The Spurgeon Mission by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Jack back on his farm was trying to throw himself into restoring the old summerhouse.  He realised now it could not be used to keep Veltz here; still it occupied any spare time he might otherwise have had.  Fred on the whole was happy.  He had found co-conspirators in Alex and Tim.  He had told them about the incident with the nails.  They had both agreed he was the hero.  Yes he thought his peers looked up to him.  The only thing that he regretted was his betrayal of his friend Kith.  He would have liked to have gone on a space adventure with him.  Perhaps, he sighed; we could have even let Alex and Tim tag along.  Now he knew he would never be able to go.

Mary watched her two sons carefully.  She had been very annoyed when the constable had deemed to return again with those army characters.  She had soon told them what she thought.  It had ended with her telling them she didn’t want them bothering her or her sons any more.  Hadn’t they better things to do.  She knew she had.  This, she hoped had kept them away.  Now her immediate worry was Jack.  He had been extremely quiet since his return from old Tom’s.  Every time she tried to broach the subject, he had stalled her.  She had hoped by now he would have confided in her.  He always had in the past.  This time it was different, she sensed his anguish.  It frustrated her knowing this time she couldn’t help him.  It was rapidly approaching Christmas. This was always a joyous occasion in the Johnson household.  This time she noted even Fred was less enthusiastic.  She sighed.  What a difference life had been since that day when Jack had arrived back with Veltz and Kith.  Little did she know what havoc the pair had reeked.  She should have turned them away, whatever Jack said.  It would have been better if she had.  I’m not a bad-hearted woman, she thought, but I must protect my own.  She had her hands in the middle of her Christmas cake mixture when Jack walked in.  “Hi mum, preparing the cake for Christmas already?”  He asked.

“Soon be on us son.  Six weeks to go, that’s all.”

“I know, I’m only teasing.”  He smiled.  “Mum, I’m going over to

Tom’s again tonight.  I need to make sure everything’s okay.  I don’t want Tom to get into trouble.  I wondered mum, if it might be better for them to come back and stay in the summerhouse.  It might be better.”  His voice trailed off as he saw his mum’s face.

“You’re not to bring them back here Jack, I forbid it.  Haven’t they caused enough trouble already?   We’d soon have the army lot back again.  You must be mad even to think about doing it.”  Jack thought he’d better say nothing else about it, he knew his mum once she had made up her mind and nothing would change it.  “Alright mum, it was silly of me, anyway can Fred come along for the ride or is that forbidden too?”

“I suppose so if he wants to go.  You’ll have to ask him.  Seems he is busy with his new friends, doesn’t seem to find much time for anything else these days.” 

Jack didn’t answer, he knew his mum would stay in a mood for a time.  He excused himself, saying he needed to wash up.  He heard the door slam, that would be Fred.  He could hear his mum admonishing Fred for slamming the door.  Guess poor Fred was on the receiving end again.  He promised himself he would try to make Christmas a fun time for Fred.  He hadn’t had an easy time of it lately.  This would all change from now on; he would make him his priority.  He shouted across the hall to Fred, who had by now retreated to his room.  Jack came into Fred’s room.  “Did you hear her, moan, moan, moan.”

“I know, it’s not been easy for her Fred.  It’s not been easy for any of us.  Listen, I am going to see Kith and Veltz, do you want to come along?”

“You bet, when, can Tim and Alex come?  They never seen real Aliens before, not like me and you.  They won’t talk.”

“No I trust you.  It’s just it is too much to expect old Tom to put up with two more, he's not getting any younger.  I’m sorry maybe next time.”  Jack placed his arms around Fred.  “Besides, I need you to be my look out in case we get followed again.”  He knew he wouldn’t be, but hoped it pleased Fred, knowing his brother was over imaginative.

“Yes you’re right, I do need to watch out for them.  They might try trapping us, but we’ll be ready for them.  I’ll go and get prepared.”  Fred was back quickly and to Jack’s amusement had everything one would need in “the great escape.”  Jack tried to look serious has Fred proudly showed off his wares.  “Come on Fred, let’s stash them out of sight.” 

They walked down the stairs.  “Won’t be long mum.”  Jack shouted has Fred followed enthusiastically, slamming the door behind him once again.  “Door.”  Shouted Mary.

“Sorry mum.”  Fred shouted back.  Fred stowed all his goods in the station wagon.  “Can we go now Jack, I’m not very hungry?”

“You not hungry!  Are you sick?”  Jack went to feel Fred’s forehead.

“Get off.”  Said Fred.  “We could take some cheese sandwiches, then we could get there earlier.”

“Alright, I’ll ask mum, but she’s not too happy.”

“I’ll ask, she won’t refuse me.  I’ll get around her.  Can we?”  He ran inside, remembering to close the door gently behind him.  “Mum, can we take a pack up with us?  Save time, if we could.  We’d be home earlier, if we got there sooner wouldn’t we?”

Mary laughed.  Fred certainly knew how to get around folk.  He’ll be a real charmer just like his dad when he grows up.  Her chest swelled she sure was proud of her two sons.  “Alright, I will prepare some for you, but you’d better be home earlier.”  She wagged her finger at her son.  He laughed, he knew he was back in favour.  “Don’t forget your winter coat Fred, it gets nippy.  Don’t want you getting cold.”

“Ah mum, don’t baby me.”  He grabbed his coat, kissing his mum on the cheek.  He picked up the sandwiches and left.  Remembering just in time to close the door quietly.

Fred took out his binoculars, placing them up against his eyes.  He certainly intended to keep a close watch out.  Jack turned on some country music and began humming along to it.  He couldn’t wait to see Veltz again.  It had only been a few weeks; nevertheless he had missed her. 

They stopped on a quiet stretch of the road.  “Let’s eat.”  Said Jack.  When there humble meal was over.  Jack turned the engine on and they headed once more towards Tom’s place.

Kith was mending a fence near the entrance of the farm.  He spotted Jack’s station wagon coming down the lane.  He opened the gate and awaited their arrival.  “Hello Jacck, Fred, it’s good to see you.”

“You’re looking well Kith, where’s Veltz?”  Asked Jack

“She is the one I have news for you.”

“News about .”  Interrupted Fred.

“News about.”  Replied Kith.

“Does it matter?”  Said Jack his curiosity aroused.  “What news


“Well, she has how do you say.  Are yes babies!”

“You mean she is having a baby?”  Jack was stunned that must have been what he witnessed last time.

“No I mean have babies, one male, one female.”

“Where, back on your planet?”

“No come and see them here.”  Kith pointed to the house.

“Wow!  Twins.”  Said Fred.  “I thought ladies got fat before they had their babies?  I saw Kate, Alex’s sister, she was huge.”  He indicated with his hands.  “Out here!”

Kith laughed.  “I have seen some like that on the television.  Not on our planet.  We lay seeds.  Did you not see the seeds Jack falling?”

Jack looked stunned.  How could this be?  That was only a short time ago.  “It is all much different for our females.  It has upset you Jacck.  You do not want to see?”

“Yes of course I do.”  He slapped Kith on the back.  “Congratulations, you are a lucky man.”

“Yes lucky for them to survive, I see.”  Jack walked on with Kith.  Fred eager to see for himself had run in front.  He flung the door open.  “Where are they?”  He yelled.

“Oh Fred, you are a noisy young lad, you have just awakened the youngsters.”  Said Tom.

“I’m sorry Tom, can I see them?  What do they look like?  Real alien babies?"   He ran past Tom into the front room.  There in two cribs lay the most beautiful babies Fred had ever seen.  “Wow!  Just like angels, all golden hair and pink cheeks.  Can I hold them?  I promise I will be careful.”

Veltz smiled.  “If you sit first, I will give you Zeus.”

“Zeus is it a boy?”

“Yes.”  Said Tom, who had now arrived and was standing beside him.  “The little girl is called Savina.”  He took Savina out of the crib and placed her next to Zeus.  One nestled in each of his arms.  The infants smiled up at Fred.  “Look, they like me.  I’m your Uncle Fred.”  He said proudly.  It was at that moment that Kith and Jack entered the room.  “Well I’ve seen everything now.  Our Fred nursing babies.”

“Look Jack, aren’t they something else?  Just like angels.  I bet babies like these are.”  He said dramatically.

Jack laughed.  Nevertheless, he thought, they were really beautiful babies.  He could understand why Fred had related them to angels, because they certainly looked angelic.  Just like Veltz.  He longed to hold her.  She smiled across at him.  “You want to hold them Jacck?”  He held out his arms and Veltz placed Savina into them.

Jack felt comfortable holding Savina.  It was he thought, as if this little one belonged in his arms.  He smiled down at her.  She gurgled up at him.  He wished this moment could last forever.  The child in his arms and Veltz by his side.  “Come on Jack, I want to show you my receiver.  Tom helped me.”  Jack handed the child back to her mother and followed Kith.

“Look, I think it will work.  I do not try yet.  I wait until off springs can travel. I wanted you to know first Jack.  You are good friend.”

“How long before your babies can travel?”  Jack enquired.

“Very soon, they walk, soon they will be ready.”

“That quickly, you don’t mess about on your planet.”  Kith looked puzzled.  “I mean you do everything very fast, including growing up.”

“I see, it seems we get very fast on your planet.  It is not so fast at home.”

“Oh so it may not be good for you to stay too much longer.”

“Maybe not, I don’t know, we all seem well.”

“Look, I have brought old Tom a mobile phone.  He will ring me when you are ready to call.  I want to be here to say my goodbyes.”

“Good.  As you say Jacck.”

Fred was absorbed with the babies, so much so that when finally it was time for them to leave, he had tears in his eyes.  “I really want to stay Jack.  Why can’t I?”

“You know you can’t Fred.  I promise you, you can come back and see them before they go.”

Fred looked dumbfounded.  “Go?  Where to?  They haven’t got a space ship, how can they go?”  He turned to Kith.  “Tell me it’s not true, you aren’t going away?  You could stay, I’d help you.”

“I am sorry Fred, we will be communicating with Spurgeon soon.  It is up to them when they come for us.”

“Oh Kith, can I come with you?”

“Don’t be silly Fred, of course you can’t go with him.”  Jack said.  “Why would you want to go anyway?  Aren’t you happy at home?”

“I just wanted to travel in space like Kith, be an astronaut.”

“One day Fred, when you are grown up, you maybe.  Although, perhaps you won’t want to then.  You will have young ones too.”

“Come along now Fred, we don’t want to be late.  You’ll see them again before they leave, I promise you.  Bye Tom thanks for looking after them all.  Here Tom is some more money for provisions also a little extra cash to buy something for the babies.  Take care of your family Kith.”  He looked at Veltz.  She held out her hand to him. 

He took her hand, kissing the back of it.  He uttered.  “Take care.”   Then he opened the front door and walked away not looking back.  Fred ran quickly after him. 

“Wait for me.”  Having caught his brother up, he asked.  “Why the hurry?  Are you crying Jack?”

“Don’t be silly, I have just accidentally caught my eye, it stings a bit, that’s all.”

“Oh I see, I thought you didn’t cry.”

“Come on.”  Jack said gruffly.

They drove home in silence, Fred still has vigilant as ever, had his binoculars trained on the horizon the whole way home.  Which suited Jack, he didn’t feel much like talking.  He was still trying to take in the fact that Veltz was a mother.  Worst of all, Kith was the father of her adorable twins.  To say he was envious was putting it mildly.  He liked Kith well enough and he didn’t doubt the fact that he would be an excellent father.  Only deep down inside, Jack wished that with all his heart it could have been him.  He sighed, why didn’t anything ever work out for him?  Was he doomed for bachelor hood for life?  Life was pretty rotten at the moment and without ever seeing Veltz again, it would be unbearable. 

He arrived home grumpy and tired.  Mary recognised the signs and decided not to question him.  Every time he went to see Tom, he came back all the worse for his visit.  Still, she thought, all in his own time, no doubt he would tell her.  Fred on the other hand, wouldn’t stop chattering.  She was only half listening until she heard him say Veltz has had twins.  “What’s that about twins?”

“Veltz has had twins.”  Fred exclaimed proudly.  “A boy called Zeus and a girl called Savina.”

“Do you mean back where she comes from?”

“No mum listen, she has twin babies now.  Kith is the daddy.  They are marvellous, just like angels only they don’t have wings.”

“Tell me he’s talking nonsense Jack.”  Mary looked over to Jack for reassurance.  Jack just shrugged his shoulders.

“Told you so.”  Fred was grinning.  “They grow up quicker than our babies.”  Fred was really enjoying the moment.  “Their less than a month old and they can walk.  Also mum they don’t have big bellies.”

“That’s enough of that talk Fred.  Go to bed.”

“But mum, I was telling the truth.”

“Bed!  You have school tomorrow.”  Fred stomped off up the stairs, muttering to himself.

Alone with Jack, Mary turned to him.  “This is a bit of a mix up, isn’t it Jack?  I thought they were brother and sister.  What are you going to do?  You can’t leave them all with old Tom, it wouldn’t be fair.”

“It’s all being taken care of, no need for you to worry.  They’ll be on their way home soon.  I’m tired, I am off to bed, got a busy day tomorrow.”  He stood up heading for the stairs.

“Haven’t you forgotten something son?”

“Mm yes, sorry good night mum.”

Mary didn’t follow her son upstairs; she had too much on her mind.  She knew it was useless trying to sleep, she went over in her mind all what Fred had told her.  What on earth had Jack let himself in for this time?  He was yet again hurting and she could do nothing to help him.  He seemed destined to choose the wrong women.  Not that she was sure Veltz would qualify, albeit they were a handsome race.  They were still aliens, beings from another planet.  She shuddered, what if they didn’t look like that?  She had seen a film once on the television.  The aliens had been very just hypnotising people to see them differently.  “Oh Mary Johnson.”  She muttered out loud.  “What is a matter with you?  You’re sounding just like Fred.”  It was her nerves she told herself.  Nerves did silly things to people.  She was used to the simple life.  The events of the past few weeks have surely unsettled her.  I’ll be glad when they do go back to their own world.  Then maybe we can all get back to normality.  It would take Jack, she guessed, a bit longer to come around.  Perhaps, if she introduced him to the new schoolmistress, she was quite good looking and unattached.  Mary smiled to herself.  That’s settled!  Getting herself her late night cocoa, Mary sipped at it, thinking how different things might have been if her husband Jim had lived.  Still, it wasn’t to be.  Funny how things happened to change your life, she thought, no use harping on about the past.  What’s gone has gone.  She went over to the sink, washing her cup and then wended her way up the stairs.