The Wishing Well by Holly Zitting - HTML preview

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Chapter 33


I walked thru the castle, but this time was different.

The last time I had Drayben holding on to me. This time, I had the boy. I mean the man, whom I loved. He was more of a man than any man who I have ever known. The hallways seemed brighter, the walk seemed longer. We looked at each other before he opened the door that led us into the throne room. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was once again pleasantly surprised. The throne room was empty, except for two people.

There was King Calan and the woman who still couldn’t take her gaze from Cassius.

Cassius opened the door and motioned for me to enter first. I walked thru the doorway and stopped short. My nerves tingled. Cassius reached around my waist with one arm and guided me toward the awaiting royalty. With his free hand he entwined our fingers keeping a tight grip on me. As we made our way across the empty room, it felt strange. I didn’t know what to expect.

Would King Calan still be the good guy?

We reached them and Cassius bowed and I tried my best at a curtsey which was difficult with Cassius still holding on strong to me. My gaze touched the woman’s as she smiled gently in our direction.

“Cassius, Aurora, I trust you are well?” The kings’ words were touched with genuine worry.

“Yes. Thank you, sire.” Cassius replied graciously.

“Please, let us sit.” King Calan motioned to two large sofas in the corner of the room. “We have much to discuss.” I felt weird being here in this conversation. After all Paradan wasn’t my country.

We followed the king and the mystery woman.

“First things first I would like to introduce to you both my sister. This is Princess Aura.” Finally a name, she was extremely beautiful but she looked anxious.

“Pleased, to meet you,” Cassius stood and bowed. I tried to follow suit and her hands went up, stopping me.

“Please, don’t.” Her smile grew. “It’s my honor to meet you both.” Cassius sat down next to me and took my hands in his. He looked at me with the look of love, which melted my heart. He turned back to the king and the princess and he spoke.

“I must thank you. You saved our lives and the lives of many in our kingdom. I will be forever be grateful to you and the people of Fara.” I nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly.

“Nonsense. Anyone would have done the same.” I knew this wasn’t true. “Now, we need to help stabilize Paradan. What can we do in order to aid you with that process?”

“I am unsure. If King Windom would have had an heir, then we would have someone to lead us thru this dark time. As it stands, I am at a loss of what to do.” I could see the pain in Cassius’ eyes.

“Windom’s son is the rightful heir.” Princess Aura’s words were quiet, but unmistakable.

“Windom has a son?” Cassius gasped. Her head nodded ever so slightly.

“But how could you know that?” Cassius question was on my lips as well.

“Because—you are his son, Cassius. You are our son.”

My heart stopped.