The Venson Mada by C.C. Hazel - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

Tamrip Keep


The air was thick with excitement. The one with the most travelling experience was Mavrik. He had gone to Derash keep a couple of times. But then Derash keep was only two keeps away. That alone would be a day span journey. With travellers who had not done a lot of travelling and had no trats it would probably take longer.

“Well let us get moving we want to reach Derash Keep before nightfall.” Lon shouted.

a-Carrab did not bother to leave the field to say goodbye to the rest. He just waved to them from the field. So sure was he of their failure.

Mada looked back one last time at the house, the forest and the Drow mountains. She pulled on her pack and began walking. She felt they were doing the right thing, going south.

She reflected on the last year spans. She wondered why she was thinking of it now. She had cast it from her heart and mind a long time ago. And yet here it was to tug at her heart again. She looked at Lon discussing a map with Mavrik. And it all came pouring back as if it had happened yesterday.

She had been deep in the forest. She remembered it was a very hot day. She had been daydreaming when her daydream was interrupted by a splash in the pool some meter spans from her. Whoever was there could not see her because of the thick undergrowth. She scanned the area and found Lon. She knew before she looked that it was him. Besides herself he was the only one of the family who frequented that part of the forest near their home. But this time he was not alone. She could hear a female voice laughing and urging him to get into the pool. Against her better judgment she went to take a look..

It was Oreel, a beautiful girl from the keep. Oreel was coloured white with dark hair and the exact opposite of Mada in every respect. She wondered that if she were more like Oreel would Lon like her more. But he had taken a fancy to a very colourful bouquet in the past. She could not very well try to mimic them all. She, Oreel, was naked. Lon too was undressing. What could she do to prevent this? No. What was she thinking? Oreel had more right to him than she did, she thought to herself, Oreel’s heart was not incestuous and completely base as hers was. She was again filled with repulsion for herself. How could she lust after her own brother? He was hers for the taking. What use was stolen love? Could she be so depraved as to beguile her own brother into committing involuntary incest with her? But then was she not already depraved if she was in love with him. Agonising as it was she would never cross that line. She would never cause him to sin and to bring shame to himself. No matter how much she desired it. She turned away unable to watch Oreel be where she desired most to be.

The daylight rose and set, the seasons came and went. Little, little of consequence to the rest of the inhabitants of Arshea happened in Tamrip keep. But great in the world of Mada. Then in the end greater for the people of Arshea. The weather turned cold and the Drow Mountains on the Tamrip outlands were snowcapped. Meaning querau would be plentiful there. It had particularly tasty meat. It was a tiring trek there but it was worth it. Those who could not be bothered to go and hunt querau for themselves bought from those who did. Bought at a very good price.

“I shall be heading up to the Drow Mountains. It must be full of querau by now. And Memruw and Comris have requested some querau meat. They have both offered very good prices for it. And I know how you all love it. Their hides too could bring in some fends.” Lon declared to his brothers and sisters.

“I am sorry I will not be able to join you this year span.” Mavrik said, though secretly happy that he did not have to freeze in the mountains but was instead going with Carrab to Derash keep.

“It is okay. I will manage.”

“We could help you!” The twins offered in chorus.

“I think not. But thank you for offering.” Lon said patting a-a-Alorya on the head.

a-Carrab could not be pried away from Piper. After all they had just had their union celebration.

“I will go with you Lon.” Mada added happily and somewhat guiltily.

“It is a very difficult climb Mada.”

“I have gone up there with you before!”

“Yes but that…”

He knew she could make it and would probably be helpful but he did not want her to come. He had spent his time with the keep girls trying to get her out of his mind and heart. The last thing he needed was to be alone with her for what could turn out to be day spans. But if he said no she would nag him into an early grave.

“It is not fair Lon. I really want to go and it looks so lovely from here and I would really lo…”

“Okay okay. No need to go on. You can come but you have to do exactly as I say.”

“Oh thank you Lon!”

“Exactly Mada.”


“It is not fair we never get to do anything exciting!” Manny said sticking out his lower lip into a needle point.

“You are right.” Mada said as she cut up some vegetables and meat to make some soup.

“I am?”

“Yes Manny you are right. And I think it is high time you two went on an adventure and I have just the right thing mind.”

“What!” They practically screamed.

“I need you to battle all armies that stand in your way. Slay all dragons that attempt to stop you. It is very dangerous but I want you to…” She stalled for effect.

“To go where to get what?” a-a-Alorya pleaded, already on their feet ready to do battle.

“To go to the well to fetch some water.”

“Mada!” The twins shouted as the others broke into peals of laughter.

Two days after Lon’s announcement wrapped up in warm clothing and with their packs on their backs they set out for the Drow Mountains. Even in the chill and with most of the blooms which favoured the daylights warmth gone the forest was still beautiful. It was very cold but the snowline never came further than halfway down the mountain. So they had some way to go before they reached the querau.