The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


My eyes were close to swelling shut.

Terror had passed and despair had set in for the long haul. I was in my night dress. It looked like a long baby doll dress with long open sleeves. It was made of some sort of cotton material. Off-white in color. At first, it at first felt rough on my skin, but now it was reminding me I was still alive. Curled up in a ball at the end of my bed, my tears had dried out.

Evver was fast asleep.

I had tried to be brave in front of her. It didn’t last long. I welcomed the darkness of the unlit night. My mood matched the utter gloom of the shadows, which slipped deeper around me. A touch tore me out of my misery.

I should have screamed—but there was gentleness to the touch I found comforting.

“Aurora,” a quiet voice whispered.

“Cassius?” My voice was rough with emotion. Struggling to pull myself up, I felt the familiar warmth of his strong hands steady me into a seated position. I noticed his arm had found its way around my back.

“Aurora, what’s going on? Everyone is so upset. I couldn’t even find Evver. What’s wrong? Is it Evver?” His voice was controlled but upset.

“Evver’s fine. She’s asleep on my bed.” His head turned and his hands began searching for her. His hands found her tiny legs. A deep sigh of relief escaped his lips.

“Thank goodness.” I could feel his body release some of the tension.  “But why is everyone so upset?” I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to say the words out loud. The longer I waited the tighter his grip became.

“Aurora. please,” he begged.

“Simit overheard something earlier. It has everyone upset. Tommit has decided that he wants to take a bride and secure an heir.” A short gasp escaped his mouth.

“That is upsetting.” I could tell he was weighing the possibilities in his mind. “I was worried the way everyone was acting— it is like someone died.” Fear overtook me again. I could feel tears starting to fall again. Only the feel of his heated breath hot against my skin kept me from drowning in it. “What is wrong?” His voice was husky and heavy.

My heart was heavy.

“Drayben mentioned my name. I am set to appear before King Tommit just after breakfast tomorrow.” I stopped talking allowing my words to seep in. With every second that passed his grip tightened around me.

The pleasure this caused was tempered by the pain of his grip. I could feel his muscles tightening as he pulled me closer. Cassius’s lips almost touched mine. His breath left me dizzy. He kept repeating the word no over and over willing it to be true. Each one more pained, than the first. I wanted to comfort him. My mind was blank of anything but fear for my future and the rush of heat from his touch.

I tried to focus. he was making it impossible.

I finally thought of something to say, but just as I opened my mouth to speak he pulled me even closer and kissed me. Our lips and bodies molded together, as if they were made for this only purpose. When we finally parted, a groan was heard but I wasn’t sure which of our lips uttered it.

Cassius continued to hold me close to his rapidly beating heart. Our kiss changed something in me. It was as if my whole life had been in black and white. The only change was, mixtures of gray which would sneak in on a stolen occasion. Now I could see all of the colors that the entire world had to offer. My heart soared and sunk at the same moment. At that very moment I realized what my heart had known since I first laid eyes on Cassius. I loved him. If King Tommit had his way, we would never be together.


Cassius held me in his arms for hours after our first kiss.

Not a word was spoken during that entire time. We sat clinging to each other. The sun was threatening to make an early appearance. I knew what that meant.. Cassius had to leave.

“You have to go,” hating the words I forced out of my trembling lips.

“I— can’t.”

“Cassius, you can’t be found here. If not for me, then think about Evver. Please.” The mention of his tiny sister had his eyes looking for her gentle face. The sunlight filtered in through the window in my room making her skin shimmer.

I could tell he was torn on what choice to make. He didn’t want to leave me but we both knew what would happen if we were found together. Especially now that there was a chance I was possibly going to be Tommit’s Queen. There were soft sounds coming down the hallway. I didn’t have to guess, I knew it was one of the guards coming to check in on me. Making sure I remained on my time for my meeting with Tommit.

“Go now” I whispered frantically. His eyes went from me to the sleeping Evver. Pausing for the briefest of moments he leaned over and gave me a quick kiss just brushing my lips, then ran to the window.  I was on the second story of the castle. There was no time to object to the insanity of him jumping through my window. The knob on my door was turning. I hurried and lay down on my bed using the blanket and my body to hide Evver.

Slowing my breath I could sense eyes on me.

A satisfied grunt sounded over my face. Heated sour breath rushed over my face. Shuffling heavy feet sounded clumsily out of my room. Not taking any care in closing the door, as it closed with a loud bang and a curse. I wondered if they had run into my door but I didn’t dare open my eyes. I was exhausted. So much had happened today. My head was spinning. My stomach was fighting with my desire to sleep, since and I hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday morning.

I had been in the south wing since early this morning and then I found out about Drayben and Tommit’s conversation. It had wiped any thoughts of eating clear from my mind. Normally Evver was on top of me to eat at every meal.

It was funny how much of a mother hen she could be. Tonight she was a child scared, in pain. Her thoughts had been elsewhere. Hunger and stress warring with each other.

Finally, sleep won the battle with my weakened body.