The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 27


Aurora fell asleep, shortly after she returned. For the first time, she slept peacefully and with a smile on her face. She had been too tired to tell Evver what had transpired while she was with Cassius but one look at her glowing eyes and beaming smile Evver knew it was good. She had promised her young friend she would fill her in, the morning.

Evver had worked hard in the castle today.

She thought she would find sleep easily tonight. Instead a feeling of unease had settled into her chest. The young fairy tried to dismiss it, but it persisted. Unable to find the slumber she searched for, she decided to go and get something to drink. Perhaps it would settle her enough to sleep. Reber normally kept a warm pot of milk on the stove top. She walked down the darkened hallway without the use of a candle. Evver had become accustomed to making her way in the darkness. As a young child she used to be afraid of the dark, but as she had learned there were real monsters in the world; the darkness had become a comforting friend. As she neared the kitchen she could hear voices coming from down the hallway.

She froze in her tracks she waited to see if they were coming her way. The voices stayed static, unmoving. Evver took tentative steps as she inched closer to the warming light. Recognizing the voices her heart sunk, it was Lote and Drayben. Evver wanted to run in the opposite direction but she was also curious as to why they were meeting so late at night.

“Tomorrow? If I work all night, then I can have it done.” Lote said reluctantly.

“Then you must. King Tommit and Aurora will marry in the morning and I want her to look like a queen.” Evver inhaled sharply. Thankfully they didn’t notice. She did not stay behind to hear the rest of the sordid details; instead she rushed toward the stables. It was the least guarded spot around the castle. Some nights Cassius even slept there. She had to find him. He had to know. Evver moved as quickly as her tiny feet could carry her.

She prayed all the way that she would make it to Cassius in time.


Evver was frantic.

She had tried all of the normal safe houses where they had previously stayed. Cassius was nowhere to be found.  There wasn’t much time. If she didn’t find him soon then it would be too late for all of them.  How she longed for the ability to fly. It would make things so much easier. Her tiny legs could only move so fast. She sat down on a large rock, racking her brain at the options that she hadn’t considered. During the time she had known her, Evver had come to love Aurora like a sister. She knew that Aurora loved Cassius; she could see it on his face whenever she saw him, or spoke about him.  Cassius was more vocal about his feelings for Aurora.

He had loved her from the beginning.

Her parents had told her about love at first sight.

She was certain this is what happened with Cassius and Aurora. If only life would stop working against them. Then it hit her. Her parents. Could Cassius be in their home? She hadn’t been there in so long. It was a long shot, but there was nowhere else that she could think of to find him. Taking a deep drink she jumped up and moved as fast as her little legs would carry her in the direction of home.


Evver entered the back door to her family home.

It was silent. It was almost eerily quiet. In the days when her family had lived here there was always laughter and joyous noise coming from every direction. She could see light coming from the back yard. She made her way outside, she saw Cassius lying on one of the benches asleep.


 Cassius, was deep in slumber.

He was relaxed, for the first time in weeks, enough to sleep. Aurora loved him. Now he knew for sure he that was willing to fight any fight to have her. It was a strange sensation, he felt like someone was calling his name. He was being shaken awake. His gaze fell on a figure standing over him.

“Cassius Cassius you have to wake up” She was shouting at him. It was Evver—she never shouted.

“Evver? What are you doing here?” He forced his eyes to focus on his little sister. Panic overtook him when he realized his sister was off the castle grounds. He sat up so fast that his head spun.

“Come on, Cassius, we have to go.” She was pulling on his arm, trying to drag him.

“Evver, stop it What is going on? You have to tell me, now” He could see the familiar look of fear on his sister’s face. She slumped to the bench and tears started to flow.

“Cas, I went to get something to drink and I overheard Drayben and Lote talking. They moved up the wedding. Tommit is going to marry Aurora TODAY  We have to go You can’t let this happen.” Tears overtook her voice.

He reached over and hugged her gently. Fear and fury raced through him. Today? How could this be happening? Just when they admitted they loved each other and now Tommit was going to take her forever. He would never let it happen.. he would die first

“What are we waiting for?”

“You can’t go alone.” Evver’s tears were starting to dry. Cassius thought about this and realized he needed a way to distract Evver from being in the middle of things.

“I know. I need you to go and get Abow. He has been in the safe house just past the wishing tree. He will be able to bring help. Go now.” Cassius leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “Be safe, birdie. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She gave him a quick hug and was off.


Cassius went into his parent’s room.

Flipping their bed up, he started digging. Buried deep under their bed was the family sword. Most of the weapons in the kingdom had been destroyed or confiscated by Tommit’s Destroyers. His father had hidden this before the uprisings. His hands were raw and bleeding before he found the steel sword. As soon as his fingers wrapped their way around the handle he was determined and on fire. Whistling for his horse, he was already running when the horse caught up with him. He jumped on and they were off. It was a long shot, but Evver would find Abow. Cassius prayed that he would be finished with Tommit and all would be settled before, Evver made it anywhere near the castle.

He was still unsure of what exactly he was going to do when he got there.

His only plan?

Well it was simple—storm the castle and rescue Aurora.


I woke to find Evver gone.

This was normal. She normally rushed off to get my breakfast and all the things I would need before waking me. Today, I was too excited. I had dreamed of my day with Cassius and couldn’t wait to spend another with him. By the time he brought me home last night I was actually feeling hope for the future. My face hurt, from smiling so much.

My heart was full, thinking of the promise that our future held. Paradan was turning out to be my idea of a fairy tale after all. I rolled over and looked out my window. The sun was just starting to peek its way above the mountain tops.  The door opened, I turned to welcome Evver. My heart dropped when I realized that it wasn’t Evver.

It was Drayben.

He held a dress in his hands. It was large and looked suspiciously like a wedding gown. My chest hurt. This couldn’t be happening. He shut the door and skulked toward me with a swarmy smile on his face.

“Time to wake up, Aurora. It’s a big day for you.”

No Not yet.” My voice was shaking and I could see by the expression on his face that he found it funny. I hated him. “Why now? I thought I still had another week at least?”

“All I can say is King Tommit can’t wait to make you his bride. I expect you to be the glowing, blushing bride. I am sending in some of the staff to assist you with your preparations. Don’t make it difficult for them or yourself. I will see you soon.” He dropped my dress on my bed. “I can’t wait to see you in this.” The look in his gaze was lustful and made me feel dirty.

“Where’s Evver?”

“That isn’t my concern now get ready.”

Drayben turned and headed out the door. I wanted to cry but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing my tears.

As the door shut I crumpled to the floor, tears breaking free.