The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 29


I wondered if I had blacked out.

Tommit had his arm around my waist and his grin was a mile wide. Drayben looked like he had won the lottery. I hated that seeing my pain brought them so much joy. They were delusional, if for one second, they thought I was anything but destroyed over what was transpiring in front of my eyes.

“Your highness, do you take Aurora to be your bride?”

“I do.”

 “Aurora, do you take Tommit to be your master and husband.” Do you promise to do whatever is asked of you? Will you honor, obey and bend your will to his?” Before I could answer, there was a loud noise coming from one of the entries to the throne room. We all spun in the direction of the racket. Charging in like one of the Prince’s in one of my favorite fairy tales. was Cassius He rode in on a black stallion. His eyes were shining with fire. With a simple movement he had dismounted from his horse and charged us waving a steel sword.

Get away from her” his voice thundered. Every muscle in his body was tense and he looked like he had grown a couple of feet. Drayben and Tommit looked at each other and chuckled.

“Excuse me stable boy,” Tommit said with disgust and superiority dripping from his voice. “To whom do you think you’re speaking to?” Tommit’s voice was full of amusement. I knew it had to be a rarity, if not a first for him to be spoken to like that.

“I’m speaking to you— vile monster.” My eyes were frozen open in terror. He was going to get himself killed. Our gazes met, mine pleading for him to run. While his was nothing less than unwavering, I knew then that there was nothing I could do to sway him.

His words sparked anger in Tommit.

Why you.” Taking steps toward him, I grabbed his arm to stop him. This angered Drayben who in turn tried to release my grip from his king. We must have looked, a sight. With my free hand I desperately tried to push Drayben away.

“Stupid girl” he spat in my face. His blood was boiling at my insolence. Using both of his spindly, but strong hands, he tore me from Tommit. My dress was ripped in the process.  The sound of the tearing fabric stopped Tommit short. I should be embarrassed. The tear revealed my corset but I was grateful for the distraction. I prayed Cassius would use it to slip away, but he never did anything the easy way. He used Tommit’s distraction as a way to encroach upon us.

For once, I was grateful Tommit’s guards appeared to have the day off. I would deal with Tommit staring at my chest all day, if it gave Cassius the upper hand. Cassius raised his sword it was in mid swing when Drayben noticed.


Tommit turned just in time to duck the oncoming blade. Cassius went rushing past me moving with the momentum of his powerful swing. Drayben, ever-the-coward, stuck his leg out just in time to trip Cassius. He went flying into the marble floor. A sickening crack resonated through the room.

“Well done.” Tommit said with a smug smile.

I wanted to knock it from his face. Bright red blood sharply contrasted against the white floor. Knowing Cassius was hurt caused bile to rise up my throat. I forced myself to swallow it. Tommit whistled loudly. My gaze was focused on Cassius.  Pulling himself off of the now blood splattered ground, he reached up and wiped the blood from his face. I could see it was flowing from a rather large gash above his left eye. It was already swelling.  The fire remained blazing violently in his hypotonic blue eyes. He lifted his sword to challenge Tommit.

Tommit drew his sword matching Cassius’ movement. Drayben pulled me back to him, holding me tightly against his body. The clank of the steel swords slamming against each other rang in my ears. I wanted to cower, but I couldn’t bring myself to look away. Feeling the familiar sting of threatening tears, one of the rear doors slammed open. Not even the explosion of noise could steal my gaze.

“Over here, now” It was Drayben’s voice; I searched for his target. Cronan and several guards were rushed inside.  Swords were drawn, each of their faces were contorted in twisted malevolent masks of hate. 

A cry of fear was caught in the back of my throat.

I thought for sure they were going to take Cassius down but instead they encircled us. Cronan took over for Drayben his grimy hands encircled my trembling limbs.  The familiar stench of rotted meat assaulted my nostrils. It caused me to sway with nausea. He pulled me closer to his adrenaline filled quaking form. It only made my feelings of terror worse. Tommit raised his sword, aiming at Cassius’ head. My breathing stopped

It was blocked by Cassius sword. The sound of the two swords banging against each other jarred my heart. I struggled to free myself from Cronan’s putrid stench. He laughed darkly, enjoying my discomfort.. of this I was certain.

“So, you want to challenge the King, do you?” Tommit sneered at Cassius. Clang, clang. as the swords traded blows.

“When we find the rightful king, I would gladly challenge him to a fun little duel.” He said, mocking him. Tommit growled and his brow furrowed with fury. I could see the hatred he held for Cassius. Tommit thought he was above everyone and being mocked by a “stable boy”, as he put it, was more than he would ever tolerate.

“You will die for your insolence. Then my wedding will conclude before your blood has dried.” Tommit’s threat of marrying me caused a new darkness to overcome Cassius. I had never seen him take on the features of pure hate before.  I wasn’t sure if it was the thought of me marrying Tommit or if it was just his proverbial final straw. He charged at Tommit while yelling, he sounded more like a wounded animal than the man I loved. Tommit thought he was ready for him, but Cassius pretended to swing right and then quickly swung left. He sliced deeply into Tommit’s shoulder. Blood started seeping through his layers of fabric.

For a moment, he stood there looking dumbfounded; he couldn’t believe Cassius had actually injured him. Several guards moved toward them. There were too many for Cassius to fight off by himself. In no time, they had him bound and on display for Tommit. My stomach was churning, my heart aching.

“Cas” I managed to whisper. He turned to look at me, pain filled in his eyes. Tommit was busy being bandaged. I used this time to continue gazing at the love of my life—knowing we didn’t have much more time. He never took his gaze from mine. Even though no words were spoken, our eyes said it all. Our love, our hopes for the future together, our dreams of forever, we both knew it was ending and there was nothing we could do about it.