Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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It's too late. She's good as dead,” Professor Nelson says as he pushes himself off the floor. “You hear me! Everything is fulfilled.”

Daniel slowly rotates his body to face his opponent.

“Acknowledge me when I'm speaking to you, boy.”

“You and I both know...I didn't come here to talk,” Daniel says while walking toward him.

“Then what are you waiting for? Come on!”

Daniel lifts his leather boot and steps through the opening in the wall. His walk quickly converts into a jog, then his jog converts into a run, and his run becomes a full-throttle dash. Nelson folds his fingers into a tight ball as well. Daniel extends his fist all the way back, and Professor Nelson does the same.

Both of their punches lands directly in their faces. The sound of their knuckles impacting skin bounces off the walls. Immediately after the first blow, they return with another, then another, then another, until they find themselves in a swinging bout. Each punch creates a nasty slapping sound. They swing and swing like two brawlers in a street fight, or two boxers going head to head in the final ten seconds.

Blood begins to stain their knuckles, yet they show no signs of surrendering. Daniel catches him with a flawless right, which lands at the bottom of his jaw bone. Professor Nelson's body stumbles sideways and his face smashes through the wall. He quickly lifts his head from the indentation, but it’s too late for a counter attack. Daniel immediately takes advantages of his dizzy opponent.

Daniel hits him with a body shot that sounds like a fifty-pound bag of sand falling from a building. He then gives him a left hook to the face that sends blood and teeth flying out of Nelson’s mouth. It’s no doubt that Daniel’s power is unmatched.

Professor Nelson quickly cowers behind his forearms trying to protect his face. Daniel throws a bunch of hard jabs. His hard punches cause blood to splatter from Nelson’s mouth. As a last resort, he throws his dizzy body at Daniel and tries a manual take down. But he quickly finds out that he’s no match for Daniel's strength.

He grabs Professor Nelson by his shirt, puts his other hand behind his neck, and then Professor Nelson's feet go skyward. He gets body slammed onto the floor, hard. Daniel gets on top of him and pins down his body. Professor Nelson tries his best to throw a couple of blows but Daniel eats them like a piece of cake. Daniel grabs his wailing arms and pins them against his chest. Daniel raises his forearm and slams it onto Professor Nelson's face. His head bounces of the floor, forcefully.

Daniel delivers another forearm into his face and then he does it again, then again, then again, until his face is smeared with blood. Professor Nelson smiles at him, which reveals a mouthful of missing teeth.

"I cracked that bitch head open real good, didn't I?" he says with bloody spit spraying out of his mouth.

His words only fuels Daniel’s killer rage. He throws a monstrous forearm into his face again. As a result, you can hear the cartilage in Professor Nelson's nose snap. Daniel grabs him by his neck and proceeds to squeeze with all his might.

"Shut-up, you piece of shit,” Daniel replies.

A small stream of blood flows from Professor Nelson's nose and drips on the floor. As Daniel continues to choke him, a thick vein starts to bulge from Professor Nelson’s forehead. But then he manages to gain control over one of his arms. He quickly grips Daniel's shirt and pulls his body into a hard head-butt. His forehead hits Daniel right between the eyes, which causes him to stumble backwards.

Professor Nelson pulls his left leg back and kicks Daniel's chest. The kick forces the air from his lungs. Daniel's heavy frame falls backward on the floor. Daniel bites hard on his teeth and groans in pain. Professor Nelson sits up on the floor, holding his neck, and gets into a kneeling position. He spits a mouth full of blood and teeth onto the floor. Daniel rises on his knees as well.

He collects some blood in his mouth and spits it on the floor too. They eye one another and instantly their expressions switch to kill mode again. They watch each other rise up off the floor. Their breathing grow heavier and heavier as they stand. They begin to breathe loudly through their teeth as they curl their fingers into a fist again.

All of a sudden, they burst into a yelling sprint. They both leap into the air, flying at each other head on. Fabric explodes everywhere as two animals collide together with a thunderous impact. They slam onto the floor; unsettling the dust. They scuffle monstrously, snapping their teeth and swinging their sharp claws.

As they scuffle, intensely, the floors and walls are being covered in claw prints. Then they both break apart. Mane is low to the ground with his back muscles bulging, ready to pounce at any moment. Hellhound, who is covered in bloody claw marks, is standing with his claws in the air.

They start to circle each other in a slow pace, and just like that, they're back at it again. Hellhound charges first and Mane swiftly stands onto his back paws. They latch onto one another. Mane somehow manages to sink his teeth into Hellhound’s upper shoulder and Hellhound is digging his claws into Mane’s back. They begin to growl even deeper.

Hellhound steps forward, pushing Mane backwards. Mane returns with a push of his own and sends Hellhound hitting the wall, cracking it. Mane starts to shake his head violently. The black beast then leans his weight harder, which makes Hellhound’s backside rub against the wall. A trail of blood smears on the white paint as Hellhound's body gets pushed along the surface.

Hellhound stumbles and falls onto his backside. Mane is still holding a tight grip on his shoulder. He begins to shake his head again, making Hellhound squeal loudly in pain like a defenseless victim.


Karma bitch


The grotesque creature’s face twist in agony as his shoulder is being ripped open by the lion’s teeth. As a desperate attempt to rid himself from Mane’s restraint, he swings his long arms, digging his claws into Mane’s back. The pain is strong enough to cause Mane to let go. Hellhound swiftly stands to his feet and breaks into a run. He leaps through the giant hole in the wall and looks down at the floor. He sees a trail of blood leading down the hall.

He looks behind himself and see Mane charging. He breaks into a sprint, tracing the dots of red on the floor. After a couple lefts and rights, he sees a large pair of metal doors. The door has big red letters that spells out the word FINISH. He rams through the door and lands onto rocky gravel. The light of day burns his eyes as he exits the old warehouse.

He watches as a black Charger and a red SUV zooms off down the road, flicking gravel. He snarls through his cracked teeth and starts to pursue them. Mane leaps out of the warehouse and sees Hellhound fleeing the scene, so he too begins a pursuit of his own…