iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 8 | Working On A Lead


JT entered a real flop of a hotel. This was the location where Cella’s facial recognition alert had been set off. There was not much room in the lobby. It was old, musty, and had a very small entrance.  So small that if you stood there too long, you could become claustrophobic.  A man and a hooker laughed as they wqlked. JT walked up to the counter and the man, already known to JT as a two- bit local loser named Jake, turned around. Jake also recognized JT from his prior criminal activity on the streets and said, “No. Not you.”

JT responded, “Been a while.”

Jake backed up from the counter and said, “What do you want, iCer? Thought you retired.”

JT answered, “What do I always want?”

Jake became nervous. He had the shakes due to his alcoholism. Jake told JT, “I ain't on parole. You can't touch me.”

JT moved closer to Jake. JT whispered, “Let me tell you a little secret.”

Jake moved in closer to hear what he had to say. JT then grabbed the back of Jake's neck and head butted breaking his nose. Jake screamed, “Ohhhhhh. Ahhhh.  Frack You broke my nose.”

JT looked Jake in the eyes and said, “Still don't have time to answer my questions?” Jake held his bloody nose and mumbled, “Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. What do you want, iceman?” JT replied, “BMIs. Cella, display images.”

Cella displayed the images of the BMIs one at a time in the air. Jake said no to all but the last image, which was of Jagger Diggs. He said, “Wait! That guy. He’s staying here, but he went out. He’s not here.”

JT inquired, “Where then?”

Jake told him, “He asked about instrument karaoke bars. You know, where musicians randomly get up on stage and play instruments?”

JT then asked, “Did he tell you which one he was going to?”

Jake answered, “I only knew of one in the area. I told him to try the Perche. He’s probably there.”

Jake cleaned up his bloody noise and sat down on a chair located at the front counter. JT had reached down and took a few mints from the tray on top of the counter. JT leaned forward and said, “Jake, next time, save yourself a little pain and suffering. Just grass when asked.”

Jake replied, “You got what you came for. Please, just leave.”

The Perche was located only a few blocks away, walking distance, so JT walked there. As he walked through this part of town it was filled with hotels, bars, and prostitutes. JT passed several hotels where women were displayed in the windows to entice men in. It was reminiscent of the old red light districts of Amsterdam. If you saw a woman you liked, you would enter the hotel lobby, negotiate a price for sex, and off you went to a back room. When JT passed by one of the bars two men came flying out the front door, fist fighting. Others inside the bar exited, holding money in their hands, waiting to see who won. Two local private security droids broke up the fight as the crowd booed them. They all had to cancel their bets and go back inside.

After a few minutes, JT found the Perche. It was a typical old brick building, but had been painted yellow. The windows were stained glass with a red and blue design. The window shutters and doors where painted bright red, and musical instruments were painted on the exterior doors. A big digital sign hung outside the location. It read, “Instrument karaoke night. Share your talent. Cold beer on 3 credits.” Many patrons were seen walking in as you could hear music being played from the street. A man walked out drunk. Having a hard time keeping his balance, he leaned on JT’s shoulder and said, “Thank you friend.” 

JT pulled the man’s hand off his shoulder and proceeded to walk up to the front door.