The Vindijan Line by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Macre, Vidid’s Urn and Calfe Revisted


Peastro and Oalitl levitated back to Foiv castle. Peastro kept a firm grasp on Oalitl worrying he’d die if he fell to the ground. When they arrived they saw a purple polka doted ship hovering above the castle. A long spiral staircase lowered from the ship and a symphony started to play. A beautiful woman emerged at the top of the staircase and started to descend.

She has on a black lace teddy and high heels. She also has on a diamond necklace and purple tinted sunglasses. The sunglasses hide her dark brown eyes. Her legs are long and muscular, as well as her entire body. Her skin is tan and smells of wild berries. She also has thick pouty red lips with stars on them.

As Macre nears the bottom of the staircase Peastro can see that she is carrying something in her left hand. She takes the last step and smiles, then walks over to Peastro and locks the side of his face. She then says,” Peastro, I am Macre and combined we could be a juggernaut of power.”

“Macre, you are incredibly beautiful, but alas I am spoken for. But I would surely love to invite you to dine with us this evening. We can share out experiences common and unfamiliar,” said Peastro smoothly as he motioned for her to follow him.

Macre batted her eyes at him, then smirked and nodded as she said,” Ok, we’ll talk things over…yes a meal would be a nice beginning.”

The 3 of them walked into Foiv castle. Morn waited inside with a disgusted look on her face. She walked up to Macre and said snidely,” Aren’t you a little hot, I sure am not. It really feels brisk today I’m glad I wore the right clothing. Oh, I’m Peastro’s WIFE, NICE TO MEET YOU.”

Macre scowled at Morn and said,” You know I am a tiny bit warm. You’re cold though, why am I not surprised that you’re frigid.”

“Frigid, odd choice of words,” shot back Morn sternly as she smirked. “Ya know that ship of yours is not the least bit juvenile. It screams class and distinction. I wish I had one of my own, I do I do. If for no other reason than the joy it must bring to all who see it,” said Morn coyly as she folded her arms and tapped her toe.

“The ship, my body, my total command of every sexual technique in the galaxy,” replied Macre firmly as she rubbed her neck. “The ships’ an original and the only one of its kind, but what I could give you and Peastro would help you reap benefits forever. I wrote a book called Orgasm at a Touch. I can see right now, and my vision is exceptional, that you in dire need of my tutelage,” said Macre as she put her arms behind her back and pushed her chest out.

“Well,” said Morn as she put her index finger to her hips and then said,” It’s great that you’re an author and I love picture books more than I’ll admit. You know what…I’ve got it, what is you forget about Peastro and make a play for the little blue man in his hand? With your vast sexual knowledge and the fact he’s roughly the size of a phallus, imagine the possibilities! We’re talking love here!”

Peastro let out a laugh and then stopped quickly, not wanting to exasperate Macre. Macre then said,” Morn,” then she pulled her panties down revealing her bottom,” get real there isn’t a vulgar inch on my entire body. Not a single noticeable flaw,” said Macre as she smiled and stared down Morn. “Now I look at you and I feel the relationship that you had with Peastro was born out of convenience. Not so much love. You and I both know that the exact second you turn your back Peastro will be ravishing my body, again and again.”

Morn said,” I love your theories, I’d love to get them down on pap…” then she punched Macre in the mouth.

Macre lunged forward and grabbed Morn by the hair and yanked her head to the side. Whereby Morn wrapped her hands around her waist and pulled her to the ground.

Macre shouts,” Get this tramp off of me!”

Peastro slowly starts to pull them apart.

“Not yet, Peastro, give me a second!” shouted Morn as she kicked Macre in the butt.

Then Morn put her forearm on Macre’s breasts and pinned her to the ground. Then she kissed her on the lips and said,” That’s as close to his lips as you’re ever going to get, so savor it on your way home, Densk!”

A Densk is an extremely amorous and clumsy form of beetle, which is known to sleep in its own droppings. There are very few worse things, for a woman, to be called in the galaxy.

Peastro separates the 2 women and then says boldly,” I’m sorry, Macre, but orgasm at a touch I’ve read it and there are several flaws in your technique. I wasn’t going to bring it up, but I believe in total honesty.”

Morn starts laughing and then Macre says angrily,” I am not here for ridicule, Peastro. Whatever bond you have with Morn doesn’t entitle you to mock me. I will not be made a fool.”

“Understood,” said Peastro with a nod,” we would still love to have you as our guest please.”

Macre caught her breath and then said softly,” I will, but there will not be another violation on my body or the consequences will be dire,” and then she says sternly, “Whoever attacks will incur my wrath and my armies’ wrath you have been warned.”

“There won’t be another,” said Peastro quickly.

Morn did not say anything she just nodded and looked away. The four of them made their way to Bovashanks study. Bovashanks study is where all the great Nor writings are kept and where Morn and Peastro favor eating.

It is a small room with 2 levels. The walls are filled with books that are accessible by floating chairs. There is a triangle shaped table made of ivory that has red silk covered chairs at each side. The center of the table there is a food elevator, where the different courses rise up every 10 minutes.

Peastro, Morn, and Macre sat down in their respective seats and Oalitl walked around the table admiring the first course. There is baked Gits’ head with an almond glaze. There are mashed honey potatoes and a pair of Mem fish for each person. And to drink there is ice cold Tazo pop, a delicious Nor beverage.

Morn takes a sip from her Tazo pop and asks,” What is it like on your planet, as far as relations between the people and their ruler?”

“On Rernon,” said Macre as she swallows a Mem fish,” my people accept that my judgment concerning their needs is infallible. They know that my grasp of their desires is unequaled.”

“How did you become the ruler of Rernon?” asks Peastro warmly as he looked at Macre.

“I was born with the divine membrane known as Ketily pores. The scientists determined eons ago that divinity is a birthright. They developed a series of tests to identify these Ketily pores and enhance the lives of their carriers. When I was born I had the largest amount of Ketily pores in the history of Rernon,” said Macre plainly as she tried the Gits’ Head.

“That’s fascinating, on my home world of Sras Oblique there are no such tests. They believe that your ascension will identify you to the truly divine,” said Peastro as he tugged at his chin beard.

“Extraordinary, if you don’t mind me inquiring how long was it before you were identified?” asks Macre warmly.

“I was 3 years passes and it was completely happenstance that it happened,” explained Peastro as he grinned. “When I think of my ascension it forces me to accept that the Builder has a plan for me. There’s also a part of me that feels a sense of terror, because my life could have easily gone a different direction,” said Peastro as he stared at his glass of Tazo pop.

“But see that’s the thing, a part of you believes that there is luck involved. When in reality your soul wouldn’t let you accept that it was an eventuality. A divine entity hurls itself towards its fate on an engine of insecurity. It was always this,” said Macre as she sat back in her seat and draped her leg over the armrest.

The second course popped up through the center of the table. It was an assortment of desserts from cakes to pies to fried ice cream filled with berries. There is also a thick chocolate pudding with a Te Te garnish.

Te Te birds are small birds, the size of a golf ball, that have sugary rich meat and feathers.

Also with the second course came the Mesidich brandy.

Mesidich brandy is a flavorful and potent as any alcohol you would ever drink. It has a delayed effect that starts 20 minutes are you start drinking it.

“Now for the main course,” said Morn as she threw back a glass of Mesidich.

Macre took a whiff from the Mesidich, then took a drink and smiles and said,” Certainly worth the trip. I brought something for you it is a treasure from Rernon. It is known as Vidid’s Urn,” then she set a small egg on the table.

Just then Morn felt her first strike trigger kick in. She sensed Macre’s murderous intent. She lifted her glass to her mouth and then asked calmly,” What does it do?”

“Touch it and find out,” said Macre with a smile.

Peastro looked at Morn and grinned knowingly and then looked at Macre and said,” No thank you, Vidid’s Urn shall remain a mystery.”

“I wasn’t asking!” shouted Macre as she reached for the Vidid’s urn.

As she did Peastro and Morn levitated up above the table. Macre threw Vidid’s Urn at Morn and just missed her foot. When Vidid’s urn hit the ground an enormous red skinned wolf-like animal called a Killor appeared from inside the urn.

Macre got on the Killor’s back and jumped onto the table. The Killor snarled and gnashed its teeth at Peastro and Morn. Peastro and Morn continued to levitate.

Macre and Killor sprung into the air at Morn. Peastro sees this and uses his Coreto eye and looks into the Killor’s heart, blinking his eye and bursting the Killor’s heart.

Macre and the Killor fall to the floor below. Macre jumps up and runs at hyper speed out of the room. Peastro fires a ball of radiation at her, but he is too late. He and Morn race after Macre, but as they get outside they see her already boarding her ship. They watch as her ship shoots out of their atmosphere. Before it does it drops a stream of pink envelopes. Morn picks one up and it reads,” In case,” on the outside. When she opens it up it reads,” Peastro, If you’re reading this then she has her claws in you pretty deep. You’re all I ever wanted and my love for you will never end. Expect my next visit to be a little less formal, love Macre.”

“What do you think she means by that last part?” asks Morn anxiously as she takes in a deep breath.

“Who knows that woman is capable of anything,” said Peastro as he looked at Morn, Best to keep our eyes up and our wits about us. I’ll have General Stram start running contingencies,” said Peastro as he scratched his forehead.

“She’s wise…the whole spectrum of treachery is at her disposal. I have a feeling about her and my concerns are warranted,” said Morn as she embraced Peastro.

2 weeks went by and still no sign of Macre. Peastro hoped she would come to her senses and leave him be. He just wanted to be allowed to rule over Goldva without any complications from Macre.

It is night on Goldva and the sky is littered with Calfes. Calfes are a series of bursting gas pockets that create a living sky. They create beautiful shards of light that explode continuously. The Calfes come every year at the beginning of the summer.

They are named after Dr. Michar Calfe, who is renowned for his scientific discoveries and understanding. He is the first to theorize that if a hole can be punched in a wall then a hole could be punched in a dimension, if you had the right tools to do so.

He marries 9 times and has 62 children who he self taught and mentored until his death. Many of his children went on to work at his institute and continue his research. His youngest son Col Calfe is considered the premier life actor on Goldva. He has the entire spectrum of emotions at his command. His film, “See Said,” is the most popular film on Goldva. It has established him as its most beloved actor.