The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


It took all my effort to push back my eye lids this morning. Evver was gone already and I felt guilty for oversleeping. I blushed, grateful she had slept thru my moment with Cassius last night. My lips still smoldered from our kiss. Remembering the heat of his touch, I shivered in the cool morning air. There wasn’t much time to savor the sweet memory. Three fairies, none of which I recognized burst eagerly into my room.

One held a beautiful deep burgundy gown. The bottom was full and the top was a jewel encrusted at the sweetheart neckline. The arms reached from my wrists,  stopping just short of my shoulders. My bodice was tightened like a corset by golden ribbons. Each looked like they had been dipped in diamonds.

Another fairy went to work on my hair.

I was surprised at how much it had grown since I had arrived in Paradan. There were six to eight inches of new growth in only a few weeks. It had tripled in thickness. Maybe it was part of the magic of this place. I couldn’t be sure. She pulled up a portion from the front and braided it so it looked like a crown set high on my head. The rest she curled with her fingers. The remaining fairy opened a bag filled with jewels and deep burgundy flowers that I didn’t recognize.

They matched my dress perfectly.

I was decked out in jewels, a dark garnet choker necklace, followed by a matching bracelet. Matching hair pins adorned my “crown.” A large garnet ring, had to be at least ten carats, sat on my right hand, ring finger.

My left hand, ring finger was noticeably empty.

When they finished, I looked every bit the part of a soon-to-be queen. It was difficult to not get caught up in the moment. I wished Cassius could see me like this, even if only for an instant. There was a knock at my door.

“Come in,” called one of the mysterious fairies. The door opened. Standing in the door frame was a man, who I didn’t know. He looked me over, licking his lips in the process. It made me feel incredibly dirty.

I longed to bathe, just to wash the slime off which his look left.

“Perfect You may now leave.” With a quick bow in his direction the Fairies rushed out of the room leaving me alone with the slimy creature. “Aurora, you will be meeting with his majesty shortly. First, I would like to make a few things clear. King Tommit is going to ask for your hand in marriage.” I had guessed this but hearing the words come out of this creepy animal caused a slight gasp to spill out. He laughed darkly at my dismay.

“Now, now. You need to work on accepting your fate,” I shook my head no with his every word. “You will accept his proposal and you will be a gracious and humble woman, who is fit to sit next to a KING” His voice got more forceful, and then he smiled a mocking smile. I could tell that he fed off of my fear. “I would hate to have anything happen to your little red headed fairy friend.”

Terror swept through me.

I thought of Evver. Where was she? Did he do something to her? How could I have slept through her leaving my bed this morning? Drayben knew he had struck a raw nerve. I could see how he was savoring the moment.

“Where is she?” I snarled wildly at him then lunged at his throat.

He put his hands up at me and shook his spindly pointer finger at me. “She is perfectly safe.. for now.” It hit me if I played nice then Evver would be safe and if I didn’t. I couldn’t even think about it. An immense, sharp, crippling pain shot through my entire body pooling in my heart.  Lowering my head in concession, he knew he’d won.  Drayben had found one of the things for which I was willing to endure anything for— even marrying Tommit.

“You have chosen wisely, my dear. I will have a little reward for you— if you behave yourself when you meet with King Tommit.” All I could think about was Evver. I would do anything it took to see her and know she was safe. He reached out his slimy hand willing me to take it. With trepidation I added my hand to his. It was cold and scaly and it reminded me of snakes I had once been forced to hold one day in Biology. It had been poisonous once but had since had its ducts milked. Now when it took a bite out of someone it would cause a mild irritation instead of being life threatening.

Drayben’s poison came from his threats and manipulations.

We walked down the labyrinth of halls. Finally we arrived at the throne room before we stepped inside he whispered a single menacing word into my trembling ear.


Today was only the second time I had been in the throne room. The first time I had been called a thing, traitor, and spy and looked at in total disgust. Now here I was taking steps toward being King Tommit’s queen. He was seated on his massive throne, looking smug and bored at the same time. When he spotted us his hands gripped together in anticipation. I was hoping when he saw me it would inspire revulsion. Praying he would reject me at first glance.

Instead of revulsion, there was lust and desire in his sinister eyes.

Whether it was lust for me or desire in securing his power, I would never know. I only knew one thing. my fate had been decided.


A sinking sensation pierced him deep in his pained heart.

Cassius couldn’t be certain but it was close to the time Aurora was to have an audience with Tommit. How could this be happening? Finally he felt like he had found someone who could be his other half. She made him feel whole, for the first time in his lifetime.

His walls magically disappeared when she was near. His heart warmed when he thought of last night and their kiss— his first. It left Aurora forever burned in his heart and soul. He was brushing Darant, Tommit’s prize Pegasus.

Cassius shared a special bond with him.

He was the only human who had ever been able to ride him. Even Tommit was forced to sit on the sidelines as Cassius rode him. Darant was beautiful pure white with icy blue eyes which matched Cassius’s perfectly. He had been wild before Cronan had captured him bringing him as a prize for his king. No matter what was tried no one could ride him, or even get close enough to touch him. This all changed when Cassius met Darant.

It was as if they had always been together.

With Abow deep in hiding with Ember, he was the closest thing Cassius had to a friend. Normally he would have just told Darant what was bothering him but King Tommit had eyes and ears everywhere. He couldn’t chance it so he counted down the hours before he could see Aurora again. Every moment which passed made him wonder what was happening in the castle.

Not knowing was torture.


“Your Excellency. I present you Miss Aurora.” His hand on mine tightened around my trembling fingers, pulling me closer to the salivating ogre before me. King Tommit stepped up out of his throne, coming inches from my face. His heated breath sending chills running deep into my bones. Warning bells went off deep in my stomach, pushing me to run far and fast, anywhere but next to this despicable monster.

“Nice choice Drayben. The people will like her. On the plus side this will be fun for me as well.” His hand caressed my cheek. I fought back the urge, to vomit. The thought of his hands on me, his lips touching mine the way Cassius’ had, was too much to deal with. I could feel the sting of tears fighting their way trying to escape.

One word. Evver.

It was all I needed to stop them from falling. Forcing a smile, I pictured Cassius in front of me instead. Closing my eyes for the briefest of moments, when they opened Cassius had taken Tommit’s place.

“You will make a lovely Queen.” His warm smile held me in place. I longed for my mirage to be real. It didn’t last, “Drayben give me the ring.” At the mention of the terrifying creature Cassius was gone and Tommit had returned. He reached for my hand; there was none of the gentleness I had experienced with Cassius. Tommit reminded me of the bullies I had left behind in the real world. Drayben handed over something bright and sparkling. Tommit slipped it on my ring finger. It was the largest diamond I had ever seen. It reminded me of the cosmetic jewelry they sold on those home shopping networks. The square cut diamond was set in the middle it had to be at least ten carats. It was surrounded by small square cut diamonds that continued around the band. It was dazzling.

Tommit took my quivering hand and kissed it.

He was almost charming for a minute. Almost. I was certain some would find him handsome but he was no Cassius. Instead of the warmth of Cassius’ kiss his had given me arctic chills down my spine. I bit my tongue—stopping the disgust from showing.

Tommit turned to Drayben, ignoring me once again.

“We will need to start introducing her to the kingdom. I think we should announce “my” engagement within the next three days. We need to have the wedding within the next two weeks. The sooner the better as far as I am concerned.” He continued on as if I wasn’t in the room. I could see I was just a prop in his game.  When Drayben finally recalled, I was still in the room he turned to a guard.

“Take Aurora to her new room.” Then he turned back to Tommit.

I wanted to object. If I was sent to another room in the enormous castle how would Evver find me? Cassius?  After Drayben’s threats, I was frightened to speak out. Following the guards into a new wing of the castle it was more opulent than the other wings I was familiar with. We ended at a long hallway; the guards paused before opening the double doors.  He motioned for me to enter the room. It’s strange to be afraid of a room. This hasn’t happened to me since I was a little girl.

It was my first day of Kindergarten.

I clung to my mother afraid of what a classroom might offer. It had all been in the vain. The second I passed the threshold I was fine. Would it be the same here?

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward.