The Swamp is Full of Mystery by Annemarie Musawale - HTML preview

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Author’s Note

This behind the scenes look gives more context to the story behind Between Death and Heaven.

Read an excerpt from the next instalment; Child of Destiny below: Release Date: August 8th 2015

“IF YOU DON’T DO THIS spell, Charlotte is going to die!” said Leo Devereaux , looming over her.

“You think I don’t know that? I told you, I can’t do it! It requires ‘passion acquired in a lover’s arms’, and I. Don’t. Have. That!”

“Are you seriously going to stand there and declare that after 17 years of unsupervised living , you’ve never once been kissed?” Leo sneered, invading her personal space.

“This isn’t the time to play the shy and retiring maiden. So stop the shenanigans and do the spell!”

He looked quite intimidating as he towered over her. His cold grey eyes, burning with contempt, seared right through her soul,. The sheer force of his glaring nearly caused her to quail but she rallied, stiffening her spine. She was made of stronger stuff than that. After all, her maternal line was descended from Abramelin the Mage, and her father’s people traced their roots to Mekatilili, female leader of a proud African people and renowned sorceress. She could hold her own against this overindulged, pretentious basketball star-type idiot. Okay, maybe not idiot, but he was undeniably an entitled bloody teenager. An abundance of sporting talent, a six-foot-four, slender, muscular frame, jet-black hair that fell about his face like it was windblown (‘blow-dried more like’, she thought with a sneer of her own), and the hypnotic eyes, led him to believe he was God’s gift to the universe. She, for one, wasn’t buying whatever he was selling. She wasn’t one to be taken in by the superficial.

With this point settled firmly in mind, she drew herself up to her full height and parted her lips to order him from her room… because clearly this was a case of trespassing. Too late; he got there before her. As she tried to tell him where to get off, he swooped down and planted his lips on hers!

While she was planning to eviscerate him with words, Leo was trying to get through this as expediently as he could. But when he was scared he became irritable. And nothing scared him more than the thought of losing Charlotte, who was lying as if dead in her living room. Here he was, forced to interact with this…creature from the black bayou, who may or may not be able to perform actual witchcraft, because it was his only chance to rescue her. He had to save Charlotte. The alternative could not be considered. So, much as he found this strange girl repugnant in a ‘do you even care that you look like an extra from BeetleJuice?’ type way, he had to grit his teeth and get this over and done with. He only meant to kiss her long enough for her to work up enough passion for the spell. In his mind he was doing her a huge favour because, after all, he was yet to meet a girl who could resist him, and this was a matter of life and death.