The Vindijan Line by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

The Belief of Popaturn


The Toen war had ended in a barrage of death and total destruction. The Kaa had been sent back to their familiars place in the service of the Line. All told 600,000,000 Kaa lives had been lost to the Builder’s left hand. In the weeks that followed the Kaa who hadn’t perished were forced to dispose of the ones who had. Now they were forced to clear away the rubble of their once beloved cities and homes.

Their will had been broken and few dared a negative word about The Line. Not one person allowed a critical thought to enter their minds. Now they are focused on the grim reality of being on the losing end of war. The victor’s enforce their will on the losers.

The Vindijan Line has a whole new set of rules for the Kaa, demands that are worse than before the Toen war. This makes many Kaa wish they hadn’t gone to way and had been content with what they had in the first place.

The one rule that terrified the Kaa was the Eoy rule. Eoy is the nickname for a small child. The Eoy rule states that only one child is allowed for every 2 Kaa couples. They started a lottery to determine which couple could have a child. And if the rule was broken the parents were put to death, no exceptions. The Line had decided to keep their numbers advantage, in case the Kaa tried another rebellion.

Peastro sits shooting Dees as his mind is in turmoil. He thinks the Line is being, and has been, too harsh on the Kaa. He can still remember being on the other side of the fence. And as much as he wanted the Toen war over, he could never have imagined the lengths the Vindijan Line would go to. He is mortified to know that his father was killed in The Great Push. Coup said it was an accident, but he feared it was the Line’s way of cutting his connections to the Kaa. He knows what treachery they are capable of.

A servant boy enters the room and sets a Lila on the table beside Peastro. The servant boy is Kaa and Peastro notices his complacent body language. The boy doesn’t make eye contact with Peastro, he simply sets down the Lila and leaves.

Peastro looks at the Lila for a moment and then attaches it to his temple. After it has dissolved he sees it as a thought from Coup. He understands that Coup is thrilled that the Toen war is over. Peastro feels a little sick to his stomach at Coup’s lack of remorse. Then he understands that someone called Popaturn is here from Goldva. He is prepared to take Peastro back with him.

This fills his heart with joy and relief, he couldn’t imagine being around Coup as he relieves the Great Push again and again. He secretly hopes he will be leaving Sras Oblique for good. He thinks seriously about starting a new life on Goldva with Morn.

The final 15 seconds of the thoughts reveal that they are waiting for him with all of his things. They are in hangar bay 15. Peastro stands up quickly and makes for the hangar bay.

On the way he makes a point of not making eye contact with anyone. A part of him fears they might get wind of his true intentions. When he arrives, Morn meets him at the door and embraces him tightly and says,” Adventure’s are for taking my sweet.”

Peastro and Morn walk over to Coup and Popaturn. Coup does not offer a greeting to Peastro he just stands there and looks at him sternly. Popaturn walks up to Peastro and says into Peastro’s ear,” Goldva, Goldva will embrace you, Peastro.”

Popaturn is a ball of bulging muscles. His arms are like granite and covered in blue veins. His head protrudes from a muscle bound neck and his hands are enormous, much larger than Coup’s. His face is like that of a child, smooth and rounded, with a pronounced jaw and long wide nose. His eyes are crystal and a storm can be seen thundering in each. He has a long mane of flowing blonde hair that stretches to his forearms. Above each eye is an electrical input that has a red light blinking inside. He is wearing a skin tight green sweater, with the sleeves pulled up. He also has on a black leather loin cloth that exposes his large muscular legs. On his feet he is wearing Ang Ma slippers, which are skin tight socks with a hard plastic sole sewn into them. On his right calf is a gold control panel with a blinking green light. ON his right hand he has a glimmering silver forefinger.

Peastro looks at Popaturn and feels a kinship with him. He can’t understand why, something about him just puts him at ease. Peastro put his hand on Popaturn’s shoulder and says softly,” I believe in Goldva now. I know it will be magnificent and a sight to behold.”

“Thank you, Peastro, we will love you unconditionally. The hands of Goldva will hold your worries to the side,” said Popaturn as he puts his hand around Peastro’s waist and then says,” And, Morn, there are many splendors for you to enjoy as well.”

Morn smiled and said,” I am sure that it will be a glorious adventure. I think it will be a new beginning of sorts.”

Morn and Peastro’s eyes stared at Popaturn. He didn’t want to reveal his true plans to Coup. He could feel Coup’s eyes on him and he knew Coup was looking for signals. Peastro meanwhile keeps himself calm and keeps his emotions in check. He knows not to appear too eager to leave or Coup might try and keep him from going.

“Popaturn, you really should see Pepiveddie Plains while you’re here. The Alsee grass is especially beautiful this time of year,” said Peastro plainly.

“I would love too, but we’re expected at Goldva. There is a wonderful surprise waiting for you upon our arrival and it is surely a gift that can’t wait,” said Popaturn as he boarded the Nor ship.

“Well, Coup, I will see you in 7 years passed. I hope the Kaa don’t topple the Line by then,” said Peastro with a smirk.

Coup laughs and says,” So true, so yes.”

Peastro laughed and then said quickly,” You old Hool nugget, you couldn’t resist.”

“I’ll miss the laughter, Peastro, keep your eyes up and your wits about you if you know what I mean,” said Coup in a serious tone as he embraced Peastro.

“It is as certain as the T sun’s morning embrace,” said Peastro as he and Morn boarded the Nor ship.

The Nor ship was grey on the outside and nearly see through. The outline of the engine and all aboard can be seen from the outside. The word Permate is written on either side.

Permate Yeps is the Nor philosopher who introduced the Ohva technique. The technique involved you only focusing on the problems in your life for small segments of time. Then spend the rest of your day fantasizing about the great things that are going to happen to you. Going into great detail and thinking passionately about what was the best thing that could happen to you the following day. Once the Ohva technique was started followers did things in their real life just to have more realistic fantasies. This led them on a path to success.

The inside of the Nor ship is stripped pale blue and white. There is a seven segment painting of the Nor mountain Booslepe. Mt. Booslepe has the faces of every Nor ruler going back to the first, carved into its sides. There are over 10,000 faces and each face has its own presence.

Peastro looks at the painting and asks,” Does this mountain really have all these faces on it?”

“Oh yes every ruler we’ve had. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise, but you asked. Your face will also be on Mt. Booslepe,” said Popaturn.

“Outstanding, what an odd and wonderful gift,” replied Peastro as he felt giddy at the idea. “I can’t wait to see it,” said Peastro as he scanned the faces in the painting and then asked,” How long will it take to get to Goldva do you think?”

“Not long at all, once we’re out of Sras Oblique’s atmosphere we’ll be using a Gravitron to pass into another dimension. Once we are there we can travel quite quickly to Goldva. You have to understand that in the 6th and 7th dimensions it’s possible to reach tremendous speeds,” said Popaturn as he set down his head on the large bed.

There are 5 large lavender beds placed in all five corners of the room. The Nor ship is modest in size and is no longer than a tennis court. Inside there is only Morn, Peastro, and Popaturn. The ship is a self piloting vessel and has its flight plan programmed in advance.

Once they left the atmosphere of Sras Oblique the Nor ship stopped and a solid yellow beam was shot from the nose of the ship.

“Don’t be scared, that’s the Gravitron. It’s just creating a doorway for us to travel through,” said Popaturn.

In front of the ship a crack started to form in space, with a white light emitting from inside it. Then the hole got larger and larger while through the hole could be seen a white tunnel; with floating yellow specs of light throughout.

“Fear not, we’ll be in and then we will be out. It’s a painless procedure with very little risk,” said Popaturn as he strapped himself in,” You’ll need to attach your safety harnesses though, but not for long.”

Peastro and Morn locked themselves in and quickly kissed on the lips. The Nor ship drove into the 7th dimension and stopped inside the long white tunnel. The Nor vessel started pulsing and swaying side to side. Then it started moving rapidly through the tunnel. Outside their ship were bright orange people who appear to be running beside the ship and shouting at them.

They were thin hairless and had very plump faces like they were blowing a bubble. They weren’t wearing shirts and their chests had a dull green glow from the center. Their pants were white and made of some sort of bendable plastic. Morn and Peastro watched in amazement. Morn burst into laughter at this odd sight. Peastro looked at Popaturn to see if he knew who or what they were, but he just shrugged his shoulders and said,” They’re not Vindijan’s, I know that.”

“Certainly not,” said Morn happily as she smiled at Popaturn.

“Some dimensions just shouldn’t be opened is all I can say,” said Peastro as he watched the orange people tap on the window.

“They can’t help it, look they seem friendly. Look at that one there,” said Morn as she to one and then continued,” How could that goofy grin be trouble?”

“Are you kidding, he’d smile you to death,” said Peastro jokingly.

Morn rolled her eyes and squeezed Peastro shoulder gently. After an hour the Nor ship slowed and stopped in front of a white wall with coordinates written on it. The yellow beam shot the wall splitting it wide open, revealing a large green planet.

“Goldva,” said Peastro warmly.

“Yes this is the land of dreams, Peastro,” said Popaturn and then he smiled and spoke softly,” A place for new realities and endless enrichment, “says Popaturn as he thinks of how amazing Goldva is and then says, “ The one world where a man can truly ascend and be counted among the great men in history. Goldva is yours now,” said Popaturn as he handed Peastro a silver pyramid.

Peastro holds it in his hand and then asks,” What’s this?”

“Give it a good squeeze and you will see,” said Popaturn smoothly.

Peastro looks at Popaturn for a moment and then Morn. He looks at the pyramid and squeezes it. The pyramid is instantly absorbed by his skin, leaving the words Pre Ma written on his palm.

“Alright now what do I do?” asks Peastro nonchalantly.

“Every Nor has their personal status given to them at birth. Of course it’s possible to go father and be greater, but everyone wears their beginning as a badge of honor,” said Popaturn as he showed Peastro his palm with word Oc 7 written on it and then he said,” I was only born to be a craftsman, but I am a scientist and a diplomat now.”

“What does Pre Ma signify?” asked Morn.

“That is as high as you can go on Goldva. It signifies that you are the most treasured one and that your essence has no limitations. Pre Ma is given out only once a generation and grants you protection from all Nor law,” said Popaturn firmly as he hands Morn a golden pyramid,” And this is for you, Morn.”

“Thank you, a squeeze is in order,” said Morn as she squeezed the golden pyramid. The golden pyramid dissolved leaving the words Cre Ma on her palm.

“Cre Ma is the designation of our cherished and most powerful female. You will be granted every desire you have and be above Nor law,” explained Popaturn as he tried to contain his glee and then said, “That as well as the first to drink from the Chalice of Sepsem. That is also at the Preptep ceremony this evening. Don’t worry the Preptep is very brief and will simply cast Peastro as Emperor,” said Popaturn

The Chalice of Sepsem is the original cup used by Sepsem Vee Nor, the first Pre Ma of Goldva. They did this to baptize his subjects into enlightenment. Once someone has become fully realized they are given all of the accumulated knowledge of the previous generation. Then once they have mastered the information they are allowed to drink from the Chalice of Sepsem. This signifies that a person and a new generation will be smarter than the last. It was always Sepsem Vee Nor’s great hope that everything he knew would eventually be thought of as common sense. He hoped that the knowledge would build on top of itself, making every man and woman a genius.

The Preptep ceremony, thought brief, is extremely involved. The Cre Ma will drink from the Chalice of Sepsem and then raise the Chalice to the Pre Ma’s lips. Then she slowly pours the remainder the contents down his throat. They will stand in the Uohova booth and a cast of the Cre Ma and the Pre Ma holding hands, and it will be made of Veno plastic. Eventually a gold statue will be erected in the garden of Esevo, beside all the previous Pre Ma’s and Cre Ma’s

While the Preptep ceremony is taking place, the Nor watch the ceremony on large monitors all over Goldva. There is nothing more important to a Nor than the Preptep ceremony. Upon its completion every Nor locks their loved ones in an embrace. This can last for several minutes. Most are brought to tears and some even die from the sheer emotion of it. With the New Pre and Cre Ma the Nor know the collective joy will be tremendous in every corner of Goldva.

“Pre Ma…I am truly honored,” Peastro says warmly as he rubs his brow and then says, “From lowly Hool herder to Vindijan and now Pre Ma. And all on the Builders’ whim,” said Peastro as he looks at the Goldva countryside and then says softly,” Where whim becomes reality.”

The world of Goldva is one third ocean and 2 thirds forest and farmland. It’s a beautiful world of green, with thousands of lakes and winding rivers. Goldva is slightly smaller in size than Sras Oblique, measuring 110,000 miles in circumference compared to 120,000 for Sras. That said there are far more inhabitants, nearly 50 billion all told.

The Nor have split their world into thirds, the first is designated for industry and science. The 2nd is used for farmland and livestock, and the final 3rd is for cities and recreation. The Nor believe that every person should eat every day. They knew with a large population steps had to be taken to assure this. Thus centuries earlier the Pre Ma Nectis Nor split the world into thirds to assure that every Nor would have a great quality of life. It is known as the Nectis provision and is celebrated twice yearly for its tremendous foresight.

Peastro, Morn, and Popaturn fly over the Goldva countryside and they can see people enjoying the day. Many were floating through the air in helium bubbles known as Bublave Balls. Peastro notices how happy and content the Nor appear. The Bublave balls float several feet above the ground. The Nor use long black 2 pronged straws to breathe through and keep the Bublave balls thick.

There are also Nor running up and down large trees. They use adhesive boots known as Woorlo Heels to keep from falling. They’d run up the tree and then enter a tree house at the top. As they pass one such house Peastro sees a woman who is nude and sipping from a small cup. She sees him looking at her and gives him a wink. Morn sees this and says,” Don’t let those neurons fire for another second.”

“I was just admiring the fine Nor craftsmanship,” said Peastro as he gave Morn a wink.

“You know I have a belief that all great accomplishments come from mental anguish. Show me a person who’s happy and content and I’ll show you a mind that’s content with not enriching itself,” said Popaturn boldly as he looked out over Goldva.

“I couldn’t agree more, the problem is the level of bravery it commands to expand,” said Peastro as he brushes some lint off his pants.

“True,” said Popaturn.

“The Vindijan Line is very particular about the order of things. So much so that before you arrived an enormous battle took place where 600,000,000 Kaa lost their lives. One of those Kaa was my father. This mental anguish you speak of is rapping on my temple as we speak,” said Peastro as he put his finger to his temple.

“I saw the devastation, the Line can be ruthless, but they are far from here, Peastro. Your journey is your own and you will become what you decide.”

“I believe you, Popaturn. The Line may be many miles from here, but not from here,” said Peastro as he tapped the center of his forehead with his fore and index finger,” I fear their presence will linger in my decisions.”

“It doesn’t have to,” said Popaturn warmly as he pointed to two Nor laughing.

“That is what I am hoping.”