The Witch Apprentice by Danielle Perez - HTML preview

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Three months had passed since Leonardo had brought me home and the only news that I had from him and Eisenbaum were the ones that Batam-Al-Bur provided me in his weekly visits. The magic remained in me and continued strengthened my knowledge every day. It was towards the end of the second week that I shared the secret with my sisters and Ño Josefina. Their reactions were diverse; my sisters and Salome celebrated the fact, on the other hand, the old woman scowled in signs of concern and each day, in the early hours of the morning, covered me with sermons about the proper use of the occult arts and told me a lot of stories about characters who had succumbed under the effect of poorly made sorcery.

The subsequent days were busy in our residence. I appropriated the basement and installed my witchcraft center there. With the help of Beatrice I experienced the pleasures of credit card purchases and had to be consistent with her appreciation that one of the most satisfying earthly pleasures is precisely the use of credit; of course with modesty and restraint.

I bought a huge crystal ball which perfected my clairvoyant faculty, an oak table that occupied the southern end, from wall to wall, and on it, my magic book, invaluable companion, always open as my thirst for learning was never quenched. I bought wands, bought crystals, bought herbs, bought incense, in the end; I bought everything that a witch can buy for her work and spells. And to my newly acquired library I added some books posted by prestigious wizards and witches of recognized trajectory. It was not easy to purchase those books since they are not sold in shops; I had to figure it out how to buy them in antique shops and from collectors.

I spent afternoons in my "workshop" experimenting with all the elements: herbs, powders, flowers, rocks, runes, tarot cards, etc. Severa’s teaching had not been in vain; I continued maintaining correspondence with her since the Genie was in charge of transporting my letters. I had no news from my secret admirer, the verses ceases so I deduced that my lover had to be a resident of Eisenbaum, who did not have my current address.

As I said before, Ño Josefina did not see with good eyes my newly acquired hobby and tried to dissuade me from the practice of magic engaging me in other occupations. However, the magic had opened me an unknown world that I had never dreamed of: communication with magical beings, which only I had heard in mythological stories and now it was a reality for me. In the garden I conversed with the water fairies and elves toddler who lived and jumped in perennial movement all over the place. Nobody in the house could see them, except me. Sometimes, they arrived at dusk and, while studying my magic book, sitting on a bench under the shade of a dreamy acacia, they surrounded me and began to tell me stories of their experiences and mischief. My old friends, guardians of the book, Drefno, Cirila and Petrarco also joined these evening talks in which all these wonderful creatures wanted to participate. Sometimes, they came with floral gifts and aromatic herbs, acclaimed for their medicinal properties, others with exotic mushrooms and roots; they sang and danced during the time shared with me in the garden.

During the days that rain kept me locked up in the basement, then, they appeared there, visited me and talked. It was at that time that they told me of those other dark creatures that roamed the Earth spreading calamities and misfortunes, and advised me to get away as soon as I saw them on my way. Against these beings had also prevented me Severa "Avoid fear” -told me on one occasion- these creatures feed on human weaknesses. If you keep yourself balanced, they can never touch you. Remember that anger, resentment, envy, and everything that embodies evil in this life are fear’s daughters. Stay away from them!” And the truth is that Severa had taught me well since during my wanderings with the inhabitants of the magical world, I had never encountered any of them, except, of course, Zoroastro’s creatures I found in Saint Andre.

One afternoon while I was experimenting with the properties of pink quartz and sea salt, my crystal ball became opaque as if it were containing blue clouds inside, equal to the phenomenon that had taken place in Severa’s house. It would be like six o’clock in the afternoon and the external light began to wane. I turned on a lamp and quickly approached the ball already beginning to dissipate fog. A vivid scene was before my eyes: Duprina and Zoroastro were talking in one of the rooms of The Fortaleza. I saw the picture but could not hear the sound at all. They were altered. Duprina was showing a document and gesturing with her hands. Zoroastro was trying to contain her, screaming and gesturing also. At the end they seemed to agree, Duprina was calmed down, let the document and left the room. Then the crystal ball began again to acquire its usual transparency. I was so much worried about that image.

The same night I met with my sisters and informed them what I saw in my vision:

-I am sure that the document that Duprina was holding has to do with Leonardo; something is plotting.

The four were together in my room, away from the eyes of Ño Josefina that was thinking that we were already asleep for those hours. These types of meetings were becoming increasingly frequent in the room.

Beatrice began to indict:

- And what do you have to do with it? There's nothing you can do! These wizards are very powerful. You are just beginning to know about magic. For some reason Leonardo left you here. Do you remember what Batam said? Those people are preparing for a war. How can you think of going to Eisenbaum? What would it happen if while your being there explodes the confrontation?

At that time, the little patience I usually have when I spoke with Beatrice, had begun to run out, so had no choice but to respond aggressively, i.e., without the condescending tone that the kinship ensures:

-I have the thinking that in some way what is happening to Americus and Leonardo is my fault. It was for my solicitude that Americus had to leave his post; and Leonardo is also paying the consequences of my action.

-Look! -I said pointing at Bartolomeo and Nicanor who were sleeping together on a carpet located at the foot of my bed -if they are in peace why there cannot be peace in Eisenbaum?

Ah! But Beatrice, entrenched in her reality, in those moments, the well of her patience was also dry and did not see with good eyes my outbursts of altruism, thus also she verbally attacked me:

-You're so foolish! -Said Beatrice- they are asleep because they are very tired. You'll see as they begin tomorrow with the old complaint. And besides foolish, you're stubborn! I know you're going to Eisenbaum and that there is nothing we can say or do to make you stay.

Fortunately it was little what Beatrice could say to make me stay, and as she had predicted, I had already decided to return to Eisenbaum.

Mariana, who by her generous nature was much more akin to my ideals, approached and whispered:

-Take care of yourself!

-So I do it! I do not expect you understand me. My return to Eisenbaum is the only way to be at peace with my conscience.

After my speech all was composure and silence; after a while, they left and I put up on plan.

I arrived in Batam’s room through the road of the mirrors. The Genie slept peacefully in his fluffy bed, under a heavy quilt made with Egyptian cotton and satin, decorated with a geometric design. His rhythmic breathing raised the quilt in a gentle motion of ups and downs, emitting a soft hissing out of his mouth to become a snoring. Knowing how scary he was, I slowly went to sit at the edge of the bed and watched him for a long time deciding the best way to wake him up. Carefully I placed the palm of my hand on his shoulder and practiced gentle pressure; Batam woke up screaming as if thousand coals were severing it from the arm.

- But what are you doing here? Are you crazy? -He asked with wild-eyed and wiping away to clear the view.

-Leonardo is in danger and I'm here to see how to help.

Batam arose and I barely could contain my laughter watching the blouse, fuchsia and yellow, long up to cover his heels that served him for pajamas. Batam was very fond of the rich and vibrant colors and never was repressed by using them.

- But you could well announce you as a normal decent person and not appear in the rooms as well as if you were a ghost.

-There was no time. In addition, I am not normal or decent. I had a vision and I know that Duprina and Zoroastro are preparing something against Leonardo.

-Leonardo returned yesterday from the Arayas. Tiarano and Zoroastro cited him before the Council. It is rumored that he will be interrogated in relation to your escape. They already interrogated Americus, but they could not prove anything.

-Is a public questioning? If so, I should be there.

Batam put his hands to the head. He wasn't sure that my decision was correct and was worried that my presence could stir up some kind of commotion in the Court. It was not the first time that I got him into trouble.

-Yes, it is public - answered- I imagine that you will know that at the time that you put your feet in that room, you will be arrested.

I ignored this possibility and I kept questioning him:

-When is the audience?

-In the early hours of the afternoon.

I went to the window. The city of the Magicians was shocked. Some farmers began to crowding at the gates of The Fortaleza to be present at the interrogation. The guards struggled to contain them since the Court space was not enough to locate them all.

-This is becoming a circus -I said ruefully recalling the Eisenbaum just one year ago. The friendliness of people and respect for each other seemed a distant memory now.

Finally, the Genie decided to help me.

-If we are going to attend, you must camouflage -he said- No one can go dressed as you are!

And searching his belongings he found a black coat with hood, very long, ideal for clandestine activities, which he threw me for my use. I tried it and was perfectly adjusted to my size. Then, we waited together until the scheduled time.

Arriving at the room, we were located in one of the banks of the first row. Five magicians were on the podium, dressed in red wine and black layers and seated behind a huge oak table which held at both ends chandeliers whose lighted candles bathed the room with a strong smell of burned wax. A container full of coals sprang a faint smell of frankincense and myrrh. The wizards faced a file of papers; they seemed engrossed in his review and stared and commented on each other.

Suddenly, a double-leaf door opened and Zoroastro entered, and another man, identified by the Genie as Tiarano; they walked to a podium to preside over the ceremony. Some peasants, who had entered the enclosure, joined the wizards and sorceresses congregation and took place on banks located on the sides. The noise was deafening.

Batam, beside me, sat and warned me with caution exclamations.

-Beware! Don't let them see your face! Stay still! Do not breathe! Don't move! Do not watch out! I think that you are watching!

The truth was that I couldn't do much for hiding my face, as I was looking for Leonardo all over the room; it was very difficult to keep the cap on my face since it was so large that it continuously glided up to my back. After a while I saw him entering the room, he seemed taller than usual, with the facial glow as white as the snow and the firm steps of winners. If there was something to refute it was the companion hanging on his arm: Duprina, who in her winding walk, was constantly whispering phrases to his ear and laughed with the rural charm of a partridge. She had, as it was her custom, a pronounced cleavage wearing a sleeveless blouse and a skirt in gauzy fabric, adhering to the legs outlining her figure; and my fury would have exploded if I hadn’t seen Leonardo trying to get rid of her stubborn embrace with a grimace of annoyance. However, I could not help to remove from my mind the following thought: What attractive harpy Duprina is!... and what subtle movements she has! The same as a snake before releasing the bite!

Arriving Leonardo at the podium, he was conveniently located in the seat appointed especially for him, in order to observe Zoroastro’s intervention. Zoroastro was not a great orator; he lacked the necessary skills to be a good verbal architect and neither has he movement fluidity. He did not know the grammatical or moral laws that should be observed in order to take thoughts and convert them into words, to communicate exactly the message one wish to disclose. His stiff gestures discredited the ostentatious position that as Regent Magician was exercising. Zoroastro openly hated Eisenbaum, the Brotherhood and all that it represented. The only thing that his sick ego wanted was power and was willing to get it at all costs; and what he could not get with magic he would get it by dint of traps and tricks. What a good consortium magic and traps were!

I thought that this town was very naive to be cajoled by his boasts and lies. However, time would make me understand that I was the naive and that all people are susceptible to deception by uttering the correct lie; in other words, by hearing want they want to believe.

Zoroastro monologue continued its course; legal terminologies made some peasants yawn and scratch their head in sign of misunderstanding. He had drafted a document needlessly decorated with too much adjectives. Had browsed dictionaries, encyclopedias and some items of famous writers, and extracted from each what he thought it was better, in order to give his writing the strength and prestige of a legal document. However, the completeness of his work had been lost in the labyrinth of legalisms that confused rather than clarify, as it had been his pristine intention.

He spent two hours talking and at the end of his presentation other magicians had their intervention; but theirs only lasted a few minutes. In short, they claimed that Leonardo had helped with the escape of a suspect accused of fraud and false testimony, but at the time of the contribution of evidences, none presented any by which it was concluded that it was a rumor without solid foundations for its checking; circumstance that was convenient, in my opinion, since the magician was free of all suspicion.

For his part, Leonardo was indeed prodigal with words and eloquences and launched a speech, as lawful and forceful that even I was very convinced that the wizard had nothing to do with my escape. What a good speaker Leonardo was!... by means of words and forcefulness left the poor Zoroastro exposure made smithereens and from his skybox he was glowing from anger and impatience.

Soon after Americus arose and there was great excitement in the room. In any case, you could see that he still had much support from the people. He approached Leonardo and gave him a large and enthusiastic hug. Both were happy that their names had been cleaned. I wanted approaching them to be part of their joy but Batam stopped me advising me caution and prudence; so, much to my regret, I could only absorb the scene from afar.

I was going out of the enclosure when I felt the pressure of fingers that stuck to my forearm. I turned, and to my surprise, I found the figure of Zoroastro, smiling in a sarcastic manner and retaining me against my will. Seeing the scene, the Genie, who was next to me, became pale and on the verge of hysteria, and for a few moments, I thought that he would fall to the ground.

-The fugitive is here! -enacted Zoroastro shouting.

When he delivered those words both Leonardo and Americus turned their heads in my direction and I could distinguish the astonishment face of both. They immediately approached the center of the commotion.

For my part, I was trying to get away from the horror fingers, but his hand were like claws and was very little what I could do.

-My plan succeeded. I knew that as soon as you knew that we were going to interrogate Leonardo, you would be here.

At that moment I realized that everything had been a trap orchestrated by Zoroastro and Duprina to reach me. Leonardo and Americus intervened and tried to mediate in my favor, but Zoroastro, who had already planned the scene had everything prepared and had given the order to the guards to escort me to the dungeon; and as the Genie had been with me at the hearing, he was also accused of complicity and stopped next to me. Within minutes, both were locked in the stones dungeons just where we had been a year earlier.

-It seems that history repeats itself -I said trying to seem funny and downplaying the matter.

The Genie was disconsolate and frightened, clung with both hands to the rails trying to move them, but these have not yielded.

-Oh, God! I am sure that something bad is going to happen. They will surely want to lynch us in the central square to give the example. Oh, God! And what if they broil us at the stake? I don't know what I would do if that happens. Or if, on the contrary, lead us to offshore and throw us into the ocean with our hands tied to be devoured by sharks.

-Would you please calm down? -I said with resolution- all I need is a mirror to get out of here.

The Genie looked at me with eyes of despair.

-Ah, No! You won't let me alone here. Will you?

I looked at him with sweetness and put my arms around his shoulders.

-Of course not! I will not go anywhere! I don't want to be fleeing. I want to continue with my teaching in witchcraft and face the charges I have to face and pay what I have to pay. It may not be so bad.

-Don't know. These magicians are so strange. One of these nights while I was going to the dining room in search of a sandwich, since I had not eaten well and began to have a slight tingle in the pit of the stomach due to lack of food, spotted Zoroastro conversing with Duprina at the foot of the staircase that leads to the rooms in the north wing. They could not see me because I hid me behind a column to hear their conversation. There I heard when Zoroastro told Duprina that he must capture you because he required that you were on his side. He said you were a weapon and, as war approached, it was convenient that you were on his side; also said that if he was not able to convince you he would destroy you.

-Me? A weapon? What would he mean with that? -I was really intrigued.

-Don't know -he said- but as soon they cleared the staircase I immediately retired to my room and held the sting until the other day. I didn't want they thought I was spying on them!

I sat on a small stone stool to sort my thoughts. If anything was certain was that I would never be on the Zoroastro’s side. The Genie also sat next to me listing all the atrocities that could be happening, if they declared us guilty.

Leonardo and Americus immediately appeared at the top of the small staircase leading to the cell. Americus was calm but Leonardo fumed me by the eyes and looked very upset; approached reprimanding me for having ignored his recommendation to stay in my house and accusing me of being stubborn and indomitable for not measuring the consequences of my actions. Also accused me of dragging Batam to a situation in which he had no fault. And while he accused me, Batam nodded.

And as the list of accusations remained and continued, I opted for defending myself against such assertions. It seemed as if Leonardo’s head had been accumulating the fumes of his impatience towards my conduct and at this final act he had surpassed the limit of this virtue. However, I was not a person to stay quiet while my proceeding was being questioned, moreover when I was only defending his reputation. A wave of indignation took me by assault and started to refute each of his accusations:

-I was not at home because I had friends here who were going through bad times and I thought that I could help! I could not stay doing nothing while they paid the consequences for my actions! And if that makes me stubborn, then yes, I'm stubborn and indomitable, and with great pride. Batam was accused unfairly and I'll get him out of here, I assure you.

Tempers were exalted. Americus had remained silently observing the interrelationship between us. In the end, he participated to appease us.

-You must stay calm. Fighting will not achieve anything! -said in a jocular tone and instantly ended the confrontation.

 -What will happen to us? -I asked Americus who had approached close enough to take my hands through the bars.

-Tomorrow the Committee will meet and discuss disciplinary measures. Neither Leonardo nor I can attend but I have good contacts that will keep me informed of everything that happens in that room.

-Do you think that they will use that kind of inquisition that Zoroastro is promoting with us? -Asked Batam on the verge of panic.

-I don't think so -he said in a conciliatory tone.

Leonardo was quieter and all he did was looking at me.

-I have a concern. Batam heard Zoroastro when he told Duprina that I was a weapon. Do you know what he meant with that?

-Oh, Yes! You're threatening him. Didn’t you observe to what happened today? In the courtroom?

I denied with a slight nod.

-As you were guarded, farmers staged a small tumult and rose up in your defense. You did not see it because guards pulled you quickly out of the lounge. Zoroastro has long been working with certain people in the village and thought that he had them in his possession. Then he imprisoned you and all the support he had accomplished was destroyed in a jiffy. You are a weapon in power! You have the gift of leadership, the power of magic and the power of the world of men. I bet the magic has already started to develop in you, without intervention from us. You are learning from the very source. A power like that does not know limits, which are the reason why Zoroastro will do everything possible to have you on his side... or destroy you.

 Then he paused long and changing the subject asked me:

-The last time I saw you, I left you a task.

-Yes -agreed- the task of the symbols.

- And you know what they mean?

-Yes, the symbols are material representations of forces or abstract powers.

Then, he looked at me sweetly and very pleased he said:

-Bravo! You should never forget it. Repeat what you just tell me.

-Symbols are material representations of forces or abstract powers.

Then, he nodded.

-You would have to spend the night here -claimed the old man- we should leave but will return tomorrow.

Then they parted.

I never liked confined spaces, and much less, with Batam reciting out loud all the possible scenarios of the worst things that could happen to us in the following hours. It was lit the dawn and we remained still waiting for news.

About nine o'clock in the morning, Leonardo hastily entered and clinging to the gate, with a face that denoted urgency, he began to say:

-I do not have much time. So pay a lot of attention. There will be no Committee meeting. The decision about you was made last night in a special session. You will be taken to the Febo’s Island along with five others convicted.

-Febo’s Island? -Interrupted - and where is that?

-It doesn’t matter where it is! It sounds ugly! -Batam, said.

-Listen without interrupting! Febo is a giant of nearly two meters and abundant red hair. He has always lived on the island and the only time he gets out to the outside world is to steal magical art objects for his collection. He is not very intelligent but is very strong and rough. Years ago he stole the Abundance Horn from the Rome Brotherhood, and no one has been able to recover it. Many inmates have landed on the island but never survive. Do you understand?

-Of course she understands! We are going to die! -Shouted Batam trembling with fear.

-Listen! Febo’s mansion is around the center of the island. You should go there and bring the Horn. With this act, all your faults will be purged.

-What fault if I don't have any? –The Genie said.

Leonardo continued:

-You must very be careful with the "grelis" which are little goblins, which abound on the island and are very evil. Do not trust anyone. Febo’s mansion is walled and the main entrance is cared by two large creatures with the body of a lion and the face of an eagle. Under no circumstances you should enter the mansion by the wall but by the main entrance.

-What? Are you crazy? –Batam argued - if those creatures are there as you say, we will be shattered.

-Listen! Please, pay attention to everything I say! The boat will leave you on the island at twelve noon and they have to pick you up tomorrow at the same time. If you are not in the dock at that hour, the boat will go and will not return. After twenty-four hours you will forget who you are and even if I were to rescue you will not recognize me and would see me as your enemy. From the first moment you step on the island, your memories will start to fade little by little. Zoroastro is counting on that so that you do not remember your magic.

-God! That is a lot of information what you are giving me. Batam, I hope that you're listening too.

- But the more I hear, the more terrified I am –responded.

Leonardo pulled a reliquary out of his pocket and handed it to me; told me that there was a talisman inside that would help me to pass unnoticed in front of the creatures guarding the giant’s gate.

-Put it on your neck and it would make you invisible to the eyes of animals. Remember not to stare directly into their eyes since you will be shattered if you do so; as long as you do not watch them, they won't be able to damage you. As for the ogre, use your knowledge on Botany, there are enough herbs on the island. If you have to sleep, sleep one at a time. There are many other creatures on the island and some are even cannibals.

As Batam heard the word "cannibal" the thermometer of his fear raised.

-Ca-nni-bals? -Repeated- they are sending us to an island of CANNIBALS AND HOW DO THEY EXPECT WE RETURN. CHEWED?

When I was about to ask him if anyone had survived this so dreadful punishment, the door opened and Zoroastro, Duprina and a group of guards entered.

-Wow, Leonardo -he said- now I see that you are not wasting your time sticking your nose where it does not concern you.

Leonardo moved away from the gate and answered with pride:

-Of course! I am part of the escort that will take them to the island -and saying this he handled the authorization which had been signed by the Committee. Zoroastro took the paper and read it with contempt, then returning it to his owner, said:

 -I see that you still have influence in the Committee.

Then they opened the gates and the guards took us and made us walk down a long hallway, where gradually were incorporated, one by one, the other inmates up to five. I was the only woman in the group. In addition to Batam, there were two young thugs, dirty and smelly-like, two men of advanced age, with little mobility making a great effort to walk and one even older that eventually had to stay because he could not ride onto the cart that would take us to the pier. Us, inmates, were in an outdoor cart, so that persons of the village could observe us for more derision. In one of the corners, I saw Severa, who came to the cart moving and threw me a kind of small stone which landed in my lap. The stone had attached two tiny bags that I later recognized as tea bags. Then I remembered our jasmine and orange tea afternoons and wanted intensely go back to relive those delicious evenings in which the unrestrained gathering accompanied by sweet doughnuts refreshed the heat of the day. I also thought of my sisters, Salome, Ño Josefina, my grandfather Gennaro, Bartolomeo, Nicanor, the Victors, Leonardo and Americus. And after thinking and thinking, I decided to save the tea bags and concentrate on the present moment. The wagon went out of town and turned toward the dock. Leonardo and the other escorts followed by horse. Duprina remained in The Fortaleza savoring her triumph, and of course, Zoroastro was also part of the escorting caravan.