Thrashing Ale with Den Sidion by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Road trip with Gitio

Inside the Old Port Tavern in Portland Maine sat Den Sidion, Pat Finney, and Rosemary Pedal in a booth in the back of the bar. The bar itself is dimly lit as it is early afternoon and they use only sunlight from a trio of windows to light it. There is a pair of musical acts loading in their instruments called The Black Smile, and The Ice Cream Punch. Both bands are scheduled to play that evening and are known for raucous rock and roll. The lead singer for The Black Smile is named Tom Riddler (and he is well known for his screaming much less his singing). Tom had been a problem child as he grew up with a red cheek as it was called, or as you would say in an abusive home. He lived just north of Bangor or the former home of Stephen King (a long dead horror writer from before The Death of Laughter as it became called).

The Doramoc’s are a race of aliens that landed on Earth over 150 years ago this week. They have become thought highly of as no one had ever seen an alien up close, but soon that changed when 1,000 of their ships arrived. We were informed they’d be staying. Well many of the people weren’t too happy about this as they felt they shouldn’t be telling us what to do. Yeah those were the first people to die at the hands of their advanced weaponry (namely their Slow Bullet guns).

The Slow Bullet Guns were called this because the bullet’s started out slow and soon accelerated.

They would blow a gaping hole in any part of your body they hit.

The military tried to stop their abduction of Earth, but never stood a chance. They fell very quickly and the people left were simply told you either do what we say or you’re dead. Smartly they all did exactly what they said. This amounted to nothing more than leaving them be and never attacking them with speech or with violence.

Over the century and a half they started rebuilding many cities including New York, L.A., and Washington D.C. among others into technological marvels. In New York the skyline rose up 3 miles high.

The Guess Building alone rose up 3 and half miles and included a massive park half a mile up that was lush and green (the neighbor’s called it Greenville). The park has wind repellants that way you can comfortably spend a day up there with no chance of getting blown off the side.

They also revealed they had mastered anti-gravity. Soon all people were flying to work in sleek multi-colored cars and trucks

They created an archive of other alien cultures that we were able to peruse at our leisure (or convenience in case you were wondering). In those archives we could see that the Doramoc’s had taken over dozens of worlds. It showed in great detail those cultures the way they had been before they got there. In many cases centuries upon centuries before they got there, which meant they had been watching each civilization. The Doramoc’s waited patiently for them to create a well defined infrastructure to make it easier when they took over. When it came to Earth the records showed they’d been watching us for 60,000 years, much longer than the other worlds as we took longer to develop.

The leader of the Doramoc’s is an emperor named Wexor Grim, a large mountain of a man. All the Doramoc’s are tall and muscular (many 18 feet tall) with Wexor being 18 foot and 2 inches and weighing 1050 pounds. They all have dark red skin with dark blue square patches every so often all over their bodies. Their eyes are dark orange and spotted yellow and vary in intensity (but they all look intense).

Wexor is the exception with crystal blue and spotted gold eyes, they dance across your face and never blink when angry.

Wexor loves to give spirited speeches and play with the Natives Soulless (as he called human beings) at every game on the planet, but especially poker as he felt it was their only chance at victory.

Oddly enough the Doramoc’s dominated most sports, but rarely cheered and rabble roused as they won.

Instead they became abusive towards any human in sight. This led to many humans running out of the

stadiums long before the end of a match. In baseball Wexor had hit over 1,000 home runs in as little as 2400 at bats. He had extraordinary hand-eye coordination and rarely a ball got by him. He would proceed to walk the bases as he took in the nervous applause.

“Hey, Rosemary, you up for a little naked scrabble later tonight or what?” asked Den as he threw a wink to Rosemary and she shook her head.

Den Sidion has seal black, short curly hair that is lightly gelled and goes back from a strong hairline.

He has dark blue eyes and an upturned small nose with round cheeks. He is 5’10” and weighs 204 pounds with large muscular forearms and a barrel chest. He has a green scorpion tattoo on his clavicle with the words,” She owed me forever, so I took it,” written beneath the scorpion in red letters. He has on a black leather motorcycle jacket with a white cotton dress shirt underneath, with tan buttons and a pair of blue jeans made by Tommy Hilfiger. He also has on black size 11 running sneakers with a revolver attached to his calf muscle by a black strap.

“I would if you didn’t know how to spell FART so well. Ask Grega when he gets here he loves to be propositioned by strange women,” said Rosemary sarcastically as Pat laughed and Den grinned and shook his head.

Rosemary Pedal has strawberry blonde hair and it’s long with a pair of braided pieces on either side that are curly at the ends. She is very beautiful with large luscious lips and sultry dark brown eyes, as well as a well defined cute nose. She has a thin figure, but with a large round butt and B cup breasts. She is 5’4” and has on a white sweat suit jacket with only a black lace bra underneath. She also has on black hot pants and Nike running shoes that are tan in color (and white anklet socks).

“Oh is it hilarity from the likes of you two. Hey, Pat, did Rosemary ask for your condom size before or after she said she was a virgin? Cause I suspect you both lied in your answers in the Police report,” said Den jokingly in a stern voice then he burst out laughing as Pat and Rosemary looked at him coldly.

Pat Finney has dark brown hair that is mid-length and slightly receding on the sides in the front. His eyes are lavender and look jovial. He also has a thin nose with a large round tip that makes him look handsome. He has a block jaw and oddly perfect white teeth. He is 6’2” and weighs 175 pounds with a flat chest and hairy thin arms as well as large legs. He has on a black t-shirt with the face of Marlon Brando in the movie,” Apocalypse Now,” with the words,” Where is the method to the madness,” written beneath his head. He also has on a pair of black satin dress pants and black Redwing boots with a blue denim jacket.

“Oh aren’t you the merry prankster. I thought I found another load in Rosemary when I inserted, it was you wasn’t it?!” asked Pat sarcastically as Den laughed and Rosemary rolled her eyes.

“You boys need to go get you some tranny love down at the Greyhound station. Cause this body is closed for good,” said Rosemary jokingly as she tried not to laugh and then Tom Riddler walked by and she grabbed his arm and asked,” Hey, Tom, can you save me from these 2 idiots, they’re burning the finish off this table with their breath?”

Tom has orange and blonde long streaked hair that is wavy and curled at the ends. His eyes are golden in color and seem very calm and thoughtful. He has a prominent nose with a rounded bump and high cheekbones. There is a tiny tattoo of a Doramoc on his thumb in gold and red. He is 6’1” and has a massive chest and rugged arms. He has on a golden sportcoat that has a soft fiber all over it and the collar he has bent up to accent his hair. He also has on a dark green polyester shirt and tight brown corduroy pants that show off his visible large man bulge. He also has on tan size 13 sneakers and a homemade beaded necklace, including a silver ring with a compartment for cocaine.

“I would, but they’ve already singed my nose hairs so what’s the point. Hey, Rosemary, you wanna hear Waspus in the first set like usual?” asked Tom honestly as he leaned in next to Rosemary and put his hand on her back.

“Only if I get to see that anaconda in your pants later tonight,” said Rosemary in a sultry voice as she grabbed Tom’s man bulge tightly and shook it while she looked up at him longingly.

“You’ll see more than that, you’ll be lucky if you can remember your own name when it’s over,”

said Tom slyly as he reached down and rubbed Rosemary’s breast and kissed her passionately.

“What is this crap, I thought it was us for tonight you lying wench. And after all I’ve done for ya, like bathing and pretending to not have money when a bum comes up to us,” said Den sarcastically in a loud voice as Pat laughed and Rosemary looked over with a hint of a smile on her face.

“You forgot stealing toilet paper from my house and wearing my bras, but I won’t mention it,” said Rosemary sarcastically. Tom patted her shoulder and mouthed the words,” See you later.”

In walked Grega Sorhen with a smile on his face as he waved to the bartender. Grega has long straight blonde hair that shoots back off his forehead from a pointy widow’s peak. He has burgundy eyes and a thin pointy nose with a round bulb at the end. His face is very handsome, but has a tiny scar on his left cheekbone. He is 6’2” and 231 pounds and in very good shape. His hands are large with thick fingers and he wears a size 14 shoe. He has on a dark brown cashmere sweater with a white cotton undershirt with the face of Efor Lux and the words,” The truly wise man knows you’ll talk of his wiseness just after he leaves the room. So it worries him not,” written around the outline of his face.

Efor Lux is a renowned genius from 7 decades earlier who figured out a way to chase thoughts out of a person’s head with very little effort. He used this technique known as Lux phrases, where whenever he saw a person’s thought’s heading towards anything that could be harmful to him or his friends, he would attack. For instance, if he felt a person was considering punching him he would say simply,” OH you know what’s funny?” And then they’d ask what and he’d proceed to tell a humorous story like,” I heard about this woman who could take a whole can of beer in her pussy. Can you believe that, there’s a guy out there with a dick shaped like a can of beer and I’m lonely on Friday nights.” He wrote hundreds of these phrases and published them in his book titled,” Wasted adulthood.”

Grega also has on a pair of black denim jeans and a pair of tan leather dress shoes with a large blue R

on the sides in a red triangle on the toe.

“Hey, Den, where’s the end of your rectum? I can’t find my car keys!” shouted Grega sarcastically as he walked up to the table and laughed. All 3 at the table laughed as he walked up. Den stood up and hugged Grega. Grega said jokingly,” I’d pat you on the back, but I’m too homophobic. So it’s anal get those pants off,” said Grega sarcastically as everyone laughed and sat down.

“Alright, enough talk of anal or, Pat, will spike my drink,” said Den sarcastically then he burst out laughing as did Grega and Pat shook his finger.

“He’s only half-joking, Pat, look the other way while we talk about ya behind your back,” said Rosemary sarcastically as Pat looked away quickly like he was a dullard. She made a face like a horse as everyone laughed.

“Oh fuck this, let’s have it, Grega,” said Den sternly as he reached out his hand and made a motion like he wanted Grega to give him something as a grin washed across his face.

“What are you talking about, what drugs I don’t do your heathen quick answers to man’s questions,”

said Grega coyly as he grimaced and looked side to side at the table. This while he knew that Den wanted to see the money he owed all 3 of them. They wanted the tickets to the Poobo Ball in New York City. He looked at all 3 of them and pulled out a trio of yellow envelopes from his pocket and threw them to each of them.

“Thank God for God ‘cause I really lost faith. Thank you, Grega, me boy, but where’s your ticket?”

asked Den as he opened the envelope and saw the 20,000 dollars. He knew he’d be fine for at least 6


“Yeah, Grega, you’re still coming aren’t ya? I don’t want to be stuck with these two,” asked Rosemary anxiously as she fanned her face with her stack of hundreds.

“I wouldn’t miss the Poobo ball for anything, unless it was something more fun like breathing. So yes I’m going,” said Grega slyly as he grinned at all 3 of them and they let out a collective sigh of relief.

“So when do we head out?” asked Pat eagerly as he pulled out a pack of Marlboro lights and started packing them on his wrist with Grega grinning.

“Well they’re anytime anti-gravity shuttle tickets so we can go whenever you’re done packing. And I do mean those cigarettes,” said Grega quickly as he looked at Pat wide-eyed. Pat instantly stopped packing his Marlboro’s and grinned slightly.

“Anytime tickets, those are all first class. How did you afford that? You shake down Granny Bess?”

asked Den half jokingly as he sat forward and rubbed his own biceps.

“Let’s just say that I just said. No, look I bet a guy at Scarborough Downs that Raging Hardon, a fifty to one shot would beat his horse Primodonna, which was the favorite,” said Grega proudly as he produced a large envelope filled with 100,000 dollars. He raised his eyebrows and laughed in a cocky fashion as the 3 of them eyed the envelope with smiles on their faces.

“Raging Hardon, I bet 1,000 bucks to show on that soon to be glue horse a week ago, to show mind you, and lost it all! How in the hell did you pick him and win no less?” asked Den excitedly as he folded his arms and sat back in his seat as Grega laughed.

“Because I knew the guy that owned him, Dick Somers, and I knew they had given him a high powered steroid. So when Hardon took the track I let it be known I had money to wager to this old fat guy named Ronald. Then I coaxed him into giving ME odds of 5 to 1. Then I wagered 50,000 dollars and we…are…stylin’!” said Grega greedily as he let out a horse laugh and pumped his fist twice.

“That is so sick, well we know who’s gonna buy dinner. Go ahead and pony up the cash, Den, I’m dyin’ for steak and those country gravy potatoes I love,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she continued to fan her face with her money. Den grinned and then she said,” Well if we’re all rich and in no need of

work for several months. Why don’t we all get the fuck out of here and head for New, York, Spity? The sidewalks are covered with spit let’s face it,” asked Rosemary as she put her money in her pocket and let out an unsettling laugh. This was the laugh she did when she was about to do mischief.

“I packed, we just need to swing by my place and grab my suitcases,” said Pat quickly as he put out his cigarette, wiped off his hands and then grabbed his money.

“Same for me and Rosemary, you got all your bras and panties packed, Grega?” asked Den sarcastically in a stern voice, as Grega smiled and nodded yes.

“Yeah I packed your suitcase like you asked,” said Grega sarcastically and then Pat and Rosemary laughed. Grega said happily,” Everything of mine is packed and in the car. So let’s get up and be gone.”

“Works for me,” said Pat as they all stood and headed for the front doors.

Outside it was a sun shower as Doramoc’s and regular people were going in every direction in the busy Old Port. The street is cobblestone and leads up to a paved street next to the waterfront. There are dozens of different kinds of new and old anti-gravity cars and trucks, including Grega’s 20 year old Porsche Vermilup. It has a sleek design and is dark green with tiny specs of black all throughout the paint.

It is a 4-seater and has tinted black windows and a trio of exhaust pipes. The radio plays the song,” Not an addict,” by the 1990’s band K’s Choice.

The Doramoc’s ride exclusively in Gummers, as we called them because they are 3 times the size of a truck and gum up the works. The Gummers are shaped like a crab shell without the crab legs.They are black, red, or silver depending on how powerful that Doramoc is in their government called the Qusama.

The really powerful Doramocs all drive the black ones including Wexor. Only his has a pair of anti-gravity motorcycles attached to the sides (because he loves to mingle with female humans and flirt with them). He has bedded dozens of them much to the chagrin of his wife Birsten.

“Alright look you 3 snapperheads, I don’t want any shouting in the backseat about the A/C. Just accept I like it hot,” said Grega as he pressed the door opening button on his car remote. The doors disappeared as they have a mechanism that can scramble and realign molecules and atoms.

“Fine, Grega, we’ll cook a little bacon on the seats for ya. You sure you’re not a Doramoc? We all know they love it good and toasty,” asked Rosemary sarcastically as she hopped in the front seat with Pat and Den in the back.

“So what if I’m part Doramoc. Where do you think I got my massive wang from?” asked Grega slyly and sarcastically as he pressed the door button and they reappeared.

“Wang, or shit for brains? That statement was a trifle misleadin’,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she grinned over at Grega and shook his head around like there was something loose inside.

“My brains are all brains, momma said so,” said Grega jokingly and in a little kids voice as he played with her. He said quickly as he eyed his holographic watch,” Oh Jesus, we’ve got to hurry or we’ll miss the 4:30 shuttle. Hold on I’m going rogue!” said Grega boldly then he pressed the upward acceleration and his Porsche lifted up into the air.

They flew across town on the Longfellow Sky Route and grabbed Pat and Den’s luggage. They headed over past Marginal Way and up to Munjoy hill to grab Rosemary’s luggage. She ran into her house and everyone sat in the car and waited.

“So do you think she’ll bring her Rex dildo or the Luther one?” asked Pat as he stared at a beautiful brunette woman in a black bodysuit stretching out her legs on a park bench.

“Neither, I’m available Monday through Friday. She knows where to find a firm rod and a warm bed,” said Den crassly as he stared at the same woman Pat was, as she ran in place.

“Ok now you’re creepin’ me out. Let’s talk about something else, like how I’ll pound her head into the headboard while she screams at me in French. French fries, Grega, French toast!” said Grega jokingly and in a loud voice as Pat burst out laughing and Den grinned. This while the brunette was met by a Doramoc man in a white silk suit, he lifted her off the ground and kissed her.

“That lucky prick, why aren’t I 13feet tall and blue skinned?” asked Den in disbelief as he frowned and glared at the Doramoc.

“Because your momma ain’t a fucking alien!” joked Grega as he shook his head. “You are screwed, Son. Hey here comes Rosemary, calm your jets,” said Grega quickly as he scrambled the door’s molecules and Rosemary hopped in with a single leather bag.

“Hey roll of dimes, put this in the trunk for me,” said Rosemary as she handed Den her luggage and smiled. He grinned and then threw it in the trunk.

“You mean silver dollars don’t ya, Love?” asked Den jokingly as he grinned.

Grega laughed as he lifted the car up in the air and they headed back into the Longfellow sky route.

“What are you tryin’ to make change? All this piggybank talk is gettin’ me hot and horny. Quick roll over and lift your leg I smell a deuce comin’ on,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she used a stern voice.

Then everyone except for Den burst out laughing and Grega nearly crashed into a car beside them.

They sped across town and the South Portland shuttle bay was ahead of them, floating 3,000 feet above the ground. It is shaped like an old toaster oven that has been turned on its side. It has 3 large bays one on top of one another, they’re in the front of the 1,200 foot high and 4,700 foot wide superstructure.

There are hundreds of cars and trucks flying in and out of the top bay. The other 2 bays have two massive and super fast Qurob shuttles inside (that can travel at 5,000 miles an hour). The building is dark red in color and has the image of Wexor emblazoned on it along the sides. It shows him holding a long laser rifle and smiling from ear to ear.

“This looks like the place, but where do we drop Rosemary off to get her back hair sandblasted off before the trip?” asked Grega sarcastically as he pulled his Porsche into the top level. Grega asked jokingly,” I’m just kiddin’ ya, Rosemary, but seriously where?”

“Just park the car already or we’ll miss our departure time,” said Rosemary as she glared at Grega and wondered why she couldn’t think of a zinger. She said sarcastically,” Ya know, Grega, I hear guys like you get lots o’ dates in New York. Oh wait that’s prison, excuse me so much.”

“That’s where we’re all headed so it’s nice to know we’ll enter the dating pool ahead of the warden,”

said Grega sarcastically as he parked the Porsche and scrambled the doors. Pat and Den laughed while Rosemary looked over at Grega and rolled her eyes.

Inside the hangar bay there was a bustle of activity, as hundreds of people unloaded their cars and headed for the Qurob shuttles. Many of the cars and trucks were floating above power cells as they took full advantage of the free juice. There were Doramocs milling about yelling obscenities at any person that drew near, in the hopes of drawing them into a fight. There is a large movie theater on the right side of the bay that is playing the movie, “Broken Perfections” on a massive living holographic stage. It gives each person the feeling the movie is happening right on and around where they are sitting. They use sound dampeners to deaden the sound, so no one outside of the theater can hear even a whisper.

Broken Perfections is a story of a beautiful, almost unreal young girl, who is told everyday of her life how stunning she is. As she gets out of high school she starts plotting against the government. She feels their abuse of the Patriot Act is reprehensible and disgusting. She sets about using a series of wealthy business men to cripple the financial sector, by dumping a large quantity of stock all at the same time.

They do this to force the government to step in and bail out the large corporations, which are owned by the men she enlisted. Then as the country is in ruin she executes a raid on Washington D.C. that kills off the president and 40 members of congress.

The walls of the bay have a glowing hologram of Wexor, as he kicks the game winning goal in the championship match at the World Cup. It’s plastered from end to end.

“Alright let’s steer clear of those Doramoc fuckers on the left there. They’re looking for damage and we’ve got places to be,” said Grega softly as he grabbed his black cotton suitcase from the trunk. Grega watched as a pair of young men got berated by 2 large Doramoc’s in black leather suits and red sunglasses.

“That is a wise decision, now let’s hustle we have to be boarded in 5 minutes and Pat needs to sit down to pee,” said Den sarcastically then he looked at Pat’s angry face and laughed.

They hurried towards the anti-gravity elevators on the right (they are in a dark red mahogany and marble sphere). The doors to the elevator spiral inward and pulse as they do. When they reached the elevators Grega looked back and saw the Doramocs pushing the 2 men around like play things. Grega felt very angry because it wasn’t the first time he’d seen this behavior, far from it.

“Let’s go, Grega, the doors are open already,” pleaded Rosemary as she tugged on Grega’s arm and he grimaced and hurried into the elevator.

They pressed the button for the ground floor and were there only a moment later. The door’s spiraled open and they could see the Qurob shuttle. It was covered in Doramoc propaganda that included lines like,” We’re all the same now, embrace our everlasting friendship,” as well as the lines,” Why worry of life, there’s too many fun things to do on Wexor’s world.” It was shaped like a race car, but had a pair of large jet shaped anti-gravity cells on the wings that glowed dull red. It also has 3 eye shaped black tinted windows on the front, as well as a trio of large plasma windows on the sides that surround the entryway doors. They are mahogany and have the words,” Give in to life,” carved onto them and surrounded by gold. It also has a wide blue observation deck on the rear that shows in flight plays and movies.

“That looks like a whole lot of party. Where do we put our tickets?” asked Pat as he pulled his red, oval shaped ticket out of his pocket and looked at everyone doing the same.

“Oh Jesus, I left my ticket in the car,” said Grega sarcastically as everyone looked at him in shock.

He grinned and said slyly,” How you dumb boners ever learned how to breathe I never will know. Alright look we don’t swipe our tickets as we walk in it does it automatically for us.”

“And what if someone doesn’t have a ticket and is trying to sneak on, then what?” asked Rosemary as she walked up to the doors and glanced over at Den, who was eyeing the doors.

“You get shot in the face with a knockout spray and then security carries your broke ass off the ship,” said Grega honestly as the doors swung sideways into the ship’s walls.

“What if the ticket doesn’t work though, Grega? Hey that isn’t funny, Grega, say something!”

pleaded Rosemary as Grega ignored her and hurried through the doors as she tried to keep up.

All 4 of them were safely through the doors when Den said happily,” For a second there I thought you were serious about that spray.”

Then behind them a man in a red sport coat walked through the doors and got doused with the knockout spray, as a siren went off. Then 2 Doramoc security guards came out of a secret compartment and started pummeling the man. They tossed him out the doors and one shouted,” No free rides Motherfucker!”

Rosemary looked on in horror and then the Doramoc turned and looked at her. She quickly looked away and said sternly,” Not a word, Grega, if you love me at all.”

Grega just smiled and they walked down the mahogany arched hallway towards the massive games and relaxation room, which was where you sat during the trip. The walls of the hallway have several doorways, each leads to an exclusive and lavish Doramoc quarters (that take up 2 thirds of the ship). Each

of the doors has the mark of Gabra on it which is the Doramoc God. The mark consists of a sword cutting off a hand at the wrist with a pen in it.

Gabra for the Doramoc’s is a birthright exclusively for them and their kind, and not to be enjoyed as God by all. There are 10 known beliefs for the Doramoc’s that go as follows…

1. Be the sword that severs a man’s courage if he not respect thee.

2. Find a joke that fills your mind with laughter and tell no one.

3. When an impasse arises between you and your wife placate her and give it no concern.

4. If a friend stops being friendly destroy everything they love, as they were only pretending to be your friend.

5. Find Gabra’s creative spark in others and tell them not or lose the power of knowing.

6. The bringers of information always have a partial opinion of theirs to spread. So be wary of taking anything at face value unless, you sought out the information yourself.

7. Give wives every kindness and everlasting love until they break their marriage vows then kill them.

8. I intended the universe for you so take it and be just in its upkeep, but never feel sympathy for any other race.

9. Surrounding you is an invisible pride and frivolity, remember this always.

10. If the last of your kind dies by horrible means, I also will have died. So fight every battle like you are near death.

“Alright look, Rosemary, I get it, you’re in love with me, but I’ve got 6 or 7 girlfriends so I can’t reciprocate. What concession I’ll make is 8 or 9 hours of sex, and that doesn’t include alcohol, which of

course you’ll have to bring. I like Naty light by the way,” said Den sarcastically as he used a deep northeastern accent and leaned in close to Rosemary, who grimaced and pushed him away.

“Yeah, I’ve got your fantasy world in my mind now, but you left out me killing you before the alleged sexcapades,” replied Rosemary as she smiled. “And then of course Pat and I choppin’ your body up and servin’ it to the police charity dinner, because we all know they love gamey meat,” said Rosemary half jokingly as she smirked at Den.

Den who shook his finger at her and Grega laughed as did Pat.

“Boy you are turnin’ me on. If you didn’t love me you would have tossed my body into the Back Bay. Now it’s all about marriage and 3 ways in our future, Me Turtledove,” said Den sarcastically as he smirked at Rosemary who was trying not to laugh, as they entered the games and relaxation room.

Inside it is 550 feet long and has 3 levels, with different forms of recreation on each. They are accessible by carpeted walkways and air jets that lift you effortlessly all the way to the 3rd level. On the first level there are 2 movie theaters that have plush brown and purple couches, which are set up around a holographic movie. And the movie is selected by one of the Doramoc captain’s and today’s movies are,

“Star Deviation” and the movie “Lost Friends of Tradition.”

Star Deviation is about a teenage boy who gets abused by his family then steals a starship and takes off into space. He finds an uncharted world called Boacu. And before long they believe he is a messiah and crown him their king. Then the boy takes it upon himself to rule with an iron fist, but soon discovers that he actually is their messiah. And he writes a 746 page book of scripture that foretells the future.

Lost Friends of Tradition is a western that centers around the last cowboy on Earth that fought off the Doramoc’s. And a group of 7,000 ranch and oil well owners in Texas that band together to destroy the Doramoc army in one last gasp. After 3 minutes the cowboys were no more and their bodies were burned in front of the town hall, this was a message to the people of Houston.

On the second level there is a pair of living rooms that have large holographic TV sets in front of them. There are also a dozen plush couches in front of those. Each have large brown tables filled with meals and beverages that you press a button and they came up hot and ready to eat. Many of the meals are gourmet like Filet Mignon and lobster whipped potatoes. And of course, a Doramoc dish called Hema that tastes indescribable and is a type of pie. There are also 2 rows of experience video games (they allow you to feel like an adventure or sport is actually happening to you). You hook up a small censor to your temple and then you are thrust into that world. There is a trio of large plasma windows on 3 of the 4 walls that make you feel like you are outside in the clouds. And you can enhance targets deep out in space by touching the window and highlighting an area, then it will magnify it until it is in the palm of your hand.

The third level has a chill lounge with full bar and robotic bartender behind a maple countertop.

There are also 15 large black recliners at the bar. And also a dozen large brown and black beanbag chairs set up around the room. There is also the band “Desperate but Legal” playing loud rock and roll fronted by lead singer and guitar player Jae Morama.

Jae Morama is a daytime financer of large business deals and a nighttime rockstar. He came to music after his father died and left him 100 million dollars. He used the pain of losing his father at such a young age of 20, and poured it into songs of rage and desperation. For instance the song “Hard and Nimble song” that is a huge hit locally due in large part to all of Jae’s classmates calling the radio station repeatedly. He never found success outside of the northeast or nationally, but they still can draw a crowd in Portland.

The room is filled with people on the lower level as Grega and everyone look around anxiously.

“Hey, let’s head upstairs and grab a cold one. I’m dying to sit down and wax poetic about politics and greed. Here’s my 85 page poem titled, why I mop the men’s bathroom at Harvard. I love me work I am no jerk, I taught the teacher how to tinkle on top of Rip Van Winkle,” said Den sarcastically and as he lifted his right arm and left eyebrow (and talked in a cockney accent).

“Shut the hell up you retard. The only Harvard you’ve seen is HARD TARD or moron for short Let’s get a naty,” said Rosemary sternly and sarcastically as she waded through the people in front of Den and Grega.

They made their way to the air jets and Grega ran past Rosemary and jumped on the air jet with a goofy smile. And when he did he shot straight up into the air to the 3rd level.

“You son of a bitch, you’re buyin’!” yelled Rosemary up the air jet as she hopped on and then sped up. She saw Grega at the bar ordering 4 Natural Lights and she said coldly,” You worthless yellow belly beer buyin’, friend o’ mine. Thanks for the gesture of good will, Grega.”

“You’re welcome the beers are on their way. Where are the other 2 hidin’?” asked Grega as he eyed the female bass player for Desperate but Legal, named Amo Hanio.

Amo Hanio is a beautiful blonde haired vixen with dark green eyes and a long thin well defined nose, as well as pouty thick lips. She has a small set of breasts, but has a large shapely bottom and muscular calve muscles. She is 6’1” and weighs 142 pounds. She has on a see through top and black bra, as well as a pair of black skin tight leggings and red tinted sunglasses. Amo is also wearing black high heels. She holds her black and red striped bass at her knees as she plays.

“They just made it to the top, better hose ‘em down before we get kicked out for the smell,” said Rosemary jokingly as she saw the beers appear in front of her. She grabbed one with one hand and put the other hand on Grega’s shoulder. She saw the women he was looking at and said warmly,” Well she’s cute. Is it spit and shit or cum and rum?” asked Rosemary as she slapped Grega’s back and laughed.

“I’m hopin’ for a little bit of both. Who is she, do you know?” asked Grega as he watched Amo play her bass and scowl at the audience of 50 people.

“I don’t know her, but she looks like a 3 rubber girl. Seriously, Grega, I’m first lookin’ out for ya and your immense penis, cause I might like to use it myself later,” said Rosemary slyly as Grega looked over at her. She laughed and said happily,” So, so what I have needs.”

“You need to get a job, you need to stop naming your dildos. You need to not scream out your hurting my tits go faster when I’m on top of you,” said Grega slyly and jokingly as he eyed Rosemary who grinned sheepishly and then opened her mouth wide.

“That was only one time and it was meant to be funny. Gaw you are a grudge keeper and I don’t like it and I always will,” said Rosemary slyly then she giggled and gently punched Grega’s arm.

“Hey what are you retards doin’?” asked Den jokingly as he and Pat ponied up to the bar and grabbed their natural lights. Den saw Amo and said slyly,” There’s tuna in the room. Thank God for first class!”

“Calm your jets, Den, I saw her perfect ass first. And, I’ll be pounding it last, so drink up and try not to flirt with a Doramoc,” said Grega sarcastically as he looked at Den and then Amo and took a sip of his beer.

Rosemary laughed at Den as he shook his head with her hands and sipped his natural light.

“My jets are ready to lift off, Rosemary, and I do mean maximum explosive power. So go ahead and take off those hot pants. Then spend an hour trimmin’ that beard of yours it’s embarrassin’,” said Den sarcastically as he smirked at Rosemary who looked back at him wide eyed and then set down her beer.

“You son of a bitch, if you had seen it you’d know it’s completely smooth and off limits to homeless people and crackheads. So I guess you’re out!” said Rosemary sarcastically then she burst out laughing and threw her hair back.

Den laughed begrudgingly.

Grega saw that the band finished its song and watched intently to see if that was the last song of the set. The lead singer Jae, stepped up to the mic and said softly,” We love you and we get you, but I need a beer or TWO. So hang tight as we take a 25 minute break. Then we’ll blow your sorry minds! Love ya!”

yelled Jae and then he took off his guitar and shook it in front of his body as the crowd cheered.

Jae has piercing blue and yellow eyes, dark brown hair that is long and tied into a square ponytail.He has a short button nose and thick lips. He is 5’7” and weighs 157 pounds and is very fit. He has small hands and feet and he is wearing a black and white t-shirt that has a picture of king Pomlepop Game (from the movie, Paid on rRequest) with the words,” I thought you were naked, how embarrassing for you,” written beneath the naked picture of Pomlepop. He also has on a pair of white silk dress pants and black tennis shoes, as well as a red cabala bracelet around his left wrist.

Paid on Request, is a story about a fake king who moves to Manhattan in the year 2021 and starts bilking old rich women out of their fortunes. He does this by offering to sell them knighthoods and make them Dames. The scheme is so profitable he soon has enough money to buy a lavish mansion on Martha’s Vineyard. Soon he sets about having a nonstop 4 year orgy that includes many of the famous people living there. It climaxes with a gun battle between Pomlepop and the police, where he is gunned down after killing 4 police officers.

Grega hurries over to the stage and walks right up to Amo asks,” Is it alright if I fall in love with you? And when I say you, I mean your beautiful sexy body that I know is worth the embarrassment of staring at. I’m Grega by the way and you are?” asked Grega warmly as he extended his right hand and Amo grinned and then shook it softly.

“Amo, nice to meet you,” answered Amo as she checked Grega out. “And thanks for staring at my ass, ya know that never happens when we play a bar,” said Amo sarcastically as she put her bass guitar in its case. She smirked at Grega who stood there for a moment and did nothing.

“I figured as much, which is why I felt a need to picture you naked in case I never saw you again.

My name is Grega by the way and you would be?” asked Grega coyly as he looked at Amo straight-faced and she laughed and then threw back her hair.

“My name is redundant redundant, nice to meet you. Boy I sure am thirsty, I’ll just die if I’m not filled with cold liquid and soon,” said Amo coyly as she put her forearm to her head dramatically and smiled. This while Grega nodded softly and smiled slightly.

“Ya know there’s a water fountain right over there. I’d hate to see you die of thirst and all,” said Grega jokingly as he pointed to a cigarette machine and smirked.

“Hey that looks like a cigarette machine. What kinda shit are you pullin’?” asked Amo jokingly as she looked at the machine and then said flatly,” Alright look you fuckin’ burnout, you want this ass I’d better get a Budweiser and I mean now. ‘Cause if I don’t you’re gonna end up naked with only your hand bouncing on your boner.”

“Bud sounds great let’s head, and I mean HEAD to the bar. You got any money?” asked Grega sarcastically and then Amo glared at him and he burst out laughing.

“That’s only funny to millionaires, not to guys who steal food from the soup kitchens,” said Amo sharply and jokingly as she and Grega walked over to the bar. She grabbed his ass tightly as he looked her dead in the eye.

“I was never found guilty on those charges. Wait, how did you know about that, are you a bails bondsman?” asked Grega sarcastically as he squeezed Amo’s ass and felt how hard and firm it was, it got a bit nervous and not wanting to blow it.

“If I were, you’re arrested for lewd and barely drunk behavior. I sentence you to 10 beers and all night sex with me, but since we’re not sleeping on the ship, you need to pay for the hotel room in New

York City. Now pay the bailiff,” said Amo sarcastically in a stern voice as Grega smiled and put his hands up like he was about to be handcuffed.

“Works for me, my friends and I have suites at the Guess building. So guess where you’ll be staying, Gorgeous? That’s right in a closet next to my bed. Just joking, Love,” said Grega slyly as he smiled and Amo laughed and waved her finger at him.

“Joking, I want that closet I heard there’s a full kitchen in it. What, you’ve got some other woman getting the closet. That’s really unfair I need 8 beers to drown my sorrows please, Sexy Man,” said Amo sarcastically as she pouted her lips and pretended to look bored while Grega laughed.

Then in walked a pair of Doramoc’s as Grega ordered Amo a beer.

“Hey, Grega, who’s your friend?” asked Rosemary as she sauntered up next to Grega. This while Pat and Den sat at the end of the bar telling stories and playing a holographic video game called “Con Brother”.

Con Brother is a game where you pretend to be secret agents and sports stars to con people out of money and to get women into bed. Then once you have impregnated 30 women and stole 50 million dollars, you are off to Hollywood to con your way into a major motion picture. Once you have, you parlay your success into a governorship and then the presidency.

“This is beautiful and talented Amo, Amo, this is, Rosemary Pedal,” said Grega warmly as he motioned to Rosemary, but kept a keen eye on the Doramocs who were heading for the bar.

“Nice to meet you, Rosemary, we should talk after the show, which reminds me I’ve got to get back, Grega. Thanks for the beer though and especially the company,” said Amo warmly as she held onto Grega’s bicep.

“I couldn’t have been more blessed then to have met you. Now get up there and rock and roll!” said Grega excitedly and then Amo laughed and acted like she needed to tell him something. When Grega leaned in she kissed him on the lips.

“Remember not to flirt with any other women or I’ll cut your balls off,” said Amo sternly as she gave Grega a look that said don’t mess with me. He clutched his heart and leaned back.

“Do you believe in fate?!” shouted Grega as Amo backpedaled up to the stage, nodded yes and smiled.

Lurking behind are 2 Doramocs near Den and Pat watching them play Con Brother, Den suddenly turns to Pat unaware who’s behind him and says snidely,” Next stop king of the Doramoc horde, Patty.

Smell the octane,” said Den happily after becoming a hit Hollywood actor in the game. Instantly he noticed the Doramocs standing behind him and said apologetically,” Oh I’m sorry Fellas it was just a bit of Maine humor, no offense.”

“Is that what you idiots in Maine call funny? Huh you shit eating FUCKERS!” shouted Pendo Hamu as he hit Den’s shoulder hard and knocked him down in his seat.

Pendo has purple and orange, striped piercing eyes and a long mane of seal black hair that curled up at the tips. He has a wide nose like a horse with large flaring nostrils and a mini red orb that is attached to the inside and outside of his nose. He has a snarling mouth, and massive tree trunk legs and hands that can hold a basketball like a golf ball. He and his friend Ancoa Egorm are wearing black leather jackets and dark blue denim jeans, as well as red leather Nike sneakers.

“Hey man he apologized, leave him alone already,” pleaded Pat as he stood up from his seat.

Violently Ancoa pushed him back into his seat and Pendo said snidely,” You two are on my edge of destruction. People fall off this shuttle all the time. Go ahead and get your raggedy fuckin’ asses up and out of those seats!”

Den glared at Pendo, but then realized he was in deep trouble if he fought him. Den stood up and moved away from the chair as did Pat.

“They’re all yours, didn’t have to be so forceful. We don’t want any trouble,” said Den calmly as he extended his hands out and then turned and saw Grega and Rosemary right beside him.

“Get the fuck out of here you subspecies shitheads! You’d better heed my warning,” said Pendo fiercely as he glared at Den who backpedaled away.

They walked over to the front of the stage before anyone said a word. Rosemary put her arm around Den and said warmly,” There was nothing you could do, Den. You fight him he might have killed you.

Just forget about it we’ve got places to go.”