The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


All hope disappeared when I saw the sinister look in his eyes.

They were black as the darkest night. I was sure they matched the color of his soul—if he even had one. His smile was sinister and to be honest it was quite frightening. The familiar steel vice of terror returned to my already quaking heart. He moved to quickly corner me into one of the empty walls. His breath was hot and smelled like that of a dragon.

At least the way I imagined it would smell.

“Finding your new room comfortable, I hope.” I nodded afraid to speak. “Good. And your little reward for being such a good girl? Your little fairy friend will be assigned to only you. She will be at your beck and call. I have made sure she is assigned to be your hand maiden, as long as you continue to..cooperate.” I tried to make my lungs breathe in and out. Drayben continued to weld shut the door on my happily ever after with Cassius.

“I am having some gowns delivered to you. The future Queen, should look the part.” I forced a smile, but I was certain it was more of a grimace. “Remember I have eyes and ears everywhere. Guards will accompany you everywhere. If you even think of running off. I will know it before you have even left your room, and it won’t end well for your little— bug.”

I tensed at the use of the word bug. I had called Evver my little bug one night when we were talking after bed time. The fact he was aware of this had me chilled to the bone.

“Remember what I have said.” He traced the outline of my face with his spindly finger.

Then he turned and made its way out of my room taking any hope of a happy life with him. Drayben had been in my room less than two minutes and in that time he had taken me to a new level of terror I had never experienced. I was questioning every moment I had made in the castle. Did he know about Cassius? Was Cassius safe? I couldn’t take it my chest got tighter and my breathing got shorter and shorter. I knew that I was about to have a panic attack.

I had to get it together.

Evver would be coming back soon and I didn’t want her to see me like this. I had to be strong I had to be in control. I couldn’t give away what had transpired in this room. Pretending like I still held out hope, for her at least. In reality I had accepted my fate.

I was going to marry Tommit.