The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 30


Tommit’s shiny steel sword tickled the lump which had formed in Cassius’ throat.

I fought against the manacles which held me back, keeping me from ripping Tommit’s face off.  Any thoughts of my ripped dress were far from my mind. I kicked and tried to bite Cronan hoping that if I connected just right that he would release me. His sinister laugh echoed in my ears. This only enraged me more.

I threw my head back; my skull connected with his gnarly nose. A growl escaped his throat.

I used the moment to rush at Tommit. I pushed him with all of my might he fell hard to the ground his sword cut deep into his right cheek. Blood gushed from his open wound. A look of shock and then a look of desire passed his eyes. He climbed up before I made it the other two steps to Cassius we were being swarmed by Destroyers. They had Cassius in a headlock before I could shout NO Tommit walked toward me. Now, I was being held by two guards. He reached up and caressed my cheek.

“It’s all right. I like my women. Feisty.”

As he wiped the fallen blood from his face, a dark smile filled his features. His vile laugh was shared by the other guards, and who encircled us. More than anything, in that moment, I wanted to lunge at him and with one movement cut his head off with his own sword. It surprised me that I thought, I was even capable of such violence. Walking toward me he reached out and grabbed me by my hair. A small gasp of pain escaped my lips before I was able to stop it. Tommit pulled me forward with such force, that it took my breath away then he forced his foul lips upon mine. It took me a second to recover. I could hear Cassius fighting to free himself. I opened my mouth just enough that the ego-manic actually thought his lips were moving mine.

I allowed him an infinitesimal second of enjoyment before I bit down hard on his lower lip. He jumped back and yelped in pain. Without thinking about it, he pulled his hand back and hit me with such force my ears were ringing. Then, he spat on the floor, his saliva was mixed with blood from the large cut that now oozed from his mouth.

“You would seriously rather be with this. stable boy? I could give you everything. You will still be my queen, the kingdom will demand it. I look forward to taming the wild out of you.” My blood ran cold, knowing all too well what he was thinking.

Leave her alone” Cassius roared.  It took all of the Destroyers strength to hold him in place. Tommit turned his attention from me back to Cassius. I didn’t want this to happen. He scooped up his sword and raised it to Cassius’ throat.

“He will make a nice addition to my trophy room. Maybe every time you see his pitiful head mounted for the world to see, you will realize just what I am capable of.” Tommit raised his arms, ready to end the love my life.

NO” Tears streamed down my face. Cassius eyes were locked on mine.

“I love you, Aurora.. forever.” This only enraged Tommit more. He growled and went to level the sword across Cassius’s throat.