The Vindijan Line by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

The Paha Wave Bamve

Peastro is being driven in his Eetle jeep and he is blasting Haw birds with the Mormo technique. Eetle jeeps’ have wheels that are 15 feet above the ground and a black red stripped chasse. They have bright red flashing lights on all four sides and the Eetle’s wheels bounce and sway, but the occupants stay perfectly level.

The Haw birds that Peastro is hunting are 8 feet tall, white feathers with blue faces and menacing teeth. The Haw birds don’t fly they jump repeatedly. They hurl themselves 40 feet in the air with every leap..

Peastro races after the Haw through the Beys swamp, the Haw jump over the Eetle as they drive along. One knocks off Peastro’s blue hat. Peastro shoots the Haw in the butt and shouts,” Don’t mess with the Pre Ma.”

Peastro’s Eetle blasts through a mud waterfall and continues to chase the Haw through Beys swamp. Then the Haw jumps into a tree and tries to hide under the branches. Peastro sees this and motions for the driver to stop. Peastro o levitates up to where the Haw is hiding. He looks the Haw in the eye and says jokingly,” Funny us both here like this.”

Peastro smiles and blasts the Haw in the face with the Mormo technique, sending its feathers flying in every direction. The Haw is loaded onto the back of the Eetle with four others they have killed. Peastro says smugly,” Haw, you ran so far and so fast that I’ve decided to have you as my guest for dinner. We’ll have loads to talk about.”

When they arrive back at Foiv castle there is a crowd of people standing out in front. Men and women are crying and look very emotional. Popaturn walks up to Peastro and says,” Pre Ma, there’s been a terrible accident. There is no way but just to say it, Morn is dead.”

“WHAT! How did it happen? Who’s responsible?!” shout Peastro defiantly.

“Pre Ma, Peastro, it was no one’s fault. She was exercising and her bedroom ceiling collapsed, killing her instantly. I assure you she did not suffer,” said Popaturn earnestly as he put his hand on Peastro’s shoulder.

Peastro suddenly feels light headed and sick to his stomach. He starts to sweat profusely, his thoughts race, and he starts shaking violently.

“Oh Builder, Popaturn, this is horrible news. She was the air in my lungs. She…I need to see her as she is, right now!” said Peastro as he looked at the crowd that had gathered.

“Of course,” said Popaturn as he led Peastro into the castle and then said,” They’re keeping the body secure in the study.”

They ran to the study and as they did Peastro had to fight to keep it together. He knew he wanted to see her, but didn’t know what it would do to him emotionally. The corridor is lined with tear soaked faces and as they got to the study Peastro stopped before entering.

He walks in and sees Morn’s body lying on the table. Her head is intact, but her torso and legs are crushed and mangled. Peastro walks over to her and kisses her on the lips. He starts crying and shouts,” MORN, my sunrise…Morn my glorious love! How could this happen!” and then he whispers,” I will rage in your memory,” as he took her body in his arms.

The following day Morn’s body was prepared for the Gonvy ceremony. The Gonvy ceremony takes place at Aerialex Tower.

Aerialex Tower is a large spire that stretches a thousand feet into the air. It’s walls are covered with ornate carvings of previous battles the Nor have fought and won.

What is to take place is the Cre Ma’s body is placed on a bed of flowers. Her prized possessions are placed around her. The Pre Ma will escort her remains to the cylindrical hearth. Then Peastro will take one last look at her. The body is then lifted high above the crowd below and a single shot of white hot fire will vaporize her body. This leaves a single puff of smoke rising to a small opening in the roof and then vanishes.

Peastro arrives at Aerialex Tower and sees a large crowd of Nor mourners have gathered outside. He looks at the faces and sees how grief stricken they are. Many are sobbing and holding tight to one another. Peastro looks at one woman who mouths the words,” It will be ok.” This touches his heart and he musters up as much of a smile as he can for her. He lights up a cigarette and levitates above the crowd and smokes. He floats there and spins gently as he takes a drag with the light shining all around him.

“Damn it Morn…the Builder got greedy for you. I just needed to see you again, that’s all. One more smile, Morn, maybe another 10 minute conversation that stretched all day,” said Peastro softly as he took a drag and exhaled,” Now my love is lost and I am alone again. I don’t know how I did it before, I worry I can’t do it now, Morn. Where does the T sun go when its hiding? I thought we’d find out together…but you beat me to it, ahh.”

Peastro puts out his cigarette on the side of the Aerialex Tower and floats gently down to the ground. He walks inside and goes right up to Morn’s body. He guides the body over to the hearth. Peastro leans in and licks Morn’s lips and says as he starts to weep,” I never gave you anything you hadn’t already given me. Morn, you were my hope.”

Peastro steps back and walks out of Aerialex Tower. Behind him Morn’s body is vaporized and the puff of smoke pops out through the roof and the Gonvy ceremony is over.

Peastro decides he doesn’t want to see or hear anyone for 27 days. He has his meals slid under the door and no one is allowed to come anywhere near him. He empties the entire castle of everyone except for one chef. He spends the first week only leaving his bed to work out in the morning, eat, bath, and go to the bathroom. He lays there in that bed motionless and feels uncontrollable guilt.

How could he have let this happen he thought? Even his dreams are of Morn and this terrifies him. The second week he starts randomly blasting holes in the walls, with the Mormo technique, and torches the garden. He still refuses to speak or to see anyone, his guilt becomes anger. Then suddenly on the 18th day his aching abruptly subsides. He summons all his servants back to Foiv castle. Then he sets up a meeting with Popaturn in what is left of the garden.

“Popaturn, I know you think talking about my pain will in some way help, but this ia not the case. What I have decided to do is to self analyze until it is no longer required. All kidding aside I know me better than anyone, I will find a bridge,” said Peastro sternly as he tugged at his sleeve. “In regards to Morn’s memory I want it made law that every Nor speak her name in public twice daily. And have it spoken in a spirited fashion as she certainly would have liked. I want a 300 foot statue of her erected in front of Foiv castle and I want it made from red marble and with haste. Is there anything you don’t understand?” asks Peastro as he pokes Popaturn’s chest.

“No, Pre Ma, I completely understand and it will be carried out to completion,” said Popaturn as he bowed his head.

“Great, get away from me,” said Peastro as he slapped Popaturn’s cheek.

Popaturn hurried out of the garden. Peastro levitated flat on his back and sipped some Goos tea. Goos tea is made from a stash of ancient tea leaves reserved especially for the Pre and Cre Ma, and pack a serious punch.

Peastro lays there and he sees a milky green light stretch across the sky. The green light completely envelopes the castle and the countryside. Popaturn runs back into the garden and says,” He’s here again.”

“Who’s here?” asks Peastro as he stands up straight.

“Paha Wave he’s a notorious prankster. This is only the beginning I’m afraid,” said Popaturn flatly.

Then a man wearing only a smile flew in on a red surfboard with a jet pack.

“Paha Wave,” said Peastro implying a question.

“Yes Paha comes every year or so and runs rampant through the countryside. He’s Vitorian, he hails from the planet Vitor near the Unass black hole. Last time he was here there were at a dozen pregnancies,” said Popaturn as he watched Paha doing aerials on his surfboard.

“Really,” said Peastro.

“I’m afraid so, on Vitor they don’t believe in marriage. So you can imagine the sorts of things that take place there.”

“Huh,” said Peastro as he marvels at Paha’s aerials.

“Yes it’s an extremely hedonistic society. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone wearing clothing of any kind. Paha specifically is a gentle soul, he’s just a product of his culture,” said Popaturn.

Peastro waves to Paha and then says,” I understand completely, well…I’m always in the mood for a laugh. When he’s done with his flips and spins have him find his way to me.”

“Most assuredly, Pre Ma,” said Popaturn.

Peastro waved as Paha flew high into the air and shot fireworks from his board that exploded into the word,” Yeah.” He flew into a crowded marketplace and patted a few women on the butt as he flew by. He stopped and started kissing two women. Peastro laughed at this and said,” Before we meet make sure his legs find their way into some trousers. I’ll be on the observation deck.”

“I can get pants on him, I’m just not sure if they stay,” said Popaturn.

“They had better,” said Peastro as he walks into the castle.

Popaturn rounded up Paha and got him adequate clothing. Paha being a Vitorian has dark skin and flowing blonde hair. He has features of a puppy dog and is considered very handsome by the Nor women. He is tone and muscular and has a working television attached to each shoulder. Footage from all the places he has been constantly plays on each. Around his neck is a necklace of tiny furry teddy bears. Around his waist is a skin tight gold necklace that adheres to the skin.

The observation deck is filled with holograms of every known planet and civilization. The room itself is 2 football fields long and square in shape. On each of the walls are pedestals with living statues of the great Nor explorers. The most famous of which is Midicam Whook. He discovered and settled Goldva over 200,000 years ago. He named it Goldva after his late mother Goldva Whook. When his ship arrived at Goldva his crew of 20,000 liked it so much they decided to stay permanently. The name of their ship is the Nor 10, hence they became the Nor. The planet they originated from Delds, never heard from them again.

As Popaturn and Paha Wave enter the observation deck they see Peastro levitating on his back. Peastro is a few feet above the ground and smoking a cigarette. Paha ran and jumped over Peastro and then said,” I thought it was ropes. That’s a nice one, Pre Ma.”

“Thank you, Paha, I hope you’ll save a few women for the rest of us,” said Peastro as he smoked.

Paha smiles and says apologetically,” I’m truly sorry about the babies, I just lost my concentration at the last second.”

“Don’t trifle with it, we could use a few more Paha Wave’s in the world. Goldva takes herself a little too serious most T suns. So, Paha, what do you think about when you’re doing those maneuvers in the air?” asks Peastro as he sits in mid-air with his legs crossed.

“That’s the thing I don’t think at all. It’s just me and my board slicing through the atmosphere. I get up there sometime and I can see Bamve raging beside me,” said Paha as he sat Indian style on the floor.

“Bamve, I’m not familiar with that term. What does it refer to?” asks Peastro intently as he grins.

“On our world is a documented belief in a being known as Bamve. There are over a hundred pictures of him in existence and I myself have seen him several times. What we believe Bamve is…is a being beyond our comprehension. He’s someone who can dance between the living and the passed.”

Peastro looked quizzically at Paha and then motioned for him to continue.

“Bamve loves to show up unexpected. A week ago I was out for a ride and he appeared on top of my board. He’s blue with red hair, red eyes, and red teeth. He’s about a hand shorter than I am,” explained Baha happily as he used his hand to illustrate. “He danced for a few moments then he said to me…Paha forces are converging in your galaxy that will lead to a massive change to everything you’ve ever known. If you had a trip you’d been saving wait no more. Your reality is about to shift so be mindful and limber,” said Paha coldly.

“Is that why you’re here now? Is it because of Bamve?” asks Peastro as he turns his head to the side and then sticks out his tongue.

“Yes, Pre Ma, I had to see Goldva again in case of a travesty. I always loved it here,” said Paha as he ran his fingers nervously through his hair.

Peastro looks at Paha not quite sure what to think about what he said. He wondered if Paha is working him as some sort of prank.

“Bamve eh, I’ve see some odd realities. This Bamve changes things a little. I’m fascinated by this Bamve. Let’s hope he shows his face and let’s keep our eyes to the sky for trouble. But enough about that, I would guess that you’re hungry, yes?” asks Peastro as he stands up and offers his hand.

“Very hungry, thank you,” said Paha as he grabbed Peastro’s hand.