted how shaky her hand was when she handed him it.  He jumped has their hands touched, she reacted the same.  Jack likened it to a mild electric shock, coursing through him.  He concentrated on the detailed drawing in front of him.  Tom and Fred looked over his shoulder.  "I bet I could improvise, I used to work on components years back.  We'll go into the yard tomorrow.  Maybe we can find something suitable Kith."

"I do hope so Tom."

Tom looked at Jack and said.  "We usually have our supper around this time.  Veltz has become a superb cook.  Equally good has my wife was.  You must try some."

"Yes please."  Said Fred.  "I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry."  Remarked Jack.

"There's nowt wrong with an healthy appetite, especially in a young one.  There'll be plenty to go around, she always makes too much.  Sit down over there, I'll help dish out." 

Veltz went over to the oven, Jack followed.  "I'll help you to dish out Veltz, of course if it's alright by you?  Has my coming here upset you?"

"No, I am just upset, my seeds not live."  She turned away with tears in her eyes.  "I do not talk good Kith he talks good."  Jack thought he'd better let her be.  Between them they served up the meal.  "It looks and smells delicious."  Jack placed the plates down on the table.  "Mm, can I start now.?"  Said Fred grabbing what looked like the largest portion.  "Nay lad, grace first."  Said old Tom.  "For what we are about to receive."

"May the lord make us truly thankful.”  Chirped in Fred.  "Now can we eat?"  Amid laughter Fred began devouring the food.

Jack offered to help wash the dirty dishes, but Veltz declined.  "Alright then, I guess me and Fred better be making tracks for home.  I think the guys that were following us will be long gone, thanks to Fred."

"I'll go and check shall I?"  Said Fred picking up his torch.

"No, we'll be right, let's go.  Look I'll call in on you before long Tom.  Take this money, you'll need some more provisions.  Best if you go into the city to get them.  Don't want to get anyone suspicious or aroused.  I would have brought some with me, but under the circumstances, thought it too risky."

"Don't worry Jack."  Old Tom said.  "I'll be careful.  I'll buy a little from each shop.  Already told Dotty, I'd planned to stock up for the winter, she agreed at my age it was for the best."  He winked at Fred taking a item from his pocket, he handed it to him.

"Wow, cool."  Yelled Fred.  "Look Jack, it's me."  There in wood, Tom had carved the perfect likeness.

"Thanks Tom, come on Fred, it's late."  Jack waved at the trio in the doorway.  Quickly walking around the back, he unlocked his station wagon.  "Climb in the back Fred.  Cover yourself up with the blanket.  Might as well be comfortable."  He drove off.

He drove him in silence, concentrating only on his driving.  Arriving home, he glanced at his watch.  It was nearing  Lord, he hadn't intended to be so late.  He looked in the back, Fred was sleeping soundly.  Shame to disturb him, he gently picked him up in his arms.  There were a time, Jack thought, when he could do this with ease.  The little blighter was growing up and fast.  Fred stirred.  "What!  Put me down Jack.  I'm no baby."  He growled, whilst rubbing sleep from his eyes.  Jack unceremoniously dumped Fred down.  He staggered a little, then walked up the path his dignity intact.  Mary was there to meet her sons.  She ushered Fred straight up the stairs, then turning to Jack, she wanted to know everything.  Jack told his mother just that the meeting went well.  He didn't want to worry her, by telling her they had been followed or about his disappointment,  discovering that Kith and Veltz were an item.  "I'm tired now mum, it's been a long day.  We'll talk more in the morning."  Jack mounted the stairs wearily.  Mary noted her son was somewhat subdued.  Instinct told her, things had not gone as well has her son had expected.  Never mind, she thought, he will tell me about it in his own good time. on turning the light out and followed Jack up the stairs.

Veltz did not sleep at all that night.  Her mind was on the off springs.  She would have managed to rear them, if she had been on Spurgeon.  Now she felt totally inadequate, she had been geared all her life for that very moment when she would reproduce. Now this it seemed, was never to be.  Eventually, she had cried herself to sleep.  So she was not feeling her best this morning, nor did she look it, she thought.  To humiliate her more Jack had to be there at the very moment.  Jack whom she knew now that she loved with all her being.  Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of old Tom.  "Morning love."  He said.  "I've just come back from feeding old sow.  Something’s wrong with her."   Veltz  only half listened.  Tom, however, got her complete attention with his very next words.  "Something on each of her teats.  Don't know what it is, but buggers are stuck fast."  Veltz looked up.  Could it be?  She dare not hope.  Leaving a dumb founded Tom, she shouted at the top of her voice.  Kith hearing the urgency in her voice came running towards her.  "What's happened?"  He asked anxiously.  "I hope it may be good news Kith."  Veltz relayed the news about the old sow.  "Don't get your hopes up too high.  Let's go and look at her first.  Come on."  He headed towards the pig pen, followed by Veltz.  He carefully examined the sow.  He smiled at Veltz.  "You're in luck.  I told you this is an unusual planet.  She has four of your seeds."

Veltz clambered over the fence.  She too inspected the sow.  "We shall have to feed her with my nutrients to ensure at least one or two survive.  What do we tell Tom?"  She asked.

"We will tell him to leave the sow in our hands.  We will bring her into your converted barn.  She will smell a bit, but you can watch her closely, see she doesn't reject your seeds." 

Veltz smiled at Kith, she ran across placing her hand in his.  "I don't know what I would ever do without you Kith.  You are really special."  Kith withdrew his hand, he was embarrassed for the first time in his life.  He turned his attentions back to the sow.  Guiding her out of the sty, he headed for the barn.  "We will have to confine her to one area.  I will get some fencing."  Kith went off for some material to fence the sow in, leaving Veltz with the sow.  When he came back she was busy preparing her milk for the sow.  "I will call her Mary."

Kith nodded.  "I will leave her with you.  I'm going to tell Tom to leave her in your capable hands."

Kith found Tom in his usual place whittling away on a piece of wood.  "The old sow, she'll be alright.  Veltz taking her into the barn, she's going to keep her.  Will let her free when she is fit."

"She'll smell the place out, will that one.  Is it wise?  She could stay where she was, it's closed in.  What's she done that for?  She is only an old sow."

"It's Veltz's wish.  You leave her to do it."

"Alright, if she want to. What about meals?"  Asked Tom who now was getting used to being fed well and wasn't about to let it go now.  "Don't worry Tom you will have meals.  She will feed us, but the most she will spend with sow.  Now I must go have more work."  Kith walked out, his heart was with Veltz and the offspring’s.  He was bursting with pride.  He was a part of  this, he wanted to shout it loudly.  I have created.  He knew now that this would bind him and Veltz together come what may.

Kith looked around, plenty of scrap metal here.  Maybe Tom could help him.  He picked up an old radio, this might help, some valves and a battery also useful.  He sifted through the scrap.  Satisfied he had everything that was useful, he headed back towards the house.  Tom was still whittling away merrily.  "Hi Kith, what you got there?" He said, looking up from his task.  "What do you think of this?"  He handed over the near finished article.  Kith looked at it, he'd certainly done a magnificent job.  It was the image of Jack and Fred.  It looked so life like.  "Good Tom, I like very much."

"It's a gift for you, but I haven't quite finished it."  Taking it back from Kith, Tom added.  "I will have it done for you tomorrow.  Now give me what you've got." 

Handing over the articles, Kith asked.  "Do you think you can do what is needed?"

"We can only but try our best lad.  Leave it with me." 

Kith walked back over to the barn to see how everything was going.   He found Veltz on her knees with her arms around the sow, talking to her softly.  "What are you doing?"  Said a puzzled Kith.

"I'm telling her how important she is.  Don't laugh, I feel she understands.  She is co-operating with me."  Kith thought that he'd better go along with her, if her seeds did not survive to hatch, she would be certainly needing him.  So he shrugged his shoulders.  "Does it look like any will survive?"

"I think so, a couple are looking very hopeful.  I will know this time tomorrow.  Will you help me Kith?"

"Why wouldn't I?  I am a part of them too." 

Veltz's cheeks reddened, though she merely answered. "Thank you."  Hoping Kith had not observed her embarrassment.  He spent some time with her, even staying while she went over to prepare the meal.  He only left when she fetched him for the meal.

So rapt was he in the safe keeping of the offspring’s, that the meal over, which was taken in almost record time.  There was little conversation in the offing.  Kith was again about to head for the barn.  "No Kith."  Veltz said sternly.  "I forbid you to go over to the barn.  What do you want to do, arouse Tom's suspicions?  Leave it for now. Can't you find anything else to do?"  This had hurt Kith, he tried not to show it.  He walked back to Tom.  "Have you time to work on the plans Tom?"

Tom nodded.  "Aye lad, I'll start it for you now." 

Tom walked over to the shed to fetch his welding equipment.  He came back with the visor over his head.  "Whoa, what is it?"  Asked Kith. 

Tom chuckled.  "It's to protect me from the welding, that's all.  Let's go out back.  You bring the metal and drawings.  We'll see what we can do with them."  Tom showed Kith how the welding equipment worked.  Pleased with the way in which Kith had learned the task.  He decided to leave the welding to him.  Kith was enjoying this new experience.  It was certainly occupying his mind fully.  After a couple of hours had gone by, Kith was ready with his new part.  "All you need now lad, is the power to energise it.  Then you're all set."  Said Tom.  Kith looked at him, what did he mean by power?  He had his own energy.  It dawned on him, that these beings had to create power externally.  Unlike Sturgeons, their power came from within.  He smiled at Tom.  "I have power within."  He thumped his chest.

"I see."  Said Tom, who quite clearly didn't. 

Kith wanted Veltz to share in the moment, so he went to the barn.  He called out to her.  "Veltz, I have done it, come and see."

Veltz came out of the barn.  "Oh Kith, I'm glad your here, come look, they are about to hatch.  Come I want you to witness the event."  Kith ran towards the pen.  He was just in time, the first seed pod was opening.  Out popped a pink offspring.  Followed closely by a second.  Two perfect specimens.  Kith gathered them both up, they began to wail.  "Wonderful."  He looked closer.  "One's a female, the other a male.  What about the other seeds?"  He asked.

"We have two healthy offspring’s.  I will need to nurture them for at least three more days, before they will be strong enough to survive on their own energies.  You can take the sow back, I have thanked her."  Veltz patted the sow and talked softly to her.  "Goodbye Mary."  The sow grunted back at her.  "I will miss you."  Kith looked at her, she really was special.  She had just produced her only offspring’s and yet she could still have time for the sow.  He supposed it must be gratitude on her part.  Still he was in awe of her. "I will not contact Spurgeon until those two are mature enough to travel."  He smiled.  "This was my news, I have made the piece required.  It should work, we will be able to go home.  Isn't it marvellous?  All four of us could be back on Spurgeon soon."  Veltz nodded, she supposed it would be better for her young ones, but she was not happy about it herself.  Still she supposed it had to be this way.  She was grateful to Kith for the reproduction, though she knew her feelings were for Jack.  "Will you look after these two for me Kith? I will get on with some chores in the house.  I don't want to leave them too long yet.  What are we to do about clothing for them?"

Kith studied a while.  "I guess we will have to take Tom into our confidence.  I'll tell him over supper."

"Tell me what?"  Tom peeped his head around the door.

"You better come in Tom."

Tom took the scene in.  "Where did they come from?"  He asked.  "Don't tell me yours grow on trees?"  He laughed.

"Nearly."  Kith said.  "No, but we produce quickly.  Is it different here?"

"Yes, a lot, it takes nine whole months growing inside the woman’s stomach."

"Ugh."  Said Kith. He relayed it to Veltz, who did not always understand Tom as well has he did.  Veltz shuddered.  There were some things she preferred done their way.  This was one of them.  She couldn't imagine what it would be like for the female.  Certainly it couldn't be pleasant, no there way was indeed superior.  "You'd best bring youngsters in the house, we can knock up a crib for them.  I have a couple of baby gowns somewhere knocking about.  Years old mind you, but still clean and serviceable." 

Kith went to fetch wood, whilst Tom went to rummage through an old trunk.  Each came back triumphantly with the goods in tow.  The infants bedecked in the gowns and a couple of matinee coats, were then wrapped into the baby blankets that Tom's wife had crochet half a century earlier.  Kith carried the youngsters into the house.  "Lay them on the settee Veltz, me and Kith will make the cribs."  It took just under two hours, both men came in with a crib.  "Look Veltz."  Said Kith.  He put the male in the crib and began to gently rock it.  Tom followed suit with the female.  The infants opened their eyes simultaneously and both began to coo.  Veltz clapped her hands together in delight.  "By lad, their lively youngsters and no mistaking.  How long will it take for them to reach the walking stage?"  Asked Tom.

"I can't say, you see things seem to happen quicker for us on your planet.  They should have taken  longer to hatch out.  We can only wait and see.  I hope them being here won't worry you Tom?"

Tom smiled at Kith.  "No, it won't bother me, I really will enjoy the company and could help look after them for you.  When they start to pick up words, I can teach them English and I won't say gawd darn to them either." 

Kith laughed.  "I'm sure you won't.  Now shall we go and find some more work to keep me busy?"

The next week was quite hectic for Tom's household.  It seemed to old Tom like these were his family.  He now couldn't visualise life without them.  He wondered how could he go back to his solitary life.  It would be very hard indeed.  The little ones were progressing really rapidly.  The girl was called Savina, the boy Veltz names Zeus.  In memory of her dead friend.  The start of the following week Veltz announced it was time to try them on solid foods, which they both took to very well indeed.  Tom loved to help feed the infants, he was becoming more and more attached to them.  He had whittled in wood and captured the very essence of them both.  He had placed it on the wall.  A reminder for when they left.  Veltz had found this very touching and had wept over it, in the privacy of her own bedroom. The barn once more had become her recluse.  Kith was the first to witness the first steps of Zeus.  He had talked none stop about it all morning.  Veltz had told him Savina might not yet be walking, though she certainly was talking well.  Tom had laughed saying this was typical of women, always did get the first word in.  This remark had highly amused Kith.  Everything was going a long swimmingly for all.  Kith, however, was getting impatient, he couldn't wait for the time to arrive to call control.  He was hanging back now until Jack called again on them.  He realised he owed him a lot and didn't want to contact his planet without first telling him.

Veltz thought she was in heaven, she adored her offspring’s, and she adored old Tom and his hospitality.  The only thing that saddened her was when she thought of Jack.  The realisation that she would have to leave this planet and never see Jack again.