Untamed by Steven Jeral Harris - HTML preview

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(This chapter requires the Song “Blink”. Play song now!)


Once more, Aero harnesses his power to slow down time. This time he reaches one-million frames per second or 1,000,000 FPS. He uses all of his mental focus to reach a speed that’s becoming immeasurable. Suddenly, his body begins to pulsate. He has slowed time so much that time itself has stopped completely. Now, the entire world is literally frozen in time. He looks at what’s left of his friends. This shocking scene couldn’t have been any more gruesome. And now it seems that Hellhound has finally won.

It’s so much destruction on the highway, yet no one can hear a peep. Without the movement of time, sounds can’t travel. Therefore, in this very moment, the entire world is at a standstill, waiting for the eagle to make its next move. Chunks of debris, shards of glass, luminescent sparks, and unrecognizable car parts remain suspended in time. In the midst of all of it, is an giant eagle named Aero. His wings are stretched out under the glaring sun as he stares like a statue at the last thing he saw before time halted; Iva’s battered body.

Then for the first time in this book, a character breaks the 4th wall. He completely takes his focus off everything that is happening in the book to acknowledge our presence. His eyes slowly shift directly towards us, the reader/audience. We focus on his pale yellow eyes as he looks directly at us with a fierce glare. For 5 seconds, stare back into his ominous gaze as if he is looking directly at us.



All of a sudden, his mind releases these vibrations that radiate all over his body. What happens next is something truly remarkable and unexpected. His eyes start to turn a fiery orange as two lines, one longer and the other shorter, appears in both eyes, barely noticeable. Together, these lines resemble the hands of a clock but with no numbers surrounding it.

Out of all of the chaos that is taking place, we focus on a detached foot that’s resting on the ground; Iva’s foot. It’s about 15 yards away from her deceased body with her black flats still attached to her heel. A sound, only one, breaks the silence. The sound of a ticking clock. The ticking continues, sluggishly, as we focus on that lonesome foot that’s completely detached from her leg. Suddenly her foot begins to move slowly as well as everything around it. But it’s not moving forward, it’s moving backward. We watch the foot slowly tumble in reverse. This is because Aero is harnessing the power to reverse time. A power he is only able to use for 4 seconds.

He is only able to do this in eagle form (within the God realm). The foot continues to tumble backward. Blood finds its way back to her foot, and then her leg connects with her foot, then her torso, then her clothes, then her arm, then chucks of flesh, then her brain matter and her skull, until a fully clothed female body is formed.

The Charger begins to restore itself as time continues to rewind. Iva goes back into the windshield feet first with Jason. Shards of glass connect like a puzzle and create a perfect windshield again. She gets repositioned into Jason’s arms in the back seat. A motorcyclist that was catapulted from his bike is tumbling in reverse. The bones in his body are snapping back into place and pieces of his cracked helmet and visor is forming the perfect helmet he once had before the wreck. His body goes into the air, flipping several times, as he lands onto the leather seat of his motorcycle again.

Ice on the ground flies into the air and joins with droplets of cola that find their way back inside of a cup. The owner of the beverage and the drink goes back into a car; the drink falling back into a cup holder next to the driver. The horror on his face sluggishly shifts back to a unfrighten expression.

The pillar that caused his untimely death lifts off the hood of his car and now his car is back to normal once again. All of the wrinkled pieces of his front bumper become pristine and smooth as if the accident never happened. Although this may seem unbelievable, this obstacle course only happened within a 4 second timeframe.

Nuts, bolts, glass, and metal wraps around vehicles and find their original place within their original design. Everything that was decimated within these 4 seconds are now fully restored. The feathers on Aero’s body are sucked back into his skin as he goes back into the seat of his SUV…