Thrashing Ale with Den Sidion by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

A Dire Case of Aquasid

Lemerad Gittle wrote the religious novel titled,” Found and Lost at Sinset,” about a 596 pound prophet on Forpush who sets about to answer all of the greatest questions of Doramockind. He does this by continuously writing all day every day as his wife Fes brings him his meals, baths him, and brings him a bedpan. Lemerad starts writing the book as a way to make a living until one day he starts writing with what he later called,” His most Powerful Self.” He wrote a 100 page portion that included,” A trillion men and women will die just as many deaths, with most missing the real essence of knowing the core of what the rhythm of life feels like. The rhythm is the last thing we hear at night and the first thing we remember in the morning. It’s our genuine laughter at a trivial thing and our unexplainable anger when something deserves none. What it has been is an energy God shoots through existence every so often to quietly remind us of what’s hidden in every molecule. God himself is in our eyes as we blink. Our legs as we run for our lives down a rocky slope, as well as in the fire in our oven cooked sustenance. Where God isn’t, is in our greed for anything, because only a pure passion to achieve things can be God. Everything else is our sinister selves holding us in a tight jagged shackle of self. This energy, this Bamram, is never noticeable, but always felt. I wanted to tell you of it just now, not to illuminate your mind or even to hold you fast, instead to propel us both forward at the same unbelievable speed of thought, because the Bamram can be shared and felt simultaneously without a single breath’s less effectiveness. Let the joy be in the heart of an emotionless pencil or nowhere at all.”

Lemerad never wrote of his family and their love of him other than to say,” We understood the same aches. We were the same oblivion and that is not easy.”

Meanwhile in the morning inside Grega’s Reseo everyone was showering or already dressed. Grega was in the command center with Pat, Rosemary, and Amo as they waited for Den to get out of the shower.

They were each eating breakfast as Grega had the Reseo parked facing out over the Statue of Liberty and the Yayat.

The Yayat is a fishing community of displaced Asian fishermen and women. They had their own fishing routes in Asia fished out and had no source of food. This happened in the year 2051 and they all loaded up their ships with all they had and trekked literally halfway around the world to the Atlantic Ocean. Because they were illegal immigrants on land they built up a massive series of floating buildings on their conjoined boats, some towering now 190 stories and they called it Yayat. It looks like their native country’s architecture only it is a weird wondrous community.

Most of the people living in Yayat, and there are 3 million on the water, lived there so long it started to change their DNA. This led to an almost bluish skin and red glowing eyes. The people on land started calling them Blue thumbs, or Blut’s for short. After several years of living hospitably with each other and the Blut’s selling the people on shore their fish there was an incident of violence against an African American woman by a Blut. After that day anyone who dared go into Yayat was never heard from again.

It was rumored that the missing people had ended up in a stew or meat pie. The police tried to get rid of the Blut’s, but all their attempts were futile as Yayat was just too massive.

“How’s are the pancakes, Rosemary? Are they cooked all the way through?” asked Grega as he ate his steak, fried potatoes, and Beluga caviar and looked over at Rosemary sitting in the beanbag chair on his left. Grega tried to play up his role as the benevolent host as Amo and Pat sat quietly and knew what he was doing.

“Well that’s why we cook ‘em, Grega, otherwise I’d be drinking the batter and running for the toilet after. Don’t underestimate the pow-er of blueberries. How ‘bout you, Grega, did you use toilet paper this

morning, my nose says no?” asked Rosemary sarcastically as she smirked at Grega who grinned and threw his hands up.

Pat and Amo chuckled and Pat looked out at Yayat and saw a dozen Bluts being thrust into the air by an air jet. The Bluts were doing spins and flips as a holographic shark’s head tried to bite them.

Pat thought he’d never seen culture like this before and knew he’d never long for Portland again.

“So you like ‘em. Well that’s a load off. All this time I thought the horse manure would overpower the blueberry goodness. Well now I’m really happy I just know something good is coming our way. Hey, we might even get to enjoy incarceration at one of 7 New York state prisons or crazy farms. Hell if we play our cards right they’ll let us use forks and spoons by the eighth year. From what I hear the sodomy and face punches take only a year to get used to. Then you’re a hardened criminal for life! Remember, Ole Grega told it to ya true when you’re tryin’ to scale the barbed wire fence in your escape hmmm,” said Grega sarcastically as he looked straight faced at Rosemary as she and Amo.

Pat was only half-listening as he watched 2,000 Bluts do an array of Karate moves while floating high above Yayat on an air jet. Pat felt a strong urge to want to join them.

“Grega, you’re too good to me. The way you tell me thing and the dumb you share. I probably would have a low degree or be a doctor by now, if it weren’t for you. When I ponder the places I’ve never been and the people unlike you I would have met, ya know smart and attractive people. It is then I think of my life as a chicken turd scooper and anarchist, and know I am blessed. I won’t forgive you for stealing all my ambition in life. No…no I know you are but Satan and I a sucker for God. So yeah the pancakes are good,” said Rosemary sarcastically and nonchalantly as she held a pancake up in the air like she was the Statue of Liberty. She felt she couldn’t be any happier so she took a bite of her pancakes.

“It’s those very pancakes I use to hypnotize innocent people like you, Rosemary. I’ve filled them with Satan’s ground up chest hair and cooked many an unsuspecting person’s meal. Oh yes, eat up my

lovely,” said Grega sarcastically in a stern voice as everyone laughed. Grega hoped he’d told the funnier joke, but decided he was too tired and said happily,” Glad you like ‘em, Rosemary. Ya know this is a really beautiful spot to sit and eat breakfast. I mean look at those karate masters out there and how those holograms of alligators and dragons don’t even bother them a bit. Have you ever seen anything like that in your lives?” asked Grega softly and coyly as he eyed the 2,000 Bluts as they balanced on one foot as dozens upon dozens of dragons and ghosts holograms bombarded them. This while Grega pretended to be blown away by it, but he’d seen it on National Geographic.

“Once, on a vaginal safari I never spoke of ‘til now and quite frankly I never should of. Many of my hardest erections were lost in that chasm and I’ll morn them every day of my life. It was the never ending vagina named Amo that took their lives. Damn it if I’ll let it happen again!” said Pat sarcastically in an over dramatic voice as he pounded his fist into the beanbag chair again and again. Rosemary and Grega laughed hard and Amo rolled her eyes at Pat, but wasn’t actually angry at all. Amo sat there smiling and thinking of a retort.

“I remember that safari and if memory serves, you were the 5th of 10 hard erections that found their way inside. I can’t say which was the hottest, but I have a vague recollection of a silver one that called me Edgar. And a green one that looked like Barack Obama, but I’m not one to sex and tell. Oddly your erection was only a brief memory and lacked conviction of thrust, if memory serves,” said Amo sarcastically and in a sultry voice as Pat looked at his crotch and mouthed the words,” why me why now.”

Then a giant blue hologram of Genghis Kahn rose up out of Yayat. It started blowing bubbles filled with departed souls in every direction. Everyone looked at it in awe as the Bluts started shooting purple and yellow flaming arrows in the air as a way to bless that day’s fishing.

“Look, how do you feel about going down there and looking around that floating city? Because I am blown away right now, aren’t you?” asked Grega coyly as he already knew about the Bluts and all the deadly disappearances. He hoped Amo, Pat or even Rosemary (after her Ge suit joke) would end up good

and dead down there. Grega was laying it on thick by staring at the Bluts wide-eyed and Amo thought something was up, but didn’t know what.

Pat wasn’t picking anything up as he looked at a thousand arrows fly through the air.

“I’m down for it, but is it safe down there? In case you didn’t notice we’re white people per se,”

asked Rosemary sternly as she smirked and ate the last of her pancakes.

Grega had a mini panic attack as he knew Rosemary might have blown his plan and he wanted to punch her in the mouth. This while Amo saw that flint of anger in his eye and she knew something bad was in Yayat.

“Is what safe, you’re not doing drugs again are ya, Rosemary? Is it good stuff, I could use a buzz?”

asked Den slyly as he walked over to everyone and did a little dance as Hobii flew beside him. They all glanced over at him except for Amo who was watching Grega intently as he nodded and forced a smile.

“No, I wish, actually we were talking about going down to that floating city and checking it out. I mean it might be dangerous is why I’m not up for it,” said Grega coyly as he could feel Amo’s eyes on him. Grega kept looking out the window and picked up a cinnamon raisin bagel covered in cream cheese and started eating it nonchalantly. Amo knew what he was doing and smiled to herself.

“Well I’m totally down for it. It looks like a madhouse down there, sick!” said Den enthusiastically as he pretended to be playing a guitar solo and threw his head back.

Pat and Rosemary laughed and Grega danced back and forth.

“Well, I don’t know on this one. What if we get down there and it’s like martial law for fuck’s sake?

Maybe we should just send Grega and have him report back when he’s not killed? Huh, what do you say, Grega, I bet you’re down for going either way?” asked Amo coyly as she smiled at Grega and watched him glare back at her.

Pat instantly knew it had to be a deadly place and that Grega was scheming something.

“Yeah, Grega, I need to know it’s safe before I go into that…madhouse as Den put it. Since it was your idea to begin with, you head over and wave to us from that building, and then we’ll head over and party down. How’s that sound, is it a pickle sandwich?” asked Pat coyly as he shook Grega’s shoulder and smiled at him knowing that Grega’s ego was so large he wouldn’t be able to say he was scared and not go.

Grega thought oh shit I shouldn’t have brought it up I could die over there, but I can’t let Pat emasculate me either. All this as Grega forced a smile and did a quick laugh.

“Yeah what’s the big deal, Grega? I’m sure tourists do it all the time. Plus, we’ll be right over here in case something goes down. Don’t worry about it,” said Rosemary reassuringly as she hugged Grega from the side.

Now he felt enormous peer pressure to go and smiled nervously as he thought I may actually be dead because of my stupid idea. How could I do that?

“But who will steer my ship and run the weapons if I’m not here to do it?” asked Grega anxiously as he looked at Amo as she grinned back at him and he knew he was caught.

Pat was enjoying watching Grega squirm.

“Just show Pat how to use everything before you go and we’ll easily be able to save you if anything goes wrong. I wouldn’t worry they look like happy people over there. It could be fun,” said Rosemary brightly as she grinned and thought Grega was lucky for getting to go on such an adventure.

Grega started to sweat as he knew from what he had read that the Blut’s were a vile and vicious group of people and that he wouldn’t be coming back alive, but then he remembered what happened when he did the Ge suit flying, and thought maybe he was being scared unnecessarily.

“Yeah, Grega, I can handle it, I’m a big boy. I know my alphabet and all my adding and subtracting,” said Pat sarcastically and coyly as he knew what could be over there by how Grega was acting. Also, that it had to be dire or Grega wouldn’t be so nervous. Grega laughed slightly as a stern look crept across his face as he was dying to beat the shit out of Pat and Amo. Grega wanted to fling Rosemary into Yayat and have her get ripped to shreds. That little smiling bitch he thought.

Rosemary smiled at him and rubbed his shoulders as she thought about winning big at the Bamram.

“Ok fuck it, I’ll probably die over there but at least I’ll be dead and you only die once. Well, I’ll have Hobii show you how to use everything, Pat. And then I’ll grab a trio of Buds and drink them down. And then head on over to my certain doom. I’m just kidding, it should be fun. I went to China once and had a blast, but the Chinese food wasn’t as good as ours. I don’t know quite why, but it tasted a lot like a cat I had in junior high that I called John Lemon,” said Grega sarcastically as he stood up and took a long look at Yayat. He felt a chill go down his back as he knew he had just fucked himself. He desperately wanted to pound Amo in the face until she begged for him to stop punching her. He also wanted to pound Rosemary as he saw her smiling face and wanted to dropkick her 5 or 6 times and wipe that smile from her face.

Pat watched Grega and wondered if he was about to snap because there was a lot of tension in his shoulders. Pat stood up and put his arm around Grega and Grega instantly cringed, but softened his posture.

“It’s alright, Grega, nobody’s gonna fuck with my friend and get away with it. I’ll keep a close eye on you and I’ll be ready to pounce, don’t worry,” said Pat coyly in a bold voice as he patted Grega on the back. They looked over at Yayat and Grega knew he was going into hell on Earth. He really didn’t want Pat’s hands on him, but he grimaced and tried to think of having sex with Amo as a way to stick it to Pat.

“Yeah, I know you will and keep darling Amo out of the chocolate pudding. I don’t want that ass getting its own zip code. Alright I’ll go down there right now and see if I can even get in there at all. I

mean maybe no tourists are allowed in,” said Grega coyly as he looked at everyone knowing full well you could go in because he saw someone go in half an hour earlier.

Amo grinned as she saw someone walking up to Yayat as they spoke.

“Wait, Grega, someone is trying to tell you something. Its trust your friends you’re gonna be safe.

Dead people are dumbasses you know that. They don’t have the guts of you or the fashion sense. Now knock um good and dead, hmm,” said Amo coyly as she grinned at Grega who glared back at her and thought what a fucking bitch she was being for saying that.

Grega started to clench his fist before he realized what he was doing. He just smirked and headed for the front exit of the Reseo with Hobii at Pat’s side. Hobii explained to Pat how to use everything on the ship and put the headset on him. Pat looked at Amo who was smiling and he smiled himself because he also knew what an arrogant brat Grega was being, as well as the peril he wanted to put them in.

“So where is this Grega I heard tell of? I see him nowhere?” asked Pat loudly as he scanned the dock in front of Yayat for Grega, but he was nowhere to be seen. Amo had to laugh at the absurdity of the moment.

“Maybe he’s hitchhiking back to Portland because he’s sick of being rich and happy. I know I am,”

said Den sarcastically as he sipped his cup of Folgers coffee black. Rosemary gave him a soft punch and they chuckled.

“If that’s the case who’s that idiot in the Grega disguise down there? He even smells like him, can’t ya smell the beans?” asked Pat sarcastically as he grinned and eyed Grega as he walked timidly towards Yayat. The Bluts paid him no mind and Amo rubbed Pat’s shoulders and thought just how ridiculous Grega had become, especially after all they had been through with Grega having been such a jerk to everyone before and she smiled to herself.

“I smell it, there’s also some morning ass mixed in. Oh aren’t we lucky, lucky like bedpan cleaners.

Feel the luck,” said Amo sarcastically and over dramatically as she tossed back her hair.

Grega got ever closer with a nervous look on his face.

A pair of Bluts passed him and as they did they smiled at him and waved. It calmed Grega’s nerves and he thought alright Grega it’s not so bad.

“Just walk in and don’t show fear you can do this Grega,” said Grega quietly to himself as he nodded to a red haired Blut woman who he walked past heading for Yayat.

Yayat looked ominous with all its dragon statues of green emerald and gold that numbered in the tens of thousands, as several of them were 50 feet high. There were dark green painted roofs with red wooden paintings of ancient Asian icons like the Geisha, as well as Rea Woo.

Rea Woo is the ruler of the Bluts and very few white people have ever seen him without his disguise, other than to be killed by him. Little is known about him other than that he sells high grade heroin in Greenwich Village under the name Jack Hale. He looks like bad news though as he has giant hands and large bulging biceps that sit on top of his bulbous powerful legs. He is 6’0” feet tall and weighs 207

pounds, with bluish skin and red glowing eyes like all the other Bluts. He said once to a reporter from the New York Times webpage,” We only kill what comes close. If you don’t wish to die find another place to be at. Our world is not your domain.” Rea is also the leader of the Chinese mafia in Chinatown and is greatly feared.

There are panda statues that also have apartments inside every so often throughout the Yayat (each of the apartments are 4,000 square feet). There are 2 basketball courts some 300 feet above the water that the Bluts play Dunkball on, or low rim basketball tournaments. They place large wagers on the winner and play each game the first one to score 70 points. On each of the courts surrounding them there are rows of gold trim couches set up to accommodate all the betters. On the top of Yayat there is a lookout

tower that is stripped yellow and blue and has several round windows in it as well as the words,” Try being everywhere without moving a step. Then you’ll know where my mind has taken me all of these moments. And you may understand why I laughed at your grief,” written along the top of the tower.

There is also a trio of brown leather chairs set up on a deck with Blut’s watching for intruders. There is the smell of Teriyaki beef sticks and beef dumplings filling the air. This as a young boy plays an acoustic guitar and sings a song he has written titled,” Open a Closed Mind,” from a few stories up as Grega is about to step into Yayat.

“Grega looks nervous as hell. Do you think we should just go get him for God’s sake?” asked Rosemary as she eyed Grega and she was beginning to fear the worst. Pat and Amo fought back laughter as they didn’t think he’d go through with it.

“No, no I think he’s brave enough and physically strong enough to make a break for it if he had to.

Let’s just see what happens, he may turn and run,” said Pat coyly as he tried not to smile. This as Grega stepped onto Yayat and started walking casually up a gentle rising dark brown walkway (the walkway has tiny gargoyles along the sides of it).

Grega walked along completely scared, but as he walked he starts to get confidence. He saw a spiral mahogany and bamboo staircase and thought he’d go up it, as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Grega walked up the stairs and thought how badass he felt and what a bunch of pussies Pat and Amo were for not coming with him. Then a pair of Bluts walked down the stairs past Grega. He just shrugged his shoulders calmly as he nodded to them and they nodded back.

“I can’t believe it I’m actually walking in Yayat. What a feeling,” whispered Grega to himself as he neared the 4th floor. He decided to walk out onto it and see what was there. This while Amo and Pat thought he’s really brave as they watched Grega.

Grega walked out onto a golden bridge that had a 4 foot emerald railing and 6 lookouts built into it.

It also has rotating emerald green leather recliners and refrigerators set up inside. There is a 7 foot tall and

4 foot wide statue of Rea Woo in the center of a crow’s nest. The statue has a holographic projector in it that is creating living movies around it. It is showing the movie,” The Color of Money,” starring Paul Newman. Grega walks up to the movie and stands beside Newman as he lines up a shot on the pool table.

Grega smiles as he thinks it is the coolest thing ever that he is still alive and watching one of his favorite movies.

“Look at him, he’s just lounging around over there. Should we just go over now?” asked Pat as he looked at Grega in amazement. Amo looked at him and thought he was the bravest man she’d ever seen.

“I don’t see why not, but let’s just watch a minute more. We don’t want to be hasty,” said Amo softly as Grega started dancing with the Paul Newman hologram as it moved around the pool table. Then out of a hidden doorway a Blut came out just as Grega turned to wave to everyone. The Blut ran and pushed Grega off the side of the bridge. He fell head over heels down onto a massive dark blue tarp and was knocked unconscious.

“Jesus Christ, they just killed Grega!” shouted Amo nervously as she covered her mouth and started breathing heavy. Everyone was terrified by what they’d just seen and froze in their tracks. Then a trio of Bluts in lime green furry robes and triangular gold hats raced over to Grega’s body. They started pulling him off the tarp as he started to wake up. Grega woke up and one of the Bluts put some knockout powder in his mouth and he quickly lost consciousness.

“Oh my God, Oh my God Grega’s dead! I need to lie down my friend is dead!” shouted Rosemary frantically as she started to faint and Den caught her.

Grega was carried quickly into a pair of red semi-round doors. Grega was carried into a room filled with 10 golden thrones. The room also has a dozen pipes and a glass orb filled with opium in a green dragon upturned mouth. There are also several sex swings set up in the room and 2 dozen sex toys lying around on the floor. There are 2 other doors in the room, one at the far end and one on the left that are the same as the doors leading in but have the words,” Righteous and the pompous have no rights or arrogance

when held in God’s hands. If you are either, then I’d fear God’s free hand, as he’ll be only half as lenient as I am.” There were also the words,” A powerless fleck of dust can get in your eye and cause you to walk off a cliff as you try and remove it with your finger. So was it a fleck of dust or a bit of karma finding its way into your life. Let’s remember the cliff’s laughter while you plummet and think it over,”

written on the door in red emerald. The walls in the room have staircases leading up to paintings of ancient rulers that included Gamgo Lurt and also Rea Woo.

Gamgo Lurt is the new messiah as the Blut’s consider him. He speaks only 18 minutes a day and every word a new religious concept or idea like the words,” Man was a memory before he was a living breathing thing. And now it was all but an afterthought to God and to history. I only consider the purity of God’s belief in our history as a reason to never question my existence at all.” Gamgo lives in Yayat and never ventures onto dry land. He instead chooses to write and paint as the Bluts tend to his every wish.

The Bluts put Grega in one of the thrones and then tied his hands with thick brown ropes to the throne tightly. Grega started to wake up and he blinked his eyes twice hard. He feels an uncontrollable fear as there is a large man in red Samurai regalia with a green rubber bat in his hands.

“Oh Jesus fuck don’t hurt me! I’m sorry for coming here please!” pleaded Grega nervously as he tried to break free of his ropes. The Samurai hit him hard in the face knocking his head fast backwards.

Grega let out a scream of agony and then pleaded,” Please let me go! I just want to see my mother again!

Please I’m all she’s got now!”

The Samurai hit Grega again with the bat this time right in the eye and it caused Grega to see a flash of light. Grega blinked quickly and started to cry as he saw the Samurai pacing back and forth and waving the bat.

“You shouldn’t have come here. How would you like it if I came to your home and fucked your woman!? I know she would have liked it, but how ‘bout you, Tourist!?” shouted Rea Woo angrily as he

stood there in the red Samurai regalia. Rea waved the rubber bat in front of Grega’s face as he trembled and cried.

“I wouldn’t like it I wouldn’t like it at all! I’m sorry I came here I was a stupid son of a bitch and a coward and I’m sorry,” said Grega nervously as he didn’t dare look Rea in the eyes. Instead he looked at the ceiling while he secretly wished he could punch Rea good and hard a dozen times and make him eat that bat. Rea wanted to kill Grega for being weak and worthless, but he wanted to toy with him first.

“Sorry won’t cut it! You have desecrated my home with your idiot mind! I’ve killed many men in my life, but I’m not sure you’re even worth a death, Tourist!” thundered Rea as he started bashing Grega in the face with his bat. Blood splattered on Grega’s face and then Rea stopped suddenly. Grega glared at him and wished he could grab that bat and beat Rea to death. Rea saw his expression and thought Grega had an inner strength he had not thought was there. Rea said calmly,” Clean him up and have him smoke and get smoked before I return. What is your name or should I keep calling you tourist?” asked Rea warmly as he looked at a pissed off Grega who was still shaking.

“It’s Grega, that’s all it’s ever been. What should I call you?” asked Grega as he looked at Rea as he took off his Samurai helmet and threw his long hair back. He felt like Rea’s bluish skin and glowing eyes were actually really cool to look at.

“It’s Rea, nice to see you, Grega. I always love meeting a warrior. I’ll be back in a short while with your education,” said Rea coyly as he grinned and then walked up a staircase next to Grega’s throne. Rea went through a secret passageway behind a painting and disappeared. Rea thought about how fierce that look was in Grega’s eye. He thought how he hadn’t seen that look on a white man in all his life and this caused him to grin.

Meanwhile Pat was flying the Reseo over Yayat scanning for Grega

“God dam it, if I don’t see him soon I’m gonna start firing, and it won’t be love taps. Where the fuck is he?” asked Pat sternly as he scanned Yayat where Grega had fallen and felt something was amiss.

This while Amo rubbed his shoulders and cried. She didn’t realize how bad she’d feel if something happened to someone she loved. She wished she’d been nicer to Grega. The Reseo hovered over Yayat and a dozen Bluts started shooting suction cup arrows up at the Reseo as they tried to pull it from the sky.

This scared everyone and Pat looked around for an answer.

“We can’t stay here, Pat, they’re trying to bring us down! Make a break for it!” said Rosemary boldly as her hand shook. This while Den eyed the arrows and didn’t want to leave Grega behind.

“Fuck no, Pat, we can’t just leave Grega here. He’s our friend, I say we fight ‘em right fucking now!” said Den sharply as the Bluts continued firing the suction cups. Pat swayed the Reseo back and forth to snap them off (as he couldn’t reckon with leaving Grega).

“If I shoot them I could be killing Grega, Den. We don’t know where he is or what they’d do to him if we fired! What other ideas do you have, anyone?” asked Pat fiercely as he continued to steer the ship from side to side to avoid getting taken down by the Bluts. This while Den was getting exasperated by the situation and threw up his hands.

“What about the Friends Again Club? They said if we had a problem they could solve it. At the very least they have the smartest people in the world as members. They would have to have better ideas than we do now,” asked Amo timidly as she wiped her eyes. Amo watched the Bluts trying to climb their suction cup lines to get to the Reseo and she started to sweat.

Pat’s mind was darting from thoughts of Grega to just blasting the Bluts, as he continued to swerve the Reseo back and forth.

“We’re outta here right now! I’m sorry Grega, but we have to stay alive or there’s no chance,” said Pat boldly as he hit the thrusters and snapped all the Bluts suction lines but one. With that single Blut still climbing his line as the Reseo sped away. They were conflicted with Den feeling like he’s just lost a brother and Rosemary sobbing still.

“See ya Grega, we loved ya and we’re comin back to do massive damage. Don’t worry about that,”

said Rosemary softly as she wept and couldn’t think of any other thing they could have done. This while Den stormed out of the room and threw a pair of Natural Light bottles against the wall. This sent shards of glass and beer everywhere.

“He’s rightfully pissed, Pat. That’s his friend down there and we are as well, but not like Den and Grega,” said Amo warmly as Pat stared vacantly out the window as he headed for the Friends Again Club.

He felt like he was rid of Grega and his deceptions on one hand, but wrecked by losing such a close friend on the other. This while Amo was missing Grega, but also felt like it was his stupidity that caused this so it was his own fault.

“Grega’s not dying in there with those bastards. I tell you now the club will help us get him home safe and the same as he was before, and that’s it,” said Pat forcefully as he steered around a trio of smaller Porsche cars and a large white bus. Each of them felt slightly reassured by Pat.

Meanwhile Grega was in a pink floral design kimono and black Armani slippers. He sat in his throne as the Blut’s had him smoking opium and a beautiful young Blut woman was giving him head. She went down on him again and again as he calmly smoked his opium. She stroked his rock hard cock and moaned in between licks. Grega was thinking how great the feeling of opium was, as well as the sexual experience. He thought about his friends and how he wished they were there too. Then Grega came and let out a laugh as the young woman (named Riri) cleaned off his penis with a soft white towel.

Riri has purple tinted black ear high hair, with bangs to her eyes in the front. She is 5’10 and very curvaceous and completely naked. She has a dragon tattoo on her back and has the bluish skin and glowing red eyes of a Blut. She also has on a white pearl necklace with Rea’s face on each of the pearls.

“Was it good for you my darling, Grega Man?” asked Riri playfully as she sat on Grega’s lap. She rubbed up against his penis, turned and then kissed him. She thought how handsome he looked and that he was unlike anyone she’d known.

“Riri, I needed that like I’ve needed air all my life. I’ve found a feeling that I can’t quite understand.

If the whole world was smoking this, they wouldn’t be killing each other. Thank you, Riri,” said Grega happily as he gently rubbed Riri’s shoulders and back as he thought he’d found heaven on Earth. This while Riri really liked him and how he talked.

“I agree, it’s the smoke of love. And love doesn’t kill, doesn’t cut…doesn’t destroy. Grega Man, I feel the answers to it all are right here in this room as we sit. They don’t get it out there and they don’t get us. Do I seem like the devil to you?” asked Riri as she pouted her lips and gently slapped Grega’s chest.

He chuckled and pulled her in close as he smiled at her mischievously while she waited for an answer.

Grega thought he would kid with her for a second.

“Riri, as far as I’m concerned you’re an angel who misplaced her wings. You are the one I wished for when I had nothing but dreams. And now I look you in the eye and realize…they weren’t dreams at all, but the future taking its time in finding me. I want to stay here with you forever, Riri. Would you like that?” asked Grega warmly as he kissed Riri. She welled up with tears and thought how beautiful Grega’s words were. Also how she knew she would never end up back in China as a worker in a sweat shop. Now she was being held by her dream man.

“Grega Man, I don’t want to be anywhere you aren’t. We can be more than friends, more than lovers, everything every day. I can tell this isn’t a passing love for you, Grega, and I know it isn’t for me. I feel love for you, Grega, just how does that sit with you?” asked Riri anxiously as she rubbed Grega’s cheeks

and looked into his eyes. Riri prayed he’d say he loved her and Grega nodded quickly and kissed her hand.

“It’s love for me, Riri, as crazy as that sounds.”


“If you’re not gonna take a chance on somebody, you’re gonna run out of chances. I want to have this conversation every day for the rest of my life. I just hope that’s what you want,” said Grega implying a question as he couldn’t look at Riri as he feared rejection.

Riri laughed at this and grabbed his face and turned it to her.

“Whenever, wherever I’m there, Grega Man. I don’t kid around with my heart. I hope you don’t either. Ya know it isn’t everyday a white skin looks at me like my blue skin is no big deal,” said Riri anxiously as she looked down at her bare breasts and felt self-conscious, but Grega lifted her chin with his hand.

“It isn’t to me, I only see you. I don’t kid around with my heart either. When I say a certain thing you can just accept that it’s true. I love you, Riri, I think we should get married,” said Grega warmly as he kissed Riri’s neck and then face. He knew he’d love her forever and didn’t care if he saw his friends ever again.

Riri started to tear up. She smiled and pointed her finger at Grega and shook it.

“I love my Grega Man, and we are going all the way and be married my friend. Now let’s think about our ceremony, because I want all my friends and family to at least get some dumplings and a fortune cookie or they’ll be pissed,” said Riri jokingly as Grega smiled from ear to ear and thought how cute she was being and that he loved her.

“Riri, I am rich, I am so fucking rich I can buy every person you’ve ever met…piles of fortune cookies and dumplings 2 miles high. And we’ll drink more barrels of Saki than you can handle. I’ll have to bring a sack to carry you home in you’ll be so drunk. And your family will be eating caviar in golden wrapping all night long baby,” said Grega sarcastically as Riri laughed and slapped Grega’s chest softly.

Grega felt the best he ever had in his whole life.

In walked Rea Woo and Gamgo Lurt carrying a silver foldout table. They set the table down in front of Grega and then Rea took off his navy blue backpack and smiled at Grega. Rea and Gamgo bowed to him, while Grega was a little taken aback and wished they hadn’t come in just then. That way he could’ve have made love to Riri again. He felt like punching Rea good and hard in the face for this and for the blows he took earlier, but he nodded and forced a grin.

“Grega, I see you have found love with Riri,” said Rea as he rubbed his chin.

“Yes I love her.”

“I can tell from each of your eyes. I had hoped to find you like this and it fills me with joy because of it. This man beside me is Gamgo Lurt, our holy leader and great force of God. I feel the two of you should spend much time speaking as it would benefit both of you. Please embrace and start your friendship,” said Rea coyly as he knew that he was only buttering Grega up for what he was about to do.

Gamgo Lurt stands 5’7” and weighs 193 pounds of solid muscle. With wide square powerful shoulders and back, as well as huge biceps and square knuckles on his large hands. His right forearm is the same size as his bicep and can deliver the” Skull Shatter” punch as it is called (as he has killed 50 men and one woman with it). He has a large bulbous arching nose with the words,” Deliver me the glory of now,” written in a small circle on one side of his nose in tiny red letters. On the other side it reads,” Wrath is a virtue,” written in the shape of a tiny triangle. He has the Blut’s bluish skin, but one of his eyes glows emerald green and the other red. He has an emerald green and yellow dragon eating a dozen men design silk kimono on. He also has on a pair of black leather biker boots with the phrase,” I plan on killing your

ass even after we’re dead. So feel free to die anytime,” burned into the leather on his right boot. He has a white canvas bag in his hands.

“Hi, Grega, Rea tells me you have a crazy heart. Is this true?” asked Gamgo slyly as he shook Grega’s hand and caught Grega only slightly off guard.

Grega smiled strongly and shook his hand quickly. He thought what a fuckin’ asshole Gamgo is for saying that to him and he outta punch him hard in the mouth for that slight.

“No more than the next guy. How ‘bout you, you got yourself a crazy heart or just stir crazy?” asked Grega jokingly as he grinned and Gamgo nodded and said nothing. This caused Grega to want to punch him even harder and push him down a flight of stairs he felt so embarrassed in front of Riri.

Riri could see that Gamgo had gotten the best of Grega and she calmly wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into his throne.

“Ok, Grega, since you are one of us, why not become one of us? Go ahead and give me your arm please and do not fight. I’ll never hurt you again as long as I live, ok?” asked Rea as he pulled out a long red gun filled with Aquasid. It had a trio of needles and a small flame inside and he walked over to Grega (who was not sure what to think).

Aquasid is a liquid made from dead Blut’s DNA that has the ability to turn a regular person into a Blut by reconfiguring their individual DNA. Then their skin becomes bluish and their eyes glow red for the rest of their lives. For the first 2 weeks they have almost living dreams where they can’t tell what’s real and what isn’t. This causes them to be fearful of sleep at first, but soon they start to look forward to it. They also find their taste buds have become more sensitive and every food tastes more flavorful. Even their sexual appetites become ravenous and they can’t get enough. Their muscle mass and their quick tissue muscle fibers also double giving them unbelievable athletic abilities.

Grega looked at Rea and knew he means business. Then he looked at Riri and she nodded and then Grega said calmly,” Alright, I’m up for anything. The more the merrier I say jab me.”

Rea smiled as Grega offered him his left arm. Rea jabbed the Aquasid into his arm in a rapid motion.

Grega started slowly turning his head from side to side and letting out groans. This as thoughts raced through his head from when Bob Gilly punched him in the mouth for no reason. Also to the time Amy Appledu kissed his penis and blew on it for 15 minutes because she didn’t know how to give a blowjob.

Grega jumped up and let out a howl like a wolf and raced around the room. Then suddenly his eyes started glowing red and he blinked at lightning speed. He was scared by the light so close to his eye as it felt like that to him.

“I don’t know what this is, but I fuckin’ like it and how! Woo baby this is hot, hot, hot,” said Grega excitedly as he ran around the room. And then in a flash the bluish tint shot out from his injected arm and raced across his chest and down his stomach.

The bluish tint shot up to his face and down to his legs. Grega started jumping up and down and dancing like a gypsy, as he smiled from ear to ear and everyone laughed hysterically. Grega did a twisting flip and Rea laughed at him while Riri thought it was sexy.

“Are you gonna dance forever my sweet, Grega Man?” asked Riri as she laughed and Grega started doing pushups where he threw his body 3 feet off the ground with each pushup. He continued laughing while he thought he’d never felt so alive.

“Love of my Life, I’m gonna be dancin’ for the rest of my days. If that’s what it takes to make you happy. Or until you come over here and give me a big smooch on the lips. What do you say?” asked Grega playfully as he threw himself straight up to a standing position and started doing a funky one legged dance.

Riri ran over to him and jumped up into his arms as she giggled. Then they started kissing.

Meanwhile Pat, Amo, Den, and Rosemary were speeding over to the Friends Again Club

They were all terrified for Grega. They were all sitting in the command center.

“OK look, all is not lost Grega will be found and brought home in one piece. You have to remember he’s a survivor and he has gotten out of tougher jams. Can somebody say something I’m tired of the silence?” asked Pat anxiously as he flew the ship through a dozen statues of Rasvor Mowort (which stood over 100 stories high and showed his muscle bound physique).

Rasvor Mowort is the theorist behind the Torntemp project, which was an experiment that used a super DNA steroid (as well as brain cell cleanser) that was said to prolong life and increase IQ The experiment took 20,000 people including Rasvor and they were injected with the combined DNA from a bull and a gorilla as well as a serum into a hole in the skull that was made up of whale sperm and complex microorganisms. Within a week all the test subjects had a 45 point IQ increase as well as being able to continuously lift weights without ever getting tired. This caused them to have an uncontrollable euphoric feeling all day long.

“Jesus, Pat, we fucked up. Grega’s dead already and we just might as well accept that we killed him.

We goaded him into going and you God dam know it!” said Amo sharply as she shook her head and sat back while covering her eyes with her hands. She missed Grega and knew he was dead as she felt guilty for killing him.

Meanwhile Pat knew she was blaming him for it because she really blamed herself so he didn’t mind.

“Amo, I never killed anyone or anything in my life. Grega and his huge ego threw him into Yayat and I won’t feel bad when it was his fault. I miss my friend, but I won’t take the blame for his fucking bullshit!” shouted Pat as he glared out the window and shook his head, while everyone looked at him in shock. Den smoked a joint and shrugged his shoulders as he knew Pat wasn’t to blame.

“We know, Pat, we know. We’ll do what we can and that will have to be enough,” said Den warmly as they neared the back entrance to the Friends Again Club. Pat pulled hard right and flew into the massive hangar bay for emergencies only.

It had 15 large personal hangar bays that each sat in the hollowed out shell of a 700 foot high animal statue. This with Pat pulling into the lion shaped one that had 3 levels and a deck on the top. The deck had 8 tan leather deck chairs and a green beanbag couch, as well as a holographic TV projector in the center of the room. There were also food dispensers that have everything from picked purple grapes in red plastic bottles, to a hot plate of bean and cheese burritos. The middle level is black and red and has a series of alcoholic beverages and mild stimulants to ease whatever crisis you are experiencing (and they are inside a glass refrigerator shaped like a brown bear on its hind legs). There is also a pair of beds that have black silk sheets and lion shaped pillows, as well as red blankets.

On the walls are holographic pictures the Doramoc’s had filmed of our first moon landing. That signaled their first interest in us and showed Neil Armstrong rubbing his ass. The bottom level has a pair of hot tubs on either side lit up by holographic purple bubbles with baby faces, as well as a massive archway into the building that has the words,” Men don’t write the history books, we’re too busy making history. We’ll leave it to the nerds,” written around the door opening in bold yellow and orange letters.

Pat landed the Reseo and everyone made their way outside where they were met by Jaramie Bone in a tan cotton suit and glowing blue sunglasses, with his hair spiked up and wavy.

“Jaramie, we’re in a bit of some serious shit,” explained Pat as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

“What happened?”

“A friend of ours named Grega has been either killed or taken by the Blut’s. We don’t have any idea how to get him back or even get into their fortress of a city,” said Pat in exasperation as he started to sweat profusely and put his hand to his forehead and looked at Jaramie with concern.

Jaramie grimaced because he knew what a murderous lot the Blut’s were and that it was going to be a major undertaking to get Grega out.

“Let’s head upstairs and have a sit down and talk about this. Boy that is some terrible news, Pat, follow me up,” said Jaramie calmly as he didn’t want to scare Pat but he knew it was bad.

Amo could feel Jaramie’s concern by his body language and knew it was worse than he was letting on.

They walked up the spiral red staircase in the Lion’s leg of the statue up to the 3rd level. No one said a word as they walked, which spoke volumes to Den who was close to snapping.

Rosemary plopped down on the beanbag couch and let out a sigh. Den and everyone grabbed a deck chair surrounding the holographic TV.

“Is there hope, Jaramie, or are we being completely foolish to think that there is?” asked Amo in a concerned voice as she feared there was nothing that could be done and she fought back tears. This while Den was glaring at the ground and punching his palm.

“Well…quite frankly there are not a lot of worse situations for Grega to find himself in, but we have the kind of personnel to stage an insertion. I can get you 15 ex-navy seal’s and we can send ‘em in to do damage to the Blut’s. More importantly if your friend is still alive then we can get him out. That said, how exactly did he end up in Yayat in the first place, was he duped?” asked Jaramie intently as everyone looked at each other nervously as they knew they had goaded him to do it.

“He just wanted to do a scout mission to see if it was safe, ah…actually that’s not right we goaded him into doing it. I wanted to see him choke on his giant ego, and now my friend could be dead or dying.

I’m not proud of this, Jaramie,” said Pat tearfully as he leaned forward and looked at a grimacing Jaramie.

This while everyone looked down at the ground and felt ashamed at what they’d done.

“Pat, I’ve seen worse things done to people than this. So I wouldn’t let it wreck you for long. What I was going to tell you before you told me this was that a Friends Again member has to be with the insertion team to coordinate the attack. They also have to be the one to call the shots. That person was going to be me, but in light of what you’ve told me, and how important this is to you, I think it should be you, Pat. Thus is your friend, go and get him back alive!” said Jaramie boldly as he secretly wanted to avoid having to go on the mission because he was the club president and hoped Pat hadn’t read the club handbook. This way it made it seem like it was Pat’s responsibility so Jaramie could avoid dying in Yayat.

Pat quickly dropped his jaw and was in shock that he had to go and wondered if Jaramie was trying something.

“You should go, Pat, Grega needs you. And well, I’d appreciate it because a friend needs a friend,”

said Den coyly as he wanted Pat to go because he was pissed Pat wasn’t the one to go in the first place.

This while Pat’s eyes grew wide when Den said this and Pat started to think he was going to die like Grega did. His thoughts raced as he tried to think of a way to shirk his responsibility and he thought fuck Grega didn’t like him anyway.

“I don’t know if I can do it. Quite frankly I have no training for combat missions. Jaramie, you’re better suited for something like this, don’t ya think?” asked Pat coyly as he prayed Jaramie would go on the mission. Pat knew that he would be killed if he did.

Jaramie instantly felt panic because he knew what a shit storm Yayat was and that he could easily die if he went.

“I don’t, honestly know one person who is better suited for something like this. Don’t worry, Pat, you can handle this easily. Christ many members have had indiscretions like this and pulled through without a seconds pause. Why don’t I go ahead and get your team members here for ya ok?” asked Jaramie warmly and coyly as he hoped Pat would relent and not notice how heavy he was breathing.

“Ah, I guess…I mean that’s fine. I just would have thought the club president would have been the one to handle things like this,” said Pat coyly as his eyes welled up and he looked intently at Jaramie.

Jaramie looked back at him wide eyed knowing Pat was playing dirty pool.

“Normally I would, but I can tell your friend means a lot to you. So you’re going and you’ll thank me one day,” said Jaramie coyly in a stern voice as he put his finger to his cranial input above his temple and then said sternly,” I need our best navy seals to meet me at the Lion’s head immediately! And I want the crow’s belly at the emergency hangar bay, and right now, Larry!”

“We appreciate this, Jaramie, it does matter to us that you’d help. I want to give you a hug,” said Rosemary apologetically as she stood up and walked up to Jaramie and gave him a soft hug and a kiss on the lips.

Meanwhile Pat thought boy am I fucked this is really happening. Jaramie looked at Rosemary for a minute and realized he was getting an erection. He looked down at his half hard penis and made a facial gesture like it wasn’t bad. Rosemary grabbed it and giggled.

“Alright, Pat, I need a moment with you before you go,” said Amo as she stood up and Pat followed.

They walked down to the far end of the deck 60 feet away from everyone and then Amo said in a concerned voice,” Pat, don’t do anything heroic for Grega’s sake. If you’re in danger run for your life.

The cemetery’s filled with heroes, but the truly brave die of old age. I can’t go on without…I won’t.”

Pat put his arms around Amo as she sobbed. He knew his life would soon be in jeopardy.

“Amo, queen of everything good, I’m not gonna die for Grega’s stupidity. And that said, these legs were made for running. And that’s just what they’ll do. One of these days these legs are gonna run on home to you. And these aren’t soft baby’s legs, NO…man sized legs that can kick and plummet and break. Does that put your mind at ease?” asked Pat sarcastically as he grinned and Amo grinned at him and hit his chest softly.

“I know you’re not an idiot. Alright, Pat, I’ll save your piece of humble pie and crow spaghetti for when you get back. Just like you like it, dusty and spit covered,” said Amo sarcastically as she pinched Pat’s sides and he let out a yell while over came Jaramie.

“It’s time to go, Pat, this is a time sensitive matter. The Crow’s Belly is here, look” said Jaramie calmly as he pointed to the Crow’s Belly that was shaped like a square ram.

It has the light brown horns of a Ram that are 100 feet high. It also has the design of a tilted metal toolbox. There are 2 purple orbs floating out to the sides of it giving it the ability to knock out electrical devices and even cloak the ship for short periods of time. It also has a 20 foot fist shaped laser machine gun that can fire over 2,000 rounds in 2 seconds and is yellow and black.

There are Yipis on top of it and they are crow shaped drone ships that can be controlled from the command center. They are equipped with 450 kiloton bombs and invisibility rays that can look through any wall that isn’t lead. They can do this as long as they are pointed at them and the information is relayed back to the command center in real time. There are 2 hangar bays on the left side where the escape Harley Davidson 5900 anti-gravity motorcycles can launch from in a moment’s notice. There are dozens of tinted yellow and green windows along the front and sides of the ship. There are some that are escape pods that will drop over the side and inflate balloons around them (this gives you the ability to bounce and land safely on the ground).

Pat and his 15 Navy Seals were in their emerald green and orange Forgu Buttero design uniforms. It showed Forgu glaring into the sun and as they entered the ship.

Forgu Buttero was the last American General to launch a military campaign against the Doramocs.

He did this with a ragtag group of 55 ordinary soldiers and a badly ravaged Navy battleship. He stole the battleship from the Doramoc stronghold in Florida only a month after the Doramocs had taken over.

Forgu then proceeded to fire off the ship’s shell canons into a host of Doramoc battleships in the nearby sky. He hit 4 and was rewarded for his efforts by getting blown to pieces by a Star canon. The Star canon

could make a ray of 50,000 degree fire with ease. It turned Forgu and his troops to ash, but not before one of them escaped by jumping overboard.

Inside the command center there are 15 emerald green individual gunner’s stations. Each can rifle through any part of the outside of the Crow’s Belly and use appropriate weaponry. The gunner’s stations are aimed in towards a round ball that is 20 feet in diameter and can hold holographic images and computer screens. Around the outside of the room there are floating large of the Friends Again members who’d successfully completed combat missions. It included a 10 foot statue of Jaramie sitting in a throne smoking a pipe with actual marijuana and opium smoke being pumped into the room from the statue.

The floors have the words,” When I find my Kelly, kind and unrelenting, that’s when I’ll find you, deep in your stew, unaware that a real man ever existed. That’s when I’ll smile a good long while and remember the times you resisted, Bitch,” as well as the words,” Try out a laugh when life needs crying. A hug when a blow is how it feels. If you want to know how God reacts and inhabits the space around him.

This is the only way, and you should have known it all along,” written in gold leaf and burgundy letters around the floor.

“Everyone take a seat and let’s get to the entry point. Remember this man’s my friend and to be cautious when any white man draws near. That said force will be required and you do what you have to do to keep me safe,” said Pat sternly and jokingly as the Navy Seals laughed and took their seats. Pat took a look out at Amo and wondered if he’d ever see her again and just then she waved.

“When we arrive, Pat, I’ll be your second in command, as well as at your side in case anything goes awry. Now, your friend’s name is Grega, if he is nonresponsive to that what should we call him?” asked Captain Irgam Shoult sternly as he sat back and checked his seatbelt.

Irgam Shoult has hair of gold that goes to his shoulders with a noticeable shine. His eyes are crystal blue and very warm, as well as his nose is very large and almost perfectly straight. He has large stern lips and is unmistakably handsome with tan skin. He stands 6’3” and weighs 249 pounds of chiseled muscle

and is of Italian decent as well as Latino. He has on the same uniform as the other Seals with black boots and only the words,” Withstand hell and know the glory of an unrelenting fist,” sewn onto his chest in red letters with an eagle and saber behind the letters.

“Dead, Grega never called himself any nicknames, Irgam. If you just remember how I told you he looked and be prepared to see this person in the flesh, you’ll be fine,” said Pat sternly as he flew the Crow’s Belly up and out of the hangar. He let out a loud sigh as it dawned on him he could see his friend again and he could be dead. He knew how that would devastate Rosemary and Den.

“We’ll find this Grega, Pat, I have no doubt of this. The only question is the cost. The Bluts you see are well conditioned warriors who smoke a lot of opium. This causes their pain threshold to be a lot higher and makes fighting them a large task. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, just aim for the eyes and catch ‘em by surprise. Don’t worry about a thing,” said Irgam reassuringly as he opened a Bud Light plastic bottle and downed it.

Pat just nodded and grimaced as he drove through an intersection of black floating Rhino statues.

Meanwhile at Yayat

Rea, Riri, and Gamgo had a party set up for Grega, all this while they put him in formal Samurai dress inside The Hall of Mirrored Things. It sits on the 12th floor and is half inside and half outside. The outside area is a 150 yard long field and garden that has statues made of different grasses, flowers, and rare green and purple bushes. They even have one of Rea as well as Gamgo perched atop a gentle sloping green grass hill. There is also a pair of coy ponds set up with brown leather recliners around them that have dragons worked into the leather. There is Opium smoke coming out of various vents in the grass to keep everyone as happy as could be. There are also several plush couches set onto tiny hills that have holographic TV’s in front of them which also have the ability to play video games. There are holographic

multi-colored glowing birds flying and walking around outside that the Bluts used to calm their inner minds.

Inside the room it has dozens of mirror covered chairs that include a gargoyle and vampire shaped bed and couch respectively. They sit at opposite sides of the room and there is also a wall covered in golden mirrors on the right and left with stained glass doors cut into them that are oval shaped. They have the words,” I’m not your sister, she’s the one pulling the cart,” as well as on the other door,” Why would I cry, I’m only an onion salesman who’s wife up and left. No I think I’ll just chop some onions and be done with it,” written in and around the images of Chinese soldiers. There is also a triangular refrigerator in the center of the room filled with Natural Light, hamburgers, and deserts, with a microwave on the side of it.

Grega is out in the garden as Riri puts on his blue Samurai helmet and giggles because Grega looks just like one of them.

“What’s so funny did I wet myself without knowing it? Because I do that a lot I should just warn ya,” asked Grega sarcastically as he grinned and Riri laughed.

Meanwhile Rea and Gamgo sat on a couch on the side of a hill eating egg pies and laughing at Grega boisterously.

“No my love, I am only laughing because of how much you look like one of us now. And as far as I can tell you are still dry,” said Riri jokingly then Grega and Riri laughed. Grega took in another breath of the opium and smiled as he knew he felt great.

“Well I don’t have to be. I could start peein’ right now and have this garden really growing before you could say fertilizer,” said Grega jokingly as he grinned. Riri straightened out his chest protector and laughed. Riri kissed Grega and walked him over to Rea and Gamgo as he grabbed her butt.

“Grega Man, you are the best looking warrior alive. And you’re all mine. Are you excited for the ceremony?” asked Riri playfully as she rubbed Grega’s crotch and he laughed and gave her a stern look.

He did this while he thought about fucking her after the ceremony.

“I’m excited for you, my Asian flower. We are gonna do things, you have never seen. I’m talkin’

wild and rough. Just like you like it hmm,” said Grega sternly as he grabbed Riri’s ass and then they kissed as Rea and Gamgo clapped.

“Grega, are you having the time of your life? Because these are the days,” asked Rea brightly as Grega looked over at him and grinned as knew he was.

“Rea, no one is having more fun or a better life than I am. Or quite frankly Blutkind is. If my sucker friends knew what else the world had to offer, they’d be here right now. I want to thank, Rea, and you, Gamgo, and of course my Riri, for taking me in and showing me my destiny. Thank you sincerely,” said Grega warmly as he bowed to Rea and Gamgo and smiled at Riri who smiled back. Riri thought how great Grega was.

“I am glad to hear this. It is God who throws people together. It is only we, who think it was our choosing. Why don’t we go in and see what the future holds for you, Grega Man,” said Rea slyly and coyly as he knew that Grega was going to be branded and tattooed on his back and forearm at the ceremony, as well as he’d have to fight a Blut to be considered one of them. Rea wasn’t going to tell Grega until it was too late.

Meanwhile Grega was thinking it’d be a large party with beer, food, and drugs. They’d sing songs and dance and then maybe have strippers so he was overjoyed as he grinned at Riri.

They started walking in and Grega kissed Riri and laughed. Grega yelled,” I feel fucking great!”

“You make me feel great, Grega Man! I want Grega babies to dig me a flower garden!” yelled Riri as they walked through the Hall of Mirrored Things and towards the stained glass door on the left.

They walked up to the door and Gamgo opened it and Grega walked in. Grega saw a vast hall that has white marble elephant shaped pillars with emerald eyes and golden saddles every 20 feet for the whole 5,000 feet. There were also thousands of red marble dragons with large dark brown cushioned couches cut into them in a circle around a sunken tan cushioned pit.

There were a million Bluts sitting around the pit both young and old. They have on elaborate masks of ancient warriors and beasts covering their faces, as well as brightly colored ceremonial robes on their bodies. There are monkeys handing out candy and beef sticks from the host of Blut chefs set up around the room. The ceiling is only open air two rows back from the pit and into the center of the pit a gentle fog is filling the people’s eyes closest to the pit. There is also the smell of opium in the room and a holographic green dragon is prowling the pit to entertain the audience. This is happening while a trio of guitar players and pianists play jovial high energy music. There is also a host of flowers shipped over from mainland China that are of every color you would want and they are in and around everyone.

There is also a holographic red rock and sunset canyon off to the right of the pit and it has a trio of blue Samurai as well as a tattoo artist standing there in a white robe and skull mask.

“What do you think, Grega Man, does this look like a good place to be reborn?” asked Riri warmly as they waded through the crowd. The crowd instantly moved smoothly to either side as they approached and then quickly back to where they were as Grega passed. Grega’s eyes lit up at the sight of it all.

“It’s the only place, wow we are gonna have some fun. Why don’t we grab a seat my lovely, Riri?”

asked Grega happily as he looked around and Riri shook her head no. Grega asked anxiously,” We’re not gonna stand the whole time I hope?”

“This way, Grega Man, there is much to learn,” said Rea coyly as he took Grega’s arm. Riri smiled at Grega and sat down on a couch in front of the pit. Grega let out a sigh and started to worry as he looked around at all the stolid faces. Grega saw the 3 Samurai as well as the tattoo artist and his tools and he knew he was fucked.

“I thought you weren’t ever gonna hurt me again, Rea?” asked Grega nervously as he walked with Rea and looked sheepishly over at him. Rea glared back at him and continued into the pit. Rea had no sympathy for Grega because all Blut’s had gone through the same ordeal.

“This is the ways of our world, Grega. They will not bend or change because you are skittish! You will receive a tattoo that embodies our beliefs. And you will be branded a Blut with a red hot branding iron! Then you will fight a Samurai until one of you is bloodied and broken. This is what we all went through, Grega, no exceptions! Now give him your arm!” said Rea fiercely as he glared at Grega who was looking around the room for a way out. Grega hated body art and had no desire to be branded, but there was no way out as the Blut’s were everywhere he looked.

“Fine, fuck it I guess I’m just gonna have to go through another truck load of embarrassment. Just another day for Grega and another group of bastard friends to deal with,” said Grega sternly as he pulled up his sleeve and the tattoo artist quickly grabbed Grega’s wrist and started tattooing the words,”

Together is what we were born. Forever is what we’ll share. Destruction is what we’ll bring, if to one of our kind is death you bring. And while the sun fills the fields with life, we are the air and you’re sharing our life. Blut now Blut in terror,” in a circle with a half dragon half lion creature in the center as Grega winced as he’d never felt so suckered in all his life.

Grega looked over at Riri and she smoked an opium pipe and nodded to him as she mouthed the words,” It’s ok my love.”

“The first part has concluded. Now you will get the mark of Blut and there will be only one more to go before your Abahi,” said Rea happily as he was impressed that Grega hadn’t cried or teared up during the tattoo as many Blut have.

Meanwhile Grega looked down at his tattoo and thought it looked cool, but now he was just like all those freaks he hated to see on the side of the road in the cities, their bodies covered in tattoos. Grega

scowled at the tattoo artist, but then he realized Rea had said something about an Abahi and he started to panic.

“What the fuck is an Abahi?” asked Grega sharply but Rea only grinned. Two of the Samurai walked over to Grega and grabbed hold of each of his arms and Grega shouted,” Hey what the fuck, I’ll do it don’t force me!”

Abahi is the inaugural first kill of a man or woman Blut after the ceremony’s end. It involves finding a person from your past who’s wronged you and putting them to death by physically beating them to death. The Bluts feel it’s important to have the total confidence and satisfaction of such a thing to move forward as a member.

They pulled the pants of Grega’s Samurai suit down and the tattoo artist brought the red hot branding iron over to Grega who looked cow eyed at it.

“Hey what are you doing back there for fuck’s sake?! It had better be quick or I’m gonna lose it!”

shouted Grega angrily as he tried to get away but realized there was no way. He stopped fighting it then the branding iron burned the words,” Try escaping the world. Then you’ll realize the futility of struggle, we’re everywhere,” and the picture of a globe filled with people holding swords onto Grega’s right butt cheek. Grega fought back a scream and then Grega said fiercely,” I’m gonna fuckin’ kill somebody for that! Are you done motherfucker?” asked Grega sharply as they pulled up his pants. The Samurai then let go of his arms and hurried out of the pit. The tattoo artist stayed and was given a long black rubber bat.

Then Grega was given the same bat Rea had first hit him with.

“It’s time to become a man. That man over there is the one who desecrated your flesh. He is the object of your hatred, Grega. Let him feel your vengeance and know your wrath!” thundered Rea as he shook Grega.

Grega looked at Rea as he had his Samurai suit removed leaving only an emerald green lightning bolt design shirt and skin tight pants. Grega’s feet were bare and sweaty. The tattoo artist removed all of his armor, but left on the skull mask (he was named Pucu).

Grega looked at Pucu fiercely and wanted to do serious damage to him. Grega raced at Pucu and rained down a blow with his bat hitting Pucu across his mouth. This sent Pucu reeling backwards and the crowd cheered loudly. Then the two combatants were doused in a blue powder and a Swirlkin fan turned on in the floor. It caused a mini tornado to rise up and create a blue swirl around the two men. This caused Grega to pause only momentarily and allow Pucu to get to his feet. This as a deluge of holographic pandas filled the pit and the Blut’s cheered.

“All the tricks in the world aren’t gonna save your ass! C’mere!” shouted Grega then he darted at Pucu and grabbed him by the shirt and bashed him in the mask. It shattered on impact revealing a woman’s face, but Grega thought it was a trick.

Grega got hit in the eye by Pucu’s bat and he saw a flash of light and fell backwards. This infuriated Grega and he started glaring at Pucu. Grega launched at her with an unbridled anger and bashed her in the throat with his bat. She clutched her throat and gasped for air. Grega rained down blow after blow hitting her in the nose, eye, and forehead and knocking her unconscious. Then Grega jumped on top of her and started repeatedly punching her. This as blood splattered up in the air, but just then he was pulled off by a dozen Samurai even though he continued fighting tooth and nail.

“I’ll fucking kill you for what you did to me! Let me go you bastards!” shouted Grega before he was given mild sedation.

Rea and Gamgo hurried over to Pucu’s side and started checking her out with a Blut doctor named Putton.

Putton checked all her vital signs and determined she was fine except for a concussion, a chipped tooth and some large cuts and bruises. Meanwhile Grega was cleaned off by a trio of women that included Riri. They wiped off the blue powder and put his Samurai suit back on as Grega looked at Pucu in shock at what he had done.

“Is he alright, Riri?” asked Grega calmly as he breathed heavily and Riri put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him.

“She is alright, Grega, this is our way. Now you get to be enshrined in the Blut civilization. Just wait

‘til you see what happens next, hmm hmm,” said Riri happily as she grinned mischievously at Grega.

He wasn’t exactly thrilled with any more surprises and grimaced at the thought of it. This as he looked over at Rea who was smiling and walking towards him, Grega’s heart sank.

“Grega Man, welcome to the Yayat brotherhood. You are now a Blu…,” said Rea before he looked up and saw Pat in the Crow’s Belly circling above. He wasn’t sure what it was and Rea thought it could be the police.

Pat and the Navy Seals used the escape pods in the windows and a pair of Harley Davidson 5900’s to ride down through the hole in the ceiling and into the room. This created chaos as the Bluts started running for cover, but there was hardly any room to move. They were trampling one another in the shock of it. Pat drove down in on one of the Harley’s and started frantically looking for Grega.

Grega meanwhile was still groggy from the sedative he’d been given and wasn’t sure what was happening. Grega just grimaced and looked at the Seals calmly. Pat raced around the room and saw a Blut reaching for his leg so he kicked him square in the nose and broke it into 2 pieces.

“God dam it where are you!” said Pat sternly as he raced around, but then he realized they were all so similar he might have to yell because they could have Grega in disguise. He turned the Harley to the left and stopped and shouted,” Grega, Grega, where are you! Grega, where are you can you see me!”

“Come with me, Grega, hurry!” pleaded Riri as she tugged on Grega’s arm and he felt he should stand for a second because he was woozy. He grabbed her hand and shook his head no.

“I can’t take it, Grega, where the fuck are you, Grega?!” screamed Pat frantically as he rode slowly above the heads of the Blut’s.

Grega started to perk up as he thought he heard something. The fresh air was waking Grega up. Pat was about to give up so he screamed at the top of his lungs,” GREGA, GREGA, GREGA, MY

BROTHER, GREGA, where are you, GREGA!!!”

Grega recognized the voice and his eyes darted around the room and he said softly,” My Patty, where is my Patty? Where’s my Pat?” asked Grega softly as he teared up and looked at all the Navy Seals.

This while Pat trolled away from him on the Harley, but then stopped and turned and Grega saw Pat’s face 40 yards away and Grega said painfully,” Patty, Pat, I’m over here, Pat! I’m right over here!”

said Grega as his voice cracked and he started running clumsily towards Pat and waving his arms. The tears were racing down his face as Pat drove away.

“Where are you?” asked Pat angrily as his eyes darted from Blut to Blut

“Help, Pat, please…help me,” whispered Grega as he almost fell over from the opium in his system.

Pat drove along seeing no sign of Grega as he decided he’d have to leave and come back some other time as the crowd was getting weapons. A bullet whizzed by Pat’s head and he ducked and let out a sigh.

That was it he thought I’ll just have to leave him.

“PAT!!” screamed Grega as his voice gave out. He flailed his arms and fell to one knee. His thoughts were racing and he was fading in and out of consciousness.

Pat decided to give up and regroup. The seals started to race for the ship as bullets flew in every direction. Pat looked around and then started for the ship. He suddenly saw a burst of light off of Grega’s

necklace. He looked at a mirror on the wall and tried to make out if that was him he saw. Pat turned around and raced towards what he hoped was Grega.

“Pat! Please don’t go and leave me! Please, Pat, Please!!” begged Grega as he could barely see through the tears.

Just then Pat turned and saw him. Pat’s eyes opened wide and he started speeding towards Grega as the Bluts cleared the room.

Rea saw that Pat was heading for Grega and this caused him to start fighting his way through the sea of people to get to Grega first. That way none of their secrets would be known and he had the intention of killing Grega.

Pat raced up over one of the marble elephants and was weeping as he neared Grega and saw the atrocious shape he was in.

“Oh my God, Grega, what did they do to you?” asked Pat tearfully as he rode up next to Grega who instantly embraced Pat’s leg and started sobbing. Rea was nearing Pat and Grega and had pulled out a long silver and red knife.

Rea was just about to get to Pat and Grega and stab Grega when Pat saw him and held onto Grega with one hand and hit the accelerator with his foot. The Harley shot forward away from Rea, but Pat could barely hold onto Grega.

“I need you to climb on, Grega! It’s not safe yet!” shouted Pat as he tried to fly away with Grega barely in his grasp. Grega grinned vacantly up at him and thought Pat was an angel.

“I can’t, Pat, I’m too weak. Just do your best for me, Patty,” said Grega softly and drunkenly as he stared up at Pat.

Pat didn’t know what to think as he looked and saw Rea about to hurl his knife at Grega. Pat pulled back on the steering wheel and floored it, while he held Grega around his back.

Rea threw the knife, but it barely missed Grega’s head as he leaned forward at the last second. It sailed into Putton hitting him in the back of the head and killing him.

“Just a bit farther, Grega, and we’ll be safe, hold on for me,” said Pat softly and tearfully as he held onto Grega for dear life. They flew up through the hole in the ceiling and towards the Crow’s Belly. This while Grega thought he was in a dream as the sun was starting to set and he kept looking warmly at Pat with tears in his eyes.

Pat rode into the hangar bay on the Crow’s Belly and skidded to a stop as he let go of Grega and Grega landed softly on the floor. Pat jumped off the Harley and raced over to Grega and said sternly,” We need to get out of here, Grega, and I mean now! Can you walk?” asked Pat as he looked at Grega who reached out and hugged him tightly as Pat fought back tears. “You saved me, Pat, you saved me. I was put through hell in there. But my, Patty, saved me again,” said Grega softly as he clutched Pat. Then 8 of the Navy Seals-including Irgam-rode in startling Pat and Grega with Grega looking at them wide eyed and screaming,” Don’t take me back! Don’t let ‘em, Pat, please!”

“It’s alright, it’s alright, Grega, these are our friends now,” said Pat reassuringly as he hugged Grega and then said firmly,” get us out of here, Irgam, the rest of the Seals will have to fend for themselves I’m sorry.”

“They’re already dead, Pat. I’ll get us out of here in 30 seconds, maybe 10,” said Irgam then he raced to the command center.

Meanwhile Rea and Gamgo were getting their surface to air missile launchers ready to blow the Crow’s Belly out of the sky, all in an effort to protect their Blut secrets.

“Thanks, Irgam, are you alright, Grega? Are you hurt at all?” asked Pat in a concerned voice as he looked down at Grega’s bluish skin and glowing vacant red eyes and wished the old Grega was looking up at him. Even though he didn’t want to scare Grega about the way he looked so Pat didn’t let on that Grega’s appearance was that bad. This while Grega grinned up at Pat and nodded softly as he felt so good he couldn’t say it in words.

“I’m in heaven, Pat, heaven now. I feel a bit drowsy and would like to lie down, but not yet. I want to thank you, Pat, this is more than any person ever did for me. They scared me, Pat, I have tattoos and a scar on my ass, but I don’t care right now, because I’m free. I want to see Den, Amo, and Rosemary I miss ‘em,” said Grega tearfully as he looked up at Pat who had it just dawn on him that they’d be just as shocked at seeing Grega if not more. This told Pat it might hurt Grega’s feelings tremendously.

“We’ll see ‘em, Buddy, and we’ll see ‘em real soon. Let’s get ya into bed and get you something to eat. Don’t worry about those scars, everybody has ‘em,” said Pat coyly as he knew it was gonna bother Grega once he reflected on what had happened and cause him to be furious.

Meanwhile he helped Grega up to his feet and the Crow’s Belly started to move forward. Just then Rea raced to the opening in the ceiling and aimed his missile at the ship, but as he did Irgam hit full acceleration and the Crow’s Belly took off before he could get a clean shot.

Pat brought Grega into a guest bedroom and he fell asleep within a minute of lying down. Pat looked at Grega as he put another blanket over him and wished he could have not goaded him into going, but was thankful to have his friend back regardless. Pat saw it as another grim reminder of how terrible people can be.

Rea and Gamgo sat in black chairs in front of the Blut congregation and then Rea said loudly,” We were violated today and betrayed by one of our own. We took Grega into our home and showed him our ways, but he spit in our FACES! We will not allow this destruction of our way of life to go any further.

When Grega, or any of his friends, who we have pictures of in our security cameras memory banks, are

seen in New York or the surrounding areas…they will be killed on sight with no reservations or hesitation. We are a race of warriors and the pure of heart. Our minds have many times been corrupted, but not again, and not by one of own. Riri, I’d like you to tell us where Grega is from, where he lived, and anything you know about him and write it all down. Then we’ll go find our new friend and cut his pretty blue balls off, as well as his head ok,” said Rea calmly as he grinned confidently and uncrossed his legs.

This while everyone laughed and Riri was handed a notebook and a black pen. She started writing down all the information Grega had told her.

“Do you think he’ll flee town before we can catch him, Rea?” asked Gamgo intently as he sucked on an opium pipe and scratched his chin.

Rea smiled to himself as he was thinking of the moment he’d kill Grega and end his betrayal of the Blut’s.

“I hope so, there just aren’t that many Bluts out there in the world, it would make him easy to find.

With skin like ours his only way to survive is here, but that’s no longer an option,” said Rea coldly as he laughed and Gamgo looked at him quizzically and wasn’t sure if he’d gone mad.

“What are you laughing at, Rea?” asked Gamgo as he looked at Rea who only grinned back at him and pointed to Riri. She handed him Grega’s wallet.

“I have who he is, where he lives, and everywhere he’s been right here. Finding him is the least of our worries,” said Rea as he opened Grega’s wallet and started looking for his license and Social security card and he found both and chuckled.

“What is?” asked Gamgo happily as he folded his arms and sat back.

Meanwhile Riri laughed as she knew Grega would be found easily.

“Spending his money of course,” replied Rea as he lifted the wallet high. “His bank account numbers are in here as well. Oh what a fool this Grega is, so careless and soon to be bait,” said Rea snidely then he burst into a belly laugh while Riri and Gamgo looked on and smiled.

Meanwhile on the Crow’s Belly

They were racing across town and using the expressway heading for the Friends Again Club. Pat was sitting in the command center looking out the window as he kept thinking about how wrecked Grega was.

Pat knew his ego would never be able to handle his new appearance. He started to worry Amo would lose it if she saw him.

“Pat, we’re at the emergency entrance to the Friends Again Club do you want to wake your friend?”

asked Irgam timidly as he looked over at Pat who slowly looked over at him.

“Grega, his name is Grega and we should just let him sleep…actually let me think about this. I’ll go check in on him and see how he’s doing,” said Pat as he stood up and started out of the room.

Pat went into the darkened bedroom where Grega was and saw his glowing red eyes and was startled for a brief moment. Then he slowly brought up the lights in the room by turning a dial beside the doorway. He could see Grega sound asleep with a smile on his face as he was breathing deeply. Pat grinned and slowly turned the lights back off. He walked back out to the command center as the Crow’s Belly was landing in the Lion’s head bay.

Rosemary, Den, Amo, and Jaramie were waiting anxiously on the top level as the ship pulled in.

They sat on the couch and Den sat in a recliner.

“They’re back, let’s go see how it worked out,” said Jaramie calmly as he stood up as did Den, Amo, and Rosemary. They walked to the railing to see Pat and the Seals just coming out of the Crow’s Belly.

This while Rosemary could tell by Pat’s demeanor something had happened and she swallowed hard.

“Is he alright, Pat, is he alive, what?” asked Rosemary anxiously as Pat walked up the stairs. She started ringing her hands as Den was nervous.

“We got him, he’s alive and in one piece, but he’s been through a lot and has sustained some permanent injuries,” said Pat coyly as he didn’t know how to broach the subject and tell them the truth.

This as he walked over and sat down in a chair as everyone stood in front of him.

“What sort of injuries, not brain damage?” asked Den angrily as he eyed Pat who was looking at Den and grimacing at what he had to say about Grega.

Then Grega yelled,” Hey, Rosemary, Den, I’m safe look!”

Everyone’s eyes darted to the Crow’s Belly. They saw a smiling Grega waving to them and Rosemary’s jaw dropped as she felt sick to her stomach.

“I’m going to kill those Bluts. Every last one,” said Den angrily as he clenched his fist and Rosemary waved nervously to Grega. This as he ran up the stairs and Jaramie looked at Pat and grimaced. Jaramie nodded as he knew what had happened.

“Hey, Grega, my love of all loves! How are you?” asked Amo coyly as she hugged Grega and fought back tears as she felt responsible.

Meanwhile Grega was overjoyed to see her and his friends as he smiled as wide as he could. This while everyone rushed over and gave him a group hug.

“I’m so happy now I can’t tell you. I was in the belly of the beast. And now I’m home. I love you all so much,” said Grega warmly as he sobbed and hugged everyone tightly. Grega whispered,” I’m sorry about my appearance, but those fucker Bluts drugged me and forced me to do things I never would have done.”

“You don’t have to worry, Grega, you look handsome as ever. Don’t worry about your looks you have a beautiful soul,” said Rosemary warmly as she wiped the tears from Grega’s face. Grega knew she was just trying to make him feel better, while Amo felt incredibly guilty.

“It’s alright everyone, I’ll get used to it. Boy I’d love to sit down and get a steak if that’s possible?”

asked Grega coyly as he just hoped to change the subject, but was a little hungry.

“You got it, Grega, I’ll have a steak and whipped sweet potatoes with country gravy up here in 10

minutes. And the chairs are over there. We’ll take care of ya, don’t worry,” said Jaramie warmly as he nodded and then hurried down the stairs.

Grega walked over and sat down on the beanbag couch and let out a sigh.

“Jesus fucking Christ that was a fucking ordeal,” said Grega angrily as he hit his leg. “Those fucking Bluts and all their bullshit initiation rituals nearly killed me. Christ it’s a wonder that any of them are alive. For one thing I have some Blut words of wisdom on my forearm. And that makes me look like one of those problem kids who live under bridges. Then there’s the fucking branding iron to the ass that I haven’t seen yet, but I know that isn’t good. Jesus, I go over to their floating fucking refugee camp, or liquid Harlem, and find the natives aren’t only RESTLESS! It’s join us and enjoy incredible embarrassment in doing so or we’ll fucking gut you. Man, how are we doin’ on the steak?” asked Grega jokingly in a stern voice as everyone laughed as they were thankful he was at least in part his old self.

“That steak is comin’, we just needed to cook the Blut extra crispy how you like it,” said Den sarcastically as he laughed and Grega did too. This happened while everyone smiled at Grega as he put his hands behind his head and grinned.

“Damn straight, which reminds me I really don’t think those pig fuckers should get away with what they did. I’ve decided just now that I’m gonna use every cent I have to burn that Blut fuckin’ floating garbage can until it’s like Den said, good and crispy. When we get back from Boston and help out Rocka,

I’m gonna set up a plan. Which reminds me, I left my wallet on liquid Harlem, I’m gonna have to freeze those accounts and do it before we go to the Bamram,” said Grega thoughtfully as he looked at his hands and thought the bluish tint wasn’t so bad. Then he looked up and saw everyone looking at him and he asked,” What?”

“You still want to go to Boston?” asked Amo in disbelief as she rubbed Pat’s shoulders and Grega grinned.

“Yeah, fuck yeah I’ve been looking forward to that trip. Shit I haven’t been to Beantown in awhile I can’t wait,” said Grega happily as everyone grinned at him and he rubbed his own belly and thought to himself fuck I want to have some fun you only live once.

“And the Bamram, but you don’t have to go, Grega, that was more my thing than anything. I mean, are you ready?” asked Rosemary in a concerned voice as she tried not to offend Grega as he grinned and shrugged his shoulders. He knew what she was implying that his looks might make him self-conscious, while she secretly was dying to go.

“Rosemary, I’m fuckin’ dyin’ to blow off some steam. And this blue skin isn’t gonna stop me for a second. The question is does anyone have their cell phone so I can freeze my accounts?” asked Grega happily as he knew that he was finally free and wanted to party.

“I’ve got one, here ya go, Grega,” said Pat as he handed Grega a red and black Apple Rex holographic phone. Grega started texting his bank to freeze the accounts and 3 minutes later he had them frozen. All his money was moved to a new set of accounts.

Meanwhile everyone sat quietly and watched him.

“Alright, that’s taken care of. My banker actually said someone tried to liquidate my accounts, but I was saved because I had a contract that stated I would do all such account closings in person, which is nice. They did take out 1.5 million though. Who cares I’m so rich it doesn’t matter!” said Grega boldly as

he laughed and everyone except for Jaramie did as well. Jaramie was setting down Grega’s meal and didn’t laugh instead he looked nervously at Grega who looked back at him quizzically.

“Grega, what was in that wallet of yours? Because if I heard you right they are already attempting revenge against you,” asked Jaramie sternly as he sat down. Grega started to realize that all of his personal information was in his wallet.

“You mean they know where I live?” asked Grega nervously as he sat forward and looked at his steak.

“Worse than that, they’re most likely trying to find you. And the Bluts are a vicious race of people who hold revenge in high esteem. They will kill you, Grega, when they find you. And if they tried to empty your bank accounts, it’s because they’re doing just that. I don’t mean to scare you after what you’ve been through, but we may need to give you an adequate disguise. I’ve got plenty of clothes you can wear to cover most of your skin. As well as a few hats and skin tight cloth sunglasses that look completely natural,” said Jaramie firmly as he looked at a slightly nervous Grega. He watched Grega eat slowly and he knew he was hiding his real feelings about what had happened.

“I’d really appreciate that, Jaramie. How soon can you get me those? And also if it’s possible I’ll take as many shirts, pants, whatever you can spare, because there’s no way I can shop. And…I’ll need a full wardrobe, which I’ll gladly pay you handsomely for,” said Grega calmly as he ate and then swallowed. He started nodding with satisfaction as he loved the steak, but also didn’t care about the Blut’s because he wasn’t going live in fear.

“I’ve got a week’s worth of clothes here at the club that should fit you as we seem to have the same cut of our jib. And don’t worry about payment, Grega, because quite frankly I’m rich. So why don’t you finish up your meal there and we’ll take a walk over to my suite. The rest of you are welcome to come.

Or you can watch a movie here. We’ve got a wide selection do you like Tom Cruise or Marlon Brando?

One could act I assure you,” asked Jaramie slyly as he grinned at everyone.

They just looked at him like he was crazy and he chuckled to himself.

“I could go for a movie, but where’s the remote?” asked Amo coyly as she didn’t want Grega to know she wanted to talk about him when he left. This while Grega finished off the last of his potatoes and stood up and walked over to Jaramie.

“It’s right here it was stuck in my chair. Well I’m up for a movie as well. Hurry back you two we’ve only got an hour ‘til Bamram,” said Rosemary happily as she started going through all the holographic movies. Grega and Jaramie smiled and started to leave.

“We’ll see ya, thanks everybody for being my friends. I mean it you saved my life,” said Grega warmly as he started hugging Pat and then hugged everyone else quickly.

“You don’t have to thank us for that. Not now not ever. We’re gonna have a great time tonight, Grega, be sure of that,” said Pat warmly as he patted Grega on the back. Grega flashed a smile and then he and Jaramie started down the stairs.

“Ok I’ve got a movie here that looks good called Pencil death. Are there any objections?” asked Rosemary happily as she looked at everyone and no one said no so she started the movie.

The movie started off with a beautiful blonde haired woman in a red spandex cat suit sitting with one leg draped over the side of a chair. She was writing feverously with holographic ink, with a blue 10 inch long pen that sent signals to a computer and then three dimensional living stories came to life as you wrote it. Her name was Plasty Lamy and she stood 6’3” and was very curvaceous.

As Plasty wrote a surly 800 pound bearded man named Yer chopped open a massive gargoyle as it tried to kill him, using a large white meat clever. He did this as he said calmly,” You strayed a bit too far from your comfort zone eh. A bit too brave with our plan of attack? Happens to me a bit more often than I’d like. But not today, a day you’ll soon forget ‘cause you’ll be good and dead. Why don’t we have a nice gargoyle stew is what I’ve been saying to the Misses all this time. And now here you are.”

Yer lopped off the gargoyle’s head and it landed in a golden pot of hot water. Plasty said softly as she held the pen to her temple,” Too realistic or too vague? I think I see a number 5 in the corner of the room, so it’s too realistic! I’ll have it fall down the stairs!” said Plasty excitedly then she rewound the scene. She had the head roll down the stairs and Yer raced down the stairs after it and said coldly,”

Thought you’d escape, but I’ve got pies to make. I’ll catch you yet and we’ll have a time!” Yer fell face first down the stairs and into the gargoyle’s head and couldn’t get it off his head. He shook his head from side to side frantically.

Rosemary and everyone laughed loudly at this and Amo asked calmly,” I have to know if we’re all ok with what happened? Because I am fucking freaked out by today, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same.”

“I’m freaked out by it, but I just want Grega to be happy. With all he just went through and all he’s gonna have to deal with. I say if he never wants to talk about this again as long as he lives then I’m totally fine with it. Look I get it that he’s acting like it’s no big deal, but if acting that way eventually makes him feel that way. Then I’ll be overjoyed, he’s Grega people he’s tough underneath,” said Rosemary firmly as she looked at everyone individually.

“That’s true, I once saw Grega bike 6 miles to the hospital after splitting his leg open without asking for help. Alright then, we’ll just do whatever he needs us too and that means no jokes unless he makes fun of his skin or eyes first. Because if you had seen the shape he was in when I got there, it ripped my heart out of my chest for God’s sake,” said Pat as he looked at Amo and she instantly reached over and hugged him. Everyone and was just thankful to have Grega back.

Meanwhile in the movie Yer was racing through his village with the gargoyle head still on and randomly chopping off people’s limbs and heads. This while Plasty laughed and got aroused. Yer shouted,” I was a sinner now I am my sin! If you drew close an oath will end in your honor motherfuckers!”

Yer fell down a well and landed on a red felt poker table in a secret room. This caused stacks of money and playing cards to fly in every direction, as 6 men in monk’s robes and blue sunglasses sat around the table and started shouting at Yer. Yer in turn started swinging his meat clever and slicing through the men one after another.

“This is so sick! What kind of movie is this anyway?” asked Den as he laughed. Meanwhile Rosemary slapped her leg with the remote and chuckled.

“This is the kind I like. Look at him chopping their heads off, it’s ridiculous!” said Rosemary boisterously as Yer flung his clever wildly. Yer fell off the poker table and started running through a wine cellar slicing into barrels of wine.

“This is great writing, way to go Plasty,” said Plasty as she continued writing with a smile on her face.

Suddenly Yer fell onto a dumbwaiter and shot down 35 stories, slicing wildly as he fell. With all this only to come to an abrupt stop outside of a beer refinery. There were dozens of homeless men and women drunk and passed out next to the front gate.

“If he goes into that beer factory swinging that clever I’m gonna lose it,” said Amo happily as Yer started running aimlessly towards the beer refinery. He was still swinging his clever and only barely missing a homeless man’s head as he passed. This caused the man’s eyes to bug out and then he took a swig from his beer.

Yer ran awkwardly into the beer refinery and fell end over end into a vat of beer. And as he was under the beer he swung his clever and burst a hole in the vat. This caused Yer to be sucked through the hole and between a woman’s legs, as Amo laughed.

“This is my type of film, smart, but not too smart. You gotta half expect that gargoyle head to fly off at some point soon. I just hope he doesn’t cut himself in half,” said Den happily as he eyed Yer. And just then the gargoyle head fell off and Den burst out laughing.

Grega walked up the stairs in his new clothes.

Grega had on a tan silk suit with a white long sleeve shirt, as well as a pair of dark brown leather penny loafers. Also a black belt with golden belt buckle that had the words,” I didn’t ask to be perfect, it was Ma,” written in emeralds and diamonds. He also had on navy blue cloth sunglasses that were wrapped snugly around his head and hid his eyes and ears completely. He also had on orange derby hat and a purple scarf, as well as a pair of flesh colored gloves that you couldn’t tell he had on.

“This looks like a good movie. Who picked this one?” asked Grega as he watched Yer floating through the beer factory on a river of beer as he sang,” We danced without legs. And we spoke without teeth. But how could we see true love grow without eyes. I love ya babe, biblically!”

Rosemary looked over at Grega and almost didn’t recognize him, but thought he looked handsome.

“Grega, you look good. Those are the coolest threads I’ve ever seen,” said Rosemary as she smiled at Grega and he rubbed his sleeves.

“Thanks, I think these will work out really well. They’re a lot more comfortable than you’d think.

How do you like these cloth sunglasses?” asked Grega happily as he flexed his right bicep and rubbed his sunglasses as everyone laughed at how cute he was being.

This while Amo felt a panic attack coming on because she knew she was partly responsible for Grega having to wear all that. Pat was looking at Grega and feeling a similar responsibility and covered his mouth as his lip started trembling.

“They look cool as hell, Grega. Can you see clearly out of them?” asked Den intently as a slight grin came across his face.

Meanwhile Grega pretended to be blind and Den laughed as he hoped the old Grega was back.

“Yeah, yeah I see fine. If anything I see better than normal. Ya see those Blut fuckers gave me some shot that literally enhances all of my senses and even gives me amazing athletic ability. Watch this!” said Grega gleefully then he did a one handed handstand and laughed as everyone looked at him in shock.

“That’s unbelievable, Grega, you’ve never done gymnastys as long as I’ve known you. How strong are you?” asked Pat as he stood up and Grega threw himself into a standing position and laughed.

“I’ll show ya, anyone got a quarter?” asked Grega calmly then Jaramie handed him one. Grega started bending it like a ball of clay and he squeezed it into a ball and asked coyly,” Anyone want to play a game of football or arm wrestle?”

“No fucking way, keep the quarter. That was insane, remind me not to mess with you ever again, whoa,” said Den in disbelief as Grega gently tossed him the crushed quarter and everyone laughed.

“So what do you say, should we head over to the Bamram?” asked Grega happily as he grinned and could see how taken aback everyone was with his strength. He knew they’d never mess with him physically.

Meanwhile Pat was thinking he knew he had no chance in a fight with Grega now, so he’d have to be very careful with what he said to him.

“Let’s hit it, I’m dyin’ to get over there. I still can’t get over new super Grega. Should we fly over on your back or take your Reseo?” asked Rosemary sarcastically as she tickled Grega. This while Grega laughed and felt really confident because it hadn’t dawned on him that his new abilities could be so cool.

“I don’t think you’d all fit, but I’m willing to give it a try. Let’s go pile on,” said Grega sarcastically as Rosemary climbed on his back and he didn’t even flinch. Grega did a slow circle and then put his arms up and said,” Let’s go hop in the Reseo and grab the night sky by the cajones. Good and hard.”

They laughed and started for the Reseo. Once they were there they all got situated in the command center and Grega started to fly across town to the Esseric cluster. Once they got close they could see the 54 Esseric skyscrapers set in a concentric circle around a massive statue of Muras and Pauco Esseric. It doubled as the family home and showed the 2 of them with their arms outstretched with each of them made from green marble. They were filled with thousands of different sized windows.

The other buildings in the cluster resembled each of the other members of the family. They had lives of note and were made from different colored marble including gold and platinum with large multi-colored tents on the roof (that were in the shape of a mushroom). There were thousands of small and large ships going in and out of all the buildings as it is always some sort of party being put on and of course there was the Bamram.

The Bamram is held in the Muras and Pauco buildings and there is a series of holographic animals with words floating in their eyes that say,” Bamram this way, Las Vegas if you try going straight down at full speed, it’s quicker.”It also said,” Bamram believers this way, idiots who only read the front jackets of books try turning left then left again,” with the words being bright white and 3 dimensional.

“This is so cool. Are you excited, Rosemary?” asked Grega warmly as Rosemary sat beside him on the right and Amo, Pat, Jaramie, and Den on the left. They were throwing back Natural lights and checking out all the buildings and holograms.

“I’m more excited to have you back,” replied Rosemary sincerely. “

“Thank you.”

“You’re a special person, Grega. Everybody knows it,” said Rosemary warmly as she kissed his cheek and Grega continued flying the Reseo through the holograms and appreciated her gesture. Then he hugged her with his free hand and then Rosemary said excitedly,” I couldn’t be more excited. Look at this spectacle. What, no neon Pandas? My bitches want Pandas or it’s soup with your heads!” said Rosemary sarcastically as she raised one hand like she was holding a staff.

Grega laughed as he felt a bit of withdrawal symptoms from all the opium the Blut’s had given him causing some pain in his back.

“Ah…my back’s starting to ache me a little. I think those Blut’s did a real number on me. Ya know I need me a couple of Naty’s. Can we make that happen, Co-pilot Rosemary?” asked Grega half-jokingly a as he actually did need the beers. This while Rosemary reached over and grabbed two Natural Lights and handed them to him. Grega said sarcastically,” Thank you, Rosemary, you get me, mainly Natural Lights, but who I mean me is counting?”

Rosemary laughed and rolled her eyes as Grega popped open his beers and took a long drink.

“Hey look at that fucking thing over there,” said Rosemary in disbelief as she pointed to a bear hologram that was made of flames and towering over 30 stories. It was grabbing holographic people off of the buildings nearest to the Muras building and eating them whole. This caused puffs of green smoke to come out of its butt.

Grega looked at this and his eyes bulged out as they all started laughing.

“Man can you believe this? I have a feelin’ we’re in for imminent surprises of notey,” said Den as he tried to seem smart and everyone fought back laughter because they knew what he was doing.

“We will find trepidation as the terrors encroachy upon our undies. Then we’ll expound loudly large farts of historic proportions,” said Pat jokingly as he mimicked Den’s voice and gestures.

Everyone but Den laughed as he could only grin and bear it and drink his beer.

“Hey look what’s around our ship now,” said Grega excitedly as a glowing blue holographic worm enveloped the Reseo. This as the Bamram was checking each ship for their ticket.

The worm turned lime green and the words,” Your ticket accepted. Follow the purple Panda to your security level 15 hangar bay and remember if you’re a downer, you’re bringing us down. So get your shit together you basket case,” floating up out of the worm’s belly. Everyone in the group read it and laughed.

Then a giant 45 foot Panda appeared and started running towards the Muras building roof.

“Oh that was hilarious. Weren’t you just saying something about some fucking Panda your bitches needed? This is unbelievable karma coming our way,” said Grega happily and coyly as he knew she had mentioned the Panda and was playing dumb as Rosemary laughed. All this while Grega steered after the Panda.

“You’re right it’s what people might call… instant reality. Or what I’d call, too much turd, not enough paper. Or shit covered hand for you,” said Rosemary jokingly as she sniffed her hand and Grega shook his head no and then chuckled to himself.

Meanwhile Pat and Amo were thinking how white trash Rosemary was with that joke and Amo rolled her eyes.

The giant Panda flew towards the tent on top of the Muras building and as it did the front side of the tent swung open. Suddenly a 70 foot silver robot with green eyes leapt at the Reseo. It blanketed it in a wall of silver light scaring everyone but Pat was not hit.

“Now what?” asked Grega as he had to fly blind, but a few seconds later the robot shouted,” Your sanity will be a casualty of our meeting. Remember it as a hindrance of your success, because it never will be again.”

“That is the absolute trippiest thing yet,” said Pat in disbelief as the robot leapt from the Reseo and plummeted to the ground below. It hit with a sonic boom that was louder than a shotgun blast near your ear. A yellow ring shot past the Reseo and this startled Amo and Jaramie causing Amo to clutch a smiling Pat and he kissed her forehead.

This while Grega drank his Natural Lights as he tried to fight off the withdrawal symptoms that were now really hurting his back.

Den let out a yell as the Reseo drove into the tent and saw 2 dozen butlers as well as personal servants in red flowing robes and silver tinted round sunglasses. They all stood at different stations around the hangar bay and that included a medication bed where you got proper treatment to withstand the rigors of life. This as well as a living room with a holographic TV set up in the middle of a circular light brown leather couch. This is where you got your confidentiality briefing with the Esseric lawyers.

There are also different colored video games set up that you are encouraged to play to win prizes and gain access to different parts of the cluster. They are a closely kept secret and include the half chess half racing game called Bhess. This is where you have to work your way through a holographic maze and at different stations you are asked to play a chess move. This as each move if you are lucky, you could win Rascup Clearance.

The Rascup Clearance is an infrared key that as you walk past different secret passageways a door will open and a staircase in the floor will appear. You can get extravagant gifts or chunks of hidden knowledge.

The Reseo landed and a team of five butlers raced over and put down a thick red carpet that led out of the Reseo and over to the lawyers. Everyone made their way out of the Reseo and up to them walked Marg Patts (the Esseric family’s personal attorney).

Marg Patts has red wavy hair as well as a thick red curly goatee. His eyes are happy looking and golden in color. He stands 6 foot 9 with narrow shoulders and a round chest. He has square long fingers with the words,” So what if I’m gassy, I’m an oil well,” written in tiny circles on the tips of each of his fingers. He has on a red flowing robe with a black shirt and pants underneath with the words,” I enjoy hurling my body at incredible speeds, I think you call it falling,” written on his right chest pocket in red silk. He also has on black dress shoes and a gold necklace.

“Hello to you all, and to all of you hello,” declared Marg triumphantly as his hands stretched towards the sky. “That’s butler slash lawyer humor and yes it’s never funny. My name is Marg and your names are too hard to remember so I won’t bother trying. To be allowed to go even an inch into the Bamram you need to sign a confidentiality agreement. This ensures you don’t let the cat out of the bag and ruin the experience for the other people who will come here. If you do, then you will be sued for more money than you could ever earn, literally hundreds of dollars. Imagine it children of the hash pipe. Now go ahead and follow me over to the contract area, or leave like the whiny bitch you are,” said Marg jokingly in a stern voice as he headed for the living room followed by the whole group as they thought Marg was kinda cool.

The living room has a circular couch, but to add to it there are also a pair of gargoyle shaped chests filled with hundreds of euphoric drugs and bottles of ice cold beer. They are sitting next to each other with each being 7 feet tall. There is also a table filled with plates of various fried sandwiches as well as baked rolls covered in a buttery glaze. Each has an American cheese and fried hamburger ball center.

There are also a pair of white massage tables on the right side up against the tan wall, they have one painting that depicts Marg running after a scared crying herd of cows with the words,” I’m way past the bull, I want to grab the whole herd by the horns,” written beneath it.

They all sat down in the living room and were handed burgundy holographic contracts. The contract said things like,” If you break your neck, we’ll compensate your loved ones with one perfectly good neck

in payment and that’s a promise,” as well as the words,” Sure if you get bludgeoned we’ll feel terrible, but can you blames us if it was us who done it? So go ahead and mind your soon to be dead manners.”

“Ya know, I’m not a lawyer, but I played one on TV. And…I can see a really wise and totally insane person wrote this contract. I never get tired of laughing at crazies. Which is why I’m signing mine in electronic bloody ink, it’s the cheesiest,” said Pat sarcastically as he grinned and everyone except for Grega and Marg.

Meanwhile Pat signed his contract and Grega looked at his and saw the words,” We retain the right to kill you if we get any backsass ,” and Grega grimaced and sighed.

“Boy, this really is a fair legal instrument. I’m worried I’ll get a shovel to the head shortly after signing it. Maybe it’s just me, but can I live through today without using a machine gun?” asked Grega sarcastically as he begrudgingly signed his contract and everyone broke out laughing (they were glad his sense of humor was back).

“Ok then, you all signed so you’re all about to have amazing experiences and win untold wealth. I would recommend you play those video games over there, but I can’t tell you why. At the very least try them. I’ll see ya, hopefully in large vehicles and huge mansions, bye and buy me a sandwich,” said Marg jokingly as he stood up and hurried away while everyone looked at each other not sure what to do.

“Let the journey begin. I heard tell of video games and I’m not gonna be the last to try one, because there’s money involved,” said Pat slyly as he raced over to the nearest video game called Warriors of Corruption. He grabbed the black sword and did a quick slice with it, an instantly appeared a 9 foot tall horned yellow headed man, who was covered in hair and a suit of armor called Gour. He spit fire over Pat and then shrieked and Pat said boldly,” You will not defeat me you blow hard!”

“Don’t be so sure you insolent rube! I am Gour and you are soon to be dead! Be ready or be dead!”

thundered Gour as a glowing double bladed white sword (with racing skull people running the length of it) was handed to him.

“Pat found a winner. This will really be fun. Let’s all play one!” yelled Grega as they watched Pat as Pat started swinging his sword at Gour as he ducked his first 3 lunges.

Grega laughed at this and took a drink from his beer.

Rosemary, Den, Jaramie, and Amo raced over to the video games as quick as they could. With Rosemary getting Bhess and her eyes lit up when she grabbed the jet pack and put it on. This caused the anti-gravity thrusters to lift her off the ground. Rosemary started to fly through a series of black lighted tunnels that went deep into the ground until she emerged in a giant cavern. She plummeted into a green water stream and Rosemary shouted,” You can’t die from a game can you?!”

She came out of the water and the whole cavern was filled with doors and men with the heads of wild boars. They each had wooden spears in their hands. Rosemary shot for one of the doors and had to duck 50 spears to get to it. Each spear that hit her made her engine short out. Then she blasted through the door and emerged on a large glowing white island of crystal floating a hundred miles up in the air. It had thousands of birds encircling it and a red skinned blonde haired man sitting on the edge of it fishing for something unseen below.

“Oh Jesus what the fuck is this? I can’t believe I’m stuck in this room. Alright fine I’ll ask this jerk what he’s doing fishin’ for air,” said Rosemary sadly as she flew towards the man-named Berse-and as she drew near he started to laugh.

“Hello there, Gorgeous, are you here to help me fish?” asked Berse brightly as he smiled at Rosemary and she shrugged her shoulders as she decided to sit down beside him.

“Yeah, I’ll help ya fish. What are we fishing for?” asked Rosemary happily as she looked at Berse who smiled and pointed down.

“I believe I’ve caught it. Help me bring it up,” said Berse brightly as he fought with something on the end of his line that was nearly pulling him over. Rosemary grabbed hold of the holographic pole and the two of them fought tooth and nail to bring up the mystery item.

“What the hell is down there, Berse? It weighs a ton!” asked Rosemary as blue diamond’s started shooting up at them and past their faces causing Rosemary and Berse to lean back Suddenly a moose ran up the diamonds past Rosemary and Berse followed by a line of Volkswagen beetles, as well as a naked man on a blue bicycle seat. Rosemary started to laugh as a loud thunderous rock song started to play and a dozen babies eating pizza flew past in pink egg shells.

“What’s down there is the future, My Darling,” replied Berse happily. “Keep pulling it’s almost here!” yelled Berse as he and Rosemary pulled the fishing pole from side to side. Rosemary laughed as a dozen skunks in leather jackets shot past her ear.

A moment later a gold 40 foot tall chest with the red head of Gibty Rollhom on the side of it and the words,” Teach me a melody of hope and I’ll sing you a lifetime of praises,” written beneath his head in diamonds.

Gibty Rollhom is the world renowned actor who starred in the self produced and directed film,” B

Chance No Chance,” that showed the life of a man who felt there is a secret organization following him around and sabotaging every part of his life for their own enjoyment. They’d do things like have 30 cars set up on the streets around his house then whichever direction he’d drive there’d be instant traffic causing him to try and hide his anger. This made them laugh even harder because they knew what he was doing. Then other times when he’d leave his home to go for a walk they’d put thin spider webs all along his usual route and he’d walk headlong into them and pretend not to be pissed. They would even buy

homes not only next to where he lived, but all of his family members and friends as well. Then they’d try to worm into all of their lives in the hopes of getting rid of their pure heterosexual genes and creating an all homosexual world. The movie was a huge success until several actors and regular people came forward to say that it wasn’t fiction, but actually happening to a writer who had mental illness (who couldn’t believe that it was true).

“Ok, what the fuck is that, Berse? It looks wooden,” asked Rosemary in disbelief as she grinned and the chest hit the ground behind them making a metallic sound. Rosemary spun around to see the walls of the chest flatten out and there sat a green security pass. Rosemary looked at it and asked happily,” Ok now what do I do?”

Then out of the real floor rose the physical security pass and Berse said happily,” Put that in your pocket, and then just start walking through any of the buildings, and good things will happen. You’ve won, enjoy your new instant reality,” said Berse happily and then he disappeared.

Rosemary grabbed the ticket and felt overjoyed, but wondered how the phrase she used earlier could come back again. She looked at the plastic ticket and it read,” We can only save you from death every time, the rest of the time is up to you,” along the front in a square.

“Oh Jesus Christ what just happened to me?” asked Rosemary as she was bursting at the seams with joy and could only grin from ear to ear as she clutched the ticket.

Over walked Pat and Den with black discs and green sunglasses. Pat asked happily,” Did you win?

Den and I won houses on the Hudson and a new Ferrari flying luxury apartment!”

“What, you both won homes and all’s I got was a ticket. Oh I am really, I don’t know what. Where’s Grega, Amo, and Jaramie?” asked Rosemary sternly as she felt terrible she hadn’t won a house as Pat and Den were smiling,

Meanwhile Pat and Den were overjoyed and couldn’t wait to see their new digs.

“They’re over there being handed prizes it looks like. Huh…we all won,” said Pat as he looked at Amo as she had a large pink diamond necklace being put around her neck. Grega was being handed a suitcase filled with a million in cash and 22 million dollars in bonds. Jaramie was being handed a 43

million dollar Faberge white egg and he had a huge smile on his face.

Rosemary’s eyes bugged out at this and Rosemary, Pat, and Den started walking over to see Grega.

She felt completely pissed off and sick to her stomach that she got such a bad gift.

“This is not happening. Am I asleep, Pat, I feel unwell?” asked Rosemary sadly as they walked up to everyone. Amo hugged Pat and then smiled from ear to ear.

“We all won, Pat, as you can see. How did you, Den, and Rosemary do with yours, spit or hit?”

asked Amo as she smiled at everyone.

Pat showed her his Ferrari ship disc as well as Den showed her his house on the Hudson. Rosemary cringed and looked down at her ticket. She felt embarrassed and inadequate.

“I only won a key to secret doorways, but it could be shit. I mean it really could be a practical joke.

So, yeah I’m real happy for all of you,” said Rosemary anxiously as she held up her ticket and smiled awkwardly and then said sternly,” Why can’t I ever get a break? Just one damn break I’m a good person, why?” shrieked Rosemary as she paced back and forth.

“Maybe yours is also a great gift too. Let’s go inside the building and see what it unlocks,” said Grega warmly and coyly as he wanted Rosemary to win something because they were friends, but also didn’t have the energy to make her happy after the day he’d had. He knew he’d say anything to keep her from pouting.

“Yeah, Rosemary, we came here to make you happy. So let’s find out what that’s a key too, alright?”

asked Pat warmly as he put his arm around Rosemary and she started to believe she could win.

“You know you’re right, I’m not giving up without a fight. Let’s head inside and find my future, because my past is shit so screw it,” said Rosemary boldly then she kicked up her heels and started walking towards the entrance to the Muras building.

The entryway to the elevator has the words,” Too many people die needlessly in their cars. We need more loaded guns, it’s more polite,” written on the door and everyone smiled when they saw it as they entered the elevator. Once everyone was inside Rosemary said sternly,” I’ll be happy with whatever I win, as long as it’s cars, houses, jewels, or cash. Now let’s get to it,” said Rosemary firmly then she pressed the 21st floor button. And as she did the floor in the elevator collapsed and everyone started falling straight down and screaming at the top of their lungs.

They screamed as hard as they could as they all thought they were gonna die. Grega thought his whole life leading up to now was a complete waste and God had fucked him again. This while Amo thought she was getting what she deserved for all the pain she caused Grega. Also, she would never see her sister Pegi again and she knew that would break her heart.

“I’m not dying in here!” shouted Pat as they fell another 6 stories and he wished he’d never been so brutal to Scop Randolph. That was a boy he bullied in elementary school and knew it made Scop’s life harder than it should’ve been.

They fell 85 stories as they screamed and screamed some more. Then suddenly they felt a cushion of air beneath them that was pushing them up. They were floating in mid-air as the air held them there. This happened while everyone didn’t know what to make of it as they slowly were lowered down.

“Jesus, what the fuck is going on?! I don’t want to die after all I’ve been through for fuck’s sake!”

said Grega angrily as he tried to balance himself with his hands. They all looked at each other in disbelief.

“I really wish I hadn’t signed that waiver. Do you realize they could kill us and get away with it after signing that?” asked Jaramie sadly as they started to fall again only very slowly. Then a burst of air from the right shot them into a blue plastic tunnel.

They started racing down a slide at remarkable speed. They went left then right and then straight through a series of Lion’s and Gorilla heads with smoke obstructing their view of what was in front of them. There were lights blinking around them as Grega yelled,” This is awesome, whoa!”

“This is fucking great!” shouted Rosemary as they were flung up into the air and sailed for 50 feet then landed softly in a large pit of chopped up multi-colored shirts and soft blue rubber balls (they have the words,” To die is divine ask the undertaker,” written on them in golden colored letters).

The pit is in front of a grandstand filled with Esseric family members and their friends. They are all dressed to the nines and sipping red wine. Everyone looked up and saw the people who instantly started clapping and they couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh good trick,” said Grega as he pumped his fist. “That is a really good one. And I thought I was past embarrassment uh,” said Grega timidly as a team of butlers waded into the pit and started helping everyone out.

Pauco Esseric smiled and said boldly,” You thought we’d kill you, but we don’t have time to burn the bodies. And fuck frankly we can’t stand your stink. Dead or alive! Why don’t you all stop looking so stupid and wear a pair of glasses? That way people might think you read more than the label on a condom or the backside of a pig’s ass! Later we’ll talk when you’re somebody, and that ain’t yet, Cadaver Thieves, ret ret roo!” said Pauco jokingly as he was pretended to be a crazy person. He kept bugging his eyes out and making lightning fast head motions. This while Rosemary looked at him and thought he was hot as she dusted herself off and caught Pauco’s eye.

Pauco Esseric stands 5’11” and is muscular and thin, with a triangular chest and square shoulders.

His hair is short on the sides and brown, but cobalt blue on the top. And it is in a cascading Mohawk with tiny charms on the tips of his hair that spell out the words,” Be victory as it may, my birthright and my reality.” He has sapphire serious eyes that rarely blink. He has on a white vest with a dragon’s head on a man’s body sewn onto the front as well as a tan t-shirt with a Smurf having sex with a cupcake and the words,” Satisfy all your cravings at once,” written above the picture. He also has on black jeans and red sketchers sneakers, as well as a brown rope necklace and green sunglasses with golden frames.

“What makes you so great ya lunatic? I’ve seen better faces on lunch. And better bodies on dead and dying bodies. You’ll never get a leg up on the one legged man at an ass kicking contest! So don’t even try and cook me laundry,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she scowled at Pauco who laughed and thought she was cute. He immediately walked right up to her and pointed to his teeth and smiled.

“Who’s that talkin’ all that guff? Who is it in my chicken coop eating ham sandwiches?” asked Pauco jokingly with the voice of an old southern man, as he tapped Rosemary’s shoulders.

“It’s me your two brain celled daughter, Poor Booty. I can’t help it, Pa, you can’t make a pancake worth a shit, but I had to eat ‘em,” said Rosemary sarcastically and in a thick southern accent. She licked her teeth then pretended to spit. Pauco and everyone laughed causing Rosemary to curtsy and smile.

This while Pauco was thinking how much he liked Rosemary and that he’d like to get to know her biblically.

“I see, Poor Booty, if I had known such a thing had transpired I would have felt it an effrontery. No daughter of mine will want for anything of note, when I have fields of diamonds and gold. No, Poor Booty, we will triumph over this like the great leaders of our world grabbed victory for us all!” said Pauco sarcastically in an overly smart voice as Rosemary grinned. Rosemary suddenly wanted to see him naked and give him a physical.

“My name is Rosemary that’s, Den, Amo, Pat, Jaramie, and Grega and we are all close friends. I’m hoping you have a real name, Pa Booty,” said Rosemary slyly as she grinned at Pauco. He acted like a young school girl who’d just been asked out, as he looked down nervously and played with his hands.

“It’s Pauco, my momma thinks I’m the smartest boy in my grade,” said Pauco sarcastically in a little kid’s voice. Then he stood straight up and said warmly,” You didn’t hear it from me, but if you go down that hallway over there to the left. That ticket you’re holding will change your lives. Seriously there are a lot of great things waiting for you down there.”

“Really well, I like great things and I thank you for the heads up. But how exactly do you know so much, Pauco, do you run the game?” asked Rosemary and then she realized who he was and said excitedly,” Wait a minute, you’re the voice from the can and that gorgeous grinning mouth. I thought I had heard that voice and knew that name. So do you like own everything, you can tell me?” asked Rosemary warmly as she grinned at Pauco and he grinned mischievously.

“Yes I do, but you haven’t got much time and I don’t want you to miss all the things you could win.

So if I were you, ya know short and female, I’d run literally run down that hallway. Because there’s a ton of great shit just waiting for you all. And you’ll be sorry if you don’t get it, RUN!” said Pauco sharply as he pointed down the arching black marble hallway. Rosemary knew he was serious and started running towards the hallway and laughing.

“He was nice,” said Rosemary as she entered the black marble hallway that had no doors and phrases set in picture frames like,” Try beating the Grim Reaper at poker. You’ll literally die trying.” As well as the phrase,” Don’t hustle me out of my money, I just stole it from you,” on either side of the hallway.

Rosemary ran hurriedly and then suddenly hidden doorways started springing open on either side of the hallway (8 in total).

“Whoa let’s check these out, Rosemary,” said Grega in amazement as he looked in one with a large golden statue of a bear with emerald eyes. Grega secretly wished he’d won the ticket instead of Rosemary as she looked in the one with a statue.

“Yeah I think I will,” said Rosemary as she walked in the stark white room and as she got close to the statue she saw there was a golden sign in front that read,” Tell me what is 8 plus 9,” and Rosemary said nervously,” Seventeen!”

Then the room pulsated red and a voice said excitedly,” You’ve just won the 10 million dollar statue in front of you as you were smarter than I at age 1 year! A staff of butlers will bring it to your ship! Enjoy yourself for fuck’s sake!”

Then out of a secret doorway in the walls sprung a dozen women and one man in matching emerald green dress suits and they had on bright orange and red top hats, as well as round eyeglasses. They hurried over to the statue and started carrying it out of the room and over to the Reseo. Meanwhile Rosemary jumped up and down and pulled on Grega’s arm as she was ecstatic.

“This is heaven! Heaven, Grega, I love it!” yelled Rosemary as she pumped her fist and then it dawned on her she was a multi-millionaire. She knew she still had other rooms to go into and she said nervously,” I am going to enjoy this day more than the best sex I ever had.”

“Well let’s go try the other rooms, Rosemary. I’m really pumped you’re rich now. Quite frankly I was sick of buying you beers and new ponies to ride, after drinking them. Remember that Shetland you castrated because you veered into traffic? Oh was that a great bit of horseplay,” said Grega sarcastically as he leaned in on Rosemary. She was still thinking about winning all the money and didn’t laugh at his joke as they walked out into the hall.

“Hey try this one over here, Rosemary, I think it’s filled with money,” said Pat in disbelief as he looked in a room filled with hundred dollar bills and gold coins piled up 7 feet in the air. Standing there

were many others covering the walls and a pair of couches. Pat had to laugh as he looked at all the money and Rosemary raced over to him.

Rosemary looked in and nearly fainted, but Den grabbed hold of her shoulders and held her up as he laughed and said slyly,” Don’t die yet for fuck’s sake, you need to live long enough to spend your money!”

Rosemary ran into the room and down from the ceiling came a silver head of Pochan Revon and it said boldly,” Oh look at the crowd come to find a bit of money! I say a fool finds fortune by selling dreams to other fools! Let your curiosity kill your cat, minus waiting to dine on you! That said you have won the 100 million dollars in large bills and antique gold coins so be rid of me forever!” shouted Pochan as the head exploded and rained even more hundred dollar bills down on everyone. Then in ran the butlers to bag the money and bring it back to the Reseo. This as Rosemary started sweating and had to sit down while everyone was smiling at her.

Pochan Revon is a Doramoc prophet who wrote the book,” Devoured by Faith,” in his early thirties that included the passage,” A wise youth means nothing to an adult world years ahead of your wisdom.

So when the power inside of you says speak honestly and share your feelings, do not. For they already know them and are only hoping you’ll aid them in your own deception. Remember the turtle’s slow pace, but resilient stubborn streak. He’s the fastest of us all.” Pochan was at odds with the Doramoc hierarchy because of his penchant for underage girls and large bottles of bourbon. The bourbon caused him to humiliate himself in public by covering his body in peanut butter and shouting,” I’m in need of 50

tongues and 7 barrels of strawberry jelly!” He once ate his rival’s dog for dinner because he didn’t have the guts to ask him to stop dating his little sister.

“Let’s keep going, Rosemary, there could be even better prizes in the next one. Like ham spread and baked rolls, mmm rolls,” said Grega sarcastically as he grinned at Rosemary. She had never had anything this good ever happen to her and it was freaking her out, because she couldn’t hate the world anymore.

Meanwhile Amo started to feel better about the whole situation, because of all the good things that were happening to everyone.

“This is really starting to be a great day, Pat, wouldn’t you say?” asked Amo as she pulled Pat’s hair out of his face and looked at him longingly.

“Amo, this could’ve been really bad and ruined all the days after it, but instead, barring any bad luck, may turn out to be good for us all in the long run. It’s just nice to have friends,” said Pat thoughtfully as he eyed Amo and then kissed her. Pat knew he loved her more than any person he’d ever known. This while she thought she couldn’t love Pat more than she did right in that moment. This caused Amo to smile at him and wink.

“It really is,” said Amo happily as she looked at Rosemary smiling as the money was taken out of the room.

Rosemary went back out into the hallway. Rosemary walked down to the next open door that was on the right and looked in. It had book racks filled with thousands of emeralds made to look like books in the shape of a rollercoaster that weaved around the large room. There is also a large giant fur covered man named Pu, standing in the center of the room. He glared at Rosemary as she slowly walked in.

“I believe we’re in love, Young Lady. I know this by your odd chest and unsexy ass. Even your nearly skunk like face does it for me. Do you move like a dead person during sex, because that and random punches to the sack are my turn-on’s. Well you skanky bitch, do you love my hairy ass?” asked Pu sarcastically as he awkwardly danced from one book shelf to the other. Then he jumped up in the air and Rosemary just shook her head. Rosemary glared at him and was pissed he tried to stick it to her.

“Boy do I, I mean the fact that I can’t see under your full body pubic hair doesn’t take away from it getting me horny. And that aroma, ya know north Kentucky ass, I can’t get enough of it. Boy I’d kiss ya,

but I can’t find your face. Ya know who likes fur fuckers like you? I do, that’s my turn-on,” said Rosemary sarcastically and then she did the hand jive.

Pu looked nervous and not the least bit amused as he grimaced at Rosemary.

“OK, Short and Sassy, you want the beef stick that only I have. Get in line, I got ho’s in different area codes. That should tell you the power of my furry friend who will straighten you out quick!” said Pu sarcastically as he moved his head slowly back and forth. This while Grega thought he was a total jerk for wearing that suit.

“Yeah, how’d ya know I had a thing for Sasquatch? I can’t get enough of your armpit musk. Alright go ahead and take off your sweater and we’ll party down,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she grinned.

Pu just smiled and thought she was a really funny person.

“Ok enough already here’s the deal. If you can find the emerald book titled My Fortune. Then all of these emeralds are yours, but you only have a minute to do it starting right…now,” said Pu slyly as he grinned and Rosemary took a look around the room. She started frantically reading the titles on every book in sight.

“Can my friends help me?” asked Rosemary frantically as she darted from book to book as everyone watched and got worried she was losing it.

“They may, but I’d hurry,” said Pu sternly as he eyed the red clock on the far wall and smiled. Then everyone started scanning titles on all the different book shelves.

Suddenly the song,” The Kids are Alright,” by the band The Who started to play. They looked at each other and smiled as they weren’t sure what it meant.

“I’ve got it! My fortune it’s in my hand! Does she have to hold it?” asked Grega as Rosemary ran over to him. Rosemary grabbed it out of his hand, nearly dropping and breaking it. She touched it and the

roof opened up and down poured a mass of chicken feathers. This was followed by 10 butlers in blue t-shirts as well as white jeans sporting anti-gravity packs.

“You won, you now have over 1 billion dollars in emeralds to be shared by every person who helped you look for the book!” said Pu boldly as everyone was wiping the chicken feathers from their faces and then they burst out cheering.

“Are you kidding me? We’re all rich and I’m lactose intolerant! God damn I feel great!” said Jaramie excitedly as he jumped up in the air and laughed hysterically. This while everyone looked at him and thought he was actually losing his mind. They couldn’t completely enjoy the moment because of it.

“I had brownies in my cereal! I suck on used tube socks for entertainment! I shout crazy things when I’m excited!” yelled Grega sarcastically as he mocked Jaramie.

Meanwhile Jaramie felt really embarrassed. This while Pat and Amo grabbed a handful of the emerald books and looked at each other in shock. They knew they’d be set for life even if they spent their money hand over fist.

“Amo, Jesus Christ I’m making a pledge right now to do all the things I ever wanted to do and I want you to help me. I mean, I’ve got some wild ideas I hope that doesn’t scare you off?” asked Pat slyly as he grinned at Amo. Amo grinned back and rubbed his cheek.

Grega was pissed off it wasn’t him instead of that fucker Pat getting kissed. This as Pat poked Amo’s breast softly.

“Hey, what kind of thing is that to do to my booby? I don’t appreciate the titty poke. My girls only play with boys who play nice,” said Amo playfully as she grinned mischievously at Pat and grabbed his balls. She said jokingly in a stern voice,” Let’s see how you like it you little rascal.”

“Careful, I need those to balance out my strides. You still haven’t committed to all my future shenanigans. Where do you stand on felonies?” asked Pat sarcastically and then he kissed Amo’s lips.

This while Grega thought he hoped Amo felt bad about all the things that had happened to him and that she was partly at fault and he knew it.

“Let’s worry about your lawlessness when the gavel falls. And not until, hmm,” said Amo slyly as she pretended to put handcuffs on Pat. This happened as emeralds were being taken out of the room and back to the Reseo by the butlers. “Hey, let’s see what else we can win, there’s still time. C’mon everybody,” said Den as he eyed the emeralds and let out a sigh. He did this because his dream of being a racecar driver was finally getting close and he was absolutely giddy.

Rosemary was sweating profusely as she still couldn’t believe anything good had ever happened to her and it was overwhelming to say the least.

They went out into the hall led by Den and Rosemary. As they came to the next door on the right and walked in, it had a series of tunnels set up around the room that were lit by candles. The walls of the tunnels were brown Earth and had signs set up along their walls that said things like,” The brave would be the only thing to survive my bullet,” as well as,” Costly mistakes are paid for with borrowed time.” Each are placed every so often down the gently descending tunnels with thick green grass floors.

“Ok doesn’t look too inviting. I have a feeling there aren’t any piles of money in here,” said Rosemary sadly as she eyed the 3 tunnels and thought about walking back out. Then she heard people cheering in one.

“What was that?” asked Jaramie intently as he started down the tunnel on the right followed by everyone. They were all very curious if for no other reason than to get a beer.

“Let’s find out, poppa could use a brewsky,” said Grega happily as he rubbed the back of his neck.

He felt withdrawal symptoms getting worse from the opium. This while Rosemary was a little scared by the contract where she remembered a clause that said enter all tunnels at your own risk.

They walked down the winding tunnel for 152 feet and came to a large wooden door. It had golden squares on it that had each of the,” Faces of Qucan,” inside of them as well as a red marble doorknob.

Qucan is a healer who believed he knew every expression in the history of mankind. And that each of them caused a person to start a series of thoughts leading eventually to very specific emotions. For example a goofy smile when someone least expects it would make them smile in the moment, but later feel anger as they realized subconsciously that they had been embarrassed. There is also the raised eyebrow smile and a nervous handshake, that made a person feel nervous slightly in the moment, but only a short while later quiet and ineffectual.

He had counted over 600 and offered classes to greater educate people on their power and the pitfalls involved. He also showed people the counter looks and emotions to cancel out the faces. They included when a person asked you a belittling question like,” Have you gained some weight?” and used a boisterous laugh and handshake with an overly large smile, all’s you had to do was show no emotion and say yes to whatever they asked. Thus, it would bounce their play back at them reversing the effect.

“I love doors, they’re so open and closed without even trying,” said Jaramie jokingly as he eyed the faces of Qucan. He showed no emotion because he knew all about them, but he did watch Den as he smiled at the goofy face. He knew what Den would be going through later and that he’d be angry. This while Den thought how cute the face looked.

“Then open it we haven’t got much air left for breathing! I can’t breathe without air!” yelled Rosemary sarcastically as she grabbed the doorknob and quickly turned it. It opened into a nightclub that had 30 large mahogany tables set up in front of a raised anti-gravity floating stage. This as there was the band Pokus on the left side and the play We Surrender on the right.

Pokus consists of a brother and sister named Reedy and his sister Sett. Who each sing and play guitar while a computer plays the drums, bass, and symphony. And there are avatars of large creatures on the stage with all of it controlled by certain breathing and singing patterns. They hail from Shaker Heights and are a wildly popular band in the Horumi circuit.

The Horumi circuit is a large group of well to do families who hold large parties at their homes.

They involve paying large sums of money to get the best bands in the world to come and play. They didn’t just want to hear their music they wanted their children to have a chance at dating a rockstar. Often times there were pregnancies that the rich families then completely raised and brought up with very little influence by the unsuspecting rockstars.

We Surrender is a 10 person play that presupposes what would have happened if Abraham Lincoln hadn’t been assassinated. It uses actual descendants of Lincoln to play key roles in the story. And what the writer decided would have happened is the U.S. having become an industrial powerhouse a hundred years earlier. There would also have been equal rights for gays and lesbians decades before it ever came to pass.

The nightclub has floating pay as you go refrigerators that look like robots. They are filled with 20

brands of beer and 3 brands of wine that have a slot on the front where the product comes out. This after you swiped your debit card and pressed your selection on a rubber keypad. There is also a trio of floating glass ovens that have dozens of warm snacks that use the same technology as the refrigerators. Oddly enough they send out the smell of baby back ribs and pepperoni pizza through vents in the sides. This as they have a bonus plan where for every 3 items you bought you got the 4th free. There are brown leather chairs at all the tables that have built-in foot stools and massagers in the neck of the chair. The walls in the room have a mural of all the bands that have ever played there. This as well as all the offspring it has spawned that the rockstars knew nothing about. There are also floating holographic movies that you couldn’t see until you were actually inside one and watching their movie.

Everyone walked into the nightclub and headed for a table close to the stage.

“Hey let’s take this table here. It has less bums asking for money near it,” said Grega jokingly as he sat down and then burst out laughing. He did this just as a way to get everyone to look up at the stage, but especially Amo and she did just that.

“Very funny, Grega, another rouse from you is it?” asked Amo playfully and coyly as she wasn’t sure how stern she could be with Grega. This caused her to hide the fact she didn’t like his joke by smiling.

Meanwhile Grega rolled with laughter and grabbed one of the floating refrigerators and bought a dozen Natural Lights. Grega put the beers on the table and then said coyly,” Everyone go ahead and get a Naty, ole poppa Grega is buyin’ all night long. And it looks like…wait maybe not as good as I hoped.”

“What’s not as good, what?” asked Pat quickly and sarcastically as he knew Grega wanted everyone to hang on his every word. Pat wanted to stick it to him a little bit to test the waters.

This while Grega smiled slightly and said nothing for several seconds. Grega wanted Pat to ask him again, but Pat knew what he was doing and said nothing. Grega raised his finger and kept trying to get Pat or anybody to ask him what he was talking about.

“No it’s just I would’ve liked to have seen some poontang. The pickens seem a little slim. The band sounds good though, maybe that’ll draw ‘em in,” said Grega coyly as he really didn’t care if there were more pretty women in the club. This was because he saw several already as he watched a red head and a beautiful brunette walk past and he started imagining them both naked.

“Yeah, try tellin’ Den that. He would’ve liked to be your underwear and number one gal, Grega.

Isn’t that right, Den?” asked Pat loudly and sarcastically as he patted Den on the back. This while Den nodded no and laughed.

Grega felt a bit slighted, but it wasn’t going to ruin his night.

Meanwhile on the stage in the play We Surrender, Abraham’s great grandson was just starting his own Episcopal church in the deep south, after he’d just received his surplus check from the government.

The checks were sent to every U.S. citizen. This as the country had no debt and each person got 1,500

dollars a month in payment as the U.S. economy was Booming The actor playing Ricker Lincoln was Abraham Lincoln’s actual great grandson Ronald Lincoln. He had a similar face to Abraham but with a thicker beard and shoulder length red hair.

Ricker loaded in box after box into his church filled with donations from all over the country. Then up walked a beautiful blonde haired woman in a red dress named Bell (in the play and in real life).

“Excuse me, Sir, could I speak with you of change?” asked Bell timidly as she looked at Ricker and he looked up and saw her. Instantly his hand darted into his pocket and Bell then said quickly,” No, Sir, not money or coins, but changing the world.”

Ricker looked at her for a moment and then he set down his box and said calmly,” Where do ya see the world heading, ah…?”

“Bell, I see it racing towards a fiery inferno and large numbers of people shooting randomly into large crowds. I want your clothes off, Sir, and I mean now!” said Bell sharply as she disrobed and hurried over to Ricker.

Den saw this and was shocked as was Jaramie.

“Look my life finally intersected with a porno. There is a God and he doeth like me,” said Den jokingly then he laughed and yelled,” Honey, I’m all man, come give us a kiss!”

“What kind of show is this anyway?” asked Rosemary in disbelief as she laughed to herself. Amo looked at Rosemary and smiled as she watched Ricker take off his shirt and pants, revealing a full throbbing erection.

“Bell, that’s a world I want to live in if it’s with you. Let there be laughter when there is no joke,”

said Ricker as he rubbed Bell’s body. They started kissing and Grega kept drinking his beers and laughing as he did. Meanwhile Rosemary and Amo were getting wet and Pat had an erection under the table.

“You get your fucking hands off her you shithead! I’ll kill you Motherfucker!” shouted Bemri Goame as he jumped up out of his seat and started for the stage. This as Bell continued to kiss Ricker and ignored her husband.

He had on a brown dress suit and ran up and jumped on the stage. Bemri shouted as he slapped Bell,” You think this is fun and games Bitch! I play for keeps now get your fucking clothes on we’re leavin’!” shouted Bemri as everyone in the audience looked on in honor. Grega half-hoped a fight would break out and he could throw his beer bottle at the stage.

“Fuck you, Bemri, you limp dick prick! I fuck who I want and that ain’t soft peckers!” said Bell sharply as she grinned and laughed at Bemri. This while she rubbed Ricker’s ass, but Ricker didn’t know what to think of the situation.

“Look bitch, I’m stressed at work! And I won’t stand here and take your shit when you know my tongue’s just as good! Now get your skanky ass up off this stage WE’RE LEAVIN’!” thundered Bemri angrily as the whole audience looked on in shock. Bemri pulled out a golden pistol out with a red marble barrel.

“Oh Jesus, somebody might get shot. I say we get the fuck out of here,” said Grega anxiously as he looked at everyone.

Then Bemri fired a warning shot into the ceiling and it cracked a support beam. This caused it to break loose and swing down towards Grega, but just before it hit him in the face and killed him Den grabbed Grega’s shoulder and pulled him towards him. This caused only Grega’s other shoulder to be clipped by the support beam. This cut into his clothes, but only bruised his shoulder.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, you fuckin’ loser! Just leave, you’re not good for a lay or another second of my life. Beat it, you don’t scare me!” said Bell sternly as she pushed Bemri back. He glared at her and then pistol whipped her cracking her jaw and sending her to the ground.

“Are you alright, Grega?” asked Rosemary as she helped Grega down to the floor. And this as everyone ducked behind the table and hid from Bemri. He was standing over Bell glaring at her with the pistol aimed at her.

“I’m not good enough, is that it, Bitch?! Well we’re together or we’re both dead! Which is it, Cunt?”

asked Bemri fiercely as he aimed his gun at Bell who was trembling and wiping the blood from her jaw.

Meanwhile Ricker slowly reached over to grab a shovel from the set. He thought he’d crown Bemri if he could get his hands on it.

“I’m fine, Rosemary, but my shoulder really hurts. I think we all need to run for it. Seriously let’s just fucking run or this guy’s gonna kill somebody,” said Grega as he gathered himself and took a look at Bemri. He saw the look in his eyes and knew what he was about to do.

“Let’s go right now! Follow me over to the tunnel over there behind that sign, see it,” said Jaramie as he pointed to a sign that read” We stole history from the true and passionate. So sue us if we’re overjoyed with legendary lives.” They started running towards it with their heads lowered.

“Fuck you, Limp Dick. You’re gutless and nobody but a washed up alternative rockstar. Who thought we were all lucky members of YOUR generation! But instead you’re the sole member of the underbelly of ours. Go ahead and preach your egotistical politics somewhere else! I’ve moved on from

you and softy a long time ago, Mister,” said Bell snidely as she laughed at Bemri and shook her tits at him. This as Bemri got nervous and looked around the room for some comfort.

Just then Ricker grabbed the shovel and when Bemri turned to shoot Bell Ricker hit him square in the face. Bursting his nose wide open and causing the gun to go off. This happened while Grega and everyone darted into the tunnel.

Ricker hit Bemri again with the shovel this time in the back of the head. This sent Bemri to the stage knocked out cold and bloodied. Bell meanwhile had been shot in the chest and was slowly bleeding to death. Ricker saw her laying there and knelt down and held her in his arms.

“Bell, God damn it, he ruined us didn’t he. We weren’t what we were. It’s all floated away down a villain’s river of death. Well I know what to do,” said Ricker as he sobbed and then set down Bell as she was dead. He stood up and turned to Bemri and as he did was shot in the temple by Bemri. This caused Ricker to fall to the stage dead and the crowd to gasp.

“Both my aches are dead. And I have no plans to see heaven’s scenery, Bitch,” said Bemri sharply as he picked himself up, spit on Bell and Ricker and laughed as he exited the stage.

Meanwhile Grega and everyone ran down the white marble tunnel that had golden statues of all the Esseric family members lining it. It had a glowing orange light at the end of it.

“There’s something at the end there. We might be in the clear!” said Pat boldly as they came out in a lavish ballroom.

It had 170 foot high arching ceilings with diamond chandeliers, as well as intricate gold carvings high up in the rafters. There are living dragons made from animatronics with green scales. Their robotic inner workings can be controlled by an implant in Muras Esseric’s temple and are 200 feet in length. The dragons have bright yellow eyes and saddles on their backs that can carry 5 people in black recliners.

There are two environments in the room with one lush and green and having large redwood trees and

treehouses in them, while the other has a dark brown urban area that has mini-skyscrapers set up around 2

thirds of forest. Each building reaches for the ceiling and is in various bright colors. 2 of the buildings are in the shape of grandfather clocks. This with a large patio all the way around them that has a bed and hot tub set up on it, as well as an outdoor kitchen. There are dozens of things on a table on the patio with some of them being brownies, apple pies, and even a ham casserole to name a few. The floor in the room is filled with ancient words of wisdom and includes,” Run a few steps down the ladder of success and a few million lifetimes away from who you are is where you will be. Try instead not getting cocky and be forever thankful for the foothold. That you have become the person you’d forgot because of it,” written in green marble letters.

As they walked into the room the dragons perked up and glared at everyone.

“Whoa, what the fuck are those? Hey I don’t wanna die down here for fuck’s sake,” said Grega sternly as the dragons eyed him, but then the dragons flew up into the air and got behind Grega. They got behind everyone before they had a chance to go back making their minds up for them.

“Easy Big Fella, we’re just lost. Don’t wanna cause you any harm,” said Pat calmly as he eyed the dragons intently as did everyone else.

“What are you doing in here? This is off limits!” declared Muras sternly as she stood on the patio and glared down at everyone, this while she controlled her dragons making them blow hot air on everyone’s backs. Meanwhile they were all terrified and feared the worst.

Muras stands 5’9” and weighs 146 pounds with a womanly figure. She also has large hands with round large knuckles on her short arms. Her hair is long and seal black with natural purple highlights and has a flower tied into it at the bottom, with a thin braided piece on the side. Her eyes are orange and have a no nonsense look to them, as well as her having a cute nose and thick pursed lips. She is wearing a black silk one piece bathing suit with the words,” A Believer in Nothing,” written along the sides as well as a

white cotton frock and red fluffy slippers. She also has on a blue diamond necklace in the design of a shark being eaten by a woman.

“We apologize, but we we’re running from a crazed gunman. He literally almost killed my friend here,” said Pat sincerely as he pointed to Grega who showed her his injured shoulder and hoped she would help them escape. This as Muras looked sternly at them not sure if it was a ploy or a lie or what.

“That’s right he’s shooting the nightclub up right now,” said Grega apologetically as he grimaced at Muras. She started to laugh causing everyone to think she was crazy. Instead she simply took great joy in crazy people’s actions.

“Isn’t that a bit of hilarity? I should burn that club to the ground for all the trouble it’s caused me.

Although this bit of news brought me a smile. Why don’t you all come up here and have a drink with me, I won’t bite, only nibble?” asked Muras playfully as she grinned a goofy grin at everyone.

“We’d love to, but what shall we call you?” asked Amo happily as she eyed Muras who was doing a weird dance and thought Muras a little bit crazy. This while Muras just wanted to see who would smile or laugh and saw that they all smiled.

“Muras, but my friends call me hey buddy. Should I call you ass lip or something more cordial?”

asked Muras sarcastically as she looked at everyone laughing and thought they were a warm bunch of kids.

Meanwhile Grega thought she was a cougar on the prowl for a younger man.

“Hey Buddy, my name is Amo that’s, Jaramie, Den, Pat, Grega, and Rosemary, but call us Weird Buddy or Dinner Lovers. Cause that’s what the trash man calls us when he wants to impress,” said Amo sarcastically as she grinned. Muras thought Amo was trying too hard to impress because she didn’t know how to compete with Muras’ charm.

“Well then aren’t you in luck, Weird Buddy, Hey Buddy just made a feast and I’ve already eaten.

Hurry on up and we’ll share a laugh or two,” said Muras warmly as she flew the dragons up next to everyone and had them lay flat so everyone could easily climb on.

“I hope these dragons don’t shit the bed in mid-air or I will be pissed and mostly dead. Which I’m not happy about, at all,” said Grega sarcastically, but also seriously as he thought God was fucking him again and he’d surely fall to his death.

Meanwhile Pat noticed Grega’s old trick of trying to pass his feelings to the people around him by talking about them without being asked. Pat felt reassured that the old Grega was almost back. Everyone climbed on the dragons and got comfortable. Then they lifted up into the air and headed for the patio.

This while Muras was lying down on the bed and lit up a joint as she waited for everyone.

The dragons landed softly on the patio without incident and everyone let out a sigh of relief and saw the table filled with food and were ecstatic.

“That is a sight for the sorest of eyes. I am fucking starving,” said Jaramie happily as he started for the table all this while everyone went for the table as well except for Den who eyed Muras.

Den walked over to Muras and asked calmly,” Can I get a dream, or drag I mean?”

“You can if you stop mumbling like a bitch. Slid in beside me, Handsome, I won’t hurt cha,” said Muras warmly as she patted the bed. Den felt a bit nervous as she was older than his usual woman, but she did have smoke and that made her more attractive to him. Den slid into bed and took the joint.

Den took a long drag and could tell it was really potent marijuana as he was instantly stoned. Den exhaled and looked over at Muras and said warmly,” Amazing smoke you’ve got there. Did you grow that yourself? And if so…can I buy some?” asked Den as he looked at Muras who was smiling at how cute he was being.

“Well, Den, I grow it myself. Let me show you something I think you’ll find interesting,” said Muras coyly as she flew the green dragon up to the top of one of the skyscrapers. It retrieved a black leather Louis Vutton suitcase and flew it down to where they were.

The dragon set the bag down next to the bed and Grega walked over and saw the 10 foot tall bag and said sarcastically,” There’s my ole bag of shit. I thought I lost you in the town of toilet. Yer ma and me have been dying to embrace your flatulent arms once again. Come give me some sugar, Shit,” said Grega sarcastically in a deep southern accent as he hugged the bag and then dry humped it. Muras shook her head and thought Grega was a moron.

“What’s in there, Den, I will give you for 150 dollars. And it will not disappoint. Take a look,” said Muras coyly as she knew the bag was filled with highly potent pot. She knew Den would flip out when he saw it, as she grabbed the electronic zipper with her implant and opened the bag without even touching it.

50 twenty pound plastic bags filled with pot fell out of the larger bag causing Den to jump up and run over.

“Green bud, holy shit an oasis of green bud and I’m not dead! 150 dollars for all that, are you serious, Muras?” asked Den in disbelief as he hugged the bags of pot and thought he would pass out as he started to sweat and quickly wiped it away with his sleeve.

Muras laughed while everyone continued to eat the delectable food.

“Serious as an ex-wife!” declared Muras happily. “I grow the shit, Den, so I have an endless supply.

Just watching you right now is all the payment I need. How does the saying go…when you find a friend of similar vice, be twice as nice, because they are the family you never knew. I think it was Buckley who said that. My what a writer! So are you happy, Den?” asked Muras warmly as she rubbed Den’s back. He hugged the pot and then Den nodded quickly and gave Muras a bear hug.

“I have never been so joyous, Muras. This will set me up for a hundred Saturdays. Thank you, Muras, you’re a saint who needs to get her sainthood,” said Den warmly then he kissed Muras on the lips and forehead. Den ran and dove into the pile of pot, while Muras felt overjoyed and could only smile.

“Jesus, Den, you finally found the pot smokers heaven on Earth. Christ all’s I ever wanted after the day I had was this incredibly tasty steak sandwich,” started Grega as he grinned and then he continued,”

Which I thank you for, Muras, wholeheartedly. What exactly are you doing down here? Are you renting this apartment?” asked Grega firmly as he licked his fingers and let out a sigh. This while Muras laughed loudly at his question and then she opened the windows on one of the skyscrapers and it showed the face of her and the words,” Muras building since 2019.” Grega laughed nervously when he saw it and said,”

Oh that’s embarrassing it’s your building for God’s sake. That would make you Pauco’s…”

“Mother, yes I held him inside my body for 9 months,” injected Muras as she grinned and then said,

“And kept him safe from his own devices for 30 years. These days I think he’s a bit annoyed with his old Ma. You don’t find me annoying do you, Grega?” asked Muras sternly and coyly as she was annoyed with Grega for asking her such an obvious question. Muras grinned at Grega who smiled nervously back as he didn’t want to say the wrong thing and cause Den to lose his bag of pot. Or even have her sick those giant dragons on them as Grega wasn’t sure how they’d get back to the ship.

“No, God no I thought you were gonna say I was annoying. No I think you’re a beautiful, smart, amazing, and totally incredible woman. I mean look at the high times you just gave Den here. You didn’t have to do that, but you did it. And now look how happy Den is,” said Grega playfully as he grinned from ear to ear and Muras smiled and thought Grega was cute.

“Thank you, Grega, well I say we set about getting you all back to your hangar bay. I wouldn’t want to keep you. Why don’t we all pile on the dragons and I’ll personally fly you back up, ok?” asked Muras warmly and coyly as she was pissed off that Grega thought he could dupe her into thinking he meant any of what he had said. They set down what they were eating and were happy for this day to be finally over.

“Let’s roll, but what about my stash?” asked Den as he eyed all the bags of pot nervously and then looked at Muras who smiled. The zipper on the bag closed up and the plastic bags of pot were sucked inside as it did. Then the green dragon grabbed hold of the bag and everyone started to climb aboard, while Den ran over and hugged Muras.

“It’s alright, Den, I appreciate the gesture. Let us make like a moonbeam and swim through the skies, Den,” said Muras happily as everyone grabbed a recliner and the dragons started flying up towards the ceiling. As they drew near a round hole appeared where a holographic wall had been and the dragons soared through. This as everyone felt a bit nervous and Grega thought to himself it’d be just his luck to die now and just his fault for coming here in the first place.

“This is insane, I love it!” yelled Pat as they soared through a long golden tube and up past dozens of paintings of angels with paragraphs of scripture that included,” Too few a brave soul ever gained belief in God that wasn’t already there, but so many a weak one took a lifetime to ever know and swore they’d never tell.” This as well as the phrase,” Cripple a wounded man and stab God right hard in the heart with a sword of molten steel,” beneath the paintings.

They soared faster and faster weaving back and forth as they climbed farther and farther. Rosemary shouted,” I’m not pregnant, but my stomach is!”

This caused everyone to laugh as they could see a glowing blue light at the end of the tunnel.

Grega instantly started trying to think of a better joke and shouted,” Too much ass and not enough vagina mean too much crying over baseball, I love it!”

No one laughed as they couldn’t figure out what he meant and Grega instantly felt embarrassed.

Then they burst out of the tunnel and saw a circular grandstand surrounding the tunnel filled with cheering people who were completely naked. Instantly a blast of fireworks shot up into the air spelling the words,” We knew it!”


Thanks for reading here are some of my other titles you might enjoy!

Saycha and the Underworld of Drayne Sectis


The Vindijan Line

Short Stories for the Long Haul

The Conquered

Dear Camy, the lost letters

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