The Way by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve

The Way of Eloah

I stared out over a field of burnt ashes already beginning to blow away. How many of them had I slain today?

So many lost to hell and yet perhaps today would serve to make the world at large wake up to the realization that Eloah was still on high as the supreme ruler of all. Regrettably I had doubts within my spirit of that occurring.

The Fire Spirit spoke, “Now is not the time to dream and plan for future wars, for wars will come and times will grow hard for those who have taken faith in the Words of the Most High, as you have. Those days will be fulfilled, but not in this day. This day marks an era of peace. A gift from the Father for all who had been loyal to Him through great adversity. Return to the forest and rule your kingship over it well.”

Softly I said, “Only if you help me, Spirit of the Most High, can I hope to be a leader fit for the role of doing what needs done.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Tarik. I’ll always be right here with you every step of the way. Your humility is what makes you a great King, so may you always be a man in love with the ways of the Most High.”

The Fire Spirit’s voice had stopped, but not His urging. Feeling compelled I turned and saw Jafina standing there.

Tentatively she reached out a hand as if unsure if she was allowed to touch me. The time for such reserve as that was over!

Stepping forward I startled her by seizing her face with both my hands and then before she could speak I kissed her with all the passion I had for her and in turn she kissed me with all the passion of her heart. Her legs lifted to settle around my waist even as her arms hugged about my neck as a kiss that promised to never end went on and on as I let my hands lovingly roam over and support a treasure that had been well worth the wait it had taken to reach this moment of pressed down divine favor upon our lives.

A snickering snuffle registered within my mind, Jafina’s as well and our heavily passionate kiss ended as we turned to view the source of the sound.

Feveren and Soranya stood there with humor plain to be seen upon their faces as well as something else. Love, love was in their eyes for the two humans they had adopted as masters over them.

It was humbling to have such majestic creatures as these in direct abeyance to one. Words were difficult and I struggled to come up with anything to say other than being glad to be alive to see them. All that said I wished that they would go away so that we could go back to what we had been doing.

It was Soranya that spoke first though, “Master, I think what has needed to be accomplished has been done here this day. The eagles are carrying the wounded back along with other members of my kind. In turn the army is carrying the wounded eagles back and we are here to carry you back…… back to your home. Our home, long may it forever be.”

I nodded my head as I became a little more familiar with my surroundings. Feveren then added, “Might I add that I think it would be best for the two of you to be together, shall we say, somewhere more fitting than this place.”

Jafina blushed and Soranya bumped Feveren on the shoulder in defense of her mistress’s sensibilities, but I laughed.

“That sounds like a plan, my friend.”

Moving forward I settled Jafina astride of Soranya. Looking up at her I said, “We’ll have to continue this moment in a bit my love.”

Jafina arched her eyebrow playfully and retorted, “Only if you can catch me, my Lord.”

Soranya took that for the challenge it was and with a squeal bolted forward as swift as any horse that had ever been created could be. Feveren and I watched them go for a moment and then glanced at each other knowingly. What male doesn’t love a good pursuit?

Smoothly I mounted up and clamped on as Feveren tore off in a pursuit of the other two that caused the ground to shake. They didn’t stand a chance and they both knew it.

Before long the thundering hooves of our mounts shook the forest floor as the playful chase continued unabated. Feveren had steadily been gaining ground and now I could hear Jafina’s laughter echoing back to me.

Her laughter seemed to be all the forest around us needed to spring forth into bloom. Flower petals rained down upon us in a display of shimmering beauty only befitting the earliest days of creation.

A tranquil lagoon appeared in the midst of a sudden blooming paradise as all the forest rejoiced around us at a battle truly won even as Eloah’s blessing fully once more settled upon the forest as it had in the days of old. At the last moment Soranya swung to the side and Jafina went flying into the water with a squeal.

In a way I knew what to expect before it happened and I willingly let myself slide free of Feveren’s back as he performed the same maneuver that Soranya had done to her mistress. The water was cool and yet very refreshing after the grueling heat of a battle such as had been fought this day.

With a splutter for air I rose up to my feet only to see the two traitors snickering with each other as they headed off together without another word spoken to us. Fondly I watched them go. I loved this forest of talking trees and animals with savannas that glowed at night and became great big fish bowls.

I wouldn’t live anywhere else in the world. I turned to Jafina only to notice immediately the sight of her bare shoulders sticking above the water.

With a smile that enticed, she ducked her head beneath the water and busily washed her long hair. That done she straightened and wiped the water away from her dazzling eyes.

Everything about her utterly enthralled me and with a distracted attention of focus I dimly heard her say, “There that’s better. Things were a bit bloody.”

Dawning realization took hold of me then, “You told Soranya to dump you into the water!”

Jafina shrugged her bare shoulders and with a smile said, “Got to love me.”

Indeed I did. She came close. Very close.

Her fingers began to work at my armor as she said with a wry tone, “You’re a bit bloody yourself, my Lord.”

That I was, but moments later I was free of all the residue of war and washed clean by the purity of a spring that was only a physical echo of a spiritual reality that I possessed from on high. We stood in the water staring at each other suddenly as shy as strangers not knowing what to do next.

Something made me glance to the shore of the lagoon and I did a double take as the image of a man I had seen before stood there. Jafina gave a squeal and ducked lower in the water, but taking her hand I shook my head negatively for her not to be afraid even as the warm voice of the stranger said to her, “Daughter, I mean you no harm.”

He gestured with a hand in openness of gesture and with a gasp Jafina saw the scar that was there and looked to me and I nodded affirmatively. Both shaken we looked to the man who’d once died so that we could know life and the hope of eternity spent with the Father, even as He was the Son of Eloah, who had chosen to come and walk a mortal life in the flesh and perish so that we could know forgiveness because no man had ever lived a perfect life, save for this man, and so by His sinless death He made a way for the judgment of Eloah to pass over our heads even as He had taken our sins upon Himself. Our sins were dead and buried, but He was alive because death couldn’t conquer Him and even as we walked in belief of what He had done for us so always would we be with Him and the Father for all of eternity to come.

“Come children.” Yeshua said.

Jafina hesitated for a moment, but with a gentle shake of His head and a knowing light in his eyes of living fire He said, “There is no shame Jafina in this for all is in this moment as the Creator first made it to be. Man and woman together in a garden of delight and behold it was very good.”

Jafina and I both still holding hands walked up out of the water and came to stand and then kneel down before our Savior. A silken feeling of the presence of the Most High issued forth through the Fire Spirit to encircle our clasped together hands in a threefold bond.

Yeshua spoke, “This day you will become one, even as in Spirit I am one with the Father. I speak a mystery and yet the bond of love you hold for each other this day only testifies to the love that My Father and I have for the both of you. This day is blessed even as the Father fore-destined for it to be. For those He foreknew, He predestined, and now together helping one another I commission you to be one in heart, mind, and body to do all that the Father commands. You are now man and wife. Be one, children. This moment is a joy not only for the both of you, but also all of Heaven. One day I too shall have a bride, but that day is hidden from Me by the Father just as the reality of this moment so longed for by the both of you is now a reality even so shall it be one day when I return for a bride willing and held in watchful readiness to be my wife. I leave you now, but the eyes of the Father are always on the ways of the righteous and even so as He and I are one so I am near to you always.”

As we continued to gaze upon our Savior He disappeared from view. Tears on both of our faces we glanced at each other completely overcome.

“I love you.” We both whispered at the same time.

We laughed and then I kissed her. The petals continued to rain down upon us and the gossiping leaves of the trees were silent as to all that transpired upon the petal strewn forest floor.

A new era had begun. One faithful to The Way of Eloah and all of creation rejoiced!