Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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Frank speeds down the street and stops in front of his childhood home. He sees his sister’s van parked in the driveway.

“I’ll be right back,” he informs his partner.

The words hurry out of his mouth as he speeds out of the car and up the porch steps. His partner waits patiently in the front passenger’s seat. Frank knocks fast and loud on the front door like someone who is running away from a serial killer. Julia comes and opens the door.

“Frankie hi…” she can’t finish her sentence due to Frank barging his way into the house.

He has no time for manners. His intentions are to find Iva and bring her in for questioning.

“Is Iva home?” he asks Julia with rushed words.

“No, she’s at her friends. Why, what’s going on?”

She is beginning to become worried by Frank’s hasty behavior.

“I’ll tell you about it later,” Frank explains.

“Is she in some kind of trouble?”

Frank ignores Julia’s question and rushes through the living room. He opens Iva’s bedroom door and discovers that she’s missing. When he realizes her room is lifeless, he hurries back into the living room again.

“How long has she been gone?” he asks his sister.

“Since yesterday.”

“Where did she go?” he questions her hastily.

“She’s at Maria’s house.”

“That’s all I need to know,” Frank says while heading towards the front door in a hurry.

Frank’s behavior has made Julia beyond paranoid. She chases him down and pulls his shoulder. He does a complete turn.

“I demand you tell me what’s going on,” Julia says with authority.

“I don’t know yet Julie, but I’m about to find out.”

He then speeds out the house and back into his car. She watches as he skids backward and shoots off down the street like a bolt of lightning.

“What’s the plan?’ Jones asks Frank in the car.

“We will go find her friends and then we find her.”

“Did you ask for their number? Maybe she has it.”

“No, if they’re up to something, we don’t want them to know where coming.”

“Alright, let’s do it,” Jones says while placing a siren on top of the car.

The sirens blare as they make their way toward the expressway…