The Venson Mada by C.C. Hazel - HTML preview

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Tamrip keep


They woke early the next morning. a-Carrab was first to wake and go to the fields. Mada was next. She busied herself with more packing. She felt remarkably calm. She had thought she would wake up anxious. Maybe this was how one was meant to feel, at ease because you knew in your heart of hearts that what you were doing was right. The question of her eldest brother still nagged her. She had to know one way or the other and do what was necessary. There was nothing for it so she went out to the fields to feel out a-Carrab.


Without stopping but looking up briefly he replied.

“Goodmorning,’ a-Carrab said cheerfully and smiling indulgently, ‘are you all packed for your trip?”

Piper had done the trick. What had she said to let them go without incident? Had it been her or just her and Lon she would not have bothered to make peace but she had to do it for the younger children and for a-Carrab too. Arguing would have only served getting someone hurt and isolating him.

“I hope one day you will understand why we have to do this, thank you a-Carrab.”

He never stopped his work. Why make a big fuss. After all they would be back by day break or tomorrow morning at the latest. A night outside would cure their wander lust. And anyway the cerium would not be ready for harvest for a couple of days yet.

“What is not to be understood, one has to do what one has to do. Could you pass me that bag of seeds?”

She gave him the bag and started back for the house.


Oh dear here it comes, Mada thought.

“Yes,’ she answered tentatively, ‘what is it.”

“Say hello to our mother-mother for me.”

She gave a great an inward sigh of relief. All was well. What had Piper said to make him understand?

“You should all get a move on if you intend to make it south this year span.”

“I will pass on your greeting. Goodbye brother.”

“Goodbye. Happy and safe travels!”

Her curiosity was stirred but not enough to risk jeopardising the peace.

She thought of going into the forest to see Sar one more time in Tamrip keep before they left. Then thought twice about it. They had to get moving. She was not sad about Sar, she knew she could see Sar anywhere. It was easy for Sar. She could go anywhere there was vegetation easily enough, being a dryad. Soon her own power would be well directed enough for teleportation. Though Sar had said it was a dead giveaway of what she was as someone was bound to notice and it was energy consuming. It would require skill, sense and stealth.

As they had started yesterday they were almost finished with their packing. Mada took a deep breath and took a good look at their home. She was not going to miss it one bit. She was tending to the capar meat which she had taken out to dry a little more. Mada hoped they would not run into any trouble. She had never used her power against another person and she hoped she never had to. But they were likely to run into trouble. Two young men, a young woman and three children. She was not sure how much use Lon and Mavrik would be in a fight. It was just as well Sar had taught her to harness and direct her power. She was not an expert yet and she was a long way from getting there but had just enough to protect them. At least she hoped.