The Vindijan Line by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

The Final T sun

“When we show up in Sras Oblique’s orbit they’re gonna know it. Our actions need to be swift and without hesitation. We’ll try to overpower their battleships with our Brons,” said Peastro boldly as he floated above his generals. “While that’s happening our Moi Ti destroyers will be laying waste to their communications and their ground troops”, said Peastro coldly. If by any chance you should get Coup Vindijan in the crosshairs…punch his ticket to Terious. Don’t shed a tear for Old Coup, he’s been heading there all his life. Finally, we’ll be paying the residents of Whitkus Blo a visit and Yes. They should be thrilled to see us. Keep your eyes up and your wits about you to Dust!” said Peastro boldly to all his troops via hologram

The combined Nor and Cortellian fleets are traveling through the 7th dimension. They are nearing the exit point for Sras Oblique. They have literally thousands of ships filled with millions of troops. They will outnumber the Vindijan’s 2 to 1. The Vindijan’s will be completely blindsided.

Peastro is inside Rerni Realm sitting in his throne with a glass of Borco wine in his grasp. He refuses to think of Coup, his thoughts are of his new son Yerpo Lle. Yerpo Lle is the spitting image of his father except his eyes are checkered orange and yellow. Peastro puts all of his mental energy into visualizing his young son’s aura. Culby was with him back on Goldva as she recovers from the pregnancy.

Peastro looks out the plasma window and sees the orange men again running beside his battleship. He is not for laughing now. He simply glances at them and then goes back into his thoughts. Then he hears the single dull pulse that signals that they have arrived at Sras Oblique.

The entire fleet passes through the portal and they see the glorious Sras Oblique in front of them. They quickly enter the atmosphere and are met by a pair of battleships. The Vindijan Line always keeps 2 in the air.

About this time Coup is alerted that they are under attack from a formidable fleet. He runs to his balcony and sees the sky turn black with ships. He almost dies from the shock of it, he buckles over and shouts,” Where’s our fleet!”

Peastro at this time gives his hand a gentle wave and the Vindijan battleships are besieged with missiles. The Brons laugh and thrash their way through the Vindijan battleships. This causes them to plummet to the ground below, engulfing the countryside with flames in one giant blast. Every Vindijan battleship is quickly in the air, but they took heavy fire as they launched.

In a few minutes the sky is a sea of destruction. Vindijan vessels are being destroyed left and right by the Cortellian Monki fighters. The Monki are unmanned kamikaze death bringers. They are black and red stripped crab shaped ships, whose sole purpose is to cripple an enemy’s defenses. They do this by smashing through their shields and into their core.

One after another the Monki careened into the Vindijan battleships. This created giant explosions and broke the Vindijan’s will in two.

On the ground the Nor’s army of Brons are laying waste to every Vindijan soldier in sight. There will be no mercy for anyone who dares to take the battlefield today.

The Brons are crushing the Humpacca’s under their fists, 20 at a time. They also blast them with their machinegun fingers, tearing most into pieces.

Peastro watches the devastation with a wry smile on his face. He sits and watches with glee as the score is settled. Peastro asks,” But where is dear Coup?”

At Plushi Chateau 10,000 Cortellian soldiers are flooding the castle’s halls. They search room after room for the day’s greatest trophy, Coup. Two soldiers go into an empty dining hall and started looking around. There was no one in sight. They looked under the tables and in all the closets and found nothing. “This room’s clear, let’s move on,” said Sergeant Tepps sternly.

They started to leave when a small black piece of cloth floated down in front of them and Sergeant Tepps grabbed it. He looked at the cloth for a second and then threw his gaze skyward. He saw a figure flat against the ceiling, it was Coup.

“You come down from there or I am going to blast you to Terious!” shouted Tepps as he aimed his gun at Coup.

Coup paused for a moment and then said,” Don’t shoot I’m sure we can work something out,” then he floated down and said coyly,” I can give you riches and pleasures beyond your comprehension. A deal could lead to generations of good fortune for you and your family. Don’t be a fool, deals are for making.”

Sergeant Tepps looks at Coup for a moment and then says snidely,” Precious Coup, my grandfather was tortured and murdered in the Eeves war, as were millions of Cortellians. These pleasures you speak of…seeing you grovel right now is one. Seeing you pay for your crimes is the greatest gift you could ever give. And I’d just like to thank you in advance for that one.”

Sergeant Tepps pressed the locator button and the room was besieged with troops a few seconds later. Coup stared defiantly at Sergeant Tepps and said coldly,” Your father was a Densk, and you are a fool. My divinity is beyond your dull reason. You can’t hear the music you just hum along in endless oblivion. Remember the Line!”

The soldiers listened to Coup and burst out laughing. They encased Coup in a see through green energy shield. He was unable to move his arms and legs, only his head. They transported him to Rerni Realm, where Peastro is eagerly awaiting his arrival. They bring Coup inside and place him behind Peastro’s chair.

Peastro spun around and said,” Coup, darling Coup, it is a glory to see your beautiful essence. Oh how I pined for your company. A shame the years haven’t treated you better. How’s Mela, still stunning I bet. I have a feeling I’ll see her before the day is out.”

Coup quickly said,” You don’t have to do this, Peastro. Together we can own every soul under the T sun.”

Peastro tugs at his chin beard and claps his hands and says,” Funny thing hands, hands are for moving. Own every soul eh…see that’s the problem. You think you have the right to control people or won as you said. Every life has the same value, Coup, you should know that already.”

“Look, Peastro, if my love ever counted for anything. If…if my plucking you out of that dismal life was worth anything! Let an old man enjoy his twilight,” begged Coup. ” For Builder’s sake!” he pleaded.

“No,” says Peastro coldly.

Coup is infuriated by this and struggles to free his hands and legs in vain. Then Coup says,” Alright…well you had better hope to Terious you win this war or my mercy will be vacant from my thoughts!”

“Please,” says Peastro as he shows Coup a hologram of the battlefield and then says,” Your troops have already surrendered. The bulk of your fleet is completely destroyed. The war is over the only question now is what to do with the remainder of the Vindijan Line,” said Peastro confidently as he waved his arms in a circle. “Oh, and of course the inhabitants of Whitkus Blo,” said Peastro slyly as he acted like he was going to boot Coup in the gut.

“You wouldn’t dare!” snapped Coup.

“I would indeed I’m sure the Kaa will be thrilled to find out some of their favorite Vindijan’s are still drawing breath,” says Peastro with a smile as he stands up and walks around Coup.

“Ah…I don’t,” stammered Coup.

Peastro puts his hand on top of Coup’s head and says,” Drink it all in, we’re here to help.”

Coup blinked his eyes rapidly and said,” I just…I can’t, why…how, how did it.”

Peastro smiles and then laughs as he says snidely,” You know I never much cared for the term Venkid. It always seemed like it was your way of keeping me under your thumb. The moniker I prefer is Pre Ma. Go ahead try it on for size.”

“Pre…I ah, just make it end Builder wake me please. Shake of my shoulder, please shake!” says Coup nervously as he starts crying hysterically.

The soldiers laugh and Peastro pulls out a Messon leaf cigar. He taps the elf lighting tip and takes a long drag. He dances a few steps and sings,” How in the Terious, your brain gets so serious! You think about things I’ll never know. I ask for golddddd…you give me Hool nuggets. I ask for love you slappa my face.”

Sergeant Tepps smiles and says,” This is certainly a day for rejoicing. The Line is no more!”