The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Cassius looked around. He was pleased to see so many in attendance. They were going to need the numbers if they had a prayer of making this work. His heart ached. He couldn’t focus on his pain— he had a purpose and getting caught up in his emotions was the last thing he needed to do.

“I want to thank you all for coming.”

Around the flattened black speckled toadstool which measured about ten feet in diameter; there were twelve others anxiously seated.  There were three trolls, three fairies, three giants and three other humans. Most were seated on old withered tree stumps. Fireflies lit the night sky. Soft candlelight had the fairies shimmering bodies, sparkling in the twilight. Cassius looked at the would-be rebels and prayed that his words would move them into take action.

It was the only hope of bringing down King Tommit.

“We all know how dangerous it is for us to gather here.  So, I will keep this brief. King Tommit will not stop until we are all enslaved and most of us are. dead. Now he is taking steps to cement his hold on the throne. He has chosen a bride and seeks to bring an heir as soon as possible.” Cassius paused.  Thinking of Tommit touching Aurora had him on fire. Fury had been simmering since he took the throne but the thought of him forcing himself on Aurora. Well, let’s just say that proved to be the match strike to the dormant gasoline coursing through his veins.

“The wedding is planned for two weeks from tomorrow. That gives us only thirteen days to bring him down.” One of the trolls looked around nervously. Raising his hand, he looked terrified to speak.

“We may have less time than that.”

“What do you know, Bontox?” Cassius asked, afraid of the answer.

“King Tommit is searching for something, something that would change everything. He has a legion of his Destroyers and Cronan looking.”

“What is he searching for?”

Bontox paused before speaking fearing their reactions. “Ecraicias wishing well.”

Gasps of shock and disbelief were heard around the tense circle. Murmuring started between them all. Cassius was shaking with rage. If Tommit found the well then all would be lost. Ecraicias wishing well was built over a thousand years ago. It had been a gift to Princess Ecraicias. The whole magical community had gone in together building it. She was then gifted with twelve Para’s. They were each a single golden coin that had her mother’s image on one side.  Queen Erat had died during childbirth. They saw this as a gift to her memory as well.

None of them realized the power the well possessed. At first Ecraicias’ wishes were small— a unicorn with pink polka dots. Then, as she grew, her wishes grew. One of her last wishes was for a dragon to fly. Instead of one, three dragons appeared and nearly destroyed the kingdom. They were rounded up and now the dragons guarded the kingdom.

The wishing well was then hidden by magic.

Only three Para’s remained. They were each hidden around the kingdom. People eventually forgot about the well. It became a legend and a warning to all future generations. They all knew the danger if King Tommit possessed that strength of power.

He would be—undefeatable.

“This is very troubling. I don’t need to explain just how dangerous it is. We need to rally our families, friends, even our— enemies. I will need a volunteer to go to Fara. See if we have anyone in their kingdom that is willing to help us. Or possibly if someone could shed some light on how King Tommit came to seize the throne.” Nods of assent were coming from around the circle. Trix the smallest of the rebelling circle flew up on the toadstool. Her wings fluttered in the night air. She had long black hair that was gathered up in several braids, which were tied together and looked like a rose. Violets were woven thru her hair, accenting her dark lavender gossamer dress. Her eyes were the color of a ripe plum and her porcelain skin shimmered in the candlelight.

“I will go,” her timid voice spoke up.

The fireflies moved around her giving the effect of a spotlight shining on her. Trix’s cheeks glowed, crimson from the attention.

“Are you certain? It will be dangerous—you may never return.” Cassius voice was steeped with worry.

“Stop trying to convince me, Cassius,” her words were followed by a mischievous wink. “I know what I am signing up for. You forget I have already lost loved ones too. More of my family is missing. If there is any chance of finding out what happened to them..” Her voice and thoughts trailed off. Steel resolve flashed fiery in her eyes. “I’m going

No one could argue with that.

“Granted. Would you at least consider taking someone along? I would feel better knowing that you had someone with you.” A giant leaned forward.

“I will go, and I will bring the little lady home safely.” The vow came out of Tidens’ mouth. He was only four years old, but stood at over twenty-five feet tall already. There had always been an underlying sadness in his icy blue eyes. White blonde tufts of curls shot out from every direction of his head. His parents had been hold outs hiding deep in the beanstalk forest. They hid for almost two years after Tommit had the other giant adults killed. Cronan found them on one of his many raids. They were able to hide Tiden, but they lost their lives in the fight. Tiden, like Cassius, had been raised by a mixed family.

“Very good, Tiden. Thank you.”

Tiden stood and Trix flew up landing on his shoulder.

“God speed, my friends.” Cassius’ words were fervent and pained. With a silent nod they turned and went on their way. Several fireflies followed lighting the night air for the new travelers. Cassius felt the weight of their lives sitting heavy on his weary shoulders.

“Why don’t we call it a night? We will meet back here in three moons. By then I will expect reports from even the outer lying settlements. Remember Tommit has eyes and ears everywhere. Be careful with whom you entrust. Our lives depend on it. Be safe, my friends and god speed.”

The mood was somber as they each took one last look at each other.

Danger and death weighed heavy in the eyes of each new rebel. Each one went silently alone into the murky darkness of the forbidding night. Cassius slumped down into one of the awaiting stumps. He had been left alone in the still darkness.

Even the fireflies had retreated into the gloomy night.

So many thoughts and emotions were running through him. Cassius had always been very protective of those he loved. Aurora brought out a new fierceness he never knew existed within him.  He would fight to the death to save her. Never had he felt this way about anyone. Part of him always wondered if he would ever feel this way. He’d always struggled with romantic love. Never knowing his birth parents, he wondered if he was capable of it. While it was true he saw many different types of love in his adoptive families.

But it wasn’t the same.

Part of him wondered if the thought of his parents not having loved him enough to keep him had led him to believe that he was unable to love that deeply. Realizing how long he had been sitting here sulking; he was going to be late. Security has been tighter at the castle since the announcement of the engagement. Drayben was concerned that Aurora would find a way to escape before the wedding. So he had doubled the night guards. It had been days since Cassius had seen Evver or Aurora.

Tonight he was hoping to rectify that.

Using a different entrance each time, he quietly moved through the darkness. Whenever light started to approach, he went in the opposite direction. After an hour of the cat and mouse routine he found his way to Aurora’s new room. Slipping past the sleeping guard, he entered Aurora’s new bed-chamber. It was a far cry from Evver’s storage closet. Her room could easily hold the large stable where he spent his days. In the middle of the room sat a large canopy bed. It was covered with golden satin fabric. A deep red comforter with the royal crest rested on. The bed was filled with more pillows than his eyes had ever seen. There were large dressers which were hand carved and delicate. Fresh flowers littered the room. Their scent was overpowering.

There was a large window seat that overlooked the kingdom.

This is where he found them. Evver had her tiny arms wrapped, around a sobbing Aurora. They were both so wrapped up in their own misery, the whole kingdom could have stormed in and they would have never noticed.

Seeing Aurora so miserable ripped fresh layers off of his already raw heart.

Pain stabbed deep within him with each step. Cassius ignored the calling of his arms to rush and sweep her into them. He longed to wipe away the tears falling from her lovely face. When he was only steps from the window seat, Evver finally noticed him. A quiet delighted squeal escaped her throat. Aurora looked up. Her eyes locked on Cassius. They pulled him to her. It was as if his body was being pulled toward her. Evver and Aurora stood. Then Evver rushed to him. He wrapped his strong arms around his little sister. At the same time his eyes never left Aurora’s. Her tears had slowed and her mouth fell open as if she were trying to speak.


I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Cassius was here. Just seeing his gentle eyes allowed me to really breathe for the first time since my latest nightmare had begun. His muscular arms were wrapped around Evver. A familiar pang of jealousy struck my aching heart. I knew it was ridiculous, but I wanted him to hold me. I held my fisted hands at my side and willed my body to stop from reaching out to him. His aqua eyes were locked on me. I could feel my pain being transported to his gentle features. His gaze tightened, along with his neck muscles when he saw the enormous diamond on my ring finger.

Evver pulled back from his embrace. Tears were misting down her diminutive features. It hurt me to see her in so much pain. I had kept my mouth quiet about Drayben’s threats. She didn’t need the added weight on her tiny shoulders.

“Oh Cass, what are we going to do?” She whispered in agony. His hands reached up to wipe away her tears. He smiled at the sister he loved so much.

It was an incredibly tender moment and it filled my heart to see it.

“It’s all going to work out Evver. Have I ever let you down before?” Her head shook no in agreement. “I’m working on it. You just have to stay strong for me. For Aurora,” his eyes returned to mine. “Are you alright?” His words were now directed toward me.

I tried to speak but my voice would give away my fear so I nodded. Evver stepped out of his embrace and I walked toward him. We met in the middle.

“You, look, beautiful Aurora.” My face flushed warm in response.

I looked down at the opulent golden velvet gown. It was the kind of thing I imagined in fairy tales, a square neckline, a corseted bodice that tightened to my waist and then flared like a bell. Encrusted jewels went down the front and wide sleeves hung from my wrists.

I hated it.

True, it was beautiful the type of things most little girls dreamed of wearing. It was a gift from my soon to be—husband. I gagged at the thought looking at Cassius. In the candlelight his image burned into my soul. I would hold it there forever. It would help me get thru the hard or impossible moments with Tommit.

It was like looking at the sun for even a brief second.

For the longest while after the light is all you can see for a prolonged time, I would hold this memory with me, no matter what my future held. His eyes were blazing; his walnut hair was covered with crystallized drops of rain. Long and lean muscles bulged under his clothes. Cassius was wearing on an off-white shirt with an oversized collar and buckskin suede string laced up the front. Dark chestnut brown riding pants ended in black leather riding boots. The look on his face reminded me of the Prince Phillip’s resolve as he charged the burning castle and Maleficent on Sleeping Beauty. It was my mom’s favorite fairy tale. It was how I got my name, after her favorite princess.

How I longed for my, happily ever after.

“Please don’t worry Aurora.” His hand reached up and brushed my skin. My face heated by his touch. My heart rate soared while my hands shook with exhilaration. I wanted for him to take me in his awaiting arms, but it could never happen. I had to remain strong. I stepped back afraid that if he touched me again that I would lose all of my resolve. There was a glimmer of hurt in his eyes but it didn’t last.

“You shouldn’t be here,” fearing that my room was already surrounded by guards.

“I had to come. I needed to know what’s been happening.” His eyes found my large diamond again. “He gave you Queen Alis ring? It’s been missing for years.” I looked down at the anchor dragging me to the depths of Hades. I never stopped to think that there could actually be a story behind the ring.


“King Winston’s mother was the last Queen who ruled Paradan. Her husband was killed by an attack from Rartan. It was before the treaty— before peace. She passed on when King Winston was only fifteen years of age. He was tasked with taking over the kingdom and all of the mess left by the time of war.  He was King Windom’s father. He was a merciful king; he is the one who brought the treaty into effect. Without him, the kingdoms would all be in ruins by now. Sorry the last thing you need now is a history lesson.”

He smiled and stepped closer to me.

I could smell his scent. It was fresh and earthy like he had just cut the grass on a warm summer night. My heart sped up. I had to take another step back to steady myself.

“It's fine, but you really should go. I have guards checking on me regularly. It would end terribly if you were found here.” I looked to Evver to give me some back up. She knew I was right.

“Look Cas, why don’t you, meet me in the kitchen tomorrow night. I can give you an update. But Aurora is right. It will be awful if they find you here with her.”

He could tell neither of us was going to back down.

“Fine. I will be back tomorrow, but don’t lose hope I am working on it.” He took two quick steps and kissed my forehead before hugging Evver and slipping back out the door. I felt like half of myself left with him. It was dangerous to feel like this but part of me longed to run after him.

Evver walked over to me and took my hand in hers.