The Vindijan Line by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

The Cortellian Stake

It was the 4th year passed for Peastro on Goldva. His love for Culby has become a triumph on every level, and they had each blossomed righteously for the better. Culby especially, being it that she is now pregnant with their 1st child. All of Goldva is waiting with baited breath for the birth of the Siad.

The Siad is the name given to the Pre Ma’s carrier of the bloodline. It is understood that not all children can ascend. That as it may be the thought of another Pre Ma starts many a conversation.

Peastro doesn’t know what to think of being a father. His own father never had the time or the tools to raise him. He worried that his zeal to make up for the childhood he didn’t have, may eventually destroy his own child’s ascension. He knows he needs to think on it and fight every urge to spoil his child into mediocrity. The Nor have a saying,” Only give if it’s appreciated and only ‘til.”

Culby is busy thinking as well. She feels enormous responsibility to deliver a son. While at the same time she has to reconcile with her desires for a daughter. She has decided to devout her life to fulfilling the passions of their child. They haven’t decided on a name, they are going to wait until the name becomes apparent. They know the Builder will guide their selection.

Culby and Peastro are lying on their bed with Peastro resting his head on her stomach. He is reading from the book of Yealik, the Dernge passage. “We hold on with prudence to possessions and with passion to our flesh covered souls. While the path is daunting and the footing narrow we guide step after step into the blackness. Secure in the logic that if we falter a hand will reach out and envelope us in safety. While even the bravest man seeks refuge along the way, our lack of vision does not dissuade us. It only fills our minds with uproarious laughter,” says Peastro and then he kisses Culby’s belly and caresses it with his hand.

Culby smiles and runs her fingers through Peastro’s hair and then says softly,” This baby of ours is wise, I can already tell.”

“How do you know that?” asks Peastro as he walks his fingers up Culby’s arm.

“I can just tell, honestly. The other night I thought I heard the baby whisper. It was probably something else, but wouldn’t it be grand if our baby can communicate so young,” said Culby as she looks down at her belly.

“There’s enough Vindijan in that belly for virtually anything to be possible. There have been several documented cases of Vindijan children speaking in the 1st few days.”

“Really, well if our baby comes out speaking it will be an incredibly thrilling! What a day that would be,” said Culby excitedly as she caresses her belly.

“That day can’t come soon enough for my liking. 3 more weeks and then our glorious child will greet their 1st T sun. The wonder of it all,” says Peastro smoothly as he grins.

The 3 weeks were drawing to an end and with only 2 days to go Peastro and Culby were expectedly anxious. All the necessary preparations have been made at the Pre Ma’s personal hospital. There will be 4 doctors and a dozen nurses there to handle any complications.

The Nor use a Lal suction pump to literally suck the baby out in one foul swoop. They also use Peme cream to dilate the Virginia. An entire birth takes only 1 to 4 minutes from start to finish. Of course that is providing there are no complications which there rarely are.

Once the baby is clear of the birth canal and inside the Lal chamber, it is gently sprayed with water and a skin cleanser. Then a doctor will sever the umbilical cord using a laser. The child is then given a battery of tests for precautionary reasons.

Peastro and Culby have decided to stay within shouting distance of the operating room until the birth. They are relaxing in a personal suite. Culby is watching a hologram of her favorite sport Reeptal.

Reeptal involves holding a blue grass target in one hand and a Nailto gun in the other. The Nailto gun is a rapid fire laser pistol. The 2 contestants will stand 10 feet apart facing each other. When the Ratom, which is the referee, yells Reeptal they will raise their weapons and try to destroy the other person’s targets. The first to do so will advance to the next round. There are 12 rounds and the winner of the two brackets will meet in the finals. If you are victorious in the final round you are given your choice of prizes. You can either have a year of luxury or a brain enhancing microchip. You are also included on the guest list to every social function.

Culby is only half watching the Reeptal her thoughts are of the birth. She worries that she hasn’t thought of everything the baby will require. She sits there and keeps going over the future realities of motherhood. She knows it isn’t all fun and games with sacrifices having to be made.

Peastro is out on the balcony smoking a Tut cigarette and preparing emotionally for the big day. He knows that a child is not a plaything, but a person who needs guidance and love. He finishes his cigarette and walks into the room where Culby is and asks sarcastically,” You sure you wanna have kids?”

Culby smiles and bursts out laughing and then she rubs her belly and says,” We’re sure. OH by the way your son or daughter were definitely speaking last night.”

“Really that’s incredible,” says Peastro as he slides in beside Culby.

“I just hope we never forget to make this child feel loved,” said Culby warmly as she winced slightly.

“That’s as sure as the T sun’s embrace,” says Peastro as he kisses Culby’s belly.

Popaturn comes in and says,” Pre Ma, there are visitors here from the planet Cortell. They insist upon an audience with you and they will not say why.”

“Cortell,” says Peastro implying a question.

“Yes it’s a planet in the Warve solar system. There isn’t much known of Cortell. These men are not to be trifled with I can assure you,” said Popaturn in a serious tone.

Peastro sits up straight and says,” Serious men…I haven’t spoken to any of those in quite some time. Did they arrive in a battleship or transport?”

Popaturn walked over to the balcony and Peastro followed. In the sky they could see an enormous ominous battleship. The ship is black and perfectly spherical, with large cannons on every angle of it. There is a pair of eyes painted onto its from and an unemotional mouth as well. It is dotted with hundreds of thousands of blinking lights. It also has a tower on its uppermost flank that is similar to a lighthouse, with a revolving light.

“Somebody wants to play,” says Peastro boldly as he leaps into the air and throws his arms high and head back.

Popaturn then said,” They’re waiting for us in the Hosiz ballroom. Our military is on high alert and ready if need be. There is something…they mentioned that they were here for repayment of a favor.”

“Ok why don’t I feel reassured by that?” asks Peastro as he started to levitate and walk in a circle. “I need to see these men immediately let’s go,” said Peastro sternly as he and Popaturn made for the Hosiz ballroom.

The Hosiz ballroom is filled with dozens of priceless statues. The walls are covered in blue velvet and the ceiling has thousands of lime colored crystal balls hanging from it. The floors are covered with 6 inch thick rugs that nearly swallow your foot.

Peastro and Popaturn stop short of the ballroom and go into the adjacent room. They peer through a two-way mirror at the Cortellians. The Cortellians are very bulbous and serious. Their skin has a purple hue and their beards are black, long, and thick. They are each wearing black leather robes and red pants. They have on black slippers with white tips. Their countenance suggests they are devoid of any sense of humor. Their heads are shaved bald and they have large star tattoos on the top of their shaven heads. They are each holding a long black staff with a golden orb at the top.

“They look like war alright. I see no compromise in these men. Let’s keep our emotions in check…be ready, Popaturn, to act,” says Peastro gravely.

“Yes, Pre Ma, deadly serious and ready.”

Peastro and Popaturn walk into the Hosiz ballroom and make their way to the Cortellian’s. The largest Cortellian Preck says plainly,” Pre Ma, I will not mince words. I believe in being blunt.”

“Please,” Peastro said with a nod.

“My name is Preck and we are not here to battle with the Nor. Our grievances lie elsewhere. A hundred years ago today the Cortellians were at war with the Vindijan Line. It was a brutal and savage war that lay waste to over 5 million Cortellian soldiers,” said Preck plainly as he adjusted his robe.

“That would have been the Eeves war. I’ve read of it,” says Peastro as he lights up a cigarette.

“Yes the Eeves war, and it was savagery on an epic scale,” says Preck as he stands up and walks a few steps and then says, “The type of savagery that you being a Vindijan would know all too well.”

“That is a certainty, Preck. The line does not believe in sympathy for its combatants,” said Peastro as he gently levitated off the floor a few feet.

“But you are also a Kaa and I have no doubt that if what we head of the Toen war is true. Then maybe you’d like to see the Line pay for the pain they’ve caused your fellow Kaa.”

Peastro tugs at his beard and then says,” I’ve thought of it often…of settling the score. The Line can’t be allowed to force their will on the people under the T sun. But the Line’s army is powerful and vast…what did you have in mind?” asks Peastro as he spins in mid-air.

Preck smiles and then says boldly,” We’re willing to do whatever it takes for justice. We have rebuilt our army and it is more powerful than before. It is at your disposal, ready and waiting for your command. Think of it our combine armies could annihilate the Vindijan Line and free the Kaa once and for all! NO one will fear the Vindijan agenda.”

“Yes a thousand times yes! Together we can topple the immortal Coup Vindijan and end his tyrannical reign! Preck, prepare your fleet. We’ll take a little trip to Srass Oblique and we’ll come bearing gifts!” shouted Peastro.