The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 32


The whole castle started to shake.

At first, I thought we were having an earthquake. Did they have earthquakes in Paradan? It shook Tommit with such force that his sword was sent flying across the throne room. There was a sudden appearance of hope starting to take root in my anguished heart. Cassius and I never took our gaze off of one another. If this was going to be the end, at least we were going to be together.

WHAT IS GOING ON?” Tommit bellowed.

Everyone struggled to stay standing. I fought to free myself, willing myself to make it to Cassius. He had the same idea in mind. The guards were so bewildered by the shaking, they had weakened their grasp for a split second. It was all the time I needed to break free and run to Cassius. Seeing me running to him must have given him a surge of adrenaline; when I was only steps from him, he too, broke their hold and rushed to me. We clung to each other like our lives depended on it. Tommit had started to charge at us just when the throne room doors exploded. The sound was deafening. Cassius used his body to shield me from the flying debris.

Was this more help for Tommit?

Or were we about to be saved?

I tried to see what was coming, but Cassius continued to hold me down to shield me from the unknown.  I struggled, yet he was bound and determined to protect me.

“Just wait,” his hushed whisper sounded. Frustrated, but obedient, I held still waiting for the reveal friend or foe?


In rushed more than Cassius could count. Giants, fairies, dwarfs, trolls, and humans They were all being led by a royal figure on a black steed. Seated behind him was an older, but beautiful, woman. Next to them was Tiden with a wide smile on his gentle face; Trix was flying nearby.  Cassius felt a huge wave of relief. Help was here and they were on OUR side.


I could feel Cassius’ muscles releasing their fierce protective hold on me.

This was a good thing. The only way Cassius would be relieved was as if our newcomers were on our side. Peeking out from under Cassius’ arms, I could see hundreds of people. They came in every shape, size, and every type of mythical creature that I had grown to love. There were several of them already scooping up the guards and Tommit’s monstrous Destroyers.

“Prince Calan” Tommit snarled.

Cassius and I both looked at each other, surprised the Prince would show up to help us.

“Actually, it is King Calan, now. I don’t believe I have had the displeasure of your acquaintance.” King Calan’s words brought a sneer to Tommit’s face. His jaw snapped shut in fury. “Trust me, I would remember meeting a worm like you.”

Tommit lunged at King Calan.

Before he could even get close, he was swept up by Fara guards. He was immediately chained with no hope of escape. He fought against the chains holding him back. The sight of Tommit’s fury had me cowering into Cassius’ chest. He held me protectively. I noticed thru the entire interaction the woman behind King Calan never took her eyes from Cassius. It was strange. Cassius released one of his arms, but kept a tight hold of me with his remaining arm. He pulled me along, as he walked toward the waiting King. We bowed as we stepped in front of King Calan and his Calvary.

“Your majesty. We are so grateful for your help.”

“Rise, son. We were so distressed when we heard what had become of our neighbors. Our new friends,” he motioned toward Tiden and Trix, “had brought news of the atrocities that have befallen your people. I am only sorry we were not informed sooner, we may have been able to prevent so many tragedies. We could have interceded sooner. State your name.”

“I am Cassius, and this is Aurora.”

His eyes rose at the reveal of our names. “Are you injured badly?” I looked to Cassius he had blood coming down his face. His eyes were locked on my cheek, where Tommit had hit me. I could feel it swelling already. I reached up to touch the side of my face and winced in pain.

“I’m sorry.” His words were mingled with pain. I reached to wipe the blood from Cassius’ gentle face. I was relieved to see the offending casualty was only from a small cut on his forehead. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

“Why don’t we let you two clean up and then we can talk. I will have my guards take Tommit to the Schelle caverns. I am willing to bet they will keep him out of trouble for a while.” King Calan’s words had the blood draining from Tommit’s face at the mere mention of the caverns.

“Where?” I whispered.

Cassius answered. “The Schelle caverns, they are buried deep in the mountain that separate Fara and Paradan. The Dragons guard them. They are inescapable.” Relief flooded my body.

“Thank you, We would appreciate that very much.” We both bowed to the newly arriving king. As we turned our backs to them, Cassius escorted me to my room to change out of the tattered wedding gown.


My emotions were on a roller coaster.

I was certain that I was going into shock. My nerves were raw. Could it really be over? It was too soon to tell. Would King Calan be as good as he appeared? Or would he be another wolf in sheep’s clothing. I looked at the dozens of gowns hanging in my room. They had all been gifts from Tommit. I wanted to burn them. The sheer thought of them touching my skin again had caused my skin to crawl. Then, I remembered the clothes Cassius had given me. I dug them out of the back of my closet. They still smelled like the campfire, where we had melted our hearts together. I dressed quickly. As I put on my shirt, it had Cassius’ familiar woodsy scent mixed in I loved so much. It relaxed me. I pulled out the crown out of my hair and the flowers which surrounded it. I wanted to try to take out all the braids but I also knew it would take me the rest of the day if I attempted to do this on my own. I didn’t want to keep Cassius waiting any longer.

Whatever I was stepping into.whatever my future held I knew I was strong enough to deal with it; especially if I had Cassius and Evver by my side. The thought struck my heart the moment my mind said her name. Evver I still didn’t know where she was. I rushed to the door. Cassius was leaning against the wall, his arms folded. The most peaceful look rested on his handsome features. He smiled when he saw me.

“You look unbelievably beautiful.” His compliment had my cheeks warming and my mind distracted for a split second.

“Thank you, but we have more important matters. Evver’s missing.” My tone was frantic and he replied with a smile.

“Is she the reason why you were going along with marrying someone else?” he asked jokingly. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t taking me more seriously.

“Cassius. You have to know I would have never done it if I thought I had a choice.”

“Good to know.” He winked at me. He was making me mad.


“She is safe. How do you think I found out about the wedding?” It took me a minute but when it hit me, relief flooded my entire body.

“She’s. safe?”

“Yes. I sent her on an errand. It should take at least the rest of the day. I didn’t want her anywhere near the castle until I knew it was safe. So, can we try again? You look beautiful.” His voice nearly melted my entire being. His eyes were blazing and my heart was on fire. Reaching out he pulled me toward him, until I was resting on his chest. I could feel his heated breath and it was making my skin tingle where it touched.  I felt relief in a different way.  He was safe. He was alive. I looked up into his eyes and could see the same desire I felt flowing through my heated blood. It was as if the rest of the world disappeared leaving us all alone.

My voice seemed too disconnected from the rest of me. So, I smiled. Cassius leaned down and gently brushed his lips against mine.