Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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(This chapter will require you to listen to “Hard” by Rihanna). Play the song when told to do so.






The 4 second time-jump is now complete. Eric is back in the SUV with his sweaty palms on the steering wheel. Iva and Jason are back inside of their driverless vehicle, waiting for a miracle to save them. Their pending doom is inevitable. However, Eric is determined to change the course of their gruesome fate.

Everything that happened before is about to happen again. This time he quickly swerves the SUV in front of a car that was destined to be hit by a pillar. One by one, small feathers lifts from his arms and fold back in a perfect order. This collision will give him the extra boost of speed he needs to rescue them.

“Let’s do this shit,” he says while folding his arms across his face.

The pillar hits his SUV and suddenly time begins to slow down instantly. In slow-motion, Aero comes BURSTING through the windshield, scattering glass into the air. He removes his wings from his face, revealing one mean-mugging eagle on a mission.

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Ah yeah…yeah...yeah


Ah yeah…yeah…yeah


Ah yeah…yeah…yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Ah yeah………Ah yeah………Ah yeah………yeeeeeaaah……

Ah yeah………Ah yeah……

Ah yeah…………yeeeaaahhh

They can say whatever, I’m gon do whatever

No pain is forever

Yup…you know this

Tougher than a lion, ain’t no need in trying

I live where the sky ends

Yup…you know this


The eagle keeps the mean-mug on his face as he repeats the disastrous obstacle course. However, the collision from the pillar gives him the extra speed he needs to complete his mission.

Time is ticking at a rate of one-hundred frames per second or 100 FPS. He turns through the air as his burgundy SUV flips repeatedly behind him. Although time is very slow, it’s running out for the Charger.

The test of time is not the only obstacle he must overcome in this situation, HOWEVER, his confidence couldn’t be any higher. His first obstacle is a silver sedan.

Using his previous experience as a reference, Aero confidently soars around the car. But this time Aero shows off his confidence by winking at the two people inside the vehicle. Slowly, their appalled eyes follow him as he continues his obstacle course.

Immediately after flying pass the silver Lincoln, he spots a pillars bouncing off the ground and heading his way. The blow would mean certain death for our feathery friend. With total confidence, he rolls in midair and dodges the pillar easily.

A blue Mini Cooper takes the blow instead. Gradually, the front folds in like a soda can, and all of the windows of the vehicle shatter as a woman goes flying through the windshield. Nuts and bolts scatter into the air as the woman’s body hits the pavement and tumbles.

He sees another pillar flying at him at a deadly speed. Last time it tipped his wing which resulted in him not being able to save his defenseless friends. He then straightens his body as much as he can. This technique sends him going straight through the concrete pillar's opening and out the other end flawlessly. He’s almost there.

There’s just one last obstacle. It's another pillar, much bigger than all the others, heading in the path of the Charger. This is the one that collided with the car the last time; sending the helpless duo through the front windshield and to their doom.

Aero begins to transform back into human form. Feathers burst into the air. Time is beginning to speed up again as the feathers comes flying off of Aero.

Time finally reaches its normal speed again. Eric’s body lands across the driver’s and passenger’s seat of the Charger. Using reflex, he quickly sits up and positions himself as the driver. He quickly switches gears, swerves the car out of the middle lane and into the right. The harsh turn of the steering-wheel causes the left tires to lift from the ground.

The large piece of cement gently creases the back tire as it fly pass the Charger and towards an eighteen wheeler. The semi-truck takes the entire blow. The result of the massive blow is nothing short of catastrophic. The power of the hit makes the front tires explode off the truck.

The large truck lifts at a 90 degree angle, crashing through a green highway sign, and flips upside down. It crashes down onto its back, sprinkling glass and flinging metal across the highway. Eric switches gears once again, and jerks the steering-wheel to his left as hard as he can. The leaning car tilts and falls back onto its left tires. It takes a moment but Eric gains full control of the vehicle once again.

“Holy, fucking, shit!” Eric blurts out…

Hellhound is still standing on a bus two lanes over. He witnessed the entire rescue play out before his very own eyes. The look on his face is complete and total bewilderment. He says the first thing that comes to his confused mind.

“NOOOOOOO! shouts this with a stupefied look.

Eric’s stunt was so incredible that it manages to confuse and shock the murderous creature. Never in his life has he seen, or ever will see, something so extraordinary unfold before his very own eyes. His victorious moment was trampled by a young man and his will to save his friends.

For the first time Hellhound has realized that he underestimated his opponents. The shock on his face quickly melts into bitterness.

“That’s….......impossible,” Hellhound says between his clinched teeth.

“Holy shit, you did it!” Jason says in the back seat of the car. “You actually fucking did it!”

“I can’t believe that worked,” Eric says as he regains control over his breathing.

Eric then spots Hellhound standing on top of a speeding bus, gawking at them with angry eyes. His long brown cloak is blowing hard in the wind. Eric, not giving a fuck, puts his middle-finger up at the devilish monster, taunting him.

“That’s what happens when you fuck wit the hood, bitch!” he shouts from two lanes over.

LMAO I can't believe this fool just said that shit

Hellhound, all out of options, can do nothing but take the insult. He grunts in anger at Eric and then begin to think about his next attack. He may be out of ideas but his purpose must be fulfilled, even if that means killing himself with them. He’s come to far too stop. He will never stop. And he won’t allow anything or anyone to stand in his way…

If the song is still playing just take a moment to jam and celebrate Aero's epic moment until the song is done…