The Way by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven

A Father’s Blessing

Dimensions flashed and I and my warrior brethren with me ascended to a higher plain above the world of men as we were borne aloft by the Spirit of our Creator who rules across all dimensions. I started forward with flaming fervor to destroy the gathered host that stretched out as long as the eye could see upon this interdimensional plain of existence.

They stared at us with curiosity as if witnessing something unseen before to them, but they had no fear of us, for truly, they possessed great power and the arrogance of it bade one of the chief most demons to utter force with, “You have deserted the battle below but to come up and face us? What do you hope to do, puny human made of flesh, against the powers of this world? Our master alone rules these regions beneath heaven and how dare you to presume to achieve otherwise as it is not yet our time!”

A great uproar followed amongst the statement as those demons closest patted the speakers back. Shaking my head I stopped advancing and spoke out as my father and the others came abreast of me, “We are not of the world, for the Spirit of the Creator we possess within the temple of our bodies, is heir to the world that is to come. Even so our spirits are held by the Father in expectation of that eternal future of glory yet to come. Truly, we who believe by faith in the Name of Yeshua, the Name placed above all names, in whom even you fear and tremble at the mention of, are never alone.”

The sound of an even greater host than was before us made noise in readiness for divinely appointed conflict as the ranks upon ranks of heaven’s elite angels drew swords at our backs in an unbroken line of ministers of the Gospel wreathed in fire, made clear their intent to stand with us against all enemies of The Truth and those who would pollute The Way. Lifting my swords, I called out upon the now despitefully cringing host before us, “This day we do battle so that the Words of Elohim Most High will be fulfilled in that the Light of His Word will not fail from the mouth of the righteous until the appointed time of the end of the world comes. This day is not that day, but the day of all those who oppose us to live in the Light of the Most High has come! Angarta is a land ruled over by the Most High and this day we defend the lives of all those who call it home and will call it home for however much time is yet to come, even as our Eloah enables us, even so we fight in the name of our Savior who makes victory this day possible! Yeshua is His name and victory in His name we now claim!!!”

The sound of ram’s horns broke forth out across all the length of this dimension above the physical realm below and the host before us visibly shook in petrified horror at what was coming about this day. From within my orders came, “Seize the day in My Name, Tarik!”

Raising my swords high I yelled, “Yeshua!”, and charged even as the power of ultimate authority granted to the Son by the Father swept out across the plain before me and did the work to be done.

In an echoing reverb of unmatched magnitude the angels spoke along with the voices of my father and the others in continuation of my words, “The Name above all names!”

With one accord we charged and the enemy ran before us as they could not stand in the face of the authority of Him who is greater than all.




Splattered with the blood of giants and foes of all kinds, Jafina looked up with wonder, as did everyone else as the sound of deeply blown horns came ringing down out of the heavens above. A wave of light crashed forth from the one end of the horizon to the other and the sounds of warfare from above could be heard and all the host of the enemy gathered about the Angarten host trembled as the skies twisted and burst forth with light from overhead.

The clouds parted over the Angarten force and light cascaded off of the swirling eagles above the battle lines even as the sky abruptly darkened over all the stretched out host of the enemy. Then the rain of fire began.

Chunks of burning rock shot down out of the clouds with fiery blooms of smoke trailing out behind them even as lightning bolts crashed through the air with pressed savagery. All that gazed upward of the enemy shrieked out as judgment fell from on high, even as their judgment was the evidence of deliverance that those who had fought by faith now saw the evidence of their hope being achieved.

In stunned awe Jafina watched a ball of fire not that of a rock, but of the form of a man descend down even as the first bombs of brimstone let down upon the enemy host within the fiery death wracking display that stretched for as far as the eye could see of the enemy host. Her eyes traced the descent of the man on fire who was but one of several others also raining down upon the battlefield and her heart swelled even as joy swept over her womb as the promise of what was to come became all the more real to her for the reality of the blessing that it was to be who she was.

Crying she blessed the Name of her Savior Yeshua, even as she watched the fiery form of the man who would soon be her lover and the keeper of her heart land down with a force that knocked down the close packed enemy around him. His swords flashed upward to the sky and fire fell down in two whip like electric arcs of energy to pulse into the tips of each of his swords.

He moved and the arcing length of flame now issuing forth from the swords flashed out like whips of living flame to carve through all the host around him even as more and more fireballs of brimstone rained down out of the sky and yet not one fell on the forces of Angarta that had seized this day by faith.

Lifting her sword high Jafina cried out, “To victory my brothers! To victory my sisters!”

With an answering cry of overcoming zeal that stretched them beyond all concept of fatigue and injury, the battered wall of shields was thrown down and every Angarten drew forth their swords and raced outward into the fleeing masses of the enemy that stumbled to and fro at a lack for direction of any kind as they were utterly destroyed by the thousands with each passing moment. Judgment for them had come even as a greater realization of faith had come to those who had seized a hold of it and not settled for the complacency of fear.

Joy at the freedom that was theirs drove the Angartens out after the enemy and towards the men, who by invitation of the Creator’s Spirit, had won a victory in the spirit that was now being completed in the flesh. The heavens above yet flashed again with the movements of a great host only this time it was in their favor as a spirit of derision was cast down upon all the panicking masses of the enemy to the point that they could not lift a weapon to defend themselves.

They fell like overladen wheat shocks before the scythe and truly the battlefield was burned clear of them until the balls of flame falling from the sky were all that pursued those stragglers not yet slain that ran for a place of peace that they would never reach even as hell opened wide to receive the souls of thousands who were self-appointed by choice to eternal torment and the anguish to be forever separated from the Light of Eloah.




Ryntal ran for all he was worth. There was no sense to this day!

How had the tables turned so suddenly? They had brought all the lands under subjection with the exception of Angarta that they had bypassed for the moment only to see it become a sort of promise land for all the bitter dissenters of the New World Order to flee to.

It had to be crushed and made an example of and so an army over ten times that which was needed had been assembled. Now where were they? Ashes!

How could it be? The war giants all slain! Three legions of wolfmen! All the trolls from the Segundy Mountains gone! Human regulars the victors of a dozen conquests, all slain!

Could the God of these escaped people of faith really be preeminent in power and if so why had he pledged his allegiance to another god that had promised him victory only to now be brought low in defeat? All was lies!

“Ryntal!” Rang out a voice from behind him.

Shaking so badly that he peed himself, Ryntal looked back to see one of the fire warriors that had descended out of the sky. All the legends of old had been true. No greater warriors existed than these and Ryntal rued the day that he had ever laid a campaign against the last holdout of a culture that such men existed in.

He thought he had wiped them out, but a remnant of them had remained. A remnant that had destroyed them this day!

Without the soldiers that had gone on this campaign the Empire of the Dolerian Auranto would falter, if not fail altogether, as insurrections flared up and loyalties were tested. No this battle had been the end of the quest for world domination for the moment and if the elite should ever lay hands on him he did not doubt with what savagery they would exact upon him for failing them.

That grim reality though, paled in comparison to the here and now though, as he was faced with a warrior wreathed in flames and yet all the more familiar for it. Suddenly then he realized who the man was and his heart took flight all the more.

In terror he turned to run all the harder, but with a twisting snap a molten cord of fire clamped about his waist. In scorched agony Ryntal tried to break free of the encircling band of fire that was putting him entirely ablaze.

Screaming he fell, but there was no escape from the torment of the flames and then the ground beneath him fell away and with a scream of terror he fell only to be brought up short by the cord of living fire wrapped around him that seared him to the heart. Flames leapt up at him from the hellish portal below opening up to receive him, of which the very sound of threatened to stop his heart.

In mind numbing terror he glanced up to the world above to hear the man that he had once burned alive say to him even as he now burned, “For my wife and my people. Your deeds Ryntal are done and your life is over. Now hell opens up to receive your soul and you shall wish a thousand times over that you had chosen otherwise in life then you have.”

“No!!! Please don’t let go!!! Have mercy!!!!!”

Sayul shook his head no and with an awful finality said, “Your time is up now enjoy the reward that your actions in life have brought you for all of eternity to come.”

The encircling band of fire released and electrically shrank back up to dissipate into Sayul’s sword even as arms flailing through space and time Ryntal fell downward through rock and stone toward an eternal abyss of fire and torment.

The shock of all that was to come was too much and bug eyed still staring up at the figure upon the rim so far above him now Ryntal’s heart stopped and he died. The moment of death was marked by no joyous passage to heaven in the company of angels, but in that moment his soul which could feel and sense pain, now freed of its mortal body, was set upon by demonic spirits that laughed and chortled as they drug the only thing eternal about all men down into the crimson awful light of hell.

Ryntal’s torment had just begun along with the thousands of men that he had led to their deaths because of the intervention of a higher power that now he only to truly knew existed, but was forever held apart from in burning anguish.

An earthquake shook the surface of the world as the flames of hell and the torments of the demons and fallen angels trapped there pulsed with the expansion of souls to feed upon. Indeed the boundaries of hell itself expanded to the tune of the high-pitched shrieks of torment expressed by all those forever bound there. It was with relief for Sayul when the chasm to the lower most parts of Walenthyana were closed up and he no longer had the look upon the torment of those who did not know his Savior, Yeshua, as their Redeemer.

Sayul looked about over the field of war that had been won in the spirit before it had been won in the flesh and said, “Thank you, my Eloah, for allowing me to live to see this day. I confess I did not think it possible to ever see restitution such as this upon seeing the destruction of my people, but Your Word, truly, will always be fulfilled and this warrior, for what little consequence that I might be, praises You!” Sayul said at the last with a great shout.

A breeze blew and with it Sayul’s gaze was directed to a promontory of stone that overlooked the battlefield in which lay the ashed remains of an innumerable enemy that Eloah had slain this day. Upon the rocks looking out over the valley of death stood his son.

Tears sprang to his eyes and coursed down the burnt ravages of his face. His son!

So strong and tall. A man fully grown in flesh and maturity of spirit to have done and been used by the Most High as he had been this day. The knowledge that this leader among men had come forth from his loins was the ultimate in humbling gratitude to think that he had helped and nurtured such a one into the world so that this day could happen.

Sayul sank to his knees still crying in profound gratitude of his heavenly Master as to have been so blessed by having such a son as he had, who not only had followed him in example, but had eclipsed him in every way imaginable. It was all a father could ask for and Sayul cried out openly to his Creator with the joy of his gratitude for being allowed to live and take part in this day as he had been permitted to.

The breeze blew again and Sayul’s tears stilled as the Fire Spirit’s presence blew around him in a comforting current of love and power. Sayul closed his eyes and rested in the moment and when he did he saw in what he knew was a vision of the future the image of his son as he was now fully grown up walking towards him carrying something within his arms. It was a newborn baby.

A baby that his son carefully laid into his burn scarred arms still strong enough for war, but that now felt inadequate to hold the slight weight of a baby that rested comfortably against him as if in comfort within his presence. Looking up into the smiling face of his son he heard him say, “Will you help me teach him to be a Godly man even as you were faithful to do with me?”

Subconsciously Sayul’s arms secured gently but firmly about the baby even as he affirmed, “I will, my son.”

The vision drifted away and with a wet eyed gaze Sayul glanced once more toward the stone promontory his son stood upon only to see that he was no longer alone. A woman stood several paces behind him yet unseen by his son.

Sayul leaned forward to place his hand upon the ground and in his deep voice he spoke out even as the ground rippled at the utterance of a man of faith’s blessing, “I bless the name of she who bore you into the world, my daughter, even as I give you my blessing for you to be my son’s wife. May your days together be long and peaceful and filled with too much joy to ever store away, even as I ask that Eloah open your womb to my son’s seed in order to bring forth children that will be reared in the Light of The Way of Eloah so that this world will be conquered by the power of the Name of the Son of Eloah for by His great redemptive love we have all been given the chance to do great and noble deeds for the Kingdom of the Most High. May the Ancient of Days smile upon you both even as I do in joy that what was broken has now been fully restored by the hands of the Great I AM.”