The Vindijan Line by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

The Misinterpretation of Marlick’s Oath


Inside the castle Foiv, Peastro and Morn’s quarters are being prepared by two make servants named Paso and Stea. They are each thin and wearing royal blue uniforms with glowing shoulder pads.

“Do you think the new Pre Ma will fall into line?” asked Paso as he folded the covers.

“What are you referring to?” asked Stea as he lit a candle on the end table.

“You know Marlick’s Oath,” said Peso quickly and quietly as he smoothed over a pillow.

“He’d better or he’ll be our shortest Pre Ma in a century,” said Stea as he lit up a cigarette.

“You bet,” said Paso with a laugh.

“To come so far and have a moral conundrum at the last minute, terrible simply terrible,” said Stea sadly as he wiped the lint from the drapes.

“It’s happened before, remember Tatio?” asks Paso sadly while he adjusts his pants.

“Oh yes…Tatio was a stunner, such a handsome Pre Ma. I hated to see him pass,” said Stea quickly.

“A travesty for sure, but this Peastro might not be as foolish,” said Paso hopefully as he checked everything in the room.

“All Pre Ma’s are different Peastro sounds to be strong enough from what I’ve heard, let’s hope,” said Stea as he and Paso leave the room.

Peastro and Morn are touring Foiv castle. There are several large plasma windows that act as a centerpiece in the dining area. They are in the shape of the letters in Peastro and Morn’s names. The ceiling is a perpetual carpet of red flames. This fascinated Morn to no end. They walked into the adjoining garden and they could see acrobats. The acrobats are wearing black magnetic suit and are floating over the oppositely charged ground. They flip and twist in ways not meant the body. Peastro uses his power of levitation and floats in amongst them and mirrors their routine. This is much to the enjoyment of Morn and Popaturn. Peastro uses the Mormo technique and punches a ball of radiation into the air. The acrobats are obviously impressed and give him a nod of recognition.

Peastro, Morn, and Popaturn walk into a room filled with ancient robots. There are some dating back 30,000 years.

“All of these robots here are actually used in battle,” said Popaturn as he motioned with his hand.

“Really, they look almost human,” said Peastro as he touched one of the robots’ faces.

“Well they’ve killed men…beyond that they’re only mere machines. The ones we have are far more advanced and even possess high level cognitive thought,” said Popaturn proudly as he rubbed the chest of a silver robot.

“That is quite an accomplishment, an absolute triumph,” said Peastro as he looked at the various robots.

“Thank you we’ve made great strides.”

Peastro stopped in front of a giant silver robot with 4 heads. It is 50 feet high and is smooth and sleek. There are no visible wires and each of its heads’ are facing in a different direction. Each one of is faces look sullen and menacing. The fingers on its right hand are made up of machine gun barrels. The left is holding a long metal staff.

“How’s the T sun taste big fella?” asks Peastro jokingly as he grins.

This is Bron he’s our assault robot that we used in the last war with the Cupsti’s. He looks like trouble and trouble he is. Would you like to see a demonstration?” asks Popaturn as he walks over to Bron’s leg.

“Not necessary, some things are better left in a state of unknowing. I would have loved to have had Bron in the Toen war though. I have a feeling it would have been much shorter,” said Peastro as he walks between Bron’s legs and looks up at him.

“We’ve found that the right technology can level any battlefield. We have hundreds of these Bron and many other robots with unique capabilities. I would love for you to see them sometime,” said Popaturn as he walked into the next room.

“Of course,” replied Peastro as he and Morn followed him.

They entered into a smoky lounge with scantily clad men and women dancing as they watched a movie. The movie was called Missed Your Longing and is a movie biopic about Veto Yorns.

Veto is the first Nor woman to rationalize her emotions as after thoughts. Her theory known as the Yorns Reaction, it basically says that real emotions are experienced only in the moment and descriptions of them are emotions felt after the fact. She is renowned for her social activism and paved the way for Nor women to truly achieve. Veto is now in her seventies and is a member of the Zepre.

The Zepre is the ruling body under the Pre Ma and Cre Ma. Is comprised of twelve members and carries out all the wishes of the Pre and Cre Ma, regardless of how absurd. Mistya Toe, the fourth Pre Ma, had it made law every Nor must eat chocolate pudding after breakfast and so they did. The law was never repealed and became a cherished moment in Nor history.

Peastro watches the movie and is transfixed by the lead actress. A beautiful blonde with short slicked back hair and lavender eyes. He watches as she scowls then smiles and then yells as she bursts into laughter.

Morn isn’t watching the movie she is keenly transfixed on Peastro. She starts to fell ignored by him and pokes him in the ribs. Peastro looks at her and realizes his error and nods. Then they continue on their tour.

They walk through the dancing crowd and into a plasma aquarium. Inside the tanks are millions of species of fish swimming above, beneath, and beside them. They walk by one tank and a Firo fish swims beside them.

Firo fish have human eyes and mouths, but a nose that goes into their heads. They have paintings of landscapes on their sides and are propelled by bursts of gas from their rear ends. This causes them to shoot forward suddenly every second or so. They are in the shape of a shoe and are flat on the bottom.

“That fish is really peculiar,” said Peastro as he stared at the Firo fish.

“Creepy is what I think. He’s staring at my crotch,” said Morn as she walks over to the other side of Peastro.

“Firo fish are very sexual by nature. They mate hundreds of times daily. They are very friendly to people,” said Popaturn as he put his forehead to the tanks wall and blinks at the Firo fish.

A Firo fish turn to face Popaturn and puts its face to the tank wall and smiles as it winks at him. Popaturn says,” You’d be amazed at how little they eat and yet they have so much energy to burn.”

“Really I’d love to know their secret,” said Peastro as he puts his finger right between the Firo fish’s eyes and taps gently.

The Firo smiles and then spins at enormous speed. It then stops for a second and shoots off into the depths.

“There is a lot to se and experience on Goldva, but you will need to rest and get settled before the Preptep ceremony. There is one other thing to show you, it really is quite extraordinary. Please follow me,” said Popaturn as he led them down a blue corridor with shooting lights in the floor.

At the end of the corridor there is a large door in the shape of a circle. Popaturn stops them at the door and says,” This is Mt. Booselepe, throw your glance to the center peak,” and then he opened the door.

Mt. Booslepe is 20 miles high and 1000 miles long with parts of it having burned off in the atmosphere. There is over a thousand faces carved into its sides. Each of which is 1000 feet high and 500 feet wide. Most are at the top of the mountain, above the clouds, but a hundred are nearer the bottom.

Beside every face on Mt. Booslepe is a small chateau that is erected for the relatives of the Pre Ma. Not only are the faces of the Pre Ma carved into the mountain their names are as well. Above every face is a video screen that shows the Pre Ma’s favorite moments.

Peastro’s face is right in the middle of Mt. Booslepe with his name emblazoned beneath it. The chateau is to the left and the video globe is above it.

When Peastro sees it his eyes open wide and he lets out a quick breath. Morn squeezes his shoulder and says,” It is more magnificent than…a thousand T suns.”

Peastro is at a loss for words, he just keeps scanning all the faces in amazement as they all seem eerily familiar.

“This is a truly great gift. The sheer size and scope…it is beyond description, Popaturn,” said Peastro.

“Take a moment…all of your friends are here. They all stood where you are standing and felt as you do now. Try to take them all in, the next will do the same for you,” said Popaturn softly as he looks at Peastro.

Peastro looks at Popaturn, then back to Mt. Booslepe. He scans the faces and he is overcome with emotion. He starts to weep and then says tearfully,” I was alone for so many T suns, so many…”

Morn fought back tears as she put her arms around Peastro and embraced him tightly.

“Let it out, Peastro, leave it here today,” said Popaturn sternly.

“I was alone so long I hated the world…and everyone in it. I just couldn’t feel hope, not even for a second. And now…I feel hope. I look at these faces and can see their struggles…I just needed to know they were out there. I just needed to see them. This is all the hope I ever needed,” said Peastro tearfully as he wept.

Popaturn put his hand on Peastro’s shoulder and said sternly,” Don’t smooth away your moment, soak them in.”

“I’ll…I’ll do it I can let go,” said Peastro tearfully as he grabbed his knees and his tears hit the dirt below causing puffs of dust,” it just hurts so bad.”

“Many a brave man came to this spot and wept. They were carriers of an important torch, passed from generation to generation. All these faces endured incredible hardships yet…became glorious souls. The worst is behind you, Peastro. Every day will be the brightest from tomorrow’s T sun,” said Popaturn boldly as he embraced Morn and Peastro tightly. The 3 of them stood there and took in Mt. Booslepe for many minutes.

“They were here it’s real,” said Peastro tearfully as he smiled to himself.

Peastro and Morn were shown to their quarters and prepared themselves for the Preptep ceremony. After they had finished dressing they made their way to Pear Cathedral. That was where the Preptep ceremony was always held since Sepsem Vee Nor’s original one.

Pear Cathedral is in the shape of an outstretched hand. Each if the fingers are filled with rows of large descending black leather couches. In the center is a revolving stage that floats on a cushion of air. On the stage there is 2 modest chairs that are illuminated by yellow and blue lights. There are holograms of the last 3 Pre Ma and Cre Ma’s encircling the stage. Above the stage is a red and brown box with the face of Sepsem Vee Nor written on it. The room is filled with the smell of wild berries, while a lone musical note is repeated every few seconds. The ceiling is made of glass and the night sky can be seen through it, the planet of Yeave can be seen shining brightly.

As Peastro and Morn walk down the aisle the faces they see look happy, but also concerned. This causes Peastro to have an unsure feeling as he walks up.

Peastro and Morn are shown to their seats and then Morn is handed the Chalice of Sepsem. It is filled with a shiny blue liquid that is known as Lifos and is very pungent. It is made from fermented Nono bat’s blood.

“Well my love this is our moment,” said Morn as she lifted the Chalice of Sepsem to her lips.

She took a sip and then paused for a moment as she felt a rush of blood to her head. Then she felt a wave of euphoria come over her and she laughed loudly. Everyone in the room smiled and said,” Ve Bo,” which is slang for love.

Peastro smirked and put his hand to her cheek. Whereas Morn nodded and raised the chalice to Peastro’s lips and poured the contents into his mouth. Peastro swallowed hard and then smiled and said,” Simply incredible, what a glorious concoction.”

Everyone was smiling as Peastro and Morn stood in the Uohova booth while a plastic mold of them holding hands was made. As they stepped out of the booth Popaturn walked up to them and said,” We’re almost done, there’s just one more thing to complete.”

“Really, I thought that was it,” said Peastro anxiously as he rubbed Morn’s neck.

“There is still Marlick’s oath. Marlick was our first high priestess and it was decided to increase the Pre and Cre Ma’s powers that,” said Popaturn as the red and brown box above them lowered to their knees in front and he continued,” a symbolic bond is needed. What is in this box is the Quar monkey. What you need to do and do it now, is crush his skull and the Quar monkey’s cells will join with yours and increase your brain capacity to its maximum,” said Popaturn sternly as he opened the box revealing the live Quar monkey sitting still inside.

The Quar monkey is 2 feet tall and has a pink and white face. Its hands and feet are tiny. Its eyes are very large and have a silver tint. And on its belly is a black star.

“Ok, ah…alright and then what?” asked Peastro nervously as he looks at the Quar monkey as it stares lovingly back at him.

“Two things, one Morn will have to put her hands into the Quar monkeys’ blood and cover her skin with it. This will also give her maximum brain function,” explained Popaturn cautiously as he hoped they wouldn’t fail. “And the second thing is to keep this part of the ceremony a secret ‘til the end of your days. If you should break Marlick’s oath the Quar monkeys’ cells will cause your heart to stop functioning and you will perish,” said Popaturn as he put his hand on Peastro’s shoulder and then says warmly,” we don’t want to lose you, either of you, but our secret can’t leave this room.”

Peastro and Morn look at each other blankly and say nothing. They feel terrified and they each start sweating. Peastro looks around the room at the emotionless faces and then at the Quar monkey, who is still staring up at him.

He paused for a minute and then says,” Yeah, enjoy the afterlife Quar monkey.”

The onlookers burst out into laughter. Then Peastro put his hands on either side of the Quar monkey’s head and squeezed its skull until it burst. Its blood covered his hands and splashed all over his face.

Then Peastro stepped out of the way and Morn looked at him and smirked. She dipped her hands in the blue blood. The Quar monkey’s blood is completely absorbed by Peastro and Morn’s skin. In a few moments there isn’t a trace to be seen. The rest of the Quar monkey crumbles and then bursts into an orange ball of light.

“Sweet Builder these Nor are something elsewhere,” said Peastro slyly as he smiled and looked skyward.

“You are officially our new Pre Ma and Cre Ma. Goldva is yours!” said Popaturn as he turned to the audience.

Everyone on Goldva embraced one another and held each other tightly. Many cried tears of joy and the entire world held tightly for several. Many older Nor choose this moment to pass over, they just wanted to see one more Pre and Cre Ma and had been holding on for that.

The sky fills with rockets and shimmering rainbow trails. Every person on Goldva feels a collective sigh of relief.