Thrashing Ale with Den Sidion by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

New York Spity

In the afterglow of the, albeit brief Doramoc war, several cults sprung up in the cities as well as in the Heartland. These cults now knew there was alien life and had to abandon their former religions. They started several religious think tanks to find the new religion for the world.

The Gaso religion embraced sex and rock and roll and abandoned their drive to succeed. Instead, they started working hand and hand with the Doramoc’s, and catered to their every whim. This brought them great wealth and made their cult the most substantial. They got their drive to succeed back and they started running for state and local governments. This infiltrated rogue religions and counterculture organizations that harbored ill will towards the Doramoc’s.

The most powerful of these groups were the Kial’s. The Kial’s had spread the word around New York that someday they would rise up. They said they would seize the Earth back from the Doramocs and their supporters (which they called the Aunties). When they realized that the Doramocs were onto them their hierarchy went into hiding. Even though their legitimate businesses continued to thrive and bring them great wealth. A Doramoc general issued a decree that went as follows,” If man chooses the opposite side to what is right and what is just, he kills us all slowly. If you are that man or know that man, be the man that saves us all from him by bringing him to justice. When you see the heaven we’ll create on Earth for you, you’ll know it was worth it. And if this man be a friend, but a murderer of your soul he is. Turn him in and be whole again!”

The Qurob flew into New York City and all the passengers raced to the plasma windows to see the beautiful nighttime skyline. The Guess Building was right in the center towering over all the rest. It has

the shape of Wexor with his arms outstretched into the clouds and through them. It is light orange in color and has millions of red tinted windows. The windows can be scrambled, but still not allow any breeze over 20 miles per hour to enter no matter how far up you are. It also has millions of blue and green lasers in between the windows that make the building appear to be alive. There is a 500 foot wide oval plasma window in the belly portion of the building that houses a common area for its tenants (it’s called the Yupic Theater).

The Yupic is filled with several different kinds of rooms like video arcades and performance halls.

They can slide in or out depending on the day of the month, and total 30 in all.

Surrounding the Guess Building there are 50 Actiona Warships. They resemble the shaven head of the Doramoc’s spiritual leader Latrain Possam. They are also black in color and pack dozens of weapons like the Molecular Freeze Ray.

The Molecular Freeze Ray freezes the proteins you have in your DNA and then shatters them with a loud sound ray. It is said to make eardrums bleed if you are close enough to hear it. Its formal name is the Cramo. There is a trio of large missiles on each side of the ship called Batousers or Bats for short. They travel at 20,000 miles per hour and are made of a dense super hard metal that allows the Bats to go right through any ship it hits. It also can take out dozens of ships in the process before being detonated by remote control.

Latrain Possam is the most revered and well loved Doramoc on Earth by the Doramoc’s. This is due in large part to the fact he had been rumored to have spoken with Gabra in his youth. He documented this discussion in his blue book called,” The Easiest hard thing I ever did.” It included the paragraph,” If you find hatred in the world, hate not it or them, Latrain. Instead kill the people or thing that pushed them to that place. If it is I who hate, what fate do I have?” asked Latrain. “You must rid your mind of this hatred through filling the world with passion and fairness. But remember the days you hated so as to not repeat those mistakes that brought you to hate in the first place,” replied Gabra.” Latrain lives at the top of the

right arm of Wexor in the Guess Building, with Wexor living in the left, both in lavish 20 floor homes that have over 125,000 square feet.

The rest of the New York skyline is connected by a series of large bridges and platforms. There are hundreds of small and large parks filled with lush greenery and even tree houses.

“So which is it, Amo, anal beads and broken fingernails? Or do you want soft kisses and missionary love?” asked Grega half jokingly as he rubbed Amo’s shoulder. They looked out the plasma window at the Guess Building.

“Both, you’re not sleepin’ tonight, Stud. And when we get up in the morning to eat breakfast, I want you to laugh at all my jokes or I’ll be pissed all day,” said Amo honestly then she smirked at Grega.

Grega looked at her for a second and then pretended to laugh.

“Oh you crack me up. I’ll have no trouble laughing at all your takes on humor, that’s for sure. Oh you kill me ha, haa, haaa!” said Grega joyously as he pretended to laugh and bent over at the waist and held his stomach while Amo smiled at him.

“Don’t pay attention to him, Amo, he was juggled as a child. His parents stayed married after they realized they hated kids, but loved tormenting Grega,” said Rosemary jokingly as she tried not to smile at Grega who was still fake laughing. Amo laughed loudly and slapped Grega’s butt hard.

“Keep it up, Mister, and you’ll wish you weren’t such a kidder hmmm,” said Amo jokingly as she spanked him. Grega stopped laughing and clutched his butt.

“Alright, Love, I guess I earned me abuse. Boy that city looks beautiful at night,” said Grega softly as he watched as they neared the hangar bay in the Guess building. Grega started to wonder what all those people were doing at the same moment in New York. He clutched his chin and nodded.

They neared the outer walls of the Guess and as they did the walls were scrambled and revealed a massive hangar bay. It had 50 different slots for each shuttle that looked like mini-houses. Each slot had its own living room and kitchen, as well as a holographic movie projector surrounded by a brown plush sunken couch. There are also statues of famous Doramoc’s up against the left and right walls, like one of Brati Kido.

Brati Kido was an evangelist who separated from the Doramoc’s and declared himself God on Earth.

He soon had thousands of worshippers of all races and creeds. Then as his popularity grew the elders of the Doramoc’s called Brati into their headquarters in the Guess building and they grilled him for 90

minutes. They asked him about how he could consider himself God. His response was to his followers he was God, and not in a small way. This made Wexor laugh so he said that his religion could continue, but only up to the point it became a nuisance. Now 6 years later, Brati boasts over 100 million followers, with 112 wives and 564 children included in that number.

The walls are bowed inward and they have a large candle shaped mahogany doors in the center wall with the phrases,” Don’t steal your religion from me, it’s taken,” and the phrase,” Sunshine is an aphrodisiac in hell, but so are death wishes,” written in dark blue letters with gold vines throughout them..

“OK, Den, why aren’t the Doramoc’s friendly with us?” asked Pat as he headed for the exit door and walked beside Den and Grega.

“Because they know we’re on to them. Everyone else can’t see what they’ve become, but I see it all too well,” said Den firmly as he looked around for Doramocs.

“Best to let it go, Den, and you too, Pat. It’s their world now and we just live in it. We can’t think that will ever change. There’s just no point hoping it will,” said Grega calmly but secretly he wished he could do something to get rid of the Doramoc’s.

“I get it, Grega, but I also get that you don’t mean what you say. We all know what happened to Bencu, Joso, and Brentu. They were my friends too,” said Den quietly as he leaned in close to Grega who glared back at him and frowned.

Rosemary put her hand on Grega’s shoulder and he glanced over and saw her smile.

“Hey, Grega, we’re on vacation from all that. Let’s have ourselves a time alright,” said Rosemary implying a question as they walked through the exit door and out into the hangar bay.

“You’re right, Rosemary, let’s find ourselves a party. I heard they have such things here,” said Grega sarcastically as he grinned and looked around the slot and then said happily,” We could just sleep right here, I mean look at it Jesus.”

“I thought we weren’t sleeping tonight, Grega, hmm?” asked Amo as she grabbed hold of Grega then kissed him softly.

“We aren’t,” said Grega quickly as he grinned and walked over to the door to the Guess building.

Then he stopped and waited for it to open.

“What about our luggage, Grega?” asked Rosemary as she held up her bag.

“Oh, almost forgot,” said Grega as he hurried back over to Rosemary and then grabbed his bags and said happily,” Alright we just take these inside and then they’ll carry them up for us.”

“They’d better or I’ll kick some sweet ass,” said Rosemary sternly as she let out a sigh and headed for the door to the Guess.

They walked like eager kids heading for the candy shop. All but Grega breezed through the holographic doors. Everyone saw this and laughed at Grega for waiting for it to open.

“Fine fine, laugh it up, I knew it was fake,” said Grega sarcastically as he ran through the holographic door and into the hotel lobby. Everyone ran through behind him and laughed.

Inside there are a series of see-through plasma tunnels, or tubes as it were that led to various parts of the hotel. Each of the tunnels has its destination marked by a glowing blue laser in the walls. They say things like Lobby or Indoor Golf Course, and give you the feeling you are floating above the floor in some cases 15 stories below. The room itself also has several large fountains depicting the battle between the Doramocs and humans. They are meticulously made from red, black, and green marble and have the caption that reads,” You had nothing we wanted, so we took everything,” as well as the caption,” Why resist the impossible it always comes to fruition.” Around the fountains there is an 18 hole golf course that winds its way through the hotel and is called,” The Regal rebellion.”

“Alright great, Rosemary, where in the hell do we go first?” asked Den slyly as he stood beside everyone as they looked around the room, and as they did 5 busboys walked up and took their bags.

“How do you know what room we’re in?” asked Grega as the busboys started off with their bags.

A silver haired young busboy named Bobo turned and said happily,” Your tickets logged in your suite numbers when we got close to you. It’s all the marvels of technology, Grega.”

“He knows my name too, this is weird for the sake of, Rosemary, which is pretty frickin’ weird if you think about it!” said Grega loudly and sarcastically as people walked past as he did an awkward dance and everyone laughed.

“Grega, where are we going right now?” asked Amo as she let out a sigh and smiled as Grega grinned and pointed up.

“To the stars, Me Turtledove, the room is 8 floors up and then a turbo elevator another 75 floors, and then we’re stylin’,” said Grega happily as he looked at Amo and then nodded like a scoundrel.

“Fine, let’s get going,” said Amo sadly as she grabbed Grega’s arm and kicked him gently with the side of her foot.

“Well we’re heading into the casino to rid those worthless Doramoc’s of their Native soulless money. Ain’t that right, Pat?” asked Den as he grabbed Pat’s arm and put his own head in a headlock.

Pat laughed and tried to fight him off.

“Alright let’s lose all our money and hit Grega up for our whiskey needs later. Plus, we get to stare at the hostesses’ butts while they walk off with our 25 cent tips, hmm, Rosemary,” said Pat slyly as he tried to stick it to Rosemary for a tip she left a waiter in Atlantic City. She glared at him wide eyed like he’d stolen her kid.

“That was an accident…I, I thought I’d already tipped him and you know it. Hey, Grega, I see you sneakin’ off. Where’s my goodbye hug?!” yelled Rosemary as Grega and Amo started up a tunnel with their heads touching and their arms wrapped around each other’s waists.

“You still owe me 2 hugs from my birthday party last year. I remember that slight, Rosemary!”

yelled back Grega jokingly as he continued to walk.

“It was one hug, and I made up for it later the next day you convict!” yelled Rosemary as she let out a giggle and flipped Grega the bird, but he didn’t see her do it.

“How do we get to said casino? And secondly, where do they back up the truck for my winnings?”

asked Den slyly as he tried to kiss Rosemary and she resisted.

A second later she let him kiss her on the cheek.

“That door on the left there says Poker room and lounge. I’d guess that’s it, but I’m only a genius,”

said Pat jokingly as he pointed to a pair of dark green wooden doors on the first floor. The doors have a pair of Yosemi Ball statues on either side of them.

Yosemi Ball was the great Welsh poker player and all around troublemaker. Who was the first, second, and third person to beat Wexor in the international Poker tournament called The Balance Due.

The event is televised worldwide every year and it includes a field of 100,000 people and Doramoc’s, all putting up 300,000 dollars. They play the poker game Canadian Moncourt Guts for a chance at the 100 billion first prize and immortality, as Wexor always won.

During The Balance Due, Yosemi proceeded to cut through the field of 30,000 people at each 6 man table. He did this in such a way that he ended up with 5 times as much money as the second place player in the tournament. Then he decided to start berating the other players as he folded every hand he was dealt without looking at his cards. He said to one player,” If I had your looks, and wet half brain. I would probably pump gas for tips. How many quarters you got in your pocket jiggling around there?”

After 2 days of this behavior he up and left the tournament for 12 days and only returned for the final table. After 10 hours of play, there sat only Wexor and Yosemi directly across from one another for the 100 billion. Wexor and Yosemi continued to lose over and over again to the deck hand. This meant they had to pay the pot what was in it for an equal amount and it drained their stacks. This quickly drained their money until all the money at the table was in the pot. That’s when Yosemi said snidely,” Hey, Wexor, you really think I care who you are? I’ve beaten you already in your subconscious just hasn’t sent you the script.” He grinned slyly and Wexor fumed. The cards were dealt and when Yosemi saw he had 2

wild cards as his hole cards he burst out laughing and shouted the now famous words,” You won the war, but I won your pride, so choke on it, Chubbs!” Yosemi won as Wexor had nothing and Yosemi also beat the deck hand.

“You sure about that, Pat, I thought the cable company specifically asks its employees to have IQ’s of 96? Ya know, so you wouldn’t get bored plugging wires into boxes?” asked Den jokingly as he grinned at Pat and Pat shook his head like a metronome.

“97, get your facts straight. And the semen sample is optional,” said Pat sarcastically in a nervous voice as Rosemary laughed and Den cackled.

They walked up to the casino doors and they disappeared as they were holographic. They walked in and could see a ten football field long and 5 level room that had every game of chance ever created. There were floating poker anti-gravity tables that have chairs that would rise up and down as a player wanted to leave or join the game. There is also a sunken pit of holographic pull arm slot machines. They involve solving challenges in various video games to earn more of a payout. The machines are set in a circle around a robotic crew member. That crew member is there in case of any discrepancies. And, the machines are surrounded by a huge beanbag chair that has armrests and back support, and can be used by all the players.

There are also dispensers of beer and food built into each chair. They allow you to order on the touch screen of your slot machine. Then the food would just rise up to you. The casino has several floating fountains that are surrounded by driving ranges and putting greens. This is to give the players a way to let off steam without losing them to another part of the hotel. There is also a gourmet chef that has fresh food circulating throughout the room that you can buy at the touch of a button. The chairs at the movie theater at the far end of the room are shaped like a baby in the fetal position lying upright. They have a cocoon like feel as you can adjust the sound to whatever you like. And no one next to you can hear a thing because of the sound dampeners. You also can play video games, make phone calls, read ebooks or even sleep through parts of the movie as no one can see or hear you. They even have 2 and 3 person ones that allow people to have sex or for a family to bring their children and all sit together. When the movie is over a blue and green orb fills the room with the words,” Leave while you still can,” written on it in glowing red letters.

“So what game should we play or are you in the mood for the slots, hmm?” asked Rosemary as she picked a wedgie and looked around the room.

“Hey there’s a movie theater at the far end. We might as well take a look and see if it’s something we haven’t seen yet,” said Pat as they walked past a Canadian Moncourt Guts table and Den’s eyes lit up.

Den stopped and read the sign underneath the table that read,” First come and take a chair gets to play. C’mon up the money’s fresh.”

Canadian Moncourt Guts is a 6 person game where you ante up a certain agreed upon amount. Then you’re all dealt 2 cards and a third card is flipped up as a community card. 2’s are wild when you have 2

cards and 3’s when you have 3 cards and so on and so forth up to 5 cards. Then you throw your cards in and get 2 cards again, but this time 6’s are wild and then on that third card 7’s and you do this until you get to kings. Once you’ve played king’s you start back over with 2’s, as aces are never wild. Go until someone wins the pot.

You are responsible to pay the other player the same amount of money that is in the pot if you lose.

If you both call and someone wins, to win the pot you have to beat the deck hand. The Deck Hand is a separate hand of cards that the dealer deals and all players not in the hand have the say over. They decide to throw cards or keep what cards they’ve got. You can’t say what the other player’s cards are if you have seen them on a previous hand. You have this because no one throws in their cards until after the fifth round and the fifth card has been dealt. A player can win on any round, but has to beat the deck hand to do so. And also has to be the only player who called when the dealer goes around and asks all 6 players twice if they are in or they are out. But, if multiple players call and lose to the Deck Hand., they all have to pay the same amount that’s in the pot, to the pot. This is why a good player may fold so as to not lose all his money on average cards. If 2 or more players call, and the Deck hand doesn’t beat, then they slide their cards to one another. The one with the better hand wins the same amount that is in the pot from the losing player. The game generates enormous pots as many players will not want to give up the accumulated sum caused by the deck hand.

“Ya know I’m dyin’ for cards. Why don’t you head on without me, I’ll be right here if you need me,”

said Den implying a question in a soft voice as a glimmer of joy came over him. He started to think of playing all night long and tripling his money.

“Boy you look gleeful and the greed is already creepin’ into your brain. We’re not gonna see you again all night I know it,” said Rosemary slyly as she grinned at Den who burst out laughing, because he knew she was right. Den threw up his hands in a gesture of defeat.

“Let’s hope, cause if you don’t I’m tearin’ those brat fuckers up there a new one. Not even God himself could hate a card player. I’ll see ya,” said Den happily as he raced over and took the last seat to the Canadian Moncourt Guts game. Den waved as he floated up to the table while Rosemary and Pat flipped him the bird and laughed.

“Alright, Pat, let’s check out that movie theater. And if it’s a shitty movie we hit the slots or maybe the tables, but we can’t lose all our money on our first night here,” said Rosemary sternly as her and Pat headed for the movie theater.

“Do you think anyone really wins in a casino?” asked Pat honestly as he eyed a beautiful strawberry blonde haired woman next to the roulette tables. He thought about talking to her, but then got nervous and decided she wasn’t his type.

“Yeah, the casino, Pat, they win every time. The rake on the slot machines alone pays for everything else. But occasionally some dumb turdeater wins a fortune. And it convinces everyone else that there’s a reason they gamble their life savin’s away. Like we’re gonna do before too long if this movie sucks,” said Rosemary in a stern voice as they walked past a large man named Glary Bonso, he was wearing a gold silk suit and holding up a tip jar that read,” I’ll do anything for a tip, except that.”

“Hey let’s see what this guy here will do for a twenty,” said Pat as he threw a 20 dollar bill into the guys square box and stepped back and waited.

The guy started to laugh hysterically and shouted,” Oh wow you saved my life a whole twenty bucks! Now I can get that kidney surgery I needed! Boy you must be millionaires, look everybody high

society shittin’ in our piss pot!” said Glary loudly and then he burst out laughing as Rosemary and Pat laughed as well.

“Nice work, Pat, you found the best dressed homeless man in the city and he’s dyin’ for your room number. Fuck, I think I smell threesome, P .A. T., with the hotel maid and your new friend here!” said Rosemary sarcastically and loudly as she laughed hysterically. Glary looked unhappy at what she’d said and this made Pat smile.

Pat led Rosemary away from Glary as she was laughing so hard people were staring.

“Rosemary, you’re gonna have us sleepin’ at the YMCA with all the male prostitutes. And I suspect undesirable snoring and flatulence from most of them, including you. Is that what you want, Me Turtledove?” asked Pat sarcastically as he gently slapped Rosemary’s shoulder and shook his head as she danced around him.

“Me Turtledove, that’s Grega’s line you son of a bitch. And in regards to the YMCA! There’s plenty of room for you, Den, Amo, and Grega to stay there while I beg the hotel to stay here in the empirical suite,” said Rosemary jokingly as she continued to laugh and Pat waved to people staring at the two of them as they walked by.

“Rosemary, you’ve got to keep it together we’re not even drunk yet for Naty Light’s sake. Now snap out of it! And we’ll have sex in the aisle of the theater I promise,” said Pat jokingly as he put his arm around Rosemary’s waist.

She continued to laugh for a few seconds and then stopped abruptly.

“Hey, Pat, how come you never made a play for me like Grega and Den?” asked Rosemary honestly as she grinned at Pat who looked away quickly.

“Because I loved ya too much, and I didn’t want to ruin that if it didn’t work out between us. You’re a great girl, Rosemary, any guy’d be lucky to have you,” said Pat warmly as they walked past the 3 piece rock band,” Blue Weak,” playing in a fountain.

Blue Weak was a former hit band in America, but had fallen out of favor when the female lead singer Kam Pork said to an interviewer,” The world needs a mass execution to trim off a lot of the dead weight. Then the rest of us could do without all the traffic and crime.” Her comments started a firestorm of criticism and an enormous backlash that ended the band’s popularity overnight. Then Kam set about writing an album of the best songs she or anyone else had ever written titled,” I was just trying to be clever, suck on the irony.” It spawned 10 singles that never got within the hot 20,000 song charts.

“Well, Pat, I appreciate the gesture. You’re right our friendship is too valuable,” said Rosemary warmly as she put her head on Pat’s chest and then said sarcastically,” And plus, I heard you were a 3

rubber man and I’m clean, clean.”

“It’s 4, and thank you for not bringing it up. For a moment there I thought how thoughtful you were for not mentioning it in PUBLIC!” said Pat sarcastically as he and Rosemary laughed as they came to the theater and took a look around for the playlist.

“I don’t see the movie titles anywhere, Pat, my crotch hurts when I’m horny, do you?” asked Rosemary half jokingly as she looked at several holograms in front of the black maple round doors.

Protruding are 7 red silk curtains on either side of the doors that have the face of Lorap Tun and the words,” We may have laughed in the face of danger, but we were running from it as we did,” written beneath it in gold letters.

Lorap Tun is Wexor’s artist brother. He is well known for his painting of a smiling face with a gun barrel pressed up against the back of its head and the words,” If I’m dyin’ I’m lyin’, at least the first 700

years are an effort to get better perks,” painted beneath the face. He also is a well known actor and lapsed

humanitarian. He gave up charity work when he realized it was better to just give his money to strangers in need directly. He also had a performance in the film,” Tear Dust,” where he accidentally coined the phrase,” Why am I considered lazy if I was born dead tired.” He spent the past 3 years spreading the Gaso religion as a celebrity spokesperson and advocate.

“Hey I see it! It’s floating above the door look. It says Silk for Supper I have not seen that,” said Pat as he pointed to the holographic image of Lorap Tun and the words,” Silk for Supper,” above it.

Silk for Supper is a war movie about the battle of Berlin. That’s where after the Doramocs had taken over, several hundred thousand Germans took to the streets to fight one another as they thought it was the end of the world. They torched 85 percent of the city and started just randomly killing one another with no clear sides. The battle lasted 5 months and as it spread to other parts of Germany, the Doramocs stepped in and stopped it with knockout gas and hallucinogenic darts that they shot into the maddening horde.

“I haven’t seen it either. Isn’t that the one with that Lorap Tun guy?” asked Rosemary in a soft voice as she frowned and tried to remember as raised her right hand to her forehead.

“It is I heard the special effects in the battle scenes are insane. Plus it’s only supposed to be loosely based on real events. What do you want to do, see it or no?” asked Pat anxiously as he really wanted to see it, but didn’t want to seem too eager or Rosemary might say no to spite him.

“I say yes, but I can’t guarantee I’ll watch the whole movie, because I hear slot machine number 9

calling my name. Rosemary, I’m holding your money come and get it,” said Rosemary softly as she shot her head back and forth and an odd smile crept across her face.

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Pat, I’ve got a seat for you at the Roulette table on the far wall.

The bank’s been notified and they’re bringing the money for when you win,” said Pat over dramatically in an odd almost southern accent as he glared at Rosemary. She laughed and pretended to choke him.

“Alright, Shit for brain cells, let’s head in,” said Rosemary happily as she reached out to grab the door handle and a pair of Doramocs (a man named Grider with his fly unzipped and a woman buttoning her shirt named Tret) burst through the doors. Grider sidestepped Rosemary and she saw his large penis poking out and tried not to stare.

“What the fuck are you looking at, Peasant? You couldn’t take the tip inside you, could ya, Cunt?”

asked the Grider snidely as he glared at Rosemary.

She recoiled and smirked at him.

“You’re not so hot, that dick of yours would blow after 5 minutes and you know it,” said Rosemary sharply as she started to smile, but Tret slapped Rosemary’s face good and hard, splitting her lip wide open.

“You watch it you little bitch! You’re lucky I don’t bash your fucking skull in! Keep starin’ and see what happens!” shouted Tret as Rosemary rubbed her lip and bit her tongue. Tret and Grider stood and stared at her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to piss you off at all. I meant to say FUCK OFF, you dumb Bitch! Hit me again and I’ll fucking kill you!” shouted Rosemary as she glared at Tret, this as a crowd was gathering around them. Luckily up ran a trio of security guards who got in between the 4 of them.

Grider and Tret laughed and walked off with their middle fingers in the air.

Dutsy Prag turned to Rosemary and asked,” Are you alright, Young Lady?”

Dutsy is the head of security for the casino and has long sandy blonde hair that goes to his shoulders.

He also has white eyes and a jagged large nose that tilts to the right with a large bump in the center. He is 5’8” and weighs 159 pounds and has on a bright green and yellow coat with the word,” SECURITY,” on the chest. He is wearing tan silk trousers and red leather dress shoes.

“I was ‘til that skank punched me in the mouth. I was having a good time too when it happened,”

said Rosemary breathlessly as she watched the Doramocs walk off and she felt very angry.

“Aren’t you going to do anything to them?” asked Pat as he looked at Dutsy, grimaced and let out a sigh.

“We can’t do anything, they’re Doramoc’s and they could have quite frankly killed you and there’s nothing we could have done. Are you going to be alright, Young Lady, if we leave you here?” asked Dutsy warmly as he gave each of his security detail a look that said it all. He felt helpless and looked at Rosemary who nodded yes and then Dusty said warmly,” I’m sorry about this, I’ll have something nice sent up to your room. I just need to see your room key.”

Pat reached into his pocket as Rosemary looked around in a daze, she couldn’t shake the humiliation.

Pat showed Dutsy the room key and said,” We appreciate the gesture, thank you.”

“Think nothing of it, this sort of thing is all too common these days. You’ll find a special gift for you there when you get back to your room. Have a nice night,” said Dutsy warmly as his eyes met Rosemary’s then he and the other 2 guards hurried away.

Pat and Rosemary stood there silently for a moment. Pat started to say something and Rosemary said quickly,” It’s ok, Pat, fuck ‘em, they’re not ruining our good time. Let’s hit the movie and pray those fuckers get hit by a train. And hopefully I’ll be driving it huh, Pat,” said Rosemary snidely as she hit Pat with the side of her butt. Rosemary laughed as she threw her hair forward and wrapped it into a ponytail.

“Those pricks will get theirs, that is as certain as the sox winning their 70th title this year,” said Pat happily as they walked into the theater just as the rock band, “Trio of Sex,” began playing their song,”

Might be Forgotten Love,” in front of a large audience on a revolving stage, while they tried to warm up the crowd.

Trio of Sex is a 5 piece band that plays a now almost forgotten style called alternative rock. They use wild imagery and quiet verses then loud raucous choruses to jolt the audience into hysterics. Even though many people have given up on caring about that style of music, because most of the songs are very depressing and the lyrics are complete bullshit. The bass player Ranam Pobac is a Doramoc and he replaced their old lead vocalist and bass player after he killed him in a bar fight. Ranam mimics his singing style and hairdo with very few people having noticed the difference.

“What the fuck is this shit, Pat? Is that Trio of Sex?” asked Rosemary excitedly as she hit Pat’s chest and started dancing in the aisle. Then she started throwing her hair in a circle as Pat watched her with a smile on his face.

“It is, I love that band! Hey let’s pay and get our seats before they’re all taken!” yelled Pat as he nodded his head and grabbed hold of Rosemary’s arm.

“Oh yeah whatever,” said Rosemary flippantly as she was tugged by Pat over to a red and purple egg shaped booth. On the right side of the booth there are the holographic words,” Guests pay for all services,” written around it several times.

There is an African American blonde with long wavy hair named Pasil R. inside the egg. She is a beautiful woman and is wearing a white spandex full body suit and a pair of black sunglasses with black frames. She has dark brown eyes and thick lips, as well as a shapely figure. She is 5’4” and 121 pounds.

“We’ll take 2 tickets please! And can we get them right up front I’m lactose intolerant?” asked Rosemary sarcastically as she looked at Pasil and danced to the music and Pasil grinned.

“You’ve already have your tickets paid for, that’s for all our entertainment facilities because of when you bought your suites, Rosemary, as well as you, Pat. So take any chair you want and that includes 2

person ones. Have a nice time,” said Pasil warmly as she smiled at Pat who grinned back and instantly felt nervous.

“Isn’t that the shit! Boy Grega you are the man for getting those suites. Thank you for letting us know the low down on the uptake,” said Rosemary excitedly as she rubbed Pat’s neck and shoulder while she continued to dance from side to side. Pasil laughed and Pat nodded like he was embarrassed.

“Thank you really I hope to see you again sometime,” said Pat nervously as he grimaced and looked away from Pasil.

“I would love it, Pat, my name is Pasil by the way,” answered Pasil as she tossed her hair. “You should come by some time and maybe we could grab some dinner?” asked Pasil as she curled a piece of her hair in her right hand and smiled while Pat started to sweat.

“I’d…I’d love that, Pasil, when would be a good time?” asked Pat nervously as he half-smiled and looked her in the eye.

Pasil pretended not to notice his nervousness.

“Anytime, Pat, I’d love to talk with you. And if you want you could stop by in the morning at 8:30, because that’s when I get off,” said Pasil in a sultry voice as she eyed Pat’s muscles and raised her left eyebrow, while Pat started to get an erection and felt panicked.

“Yeah that sounds great I’ll come and see you then. See ya, Pasil, you look beautiful by the way,”

said Pat quickly as he started to turn away to hide his man bulge from Pasil. He didn’t want to get a hard on in public and end up on the internet, but Pasil saw his large bulge and a smile came over her face.

“Thank you, Pat, you look sexy as hell, 8:30, Pat, bring protection!” yelled Pasil as Pat waved and headed up the aisle with Rosemary towards the chairs in the front.

“Nice work, Pat, when are you gonna tell her you’re gay?” asked Rosemary sarcastically then she broke out laughing. Pat gently pushed her face away and Rosemary said sarcastically,” What, after all the gorillas and antelope you’ve bedded. Oh I’m ashamed you’d lead that poor girl on like that.”

“Rosemary, you know the antelope was a onetime thing and the gorilla was sexy as hell. So, what about you and that dead guy’s finger? Care to shed any light on that?” asked Pat sarcastically as he and Rosemary climbed into a large 3 person chair and looked up at,” Trio of Sex.”

Just then Ranam started doing spins and gyrating at lightning speed. Ranam’s shirt got shredded by a group of rowdy fans in the front. It revealed a massive, sculpted hairy chest and a tattoo that was of Forpush and had the words,” When I forget you I am forced to remember myself all over again,” written beneath the large black planet.

Forpush is the Doramoc’s home world and it sits 50 galaxies away in the Feota Star Range. It is 5,000 times larger than Earth and orbits a pair of suns, one large and one small. It has a large almost triangular land mass on one side of the planet that is filled with the Doramoc’s technology center (called Sterg). Sterg boasts a 1,000 mile long endless city section that is filled with thousands of artificial parks and mountain ranges, all made from steel and lush greenery. It also has a 10 million square foot castle that sits 6 miles up from the ground. It has a large bust of every ruler of Forpush set in brackets around the immense front doors. The castle is called Sewa and is a country unto itself. Only the current ruler and past ruler’s family and servants are allowed in. Inside is a little known realm of large rooms filled with actual records of how the Doramocs came to be instead of what they tell their people. The actual records state that they haven’t always been. Instead, they came about as a form of a genetic experiment by the former inhabitants. When they were allowed to breed independently, after the initial year of the experiment, they multiplied at an unbelievable rate. It soon became apparent it only took 7 weeks for a child to be born.

Their numbers increased so fast that the scientists exceeded the critical mass point of being able to do away with them. This was mostly because the Doramoc’s were much larger, powerful, and even smarter still. Then after a few tense years where no one knew what to make of them and what to do with them, the Doramoc’s started incorporating war strategies and techniques into their long list of reading materials.

Soon they began plotting to do away with the Heas, as they were called. Then they started stealing the access codes for their military warships. Finally when they had them all they launched a full scale war to

overpower the Heas with their sheer numbers. Within a few weeks all the Heas except for several that fled the planet were dead or dying. The Doramoc’s moved into their homes and castles.

“I was horny as hell, fuck you. I’ll be fucking your finger when you croak, Pat, get used to the idea,”

said Rosemary sarcastically as she sat down in her seat and watched the band suddenly stop playing.

Ranam pushed his guitar player hard into the drums, sending them flying into the back wall and Rosemary said stunned,” Holy shit he’s losing it.”

Ranam grabbed hold of the neck of his bass and swung it at the guitar player’s head, smashing it like a water balloon. This sent a wall of blood at the drummer covering his face and white t-shirt reading,”

Farts are Love”. A moment later Ranam walked up to the microphone and said snidely,” You Natives Soulless need to learn to stop smiling during a sad song. Like that shithead guitar player just learned.

Remember you do what we say at all times!”

Then Ranam flung his bass up into the back row hitting a pair of naked women having sex right in the back, breaking one of their ribs.

“Jesus Christ, Pat, did that actually happen?” asked Rosemary in shock and disbelief as she clutched Pat’s arm. She looked on in horror as Pat kept a keen eye on Ranam who was prowling the stage.

Ranam was glaring at the people in the front row and spitting at them.

“It did and we need to get the fuck out of here. Let’s go, Rosemary, hurry!” pleaded Pat as he hurried out of his seat as did Rosemary. Suddenly, just as they got to the aisle, Ranam began throwing drums at the audience and shouting incoherently.

“You’re all a bunch of fucking bastards with no parents at all! You’ll be waste before long! Enjoy your mediocrity, it’s all you’ve got left!” shouted Ranam viciously as he started to walk out into the audience.

Pat and Rosemary ran up the aisle and out the front doors. When they got outside they hurried through the casino as a dozen security guards went into the theater with knockout sticks in their hands.

Then up walked Den with a smile on his face and a large leather sack over his shoulder.

“Hey, Rosemary, how was the movie a 2 or 3 boner flick for Pat?” asked Den jokingly as he smiled from ear to ear.

Pat and Rosemary glanced over their shoulders at him.

“Somebody got fucking killed in the movie theater. Den, It’s not safe to stand here and talk, let’s go!” said Rosemary sharply as she grabbed Den’s arm and started to pull him towards the casino, but he resisted.

“What are you talking about? Is somebody really dead, Pat?” asked Den in disbelief as he looked at Pat and then at the theater. He saw Ranam come out throwing security guards up in the air and onto the roulette tables while he smashed the beer dispenser. ”Jesus I can see what happened. Let’s get the fuck upstairs,” said Den anxiously as he tugged at his sack of cash.

“Let’s run!” pleaded Rosemary as the three of them started to all out sprint through the casino towards the front doors.

They ran for a few seconds and then Pat glanced over his shoulder and saw Ranam grab a blonde haired woman by the shoulder. Pat cringed as he bit half her head clean off and spit the blood in the air.

This caused Pat to faint and fall onto Rosemary’s back.

She let out a scream as she thought it could be Ranam. Rosemary turned quickly and yelled,” Den, hold up, Pat’s hurt!”

Den stopped in his tracks, spun around and raced to Pat’s side. He grabbed firmly onto him. As he did Pat was waking up and Den asked,” Are you alright, Pat, we’ve got to hurry now?”

“I’m, I’m fine I just saw something really disgusting and I fainted,” said Pat as Rosemary and Den helped him to his feet.

“Can you run, he’s coming this way!” pleaded Rosemary frantically as her eyes grew wide at the sight of Ranam running through the casino. He was killing random people by shoving them so hard they smashed into tables and walls and cracked their skulls open.

“I can let’s hit it,” said Pat boldly as they started to run again. They raced towards the front doors with Ranam only 30 yards behind them but gaining rapidly.

They burst through the holographic doors and out into the main room with all the tunnels.

“Which tunnel do we take?” asked Pat frantically as his eyes darted around the room.

“Up, we want to be going up, Pat,” said Rosemary loudly as she ran into a tunnel marked Yupic and Pat and Den followed her in.

They ran up the gently sloping tunnel and they looked back and saw Ranam burst through the doors, with 5 security guards clinging to him as he tried to free himself.

Rosemary looked on in horror and felt a chill go down her back, as Ranam and her eyes met as she ran. Ranam grabbed one of the guards round the waist and then hurled him like a Barbie doll at the tube Rosemary was in, his body splattered on its walls.

“Jesus Christ, that fucking Doramoc is after me!” said Rosemary frantically as she and everyone looked around for a hiding place.

They saw a red and green stripped hair woman named Rocka Goodfriend. She had yellow and red swirling eyes. She was wearing a black silk dress and black high heels as Ranam growled. Rocka waved to them from an offshoot of the tunnel they were in. Rosemary noticed she was also wearing a pair of silver framed sunglasses with golden lenses that had puffs of fog in them.

“This way or you’re all dead!” said Rocka boldly as she held open the door with her left leg.

They hesitated for a moment and then sprinted over to Rocka. Just as Ranam was entering their tube and shedding the last of the guards, they ran through the door and Rocka closed it behind them and said quickly,” Follow me there’s a good place to hide in here!”

The room is the Yupic Theater and is 1,000 meters long and 10 stories high. It has several different floating party barges up above a 2 foot thick river. The barges are hovering above a massive living room.

Each barge has various colors and shapes, like an upside down Derby hat with a 3 foot high black open bar surrounding the outside of it. It has 2 dozen red recliners in front of its mahogany counter. The barges have built in gourmet robotic chefs and video arcades in the lower levels in the center. The living room beneath the floating river has dozens of plush sunken circular couches. They also have holographic TV’s in the center of them, as well as a game called Goneca. Goneca is being played by different people throughout the room and world at the same time.

Goneca is a fighting and ambush game. Once you have paid a 100 dollar fee you are entered into a holographic tournament, where you fight people at a seconds notice by pressing a button on your cell phone anywhere you are. Then you use a motion sensor and a sword, hammer, or laser pistol of any color and design you chose. You spontaneously fight to the death using an Avatar. If you aren’t quick to grab your weapon, then your homemade (or chosen Avatars) will be cut to shreds and you will lose the tournament. It is such a popular game that even paid spies are incorporated to watch potential rivals. And the second they are away from their weapon the spy would send the message and they would attack.

Some of the spies can make a 6 figure salary as the average tournament pays out over 3 million dollars.

The winner also qualifies for the Cuplup championship in Bangor Maine that pays a reported 600 million dollars.

The rest of the living room is filled with lush greenery and statues of folk heroes including Sab Powrist, in and around the room.

Sab Powrist wrote the now legendary songs,” We aren’t what we were,” and,” Moods and other Myths.” He had a successful career after the death of popular music at the hands of redundant artists.

These artists kept copying older music and rewriting old hits. This in turn left music buyers flat and led to the collapse of the entire music industry, including all of the major record labels. This caused the labels to have to sell off their catalogs of music to movies, commercials, and private business groups after awhile.

Then a series of independent record companies spring up periodically. They would release new music in the hopes of reviving the industry, but they had only minor success, with Sab being the most successful of these. Even the hits that were happening were coming from the home recording studio game Sheer Riffs, that allowed a novice to write and record music with very little effort or skill and at no cost. Soon musicians were a laughing stock as accountants and politicians were writing and producing the best music anyone had ever heard. In most cases they could barely sing and didn’t know how to play an instrument.

Sab was one of those people as he only recorded an album because he wanted to have a video game he could enjoy with his 3 year old son. Sheer Riffs was the cheapest game they sold.

“C’mon, Pat, and, Den, we need to hide quick!” snapped Rosemary as she ran after Rocka. Rocka was running full speed through the greenery in the living room.

Rocka jumped down into one of the couch pits and landed softly on the couch with Rosemary, Pat, and Den close behind.

“It’s through here, just a second,” said Rocka as she pulled up a seat cushion revealing a spiral black lit staircase beneath the couch and said sternly,” Everyone in and fast!”

Rosemary, Den, and Pat jumped down onto the steps followed by Rocka. Rocka pulled the cushions back to where they just were, just as Ranam burst through the Yupic doors. Ranam started running through the room punching statues and knocking over trees and then shouted,” You can’t hide forever, little Bitchy! I will find you someday and kill you! Where are you!?”

Meanwhile Rosemary, Pat, Den, and Rocka ran down the last few steps and emerged in a vast Yupic room (It is in place if the residents want to swim and watch holographic living movies on a sandy island, it has a lush green circular center). There are also several tan leather couches and tables set up and used for a library and chess room. The walls of the room are covered in a vibrant holographic sunrise. The water itself is dark purple and floats above an anti-gravity sandy covered red marble. There are dark blue Pesley birds flying in and around the room. They are a beautiful robotic bird that recreate famous pop and rock songs from years past like,” I drank up the seeds of discontent in a milkshake,” by The Pea Soups a band from Portland Maine from the year 2036.

The Pea Soups were a one piece band. Where the multi-instrumentalist and known philanderer Tom Clulan, played 7 instruments and sang his own harmonies via computer. He did all this while he sat in a beige recliner and drank beers all night from the front of the stage. His fans came from all over town to hear his amazing music and many even paid to get in. And they furthered his life of leisure in his dark brown Volkswagen van.

“Hi there I’m Rocka,” said Rocka warmly as they walked out to a small boat and all got in. She extended her hand to help Rosemary, Den, and Pat get on board.

“Nice to meet you, Rocka, I’m Pat and the ugly ones are Den and Rosemary,” said Pat slyly as he sat down on the couch in the center of a 30 foot orange and gold spotted boat.

Rosemary and Den could only laugh.

“Don’t you try it, Pat, or you’re swimmin’ home. Nice to meet ya, Rocka, thanks for helping us out.

Does this sort of thing happen often around here?” asked Rosemary as she flopped down next to Pat and patted her own belly.

“Yeah that son of a fucker looked vicious,” said Den quickly as he sat down next to Rocka who was turning on the rear anti-gravity engine. The engine launched the boat forward like a hockey puck on ice.

“More and more so these days it seems the Doramoc’s are losing patience with the rightful residents of Earth, it’s been bad and getting worse,” said Rocka as she drove the boat towards the island in the center and let out a sigh.

“Really, what did you mean by they’re losing patience? What are they waiting for us to do?” asked Den as he looked around and then at Rocka who grimaced and looked away.

“Die, die or leave,” said Rocka flatly as she thought of her late father standing up to Wexor and getting his head punched in. She turned to Den and said sternly,” If they had their way we’d be gone already. And the strong, not so much the meek, would inherit the Earth.”

“That’s terrifying, but why did they say they wouldn’t harm us if we didn’t do anything to them?”

asked Rosemary anxiously as she sat forward and squinted at Rocka. Rocka looked back at her blankly for a moment as she was lost in a thought on the wind.

“They lied,” replied Rocka as she rubbed her forehead. “They planned on us leaving by our own accord. And when we didn’t, they started creating new ways to scare us off. What’s happening right now is they are plotting a large strike of some sorts, at least that’s what it feels like to me,” said Rocka sternly as she taxied the boat onto an inlet in the island.

“That would make sense, but it just seems insane,” said Rosemary as she rubbed Pat’s arm.

“Although I have noticed a rash of attacks even up where we’re from,” said Rosemary as she looked to Pat for comfort. “I know they’re up to something and I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them,” said Rosemary snidely as she watched Rocka climb out of the boat and then turn to help them out.

“I don’t either, those fuckers killed several of our friends a while back and I’ll never forgive them for it. If anyone should leave this planet it’s those shit-eaters,” said Pat in a stern voice as he got out of the boat and followed Rocka up to the center of the island.

There were 5 large, brown and tan leather couches set up around a trio of chess boards. As well as a holographic movie projector that sat in the trunk of a large tree. There was also a refrigerator and oven set up next to the couches that had dozens of meals and snacks inside them.

The grass on the island is dark green and tightly mowed. There are statues of former president Righter Paloyours and they sit in the shrubbery (and are made from gold and silver).

Righter Paloyours was the sitting president of America when the world officially gave up. The title of president became more of a celebratory thing, as he had no actual power anymore. It still existed as many people wanted our history to continue on many levels and in many ways, in case the Doramoc’s ever fell.

An underground society was started to give the humans a chance to root for one of their own. They also did this in the way of artistic pursuits as well. Many films and books that were critical of the Doramoc’s were suppressed, but still were sold through underground channels. They also still gave out the Oscars and Emmys each year. They did this even though the Doramoc’s felt all artistic pursuits were too childish to be taken seriously. The Doramoc’s banned all award shows. Righter was the leader of the counterculture. He made a point to get great art into the hearts and minds of all the people he could, including hip Doramoc’s. He started an untraceable supply chain which involved hundreds of people in each city that carried one book and one album. They would set about selling that book and that album to one person. If they were found out they simply claimed it was only them selling it. They used a reason like they were leaving town or their parents had given it to them and they didn’t like it. This brought in untold wealth for Righter and the Kials he ruled over.

“I second that thought wholeheartedly, Pat. They’ve worn out their welcome, but what prove do we have they’re going to do anything?” asked Rosemary in a concerned tone as she walked over and opened the refrigerator. She grabbed a large can of Dr. Pepper and said sincerely,” I hope you don’t mind me pilfering your Dr. Pepper, but I am very stressed out at the moment.”

“That’s for anyone that wants one. So drink or eat anything you want,” said Rocka as she opened the black oven and grabbed a bowl of chicken Alfredo pasta. She sat on the couch and said warmly,” We have proof at our downtown base that the Doramoc’s are planning to do a series of raids, on well to do business men in New York and other cities around the country. We found this out when a team of our computer hackers broke into their mainframe a week ago.”

“How are they planning to pull it off?” asked Den intently as he grabbed a bottle of Bud light. Den walked over and set his leather sack down on the couch and opened his beer.

“They’re going to claim the businessmen are anti-American and have been plotting against the government. Then they’re going to take them to an abandoned warehouse and put them to death. That’s the first step of their plan. Then they’re going to convince people that the drinking water has been contaminated. And that they should only drink Pepsi or Coke products, which they plan on poisoning and killing untold billions of people. And whoever is left will be set to the task of cleaning up the dead, and then they’ll be done in.”

“When in the fuck did all this happen? I thought they liked us. Do you know when their plan goes into effect, ‘cause we gotta tell people?” asked Rosemary nervously as she set down her Dr. Pepper on the grass and peered at Rocka.

“They’ve set the killing of the businessmen for 4 months from now, during the height of the Cranag festival. That way people will be too preoccupied with partying to care,” said Rocka sadly as she ate her pasta.

The Cranag festival is a yearly festival that takes place all over the country and around the world. It’s put on by the Doramoc’s as a way to let off some steam. They set up massive game areas and restaurants filled with the latest game titles. A whole bevy of odd and interesting foods that the Doramoc’s have

acquired from around the universe will be there. Including Alfredo Ratup hand, which is a gorilla like creature, but whose meat falls off the bone. They set up a holographic haunted house that uses unheard of creatures like an Op. And a combination of ancient Doramoc tribal music to scare some people literally to death, as hundreds of people died each year inside. The festival also has a dozen information and enlightenment mini castles. They take you on a ride through the most profound thoughts and music in the universe. They do this by driving an anti-gravity motorcycle through the castles and pumping euphoria causing gas while you hear things like,” If I’m here, but listening to you speak of fools and titans, then I’m lost to your interpretation of those very people. Either of us could be either one when we leave. But not by choice.” As well as the phrases,” Time is a blind man’s excuse for sight. And desperation is only happening when a learned man can see too many things he can’t control coming to pass.”

“The Cranag is always the highlight of the year. What a shitty thing this is. Is there anything that we can do to stop it?” asked Rosemary anxiously as she sipped her Dr. Pepper and looked at Rocka. She glanced over at Den who was staring at the grass vacantly.

“My friends and I had hoped to stop them by telling the world, but they have total control over the TV and radio stations. So the Doramocs’ control the flow of information. Another thing we wanted to do was poison a large number of them, but without a Doramoc tissue sample there’s no way to know what kills them,” said Rocka as she ate and wondered if there was any way to steal a Doramoc warship.

“What if you fuckin’ steal a corpse from the Morgue? Pat here’s done it since junior high for dates,”

said Den slyly and sarcastically as he smiled at Pat who shook his head.

“Those women were in love with me. So what if they croaked and didn’t know it,” said Pat sarcastically as he grabbed a piece of rhubarb pie from the freezer.

Den burst out laughing as did Rocka.

“The Doramocs flesh decomposes at lightning speed. So there isn’t enough time to get the information we’d need from a dead one. I know this ‘cause we tried,” said Rocka as she tried not to laugh.

She set her plate down and said sternly,” There aren’t very many options left for us. Every time we try to attack one and chop off a piece of them, they kill whoever it is attacking them as soon as their blade pierces their skin.”

“What if you drugged them and then chopped off a piece?” asked Rosemary firmly as she looked at Den and then Rocka.

“With what, even elephant tranquilizers only daze them for short periods of time. Christ they can drink 3 kegs of beer and don’t break a sweat,” said Rocka sadly as she realized there was nothing that could be done.

“Hey, I bet Grega would have a good idea about this. Why don’t we ask that big brain of his for a suggestion?” asked Pat honestly as he looked at Rosemary.

Rocka squinted and looked like her interest was piqued. “Who is Grega, is he a friend of yours?”

asked Rocka as she felt a feeling of hope wash over her and she sat forward.

“Yeah, he’s our best friend. He always has great ideas, the guy’s a real brainiac,” answered Rosemary as her right hand started to sake slightly. “Look, if anyone would have an answer to your problem, it’s him,” said Rosemary happily as she stood up.

“Where is this friend of yours right now, because we’re pressed for time with this thing?” asked Rocka hopefully as she stood up and walked over to Rosemary.

“He’s up in our suite, granted he’s with a woman named Amo. And they’re probably not reading the bible if you know what I mean, but Grega’s a good shit he won’t mind,” said Den as he and Pat stood up.

Den triumphantly grabbed his leather sack.

“Then let’s go and see him now. There’s a turbo elevator for tenants on the far side of the room we can use to get to the suites. What’s your room number?” asked Rocka as she hurried across the island and then she jumped in the boat followed by the others.

“I’m not sure I’ll check,” said Pat as he reached into his pocket and then read his room key and said quickly,” It’s the Navor suite on level H-P.”

“That’s not far from the elevator. Alright let’s head out,” said Rocka boldly as her head was filled with thoughts of making some headway with the Doramoc’s and Wexor.

Everyone got in the boat and started off across the water. They floated towards a pair of red marble steps on the far end of the room. They led up to a pair of triangular mahogany doors with silver fist shaped handles. They rode for a minute and then cruised up to the edge of the stairs.

“It’s just up here, watch your step,” said Rocka warmly as she stepped out of the boat and then turned to help Den out.

Pat and Rosemary climbed out and then let out a sigh. Rosemary said sarcastically,” I thought I knew it all then the whip master said row, and row I did.”

“I think that was Den and his torture techniques, but at least it wasn’t the spiked hand towels,” said Pat sarcastically as Den pretended to be nervous and his eyes darted from side to side.

“Or the Red Sox hat with the hair dissolving liquid under the brim. It took me 8 months to grow it back! And I still looked like a punk rock kid rebelling against his yuppie parents,” said Rosemary sarcastically as they all laughed and climbed the stairs to the doors.

Rocka grabbed the door handle and swung it open.

There in front of them stretched a crystal hallway that had dozens of different colored lasers shooting through its triangular walls and the song,” So what if I’m horny,” by The Living Wills bouncing off the walls.

The Living Wills are a group of 6 foot plus blonde Goth sisters from Romania called Death, Is, and Calling Us. The sisters each play an instrument and scream 3 part harmonies. They live on the lower East side in New York. They have created an entire community of Goth kids by purchasing 3 large neighboring apartment buildings with their trust fund money. It is called,” The place where hip happened,” and has a constant stream of music being played in one of the 3 buildings 24 hours a day.

There is also a steady stream of Pemrol, or Pem pills, that are a hard narcotic pain pill. They leave a person totally happy for 10 hours at a time and are easily made by the building’s resident chemist Death.

She makes the pills by the tens of thousands and it is said that if you looked happy in New York, you’d either taken a Pem that Death made, or you were from out of town.

“Now this is trippy, nice hallway, Rocka. I always wanted to live in Alice and Wonderland,” said Rosemary slyly as they walked down the hallway and she ran her hands through the lasers and smiled.

“The best part’s coming, wait ‘til we get to the adjoining room. There’s an Eden behind these walls,”

said Rocka gleefully as she smiled at Den who reciprocated.

“Yeah, Rocka, I like the way of everything,” said Den playfully as he looked at Rocka’s butt while she watched him and grinned.

“I thought you might,” said Rocka playfully as she smiled at Den and kept on walking.

They walked for 15 meters and then came to an opening into a vast room of smoker’s tables and chairs. They are set up on shelves with brief spiral staircases leading from one to the next. They have hundreds of tenants sitting in the room smoking cigarettes. There are also 3 massive statues of Righter reaching up to the top of the Guess, with the turbo elevator in the center of them. The statues themselves

are bronze in color. Each has several terraces set up on every floor that you can lounge and watch a living movie on. There are dancing ribbons of light floating in and around the room. They are fired from particle smashers that make every person’s face seem to glow.

“Alright, Rocka, my mind’s blown. What a sick room to walk into,” said Rosemary in disbelief as they walked through the room and eyed the smokers while she smiled to herself.

“I agree, this is way beyond the coolest thing I’ve seen. Leaves me dyin’ for a smoke though. Can I bum one, Den?” asked Pat honestly.

Den reached into his pocket and produced a pack of Marlboro lights 100’s and gave Pat one as he looked up at the ceiling.

“I’ve lived here for 7 years, and I still haven’t seen a tenth of the whole building. Most people haven’t either it’s too vast,” said Rocka happily as they neared the turbo elevator.

“I could say the same about Den’s asshole, but I’m not sure,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she looked down quickly. She laughed with Pat and Rocka.

“Oh is that it, Miss Buttway 101. There are 2 hunting lodges in Caribou that have more people in

‘em then people who haven’t seen you naked. And for the record, I say Pink Floyd Dark Side o’ moon,”

said Den jokingly as he kept a straight face.

Rosemary rolled her eyes.

“What does that mean you Hoodlum?” asked Pat as he looked quizzically at Den who raised his left eyebrow and put his index finger to his temple.

“It’s a great fucking record don’t kid yourself,” said Den coyly then he burst out laughing.

Pat looked around with an embarrassed look on his face, as he made a goofy smile and nodded quickly.

“Record, oh I get it. I thought you were talkin’ about that bestiality porno you made that you told me never to bring up in front of strangers. Now I feel so embarrassed by the whole thing that I can’t mention the time Den went to fart in my face, and shit his pants in front of the Gorilou sisters,” said Pat sarcastically as Rosemary and Rocka laughed loudly and Den grinned sheepishly.

“Well my secrets are out and I am thusly ashamed, but who’s up for making all new secrets with me and a fifth of Jack?” asked Den slyly as they walked up to the black maple doors of the turbo elevator.

The elevator doors scrambled and Rocka said in a sultry voice,” I won’t tell if you won’t.”

“Ah, ok we’re getting’ hitched. I waited my whole life for a woman to get me like you do. Do you take credit cards, I’m low on cash?” asked Den sarcastically as he pulled out his wallet and started to look for money to pay her with.

“I’m not a hooker, but yes I do,” said Rocka jokingly as she grinned and everyone entered the turbo elevator.

Inside there are dozens of tiny shelves filled with cups of hot coffee and hot sandwiches like cheeseburgers, as well as sunglasses and novels inside glass cases among other things. The case’s said that you have to wave your room key in front of them to unlock and get the contents. There is also an image of Wexor around a voice activated gold interface on the right wall that sends the elevator moving when you tell it too. The ceiling of the elevator has a burgundy silk circle hanging down from it that releases a thin purple smoke and a soothing excerpt from Wexor’s favorite book titled,” We’re down on the Upside.”

We’re down on the Upside, is the inner monologue of Gashu Tryone as he documented it in the past 8 waning years of his life. It included the passage,” Why can’t I fuck every girl I see? God wants me to be happy or they wouldn’t be so shapely. Can I break their walls of protection without having to say the right things? Fuck I need their pussy and they need to give it to me.” Gashu was a well known Doramoc cleric

and scholar who went on to win the Snea award for being a writer of note. He also fathered 304 children with 275 wives. He left a 2 line eulogy at his brother’s funeral that read simply,” What a boy, what a man, what a bastard, what a shithead, what a sense of humor, what a mind. Whatever happened to the brother I loved?”

“That’s very kind if ya, how ‘bout 7 dollars for the night and 50 cents to be gone in the morning and I’ll throw in a croissant?” said Den sarcastically as he held up his Bank of America card and Rocka rolled her eyes.

“Deal, now let’s get to where we’re going. Elevator H-P level at medium speed,” said Rocka calmly as she felt Den’s eyes on her breasts and she smiled slightly.

The elevator started rising and the voice of Gashu said,” Why a fucking Lobster roll when I can’t afford to pay for it? Why did I forget my wallet again? Damn it, I like comin’ in here. Act sick Gashu and they’ll feel pity for you.”

Rosemary laughed along with everyone else.

Rosemary asked happily,” What is this shit, Rocka?”

“It’s Gashu, he’s a humorous writer and cleric for Wexor. He’s got several books out that are just hilarious,” said Rocka happily as Rosemary laughed.

Then Gashu said,” Hey bubble butt get out of my way I need the last stick of deodorant. What you’re taking it, you bitch I outta scream in your ear. Why aren’t I screaming in your ear, oh right I’m in a supermarket.”

They all laughed and the elevator doors were scrambled. They stepped out and saw a long blue carpeted hallway, with a pair of old women selling cakes and brownies on the right side. There are a dozen doorways on the left with holographic doormen and women standing by each door. The walls are

dark brown, silk covered and have dozens of computer interfaces set up to order goods and services or report crimes. They would create a different mood in the hallway if you wanted. The far end of the hallway has a cascading waterfall and it shoots down into the hotel Waterpark. You can easily access it by a waterslide in each room if you wish.

“There’s no way that Gashu is a real person. He’s way too funny to exist,” said Rosemary as she laughed and walked down the hall beside Rocka who was also laughing.

“I swear he is, he’s really made of steel and wires,” said Rocka jokingly as she looked for the suite.

Then the doorman waved to them from the center door on the left and Rocka said happily,” Ah there’s the room in question.”

“These room keys are beginning to creep me out, but it does make things easier,” said Rosemary as she looked at all the stolid doormen and women standing firm next to each suite. She thought about how great it was and how she’d have a story to tell when she got back home.

“Well if they sprout legs and start doing random kicks to the groin, you’ll wise up quick, Me Glorious Ass,” said Den jokingly in a stern voice as he pretended to kick Rosemary in the shoulder with his index finger.

She paid him no mind at first then giggled and batted his finger away.

Rocka saw this, smiled and then they approached the suite. The doorman did a little dance and said brightly,” You were gone and we were sad, now head on in and know relax.”

“Aren’t you precious, now go be a soundwave quick you living laser!” said Pat boisterously as he punched through the holographic doorman and continued to smile while Den smirked.

“Should we knock to give your friend a chance to get some clothes on, just in case he’s naked?”

asked Rocka as she looked at Rosemary who nodded..

Rosemary whipped out the room key and the door started to open.

She said quickly,” No way, this is way funnier.”

Rosemary went to burst into the room, but the door had a large leather loveseat behind it that kept it from moving. Rosemary rubbed her shoulder and grimaced.

“See, Grega’s wicked smart. He outthunk Rosemary’s 2 brain cells,” said Pat jokingly as he tried to move the door but couldn’t and then yelled,” Hey, Grega, we won the lottery come help us with the money!”

“I actually did, I forgot to tell ya look in here,” said Den as he opened his leather sack. Rosemary looked in and saw 300,000 dollars in hundred dollar bills and another 200,000 in chips. Her eyes grew wide and she hit Den’s chest playfully. Den said happily,” You wouldn’t have believed my stretch of luck. I had the best hand 18 times in a row. And then I hit the house lotto and won an extra 200,000, which is in my pockets look.”

Then Den pulled out a couple stacks of hundred dollar bill’s from his pants pockets and laughed.

“Hey, Den, that means you can move out of your momma’s basement. Won’t she be thrilled,” said Rosemary sarcastically as she eyed the cash.

Den laughed and shook his finger at her.

“Hey, what are you convicts doin’ out here? I thought you were gonna gamble all night?” asked Grega sleepy-eyed as he moved the chair and then opened the door. He stood there bare-chested.

Then everyone went into the room and saw how large and lavish it was. It had 50 foot high, dome shaped ceilings, as well as a large round swimming pool on the right that was 50 feet long and 12 feet deep. The pool has dozens of holographic mermaids in the water and around the edge of the pool. The mermaids are very beautiful and have exposed breasts, with long flowing blonde hair. There is also a den

and library to the right of the pool that extends over the edge of it. It has rows of books on a half moon shaped case that surrounds a trio of plush green chairs and a holographic TV set. On the left side of the room there are 3 bedrooms stacked on top of one another and accessible by air jet. There are 20 foot wide and 30 foot long square beds with silk laden red pillows. As well as a thick ultra soft black blanket with the hand of Firdou sewn across them.

Firdou Meycool is an enigma from the Founsu dynasty that emerged after the Doramocs took over.

The Founsu were a subset of the Doramocs that many wondered why they were held in such high esteem (but few humans dared ask). In actuality they were members of the royal family on Forpush. They had been cast out after a bloody battle between the royal bloodline’s legitimate successor and the heirs spawned from the other children. Firdou was perceived as the strongest and smartest of them all, but this very fact put him at odds with the entire family. They were fiercely competitive and couldn’t bear the thought of being second place to anyone. They then set about trying to destroy Firdou’s forward momentum in life. They did this by killing his confidence using passive aggressive mind tricks and sabotaging his every endeavor that he pursued. Thus, he thought they were his friends, but it wasn’t until years later he found them out and did absolutely nothing, except cast them aside. Then he found he was able to achieve great success in spite of them and apart from them, but they continued to attack him at every single opportunity that he let them near him.

Then he instituted the Goren maneuver, which was the technique where you created a different personality to deal with people who you knew were out to get you. He became an uninteresting and unflappable person whenever they drew near saving his real self for only his friends.

The Suite also has a series of living rooms set up in a row that can revolve out onto an outdoor deck at the touch of a button. Each of the living rooms has sunken, dark brown plush couches. The couches face a holographic TV and gaming console and can lift up several feet by voice command. There are multi-colored floating anti-gravity refrigerators with warm meals in round see-through boxes that are set

up throughout the room. The walls in the room are covered in a hazel and gold satin wallpaper and have the words,” Where have the forgivers run off to?” sewn across the walls in purple letters.

“There was an attack by this lunatic Doramoc when we were in the movie theater. He killed maybe a dozen people. That’s why we aren’t gambling, but only partly. This woman here is named Rocka, and she needs to speak with you, Grega, it’s important,” said Rosemary calmly as she looked around the room.

Then everyone sat down on the couches in the nearest living room and Amo walked in wearing a red lace bra and panties.

“Hey, Grega, what’s going on?” asked Amo nervously as she kissed Grega and looked at everyone.

“I don’t know yet, Rocka’s, about to tell me,” said Grega as he sat next to Amo and looked at Rocka.

Rocka looked at the floor and let out a sigh.

“Ok, Grega, the Doramocs are planning not an attack so much, as an annihilation of every human being on the planet. I know this because my friends and I hacked into their central computers. Their plan is to kill prominent businessmen all over the country, and then kill off the rest of us by tricking us into thinking the water supply is contaminated. Then they’ll tell us to drink Pepsi or Coke products which will be poisoned and will kill us off,” said Rocka sternly as she looked Grega dead in the eye and he looked back with his mouth agape.

“That terrifies me to no end. When do they plan to launch their attack?” asked Grega as he tried to grapple with what he had just heard.

“In 4 months they’ll kill the businessmen,” said Rosemary quickly as she crossed her legs.

“That’s during the Cranag festival. Well that’s clever no one would suspect anything if they’re busy partying. Is there any way we can stop this from happening? I assume you’ve got a plan of attack?” asked Grega as he looked at Amo who was stark white and rubbed her knee and she smiled.

“We need to find a way to drug a Doramoc and chop off a piece of their flesh, so we can determine a way to kill them. The problem is they decompose very rapidly so, Rosemary, thought you might know of a way to get them, do you?” asked Rocka intently as she felt a nervousness and Grega nodded vacantly.

“I don’t ah…wait a minute there may be a way. When I worked at the zoo in L.A. we used a knockout mist on the Rhinos when they had an injury called Jorforma. The drug was so powerful it knocked them clean out in a matter of seconds. Now, what you could do is set up a fake environment, like a restaurant or outdoor coffee shop that is filled with only your staff and the Doramoc. Then when the time is right you spray the Jorforma at his table and he’d be out cold very quickly. The good thing about the drug is it smells like Lilacs, so he would have no idea anything was wrong, until wrong it was. The key to this working is a totally controlled area, not just the staging area, but the people on the sidewalk have to be in on it too. How you get the flesh after that, quite frankly I don’t want to know,” said Grega happily as everyone smiled at him in amazement and Rocka laughed to herself as a smile crept across her face.

“That is the greatest plan of all time. Oh my fucking God how did you come up with that?” asked Rosemary in shock as she laughed slightly.

“That is just the plan we needed, Grega. How do we get a hold of that Jorforma?” asked Rocka happily as she tried to contain her excitement.

“It’s not hard at all, there’s a firm in Boston that supplies all the zoos in the country called Pet Solid.

You’ll need to convince them you work for a zoo by giving them the access code, which is A8H1 for the L.A. zoo. That’s your first hurdle, but you still have to find a place to pull it off and that’s a whole kettle of worms unto itself,” said Grega warmly as he crossed his legs, then sat back as he yawned.

Rocka smiled and said slyly,” That’s a kettle I own.”

Everyone laughed and then shortly after went to bed. Rocka slept in one of the bedrooms with Den, while Rosemary, Grega, and Amo were in the other 2 and Pat slept on the couch.