The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 26


Drayben was on his way to King Tommit, to give him an update on the search.

He didn’t have good news. Cronan and a large group of Destroyers hadn’t been successful in their search for the wishing well. They had searched every inch of Paradan, but the wishing well remained hidden. One of the Para’s also remained an enigma. When they had been tasked at finding the wishing well, everyone knew it was a long shot.  Magically hidden from the world it was protected from anyone stumbling across it. Drayben knew he would be furious over their failure.

With every step he was busy trying to salvage.. Something positive.

Drayben approached King Tommit, he was standing near one of the windows it that looked out onto the kingdom. He was deep in thought and Drayben didn’t want to startle him. It was clear from his expression that he was lost in the dark passages which consumed his depraved mind. Several minutes passed, before he dare spoke “Sire?”


Tommit shook his head as if he was shaking cobwebs from of his mind. He turned back to see Drayben fidgeting behind him.

“What is it?” Tommit already feared the news Drayben was about to deliver. Nothing was going the way he had planned. So much work had gone into this. Revenge had fueled him for as long as he could recall. He had been disgraced in Rartan, denied the one thing he wanted. He still dreamed about what his life would have been if Solin would have agreed to Tommit’s request to marry Ellet. Just because he had no royal blood coursing through his veins, he had been denied.

He remembered a time when his actions here in Paradan would have brought him great shame; any light left in him had disappeared when news of Ellet’s death reached him. She had died from a riding accident. At least this was the story the kingdom was told. King Solin knew if word got out of how she had taken one of his prized daggers to her own heart, the kingdom would have been outraged. They would have demanded answers. None of which would have painted the grieving king in a positive light. The only way he had found out the truth behind the tragic news was thru one of her ladies in waiting.

 Ceile knew how much Ellet loved Tommit. She wanted him to know the truth. Ceile paid dearly for her omission. Her body was found a couple of days later floating down the Kregte River. It was a slap in the face to Tommit. He had first met Ellet there while on a ride.

It was no accident that her body had been dumped there.

Lesser men would have given up and taken their blade to their chest, but not him. Instead he allowed the bitterness to blacken every recess of his pained heart. He was not going to rest until King Solin was down on his knees begging for mercy. Then when he ran his own dagger thru King Solin’s vile heart would Tommit be able to relax again. It was one night while he was wallowing in a drunken stupor that he’d found Drayben. They were in a local tavern when Drayben was ranting and raving about King Solin. Tommit had stayed to himself, but followed Drayben out. A friendship was forged from their shared hatred of the dark king.

When it started, neither of them realized the extent either of them would have to go to in order to fulfill their plans. Hundreds had died at their hands and their command. Both of their hearts had been turned so wicked it didn’t matter to them anymore anyway. Staring out at Paradan, Tommit could feel his hold slipping. Drayben was fidgeting and he only did that when he had bad news.

What is it?” He shouted, his whole body trembling.


“Sorry. It’s just.. We have been unable to find the Wishing well.  They have searched every inch of Paradan. I don’t understand it.” He hung his head down, not daring to meet his kings’ gaze. He expected a raging bull but got only silence. That scared him more.

“Sire, what are you thinking?”


Laughter escaped his mouth; it had an edge of hysteria. “What am I thinking? I am thinking that we have lost. King Solin will never kneel before me. All of our plans are crumbling before my very eyes. That is what I am thinking.” He stared at his confidante awaiting a response.

“We aren’t done yet.” His words had more confidence than Tommit thought to be realistic.

“Why? Because we’re still lucky enough to be living in the castle? We aren’t bleeding on the ground in a ditch somewhere?” Is that why?” His tone was mocking and hard.


Drayben took a deep breath. “No, my king we are not done yet. You still have a wedding, if you have forgotten.” The look in Tommit’s eye said showed that he had. He didn’t give him a chance to argue with him he continued.  “I say we move the wedding up to tomorrow morning. We can do just a small ceremony. I will officiate. You will make Aurora your bride and in a few days you will introduce her to the kingdom as their queen. Hopefully, by then you will already have an heir on the way.”


Tommit’s eyes danced with the possibilities.

“Yes. I like that. Maybe spending some time with Aurora will take my mind off of the other matters. I like this plan very much. Thank you my friend. Do what you need to make it happen and I will see you in the morning. I could use a good night's sleep seeing as how it will be my last chance to do so for a while.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively. They both laughed.

“Of course, your highness. Good night.” Tommit left to head to his bed chamber. Drayben headed to Lote. She would have to be told about the rescheduling. He had her preparing the dress. No one else would be aware of the scheduling change.

He did not the wedding disturbed.