The Swamp is Full of Mystery by Annemarie Musawale - HTML preview

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Chapter Six: Rolling in the Deep

Mama Ruth stirred her tea slowly, adding two lemon slices into the mix to give it that tangy flavour she so loved. The wolf in her growled in protest; it wasn’t partial to vegetation of any kind, but the old lady in her pushed it back impatiently. She had lived five hundred years…she was entitled to her geriatric taste in late night treats whether her wolf agreed with it or not.

“How much longer Mama?” A voice asked from behind her where there had been no-one a second ago. The Ageless One didn’t turn a hair.

“What are you doing here Armand? You have your instructions”, she said pouring out a cup of tea as she did so, hand steady on the kettle, eyes on her delicate china.

“I have my instructions…”, he laughed bitterly, “Yeah and that’s it then. Sit on your ass and wait. You’ll be told when to move. Until when Ruth? When will this fucking begin already?” he growled.

“You know it's out of our hands Armand”, she said sipping serenely on her tea.

Armand sighed coming slowly into the light. Mama Ruth looked up at him, even now marvelling at the resemblance to the Devereaux boy. Except that this one’s hair reached halfway down his back and he had that scar under his right eye; grey as his antecedent’s. There was something about him that screamed ‘other’ but it was nothing one could pin down. He was tall yes; but not too tall for a man. His lanky frame perhaps too slim for his broad shoulders and his arms were powerful but not so out of the ordinary that it would stand out. The thing that gave him away the most was the way he moved; like a cobra about to strike. You hardly saw it happen, until after the fact. He narrowed his eyes down at her, not quite glaring. But not quite not either. He believed she had answers, but she was only the watcher at the gate. She could only see what was approaching, not predict when it would come.

“You have felt it, haven’t you? The stirring? The restlessness? Something is coming”, she said to him over the rim of her cup.

“The spirits in the wood and the town tell me so”, Armand said.

“So why bring your agitation to me?” she asked.

“Because I need you to confirm it for me. Tell me what is real and what is just talk. Spirits after all, have nothing to do but talk”, he said with a sneer.

“Don’t be so contemptuous. They’ve kept you company over the centuries. What would you do without them?” she asked gently teasing.

Armand flicked his wrist, “That is neither here nor there. Tell me what is coming; and how is my many times great grandson involved; he is but a child. Filled with angst and confusion. How can this burden be laid upon him?” he asked.

Mama Ruth smiled, “You ask me like I have a say”, she said.

“So it is true then? He is involved?” Armand asked taking another step closer.

“Curb your excitement Armand. One would think that you haven’t learned your lesson”, she said in warning.

Armand inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly, “Four thousand years I’ve been kept in the dark. I just wish to know”, he said.

“I have nothing to tell you Armand. You know everything I do”, she said. Armand was pacing in front of her fire, deep in thought.

“And the girl…how does she fit?” he asked as if he hadn’t heard her. Mama Ruth sighed and put down her tea. She had been looking forward to enjoying that all evening. She leaned back in her high backed chair and watched him think aloud as he paced.

“I mean obviously…she’s a witch or will be soon. And her family is powerful; Mairiebelle Andrewes was the most powerful witch of her day when she lived. This current one, Matia? She is less so but only because she chooses not to utilise what she has. Do you think her granddaughter will surpass her? Perhaps if she knew what happened to her parents she would be moti-“

“You will not go near Mya Andrewes do you hear me Armand?”, Mama Ruth boomed from her seat, startling him. He showed it by turning to stare at her.

“I had no intention of doing that”, he said quietly, “I am not a fool Mama.”

“No. But you are impatient and sometimes people do foolish things when that happens.”

“I have lived four thousand years with this wait. You think I will fall off the wagon now?”

“So close you can taste it? You look like a man at the very edge of being strung out Armand. You have to watch it. You feel it…the magic is getting stronger. Its feeding your addictions”, she said wagging a finger at him.

He turned away from her, looking into the fire, “I just need to know when”, he growled softly.

“And you will. Keep an eye out, the times they are a-changing…now go. Back to your post. I expect things will start to pick up real soon”, she said picking her cup back up. The tea had cooled and she passed a hand over it to get it to piping hot again, “Say hello to Andy for me won’t you?” she said just before she took a sip.

Armand’s grey eyes were slits of emotion, shooting laser beams of anger at her. But he said nothing, simply vanishing as suddenly as he’d appeared.

Mama Ruth sighed and threw some herbs into the fire. They caused multi-coloured sparks to fly into the air and then the statue above the flames began to speak.

'Semel intra plures millenniis

Pure magic incarnatus

Mater vera et intemerate

Potens pater , agilis , mollit

Opposita attrahunt fataque conspirant

Qua incredibile , inception aboriatur

In custódia super

Natam suus '

Mama Ruth was silent a long time after the statue’s words had stopped, thinking hard. She shook her head dismissing her musings and sipped her tea. She was just as curious as Armand; but she was also scared to death. She didn’t know if she was ready for this.

Lillian walked up to Phil and smiled, “Guess wot?” she said.

Phil smiled at her, wiping his hands of deer guts. He’d just come in from a hunting expedition with Gregory Evans and his nephew. They had felled two deer or as Leo had put it, “Bambi’s parents.”

“Wot?” he asked imitating her accent.

“I got my green card today”, she said grinning.

“WHAT!?!”, Phil shouted in happy surprise, “You’re kidding.”

“I kid you not”, she replied still showing all her teeth.

“That is such great news. We should celebrate”, he said.

“How?” she asked.

“Well, I know this old woman who makes the best jambalaya you ever tasted…” Phil said.

“Did you hear about those deaths over at the Evans place?” Charlotte leaned forward to whisper to her girls.

“They weren’t at the Evans’ place; they actually died at the hospital”, Ashley corrected, always a stickler for honesty and detail. Charlotte didn’t know why she stuck around. Still, she was useful and their group needed a brunette. She looked up to see Leo approaching. He was talking to Miles about something that had him actually gesticulating excitedly. Charlotte narrowed her eyes, wondering what could make Leo that happy that wasn’t her. If it was another girl-

Leo and Miles were intercepted by that Susan girl from Home Ec. She was talking nervously to Leo, clearly asking him something. Maybe to go with her to the school dance. She watched Leo’s body language, eyes sharp, on the look out for any sign of interest.

“We should ask Leo about the deaths”, she said to her friends not taking her eyes away from him, “The Evans are his relatives so obviously he’ll know something.”

“Good idea”, Tina the Barbie breathed. She stood up and began to wave frantically at Leo and Miles. They couldn’t miss her pretty blonde figure even in the crowded hall. First Miles, then Leo looked over at them, the latter lifting his brows in enquiry. Tina began to gesture for them to come over. That was why Charlotte kept her around in spite of her blonde prettiness. She knew how to be useful…without being dumb enough to cross Charlotte.

“What?” Leo asked as they ambled up to the group of females, “Where’s the fire?”

“We wanted to ask you a question”, Tina breathed then stepped back, looking to Charlotte to pick up the story.

“We were just wondering about that tragic double death that happened. People are saying it was a murder suicide. You knew them right? They worked for your uncle?” she said looking faux concerned. She basked in having all of Leo’s attention on her. It was proving harder to keep him engaged than she’d imagined.

“I really don’t know much about it. I mean Phillip Locklear was my uncle’s accountant. He was just a normal guy and him and the British chick just started dating not too long ago”, he said.

“People are saying she killed him in a fit of jealousy because he was leaving her for his ex. And then she killed herself”, Charlotte said placing her hand on his hard chest to express her utter shock at these events.

Leo inclined his head to the side, “Isn’t his ex your aunt? Is that what she told you?” he asked.

Miles sniggered, “Small world”, he murmured, dimples prominent in his cheeks. Ashley veritably melted.

“No! She didn’t tell me that. We don’t hardly speak anyway. My mother doesn’t like her”, Charlotte said.

“Well I don’t know what happened. The only thing I heard that’s confirmed is that the food they were eating was poisoned. Who poisoned it or why, I don’t know.”

“Its so…tragic”, Charlotte said putting a hand on his arm and leaning forward so he could see the lovely pout of her lips.

“Yes it is”, he agreed.

“Did you kill him?” Sally demanded as she stormed into Charlie’s town office huffing with agitation, “Did you kill Phillip Locklear?!?”

“Now now Sal, why would you say a thing like that? And in public too”, Charlie replied walking behind her to close his office door. His personal assistant knew enough to pretend not to have heard a word.

“Because he’s dead Charlie! And I. didn’t. kill. Him”, she bit out. Her brother shrugged, “I didn’t either”, he said.

“Don’t you lie to me Charles Frances le Carre!” she growled.

“I am not lying to you. I swear on the grave of our mother”, he said, “I’m not saying I didn’t want to…or even that I didn’t plan to. I’m saying someone got there before me.”

Sally stared at him for a long while, assessing, “I wondered how you got into the old woman’s jambalaya”, she said.

“Indeed”, Charlie said with chagrin, “that witch is a pain in my ass. Has been for years.”

“So if not you, not me…then who? Phil didn’t exactly have enemies”, she said.

Charlie shrugged, “Beats me”, he said.

Leyla met Matia at the grotto, picking her herbs.

“Was this what you meant?” she asked tearfully, “When you said my loved ones were in trouble?”

Matia straightened up from her digging, “I am so very sorry for your loss”, she said softly, shaking her head, “I wish I could tell you definitively that the danger is past…but I can’t.”

“No!”, Leyla shouted, tears streaming down her face, “You can’t just give me vague warnings and then….and then…not..”, she choked as her crying overwhelmed her. Matia sighed deeply, and watched her sob her way to silence.

“You have no idea what I would give to not have had this happen. And it was my food that was poisoned…I don’t understand at all. Some bad juju was at work here”, she murmured mostly to herself.

“So now what? What do we do? Do we just go about life like two people weren’t just fucking…killed?”Leyla asked.

Matia shook her head, “I will get to the bottom of this Leyla Evans. Go home. Look after your family”, she said before walking away. Leyla watched her go, speechless at her words.

“Just go home? Look after my family? Pretend everything is fine? Sure old lady, no problem”, Leyla murmured to herself as she stood there staring after Matia. She did turn for home however, mind composing the letter she would write to Lillian’s family that would travel with her cremated remains to her native London. The poor girl had come to America seeking a new life; and now she was leaving in an urn. Life was just so unfair.

Matia made the trip downriver early the next morning, mind clouded with worry. If there was another witch operating in her territory, she needed to know. If the witch was powerful enough to break through her protection spells…

The grey wolf was waiting for her, appointment notwithstanding. It turned as soon as she was in sight and trotted off into the swamp; a different direction than it had taken before…

Matia followed. Closely this time as she did not know where she was being led. The wolf turned a corner and then was gone. Matia saw a wooden cabin at the end of a path, in a clearing surrounded by tall redwood trees. She suppressed a smile thinking that it resembled the picture in her mind of how the wicked witch’s cottage would have looked like in the Hansel and Gretel story. Only less sweet looking. Tendrils of smoke emanated from the chimney like swirls of ribbon. Matia approached slowly and knocked softly, wondering why the Ageless One chosen to show her where she lived now. It was disconcerting. She had gotten used to the idea of Mama Ruth as a perpetual watcher of the flames at the Nemeton. Never moving, eating or sleeping. It was stupid of course; she knew Mama Ruth was human…she was pretty sure.

Suddenly the door was open and Mama Ruth is smiling at her from a dim room, furnished with antiquated furniture in very good repair. There were also a myriad of statues made of precious metals like copper, silver and gold. Matia looked around, trying not to be too open mouthed. She wondered again why she was here…and would she be allowed to leave. Matia laughed inside at the thought then glanced at Mama Ruth, wondering if she’d caught the thought. She knew that the Ageless One read minds sometimes.

“Sit Nannane. Will you have some tea?” Mama Ruth asked making Matia jump. She hurried to sit, embarrassed at her unease and hoping against hope that Mama Ruth hadn’t picked up on it.

“Er thank you”, she said resolving not to take a drop.

Mama Ruth moved to the fireplace where a huge cauldron was steaming gently, filling the room with a delicate mint flavoured mist. She scooped out a cupful of the liquid and dropped a tea bag in it.

“Sugar? Cream?”, she inquired.

“No thank you”, Matia said meekly, accepting the proffered cup with a smile. Mama Ruth smiled back, showing her unusually sharp teeth and then sat opposite her.

“Tell me Nannane Maie, what brings you?”

“Juju brought me.”

Mama Ruth lifted an eyebrow, “Whose juju?” she asked.

“I was hoping you’d tell me”, Matia said pretending to sip.

“Its not poisoned or spiked you know”, Mama Ruth serenely said. Matia thanked the gods that her blush was could not be seen on her dusky skin. She took a real sip of her tea and found it to be quite delicious.

“I know of no juju south of here. It's been quiet”, Mama Ruth said.

“Well, a dear friend and his woman were killed…using my food. This was no ordinary murder.”


“You have ways to find out who did this.”

“Such confidence in my abilities Nannane.”

“Is it misplaced?”

Mama Ruth leaned forward to pick up her own cup of tea not deigning to answer. She took a sip and then placed the cup back on the stool, reached down to a small compartment next to the fireplace to extract a piece of liquorice root and a mirror. She dropped the liquorice root in the cup of tea and then took the resulting liquid and used it to write something on the mirror. She blew on it, chanting words Matia couldn’t hear and then sat back. The mirror misted over as if the steam from the cauldron had covered it; and then a deep male voice spoke from the mirror.

Wenya si?” it said as a smoky mist wafted upwards into Mama Ruth’s face. It made her bones stand out, hollowing her eyes and sharpening her cheeks. Matia shivered as she felt the second hand power pass her by. The Ageless One chanted something back, eyes glazed like she wasn’t here anymore. The deep voice from the mirror replied with something long and convoluted. It sounded like the voice was displeased or annoyed…maybe agitated or out of sorts. Whatever it was, Matia didn’t want any part of it.

The conversation lasted an interminable while as Mama Ruth’s complexion went greyer and greyer by the minute. Matia began to worry for her. Finally she opened her hands and let the mirror drop to the rug covered stone floor. It shattered into pieces and then reassembled itself with no fuss. As Matia looked back up at Mama Ruth, she saw that her eyes were aware again and her skin had a honey glow as usual. She twisted her lips as if whatever she’d heard had not pleased her.

“You were right”, she said.

“About?” Matia asked.

“Bad juju took place here. But the one who cast the spell is beyond your power…and mine.”

“Who was it?” Matia stepped forward, looking into Mama Ruth’s eyes; not willing to be fobbed off.

“A servant of Met Kafu possessing a boy who came to you for help”, the Ageless One said quirking her eyebrows at Matia, “A boy named Roy.”

Matia reared back, “Why him?”

“He was vulnerable to possession; weak. Open.”

Matia sighed looking down, “He had…issues”, she said.

“And Met Kafu used that. He had need of their spirits.”

Matia inclined her head in puzzlement, “If its spirits the loa wanted, are there not thousands to be had in the bayou?” she asked.

“Its not the spirits per se; but the love between them”, Mama Ruth explained, “And they had to be fresh…vulnerable.”

“What are we going to do about it”, Matia asked narrowing her eyes at Mama Ruth. The Ageless One lifted an eyebrow in surprise.

“Against Met Kafu?” she asked her voice rising incredulously.


“You’re an ambitious witch Nannane. Who would have thought it?”

“We have to help them”, Matia said stepping closer and lifting her hands palm upward; insistent.

“Help who? Your friends? They are dead already.”

“Mama Ruth, whatever Met Kafu wanted them for, it cannot be good.”

Mama Ruth smiled her concession to that argument, sighed deeply in resignation and said, “I sent another spirit to them. He should guide them to me…eventually. If they are sufficiently brave and true. If they do show up, I will protect them.”

“Thank you Mama”, Matia said.

“Don’t thank me”, she said with a shake of her head, “I have done nothing yet.”

“Indeed”, Matia said, and smiled.

Andrew Crenshaw followed the couple as they made their slow and cautious way down the hall, following their bodies to the mortuary. They wouldn’t be able to leave but obviously they didn’t know that yet. He watched them talk to the surly watcher; he was dressed like James Bond today with his Armani suit and his sunglasses. Talk about a being who was full of himself. Considering he had no time off, he sure found a lot of time to primp and polish himself…

The Ageless One had said to watch out for them. Andy was sceptical on how effectively he could do this. They smelled of fear. The evil spirits could sense it just as well as he. Still he had to try.

“You guys are new, right?” he said as they came up to him.

“New?” the pretty Amazon chick said; she looked a little surprised to see him. Not that he could blame her. She was probably just getting used to being dead and here she was having to socialise. The small guy with her was bristling though. Someone had definitely kicked him in the fight or flight reflex. And he was all fight.

“Yeah, you know. Like, newly dead,” he said mainly to distract them.

“You … see dead people?” the guy asked him looking really shocked. Andy almost laughed but his non-existent heart was sinking. This might be about ten times harder than he’d imagined. Reinforcements were required.

The girls were sitting in Charlotte’s palatial room, matching outfits for the next week of school.

“Do you think Leo really likes me?” she asked Tina.

“Whaaaat? Of course he does. Why wouldn’t he? Just look at you!” she gushed.

“Yeah I know right? But sometimes he just acts so disinterested”, Charlotte said.

“You wanna maybe call him and ask him?” Tina suggested.

Charlotte thought about weighing pros and cons. Usually she liked a guy to chase her but Leo wasn’t showing any signs of doing that so…

“Yeah lets call him”, she said, “Ash, where are they?”

“They’re probably at Leo’s uncle’s house at this time. I heard Miles say he’d be giving Leo a lift there”, she said.

Charlotte suddenly knew why she kept Ashley around. She was a walking encyclopaedia on anything Miles-related. And where you found Miles, Leo usually wasn’t too far away.

“Do you have the number for the ranch?” she asked Ashley.

“No but its probably in the directory”, Ashley said standing up to go get it. Another reason why Charlotte kept her around…she was quick on the uptake.

“So what was all that about you and Teddy the Bear?” Tina asked when Ashley had left.

“What about him?” Charlotte asked absently as she debated whether the pink or the green went better with the black jeans she’d got to match Leo’s.

“You were acting all jealous girlfriend when he carried that black girl to the nurse. You like him too or something?”

“No, I mean, it's nice having the attention and I won’t be upstaged by some cotton picker”, she said.

“Oh”, Tina said taken aback by the slur, “Well, she’s nice enough. She’s in my English class and she’s like…really really clever.”

“Huh, and why should I care?”

“Nothing…no reason”, Tina said in a small voice, “I think she’s nice is all.”

“Whose nice?” Ashley asked coming into the room clutching the directory.

“Mya Andrewes”, Tina said.

“You even know her name?” Charlotte asked in disbelief.

“Her grandmother is like…super powerful or something. A sorceress is what I heard”, Tina said.

Really?” Charlotte said eyes gleaming, “Well then, we really should get to her better. But first…what’s that number?”

Charlotte snatched up the phone and dialled the number as Ashley read it out. It rang for a long while before a breathless person picked up.

“Hello?” the voice said.

“Hi. I’m looking for Leo Devereaux?”

“Leo? Er, well he’s outside on the farm. Do you mind waiting while I call him?”

“No problem.”

Charlotte covered the receiver, turning to her friends, “They’re getting him”, she said. Tina gave her two thumbs up.

“Hello”, Leo’s low, gravelly, bad tempered voice rumbled down the line.

“Hi”, Charlotte said, voice going higher than she was happy with.

“Who is this?” he asked sounding suspicious.

“Its Charlotte silly, I wanted to see if you were free later on. We’re having movie night.”

“What are you watching?” the suspicion hadn’t disappeared from his voice.

“Back to the Future two”, Charlotte said widening her eyes at Tina to go, find it.

“Really?” Leo’s voice had brightened considerably, “I’ve been wanting to see that. Can Miles come?”

Charlotte rolled her eyes, “Sure. Why not?” she said.

“Great. We’ll see you then.”

“Cool”, Charlotte said all smug again. She hung up the receiver, looked up and smiled at her friends.

“They’re coming. Quick, we need to get dressed”, she said as the scurrying began. Make up, hair, the exact right outfit, nothing was left to chance.

“By the time this night is over, Leo’s gonna be my boyfriend or my name ain’t Charlotte le Carre”, she declared.

Tina nodded emphatically, “You go girl”, she said.

Ashley smiled, “If anyone can do it; it's you Charlotte.”

Mama Ruth was tending the gigantic fire when she looked up into the sky. A shooting star streaked across the sky in a long arch, finally falling away across the edge of the horizon. This star was different than others she’d seen before; it glowed with multicoloured lights. Of course that could be from the afterimage of the flames. She looked back down to see Armand standing beside her, watching the sky as well.

“Its beginning”, he said arms crossed and stance relaxed.

“Is it?” she asked, “Or is it wishful thinking?”

Armand turned his head to look down at her with a feral smile, “Wilful blindness you mean” he said.

Mama Ruth gave him a sharp toothed smile of her own, “The beauty of the situation is, all we have to do is wait and we’ll know for sure soon enough.”

“Indeed”, Armand agreed, “Soon enough.”