iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 | Casino Heist


Welcome to the Edsen Bar, located in old town. A place where the affluents went to gamble on the bad side of town. The BMIs entered at the ground level from an alley door. A flight of stairs made of oak railings and marble steps extended three floors down to the basement level.  Grayson, Tosh, Terrack and the others had entered the rear door where they were greeted by the receptionist, “Good evening.”

“Yes. Yes it is,” replied Grayson.

The receptionist asked, “How may I help you?”

Grayson walked up to the reception counter and said, “We are here to do a little gambling,” as he smiled at her.

She smiled back and said, “Yes sir. Members and their guests only. I’m sorry.  I don't recognize you. Are you a member?”

Grayson turned his head away from the receptionist and towards the others in the group trying to figure out his next move. He decided to use his abilities to communicate with the reservation computer. Grayson turned back towards the receptionist and said, “Yes, of course. We're guests of the Kennedy's. Reservation code A687 for five guests. Please check your reservation system.”

The hostess looked at her computer screen and saw the reservation for five and said, “Yes sir. I see code A687, for five.”

Grayson then told the receptionist, “Now then, if there's nothing else, which way to the tables?”

She smiled politely, pointed to the stairs, and said, “Down those stairs. They will take you directly to the casino.” 

Grayson and the others walked down the stairs and entered the main casino floor. The casino had the look and feel of something from the early 1900's. It had fancy carved oak ceiling panels, red leather couches and chairs. Crystal chandlers hanging in the main room. Copper and antique statues throughout. The clientele were upscale high rollers. The men were mostly dressed in suits or tuxedos, and the women in glittery formal dresses.  The patrons laughed, drank alcohol, and mingled as they walked the casino floors.

Slot machines, card games, roulette, craps tables were all packed with people gambling. The tables were operated by androids. Prior to going their own way in the casino, Grayson had given the group instructions, “Watch your winnings. Tosha take craps. Terrack, Jagger, slots. Peyton, you watch my back on the high stakes poker table.”

The group responded, “Will do.”

They all separated and headed in different directions. Terrack and Jagger sat down at the slot machines next to each other. A human waitress dressed in a low cut cocktail dress approached them and asked, “Drink?”

Terrack and Jagger both answered, “Scotch on the rocks.”

Terrack slapped the waitress on her butt as she walked away to get them drinks. The waitress turned back towards Terrack, smiled, and kept walking. Terrack looked at the surveillance cameras on the walls. He also made mental notes that the employees had entered and exited the main floor from side doors.

Terrack made a sharp comment, “Look at the rack on her. Nothing beats the real thing, my friend.”

Jagger replied, “For a quick tumble, maybe.”

Terrack then said, “When we go home, I'm gonna find me a real woman to settle down with.”

Jagger laughed and said, “All yours. Real ones talk too much.  Sexdroids are more to my taste. Anything, anytime. Turn ‘um off when you’re done. That's my kinda woman.” Both stopped talking and started to play the slot machines in front of them.

Tosha stood at the end of the craps table. A crowd surrounded the table and several people laid down bets. Tosha cradled the dice in her hand and prepared to roll them. Splitting her attention Tosha checked out the security guards as they walked around the room. She looked back over her shoulder and then back at the dealer. The craps dealer stated, “All right everyone, on the table.” Tosha put her money on number seven. The craps dealer motioned that he would no longer take bets and said, “Bets closed. Okay ma’am, your roll.” Tosha looked at the dice, played with them in her fingers and rolled the dice on the craps table. The dealer announced, “Winner! Number seven.”

People at the table had started to jump up and down from excitement. Tosha stayed calm and cool. She was dressed to kill in a long, black shiny, low-cut, formal dress. The craps dealer made the next call, “All bets on the table. All bets final.”

Tosha left her bet in place on number seven and said, “Let it ride.”

As she continued to play, Grayson could be found across the room. In an area off to the side were the high stakes tables. The area had several green felt top tables roped off with a two inch thick gold rope. Grayson and Peyton walked up to one of the tables. A previous winner stood up and placed card shaped betting chips into his pocket. Peyton bumped into him and took a handful of cards from his pocket as he walked away. She then palmed them and handed them off to Grayson. The dealer looked at Grayson and wanted to know if he was going to buy into the game. He said, “Ten thousand dollar buy in. sir.”

Grayson placed gold money cards on the table and slid his Annie to the dealer. The dealer called out the type of card game to be played, “Okay, sir. Five card stud, nothing wild.” The dealer (an android) started to deal out cards. A woman named Candy sat in one of the seats. She wore formal dress with a sparkling diamond necklace. The second player Bob had a black tuxedo on. A third player Alex wore a t-shirt, blue jeans, and a white baseball hat. Several other players were already seated.

Candy yelled, “Let’s get this game going. I don't want to spend all night collecting everyone’s money.”

Bob chuckled a little and said, “You can take anything you want from me, honey.”

Alex was eager to play and said, “Just deal.”

Grayson took his cards as Peyton stood behind him. The wall clock showed the time. Over a period of minutes, the betting chips shifted between players until Grayson and Alex had acquired most of the winnings. Grayson decided now was as good a time as any to take his winnings. Grayon said, “Well ma’am, gentlemen. I'm going to cash out. Have a good night.”

Alex replied, “Well, thanks for your contribution.”

Grayson walked to the bar area. Tosha, Jagger, Terrack, and Peyton had all stood near each other. You couldn't hear what is being said, but it looked like they were planning something.

Grayson approached the cashier’s desk. Tosha and Terrack moved quickly towards two armed guards. Peyton and Jagger separated, but were on to the right side of the cashier’s desk. Grayson threw a few money-cards on the counter. Peyton asked Grayson, “Why didn't we just use our abilities to just win the money?”

Grayson replied, “They would have never let us leave with it.”

Peyton had backed up after Grayson talked to the cashier. Grayson raised his right hand next to his head (the go signal for the takedown robbery.) As Grayson moved up to the front of the cashier’s line, the cashier had asked him, “How would you like your winnings, credit or in gold cards?”

Terrack and Tosha picked off the two armed android guards closest to them. Tosha grabbed a beer bottle off a passing waitresse’s tray, then hit the first android guard in the head, slightly stunning his visual sensors for a moment. She then grabbed his gun and threw it to Grayson. Terrack simultaneously had grabbed a rope stand and hit the second android guard in his mid-section. The guard bent over and Terrack hit him in the face a second time, knocking his face plate off. Wires fell and an explosion omit from his head. Grayson, fired the guards pistol, a blue flame omitted and causing red flames to emit from the first android guard, destroying his circuitry.

Grayson told the cashier, “In gold, ma’am. Hurry up!” The cashier, frightened, said, “Yes. Yes, I have it. I have it.”

Grayson had pointed a gun at the cashier as he loaded a bag with gold cards. Terrack grabbed the other guard’s gun and panned the room, pointing it at everyone nearby. Two additional security androids appeared at the top of the stairs. One shot at Grayson and missed, hitting the cashier’s counter. The second android fired at Terrack. Terrack pushed an android waitress into the path. She exploded when she was hit, emitting a flash of light from her chest. Terrack fired and hit the android guard that had fired at him. The second guard fired again at Grayson, almost hitting the cashier. Grayson fired back, hitting the android. Fire expelled from his mid-section and he fell off the steps from two floors up, hitting the ground with a loud thump. Grayson yelled, “Let’s go.”

Grayson walked by the high-stakes table on the way out, took Alex's winnings, and said, “Thanks for the contribution.” Alex looked shocked, dismayed, and said nothing.

Tosha, leading the way out, yelled, “Let’s go. Let’s go.”

The group all walked up the stairs at a fast pace. The patrons inside remained quiet and whispered out of fear of being shot. The group headed for the door.

Terrack peaked out the door to make sure the coast was clear and said, “Clear. Let’s get out of here.”

Without any further resistance from security, they were able flee the scene and make a clean get away.